Consortium for Service Innovation Member Summit (CSI Member Summit)*
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The Consortium for Service Innovation Member Summit (CSI Member Summit), officially: Consortium Member Summit, formerly the Customer Support Consortium Members Conference and Customer Support Conference (CS), is a gathering where the CSI delves into the work of the previous year and explore what’s coming next on such topics like customer service, success and engagement (Knowledge-Centered Service), collaboration (Intelligent Swarming), leadership in networks/adaptive organizations, or communities, social networks & support. A full day open space conference is included.
In addition to the Member Summit, which is also open to non-members, CSI is organizing a so called Consortium Executive Summit on an annual basis at least since 2008. This event is smaller, discussion-based, and by-onvitation only.
Since 2014 the Consortium Member Summit is usually organized in the spring, the Consortium Executive Summit in the fall. Before 2014 it used to be the other way around.
A few days after the summits there is usually a recap/summary session for both events which is recorded and available to the public.
From 2018-2020 the member and executive summit was supplemented by the Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) Academy World Tour, a one day conference focused on bringing the US and European KCS community together for Knowledge-Centered Service content, conversations, and connections.
In 2017 the CSI together with the International Society of Service Innovation Professionals (ISSIP) organized a working Discovery Summit on Digital Transformation with industry experts and leading academic researchers to explore how companies are driving digital transformation by leveraging cognitive computing and predictive analytics to better understand customer experience and drive innovative improvements in customer engagement, productivity, and growth.
Conference History:
CSI Member Summit 2025, March 25-27, 2025, Atlanta, GA, USA
Reality is in the Interaction: Exploring the Convergence of Knowledge, People, and AI
Note: Members and non-Members alike are invited to join.
Conference Program TBD
CSI Member Summit 2024, April 9-11, 2024, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Explore the intersection of empathy and AI-assisted knowledge sharing
Note: Members and non-Members alike are invited to join.
General Session:
Welcome, overview of the Consortium’s work, and Context (AI, Adaptive Organizations, and the Feeling Economy)
Driving Employee and Customer Efficiency and Experience with Generative AI
Supporting Humans Through Change
Embracing & Improving Collaboration: Tending to Remote Teams
Art, Empathy, and Artificiality
General Session: Member Perspectives
KCS in Pre-Sales at Oracle
Cultivating KCS Buy-in
Outside the AI Box
Navigating, Supporting, and Advocating for Major Change
Breakout Sessions:
Intelligent Swarming By the Book: Adopting in Waves at Autodesk
Empowering Champions: the KCS Journey at proALPHA
Course Correcting: When Conversations Go Off the Rails
Doing More with Less: Dealing with Outsourcing, Machine Translation, and Innovation in a World Full of Constraints
Open Space Sessions: (35; full day)
Open Space Topics:
Integrating Al with Knowledge Management & Customer Support
Sustaining Human Skills & Creativity in an Al-Dominated Environment
Ethical, Moral, & Philosophical Considerations in Al Deployment
Leadership, Coaching, & Culture
Future of Work for Adaptive Organizations
Associated Events:
Member Summit Recap, Apr 24
CSI Member Summit 2023, March 28-30, 2023, San Diego, CA, USA
Launch the next generation of knowledge sharing with forward-thinking practitioners and leaders
Note: Members and non-Members alike are invited to join.
General Session:
Co-Creating Space Together
Member Collaboration + ChatGPT: How the Work Gets Done
Unleashing the Power of Presence
What Could AI-assisted Knowledge Work Look Like?
Practicing Good Judgment: Leveraging “Leadership in an Adaptive Organization”
Executive Sponsorship – how they evaluate and make decisions on key projects and initiatives for the organization
Breakout Sessions:
“I don’t have time.” Handling Doubts and Objections
Building a Unified Knowledge Sharing Structure (was: Unified success portals – KCS across the organization)
KCS is Just an Acronym: Distilling the Practices Guide
Success with Intelligent Swarming
Open Space Sessions: (full fay)
Open Space Topics:
Intelligent Swarming smorgasbord
Buy-in and participation for KCS across the org
Change management for KCS
In-product knowledge for customer experience
Journey design to improve our customer service interactions
Knowledge enablement for large enterprises
Phone call spikes due to incidents
Consultant approach to problem solving
Inner brilliance and intuitive sense of knowing
GPT-based community moderator
KCS as assessment of organizational culture
Article machine translation
AI use cases for customer service
Coaching for managers
Knowledge owner collaboration
Customer self-service adoption
Capture vs. create
Governing multiple LOB’s knowledge platform
Next-gen self-service
Measuring significance instead of success
PAR for different support tiers
Legacy knowledge when starting KCS
KCS in less structured work environments
Associated Events:
Member Summit Recap – Collectively Reimagining The Way We Work Together, Apr 11
CSI Member Summit 2022, September 27-29, 2022, Virtual venue
Note: This event is open to Consortium Members only.
General Session:
Open Space Sessions:
How to best connect multiple repositories/platforms when expanding KM across the larger enterprise
The importance of SEO for knowledge journeys
Will we trust AI to create KCS articles?
WIIFM for Knowledge Workers
Rewards and recognition – encouraging folks to do the right thing
Ensuring capacity for Intelligent Swarming
How to better support KDE and Coaching Activities
Communications supporting the more you share the more you learn
Shifting from product to business process (taxonomy) in a SaaS world
Coaching Managers
KDA Methodology
Incorporating video content into KB articles
Predictive knowledge delivery through AI/ML
How does ubiquitous and opaque computing change how Support (and Success) need to work?
Brand new future-proof system
Why relationships are the key to existence
Knowledge in a SaaS Environment – leveraging in-product Support to maximize customer success
Process Adherence Reviews (PAR) – when and who/how are others doing PAR?
Authoring in the workflow
Multi-vendor ticketing system integration and knowledge sharing
How will AI/ML evolve service desk workers and align with customer expectations?
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2022, March 2022, Virtual venue
Cultivating Trust Through Leadership
CSI Member Summit 2021, September 28-30, 2021, Virtual venue
Nurturing an environment where adaptive people thrive
Note: This event is open to Consortium Members only.
General Session:
Welcome and Introductions:
Our Adaptive Organizations
The Allure of Intelligent Swarming: the big why for Alteryx
Nurturing an Adaptive Workforce: culture considerations for current and future workplaces
Adapting KCS for the Context of Use: embracing a knowledge culture outside support
Understanding Success by Channel: including Communities in our conversations about knowledge success
Transforming Limiting Beliefs in Times of Change: an interactive workshop
Open Space Sessions:
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2021, March 16-17, 2021, Virtual venue
CSI Member Summit 2020, September 23-25, 2020, Virtual venue
Future innovation in services will be about people
Note: This event is open to Consortium Members only.
General Session:
Welcome and Introductions: Overview of the Consortium’s Works
Co-creation of Value
Supporting our Healthcare Heroes: KCS during COVID-19 at athenahealth
Architecting an Intelligent Swarming framework that transforms your business
Communicating Across the Enterprise
Self Service Measurement
Breakout Sessions: (member experiences)
Badging Program for sustaining KCS activities
A Human First approach to the organizational network
Finding the FLOW: identifying the perfect balance between skill, challenge and employee motivation
Quantifying the impacts of KCS
Open Space Sessions: (16; full day)
How should support leaders be thinking differently about their business?
KCS in the age of automation
Nuts and Bolts of Intelligent Swarming
Knowledge:Time Continuum
KDE/KDA Nirvana
Getting the bigger picture between the ears of knowledge workers
27th CSI Member Summit 2019, April 8-11, 2019, Cape Neddick, ME, USA
Big Knowledge and Digital Automation
General Session:
Overview of the Consortium’s Work: The Five Initiatives
Intelligent Swarming Framework
Emerging Digital Automation in Services
Automation as an Enabler at Cisco
Communicating the Value of Knowledge: New Demand and Value Models
Looking Forward: Planning for a Digital World
Breakout Presentations:
Using machine learning and KCS to evolve the right products, processes, and content
Blending content strategy and KCS
Augmented human intelligence and Predictive Customer Engagement
KCS is Agile for knowledge management
Using a predictive model to detect which customers are on a dissatisfying journey in order to take proactive action
Sustaining a KCS program with KDEs and Coaching
Open Space Sessions: (full day)
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2019, October 2019, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
26th CSI Member Summit 2018, 19-21 March 2018, Napa, CA, USA
Harvesting knowledge: distinguishing the fertilizer from the fruit
General Session:
Overview of the Consortium’s Work: The Five Initiatives, KCS v6 Adoption Guide
Agile Knowledge Management
KCS Success Across the Organization
Leveraging AI for Customer Success
Leadership Framework for Service Excellence
Customer Engagement Models & A
Breakout Presentations:
“I Never Thought a KCS Adoption Could Go So Smoothly!”
Swarming at Red Hat
KCS Center of Excellence
Advanced KCS Measures: Velocity and Impact at Blizzard
Practical Application of AI Capabilities
Intelligent Swarming Panel
Open Space Sessions: (full day)
AI and KCS, Automation for self-service
How to change the mindset: are there any tips?
Applying KCS Principles to non-support groups
What concrete things should the Consortium do to align with Agile, Lean, DevOps?
Online support community, how to do it right
Data types and connectors for an effective AI environment
KCS for startups
How to adopt KCS across multiple outsource partners, tip/tricks, do don’ts
How do you make product documentation part of KCS methodology, integrate KCS and product content
How do we give our KCS authors the ability to publish articles for external visibility (customer facing)
Measuring self-service success
How to use KCS to centralize support
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2018, 22-24 October 2018, Seattle, WA. USA
CSI Member Summit 2017, April 3-5, 2017, Monterey, CA, USA
Change is turbulent. Maintain stability by following the old sailor’s advice: keep your eyes on the horizon
Agenda n.a.
22nd CSI Member Summit 2016, April 19-21, Orlando, FL, USA
Creating a Success Story
General Session:
Set the Context , Review the Agenda
Envisioning the Future of Support: a Member’s Story
KCS v6 Overview: Principles, Core Concepts, and Updates
Expanding the Role of Leadership
Evolving the Role of the Knowledge Worker
Intelligent Swarming Update
Transformational Measures: An Updated Framework
Breakout Presentations:
KCS v6 Details: Changes, Additions, and Enhancements
Knowledge Domain Expert Program at PTC
The Supernova Effect: From Chaos to Business Value Through KCS
KCS Adoption Center of Excellence
KCS in Human Resources: Focusing on Culture and Technology to Improve Employee Engagement
Knowledge Domain Analysis Techniques and the Role of the Knowledge Domain Expert
Global Support Strategy
Data Visualization and Analytics
Creating a Success Story: Tools and Techniques for Telling a Story With Lasting Impact
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2016, October 12-14, 2016, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Shared Services Strategies
21st CSI Member Summit 2015, March 16-18, 2015, San Diego, CA
The Collaborative Launch Pad
Deciding to leave the atmosphere: managing the lack of oxygen and the energy needed to escape gravity.
Value and trust: the ingredients for the rocket fuel needed to exit the atmosphere
Session: Executive Perspectives on Support Transformation
Breaking the Sound Barrier
Mission Control: Optimizing KCS Benefits
Rocket Fuel: Launching Intelligent Swarming – Marco Bill-Peter, Red Hat
Plotting the Course: Skills development and facilitating collaboration
Integrating Support Knowledge with Community Knowledge: the MathWorks Case Study
Session: The Internet of Things
Smart, Connected Products: Revolutionizing Preventive Support
Predictive customer engagemen, Role of the Data Scientist and KDE
Session: Calculating Your Trajectory: A Measurement Framework
Measuring the value of KCS in supporting self-service
Progressive radar charts for individual growth
Holistic measure of the customer experience (assisted, self-service, communities, and social networks)
Panel Discussions:
Knowledge-Centered Services: the Evolution of KCS Beyond Support
Deep Dive Discussions: Achieving and Maintaining Orbit (Breakoputs)
KCS adoption and success: details on how to implement, maximize and sustain KCS
Implementing Intelligent Swarming: details on implementation considerations and lessons learned
Open Space Sessions: Escaping Gravity
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2015, September 30 – October 2, 2015, Chatham, MA, USA
CSI Member Summit 2014, Mar 17-19, 2014, San Diego, CA, USA
A 2020 Vision for Customer Engagement
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2014, November 3-5, 2014, Sonoma, CA, USA
CSI Member Summit 2013, September 25-27, 2013, Orlando, FL, USA
The Customer Success Initiative: Leveraging Support Knowledge, Experience, and Data to Better Design the Customer Experience
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2013, April 29 – May 1, 2013, Watch Hill, RI, USA
What’s the Next Big Thing
CSI Member Summit 2012, November 7-9, 2012, Seattle, WA, USA
20th Anniversary Celebration
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2012, April 30 – May 2, 2012 in Tucson, AZ, USA
A Framework for Service Excellence
CSI Member Summit, September 19-21, 2011, Park City, UT, USA
Collaborate on a Higher Level!
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit, 2011, May 11-13, 2011, Chatham, MA, USA
CSI Member Summit 2010, November 10-12, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA
Engaging the Empowered Customer
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2010, May 24-26, 2010, Phoenix, AZ, USA
15th CSI Member Summit 2009, November 11-13, 2009, Plano, TX, USA
Optimizing your knowledge management investment – measuring the health and effectiveness of the support network
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit 2009, April 27-29, 2009, Washington, DC, USA
Maximizing customer productivity and experience while minimizing support costs
CSI Member Summit, November 10-13, 2008, Sonoma, CA, USA
Agenda n.a.
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit, April 30-May 1, 2008, Phoenix, AZ, USA
13th CSI Member Summit 2007, October 17-19, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA
Wikinomics and Wikiemotion – the economics and social elements of mass collaboration
Agenda n.a.
Pre-Summit Consortium Overview Session, Oct 16
12th CSI Member Summit 2006, October 11-13, 2006, Scottsdale, AZ, USA
The Journey Continues
Agenda n.a.
KCS Pre-Summit Session, Oct 10
11th CSI Member Summit 2005, November 2-4, 2005, Orlando, FL, USA
Optimizing Individual Performance … Through Improved Collaboration
Agenda n.a.
10th CSI Member Summit 2004, October 13-15, 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Don’t Gamble with your Future!
Agenda n.a.
9th CSI Member Summit 2003, October 26-28, 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA
The Power of Interaction
Shift Happens!
Moving from the funnel to the cloud: Setting a context for the Adaptive Organization
Where ever I go… there we are
The salt in the stew
KCS: how are we doing and what have we learned?
Mostly it’s the same… just way better…: Adaptive Organization value proposition and metrics
Envisioning the future state
Case Studies:
Capture in the workflow – it really works!
Timing is everything: HP NonStop and its KCS experience
Create it once… use it often: Knowledge Re-use and Managing Solution Visibility to Improve Users’ Success
Bottom-up Knowledge Management
Fostering High-Value Interactions for Customer Support
Group interaction:
Collaborating across boundaries
8th CSI Member Summit, October 24-25, 2002, San Jose, CA, USA
Welcome, introductions, setting the context
The SOE operational model
Concepts & Reality Checks:
Interaction Management – how we connect and interact
Knowledge Management – structure and context
Performance Management – reflection, assessing and rewarding the creation of value
Resource Management – optimally aligning resources to work
Tying it all together
Member case studies – Novell and Microsoft
What’s next? The focus of the Consortium for the next 12 months
Associated Events:
CSI Executive Summit, June 10 – 11, 2002, Half Moon Bay, CA, USA
8th CSI Members’ Conference 2001, October 8-10, 2001, San Diego, CA, USA
Relationship Models for the New Economy
CSC Meeting 2000, October 2-4, 2000, Palm Springs, CA, USA
A New Science for Powerful Relationships: Managing in a Highly Connected World
CSC Member’s Conference 1999, October 5-8, 1999, San Antonio, TX, USA
Are you an Accomplice to a Crime?
Agenda n.a.
CSC Member Conference 1998, October 7-9, 1998, Palm Desert, CA, USA
Get W.E.T in the Desert!
Agenda n.a.
CSC Conference, 1997, September 27 – October 1, 1997, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
Gateways to Adoption
Agenda …