Livepro Customer Experience Knowledge Management Forum (Livepro Forum)*

Livepro Customer Experience Knowledge Management Forum (Livepro Forum)*

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The livepro Annual Forum and Gala Awards, formerly the Livepro Customer Experience Knowledge Management Forums (Livepro Forums or CX KM Forums), the Livepro Customer Knowledge Management Forums (CKM Forums), and the livepro User (Knowledge) Forum, is a series of events to inform, showcase, and award customers which use livepro’s Knowledge Management solution for customer service or contact centers in industries including banking & finance, airlines, insurance, superannuation, education, health, and government.

Since 2017 in conjunction with the livepro Customer Experience (CX) Knowledge Management Awards.

Conference History:

1st livepro 2024 Annual Forum and Gala Awards, 17 October 2024, Melbourne, Australia

    Conference program TBD

    Agenda Highlights
    Opening speech by Brad Shaw, CEO
    Deep-dive on livepro Roadmap and Demo
    Discover real-world success stories shared by our clients
    Explore livepro’s AI capabilities in-depth Panel discussion
    Engage in a Q&A session to gain further insights of livepro
    Networking with the best minds in knowledge management nation-wide
    livepro Gala Awards Dinner

8th CX Knowledge Management Forums 2023

    Sydney, 26 July 2023

    A Breath of Fresh Knowledge: Revamping and keeping on top of KM
    The Training Time Warp: How Knowledge Management can revolutionise Staff Education

    Brisbane, 2 July 2023

    A Breath of Fresh Knowledge: Revamping and keeping on top of KM
    Trial, Error, and Triumph: Unravelling the Lessons and Results of Knowledge Management

    Melbourne, 1 August 2023

    Branching Out: Overcoming the Challenges of Introducing a New Department to an Established Ecosystem
    Preparation: The Key Ingredient in our Knowledge Management Recipe for Success

    Adelaide, 3 August 2023

    From Dream to Reality: Navigating the Roadmap to a Living Vision
    Panel Discussion: The K-Files: Unveiling the Secrets of Knowledge Management Governance, Training, and Best Practice

    Perth, 8 August 2023

    Clash of the Knowledge Titans: Merging Legacy Knowledge and Fresh knowledge have a successful Knowledge Management system
    Panel Discussion: From ‘Plan the Work’ to ‘Work the Plan’: The Rollercoaster Ride of Knowledge Management’s Plot Twists and Lessons

    2023 livepro Award winners presentation

7th CX Knowledge Management Forum, 5-6 October 2022, Virtual venue

    Looking forward/ looking back
    Demystifying Integrations

    Driving results across an international workforce
    Engagement strategies and activities for livepro implementation
    Using livepro to enable customer self-service

    2022 livepro Award winners presentation
    End of Forum Quiz

6th CX Knowledge Management Forum 2021, 5-6 October 2021, Virtual venue

    Looking forward/ looking back
    Starting Your Multichannel Journey: A Checklist

    Datacom: Taking livepro knowledge to the whole organisation
    Showcase: QSuper’s Implementation Journey
    Showcase: a look into PetSure’s knowledge refresh journey

    2021 livepro Award winners presentation
    End of Forum Quiz

5th CX Knowledge Management Forum 2020, 22-24 September 2020, Virtual venue

    Looking Forward/Looking Back

    RAA Showcase
    City of Busselton Showcase
    Canning Council Showcase: Integrating livepro with Genesys Cloud
    Transforming UniSuper
    Improve CX & EX at Amazon Web Services

    Tips for KM Success: Best Practice Workshop

    2020 livepro Award winners presentation

4th CX Knowledge Management Forums 2019

    Sydney, 25 July 2019

    AI for Customer Service

    Melbourne, 1 August 2019

    Leveling up your organisation with gamification

    Brisbaine, 8 August 2019

    The success formula to engage your employees and customers
    Leveling up your organisation with gamification

    Perth, 15 August 2019

    Keynotes: (2)

    2019 livepro Award winners presentation

3rd livepro Customer (Experience) Knowledge Management Forums (CKM Forum) 2018

    30 August, Sydney

    Using Analytics to improve Customer Experience
    Engagin the team on the Balanced Scorecard through Gamification

    12 September, Melbourne

    Authoring for a multichannel audience
    Customer experience measurement

    18 September, Brisbaine

    Demystifying multichannel customer experience

    26 September, Perth

    Doing the Groundwork to become a true Multichannel CX Organisation

    Collaborative Exercise
    Looking back: livepro over the last 12 months
    Looking forward: livepro Road map
    System Demonstration
    Q&A session with livepro
    Lunch & Networking (Systems Showcase)

    Group Discussion
    Client System Demo

    livepro Communities Session
    livepro 2018 Awards Showcase

2nd livepro Customer Knowledge Management Forums (CKM Forum) 2017

    25 July, Sydney

    Program n.a.

    3 August, Melbourne

    Program n.a.

    18 August, Brisbaine

    KM8 – Customer Driven’s Knowledge Management Ecosystem
    “Knowledge is having the right answer… it was the questions we had wrong” – balancing both for Cx supremacy

    2017 livepro Awards Showcase

livepro User (Knowledge) Forum 2015

    11 December 2015, Melbourne

    Program n.a.

    13 October 2015, Gold Coast

    Program n.a.

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