Knowledge Creation Principles Consortium Global Summit (KCPC Global Summit)*
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The Knowledge Creation Principles Consortium Global Summit (KCPC Global Summit), formerly the Knowledge Creation Principles Forum (KCPC Forum), aims to discuss how the “Knowledge Creation Principle”, a new management principle, is contributing to management innovation, by focusing on corporate managers and practitioners of change or young employees with aspirations (“Dynamos”), as the engine of knowledge-driven innovation and human-centered management.
Conference History:
3rd Knowledge Creation Principles Consortium Global Summit 2022, December 1, 2022, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Driving Results through Management Innovation: How the Knowledge Creation Principle Leads to Change
Bring back the wild to management (Japan Session)
Panel Discussions:
The era of principles has come: New management model required in the era of innovation (US/Asia Session)
Leading change with principles: Development of new management principles seen in Europe (Europe/Asia Session)
2nd Knowledge Creation Principles Forum 2021, November 24, 2021, Shinagawa, Japan / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Humanization of Management Required by the Sustainability Revolution
Video messages: (7)
How do global intellectuals of the “knowledge school” (consortium’s advisors) worry about the current situation in Japan
Towards the Era of Creative Economy
A Human Strategy Created by Empathy
Consortium Aims and Activities
Dynamo research result report
Renew your management principles
Dynamo Sessions:
Dynamo people who act to change society (3 presentations)
Wise leaders who will drive the dynamo era (3 presentations)
1st Knowledge Creation Principles Forum 2020, June 19, 2020, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Innovate the knowledge base of the organization
Special video messages: (2)
Role that prudent leaders should play right now
Problem presentation: An inconvenient truth that emerged from an online survey
Future activity guidance: Regarding the 2020 Joint Survey of Knowledge Innovation Diagnosis
Closing speech: Pride as a leader that must not be lost
Panel dialogues:
Leadership in creating a place that makes the most of the dynamo