#KMedu tweets of week 16/2015
(Status) excited that @Columbia MS in Info and Knowledge Strategy is using http://books.infotoday.com/books/Designing-a-Successful-KM-Strategy.shtml … in their program @infotoday, @nickknoco #KM #kmers
(Status) #KM What's different about facilitation?: Facilitation is one of the Key skills of the Knowledge Manage… http://bit.ly/1G3bA4G #KMers
(Status) Knowledge Management for DRM Training… http://fb.me/3JFYbJUym
(Status) Practical Knowledge Management for Information Professionals #Central #London #event http://dlvr.it/9Q84yM
(Status) Check out @likenews! A community of #knowledgemanagers & info lovers who meetup in London http://www.likenews.org.uk/ #km #kmers
(Status) @Knoco_Indonesia at Pertamina Forum Knowledge Sharing #KM #KMers pic.twitter.com/dhztGdEW85
(Status) Have you checked out @TheFSDigital University? Courses in knowledge management, hiring/retention, sales & more http://bit.ly/1yPgQAL
(Status) Hey #Houston! Join @APQC for the 2015 conference on leverage organizational knowledge. #apqckmconf http://ow.ly/Lo8P5
(Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=57353e80-e291-11e4-b01c-0cc47a0d1609 …
(Status) Wish I could have gone to this cool #KM conference in Guatemala, but still nice to read about the takeaways: http://usaidlearninglab.org/lab-notes/measuring-and-incentivizing-knowledge-key-takeaways-latin-american-knowledge-management …
(Status) EventSeer: 24th ACM international conference on information and knowledge management (CIKM 2015) http://bit.ly/1CKE6km

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