#KMedu tweets of week 38/2014
(Status) 2nd day of the @GfWM_KnowCamp #GKC14 at the @fernunihagen (Germany) pic.twitter.com/VYfUEjJUAO #KMconf #KMedu #KMers
(Status) RT @Rajesh_Dhillon: @ikms_singapore 'KM Singapore' conference will be on 1-3 OCT 2014 http://www.ikms.org for details ! #KMSG14 #KMers
(Status) Invitation Webinar Interactif Outils Collaboration http://www.a-i-a.com/formation/InvitationWebinarOutilsCollab.html#.VBxPxrfaE2M.twitter … #KMedu #collabdusavoir #agile #management #collaboration
(Status) FOLLOW today & tomorrow! @GfWM_KnowCamp #GKC14 at the @fernunihagen (Germany) pic.twitter.com/VYfUEjJUAO #KMconf #KMedu
(Status) Les échanges au workshop DIL web sémantique #bigdata #km #humanknowledge #kmEdu #collabdusavoir pic.twitter.com/kSUo7VzmPW
(Status) The 10 Most Important Work Skills in 2020 http://www.top10onlinecolleges.org/work-skills-2020/ … #km #humanknowledge #collabdusavoir #kmEdu #kmef #kmers
(Status) Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW): Die Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte W… http://bit.ly/1sssc9X #KMedu #KMers
(Status) Cafe-LAB des connaissances :: http://www.a-i-a.com/KM-GC-MONTREAL/activites.html#.VBmlGGJrjxg.twitter … #kmgcmontreal #collabdusavoir #KMedu #apprendre #innover #aujourd'hui
(Status) Today's SIKM Leaders Community call has started with MITRE. Slides http://www.slideshare.net/SIKM/mitre-km-study … Logistics https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/sikmleaders/conversations/messages/4238 … #KM #kmers
(Status) Interested in doing a short Course in Knowledge Management? pic.twitter.com/ZOF9RV94Zb
(Status) I got an A in my Knowledge Management 4 day long course!!! 3 credits in four days woot woot
(Status) #BEWOP + @UnescoIHE organizing workshop for #37WEDC on knowledge management for utilities – stay tuned! http://bit.ly/1DaTv0S @WEDCUK
(Status) #Management Raleigh Haggleton @nonypujuqehe: @NurHafizaZaini Singapore Knowledge Management Conference 2014, 1… http://bit.ly/1s7lMgh

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