Beyond Storytelling Story Camp (BST)*
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The Beyond Storytelling Conference or Story Camp (BST), organized by the Beyond Storytelling Network, is the international (un- or non-)conference on narrative work and storytelling in organizations, communities and beyond. The conference program combines and balances inspirational speakers and workshops with a carefully crafted learning journey – fostering conversations across disciplines, learning through experimentation and dialogue and collective harvesting of the insights.
Conference language is English (main language) and German.
Conference History:
6th Beyond Storytelling Story Camp 2024, 26-29 June 2024, Valley, Germany
Conference Theme: Here & Now
- Conference Program TBD
5th Beyond Storytelling Story Camp 2022, 22–25 June 2022, Goldegg (near Salzburg), Austria
Conference Theme: Beginnings and endings: Story Camp Schloss Goldegg
- Conference Sessions:
The Translating Ritual
Stories about the Unknown
Find your Introductory Story
How to fail gracefully
Storytelling and the Metaverse
What comes after the Hero’s Journey
Narrative Economics: Stories of Value and the Value of Stories
Community Building with Story
Visual Storytelling
Unfolding Stories through Theatre Masks
What is your future Story aka The Flow Game
Finding and Developing THE story for the sustainable, good economy
Team Narratives: collective identity and cohesion
Writing Room
Listening Walk – The Art of Generative Listening
A new name: how to present Storywork to the world
[DOUBLE BILL] Storylistening Canvas | Narrative Coaching & Story Construction
Digging Deeper (at the Graveyard): About Endings and Celebrating Farewells
Invitations to Dance: contact improv
[Little Encore] What is your future Story aka The Flow Game
Story Up 1: Home
Political Storytelling
Working with Moments: Beginnings, Middles, Endings
Learning in Projects Using the Hero’s Journey
Random walks and conversations
4th Beyond Storytelling Story Camp 2021, 9–12 September 2021, Paretz (near Berlin), Germany
Conference Theme: Power of Story – Stories of Power: Story Camp Paretz
(Host: Paretz Akademie der Helga Breuninger-Stiftung)
Note: Beyond Storytelling was originally planned as a conference scheduled for 7–9 May 2021 in Berlin, Germany
Conference Program n.a.
4th Beyond Storytelling Conference 2020, 7–9 May 2020, Berlin, Germany
Conference Theme: Power of Story – Stories of Power
- Conference Workshops:
Mythic Seduction: Mythological structures of cinematic narration; Embodiment journey to the power of narratives; Strong Story Short: Storytelling for Democracy; Solution-oriented and Constructive Journalism: Towards Stories of Courage; Creating Desirable Futures: Introducing Strategic Time Travelling; Storytelling work: Personal craft, purpose and community; Powered by Conflicts – How to create vivid conflicts for brands; Empowering your story with Data: Storywriting with predictive analytics; Deep Structure Storytelling: How to map 1000 human wonders with artificial intelligence (AI) to forge next-generation stories; Story Up↑ Your Artefact: Story-based performances and collective journeys as powerful short intervention; Navigate the swimmer: find those words that guide your choices; Storytelling at the Watering Hole: listening, engaging and re-distributing power to mold organizational culture; Creative Ways to Harvest and Share Stories; Turning unhappy endings into stories of power: grief and forgiveness in organizations; Stories of Change Writeshop – Learn to write and write to learn
Pre-/Post-conference Masterclasses (May 6/10):
Tell-a-vision: Connecting with the living power of storytelling and the imagination; People, patterns, stories: Cyborg shamanism and the design of transformative experiences
3rd Beyond Storytelling (un-)Conference 2019, 26–29 June 2019, Lingenau, Austria
Conference Theme: Create – Exchange – Inspire: Story Camp/Research Lab @ Lingenau, European Storytelling Village
- Workshops & Spaces n.a.
2nd Beyond Storytelling (non-)Conference 2018, 8-9 June 2018, Hamburg, Germany
Conference Theme: Re-Authoring Futures
- Conference Workshops:
Open Space Sessions; Stepping into Story Activism; We Are All Chimeras: Promoting Unity, Diversity, and Ingenuity through Metaphorical Storytelling; Developing the future stories of companies – open and closed storyworlds; Storytelling in a social media era; Facts, Fakes and Featured Realities: Ethics and Liabilities of Stories for the Future; Tell the story. Or it will tell you: How you can use personal memoir to re-author your future; Re-shaping a brand’s future by creating alternative narrative territories; Social Presencing Theatre meets Storytelling: Re-authoring futures through the body; Tough times: how to look up when you´re face down; Learning Histories: how a multi-perspective view on past events helps to re-author the future; How to listen to discover inspiring stories where you least expect it; Re-authoring your story with the Story-Canvas; Re-authoring the future of Tourism / Travel; Sherlock Holmes and the Things of Tomorrow; Hakuna Mañana – How to create the in-between times and design future?; The sun is still in my eyes. Reflecting on the constructiveness of life; Shaping the Future of a Story – A Live Session; What is our story to tell? Using a narrative approach to re-connect and to re-author an organization’s story for growth – a real business case
Pre-/Post-conference Masterclasses (Jun 7/10):
Stories Imagined: Scenario storytelling for Personal and Organizational Change; Re-Authoring Futures with Causal Layered Analysis; Stories Imagined
1st Beyond Storytelling (non-)Conference 2017, 19-20 May 2017, Heidelberg, Germany
- Conference Workshops:
Open Space Sessions; Entering the tacit dimension of knowledge – narrative methods in knowledge transfer; Heroes and Heroines: a Deep Dive in Their Journeys; New models for storytelling – what´s next?; Climbing Mountains. Moving Mountains – Culture Change from a narrative perspective; Struktur und Dramaturgie in Veränderungsprozessen: Das Heldenprinzip®; Re-authoring leadership; Change-Prozesse und das „Unternehmen im Kopf“ / Exploring the “company in the mind”; Let‘s de-construct Gender – Does gender diversity need different leadership narratives?; Transformationen von Organisationen und Kulturen / The Project of Cultural Transformation: On Organisational Reorganisation; Narrative Brand Management & Strategic Story Conception; Let’s make “Lov-e & Car-e-osity” a blended model for organizational learning; The Bigger Picture – Power of visual Storytelling in intercultural
Post-conference Masterclasses (May 21-22):
Re-Authoring practices for and within organizations: An Introduction to Re-Authoring Practices