Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME)**

Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME)**

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The Knowledge Management Middle East (KMME), successor of the 2010 United Arab Emirates Knowledge Management Forum (UAE KM Forum), is a one-day conference with workshops. It brings together international keynote speakers, academics, leading knowledge management practitioners, along with business and government leaders to provide an opportunity for business and government leaders (1) to learn about regional and international knowledge management projects, past, present, and future, (2) to assess the business value of empowering knowledge workers, and (3) to learn from other’s knowledge management successes and failures.

KM Middle East is co-organized by Success Steps and Sagology.

Conference History:

7th KM Middle East 2016, March 30-31, 2016, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Action: Best Practices, Emerging Ideas, And Time-Tested Techniques

    KMAgile — Building Knowledge Management Strategy and Capability While Delivering Measurable Results Quickly
    Sustainable Knowledge Management
    Innovation Hubs – Fad or Fantastic!
    Knowledge Led Strategies to Succeed in the Digital Era
    Change Management and its Impact on the Success of Knowledge Management
    Tourism Knowledge Management System
    Linking Happiness to Knowledge Management; People who Care, Share
    Knowledge Management in Educational Institutions
    Keeping Sight of Knowledge in your Digital Transformation Program

    Panel Discussions:
    Knowledge Management in Action

    Post-conference Workshops (Mar 31):
    Applying KMAgile in Developing Knowledge Management Strategies & Implementing Frameworks
    Community of Practice in Knowledge Management
    From Knowledge Management to Innovation
    Preserving dynamic knowledge – What we can learn from guilds & apprenticeships
    Using Social Capital to build capability
    Creating and Executing a Robust Knowledge Management Strategy

6th KM Middle East 2015, March 16-17, 2015, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in Action: Best Practices, Emerging Ideas, And Time-Tested Techniques

    Messy Coherence, the Reality of effective Knowledge Management
    Fostering Innovation-driven Entrepreneurship in Middle East “Case Study: Arab Science and Technology Foundation”
    Leadership, Learning and Knowledge Management
    Employing Knowledge Management Basics to build Educated System
    Knowledge management Practically : best practices , new ideas and proven techniques
    Co-creation as a breakthrough approach in Knowledge Economy
    Knowledge Management Technologies and the Integration of Theory into Practice
    Why effective Knowledge capture & retention matters: a case study

    Panel Discussions:
    Successful Experiences and practices of knowledge management
    Knowledge Management in Action

    Knowledge Management Award of Excellence Presentation
    Winner: Dubai Customs

    Pre-conference Workshops (Mar 16):
    Mapping Decisions, Mapping Knowledge
    Unlocking the true value of Knowledge Management: identifying and assessing your organisation’s Knowledge Assets
    Co-Creation: Knowledge Management and Innovation in the 21st Century (CANCELLED)
    Knowledge Management Technologies from Big Data to Big Ideas
    Harnessing the Power of Organisational Storytelling
    In Light of the New Lineaments of Global Knowledge-based Economy, How Knowledge Management Fosters Innovation in New Organizations?

5th KM Middle East 2014, March 10-12, 2014, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Knowledge in Action: Moving from theory to practice

    Is Knowledge Management a Competitive Criteria Towards Excellence in the Government Sector
    Knowledge Management – Driving the Knowledge Economy
    Levering knowledge through War gaming and Red Teaming
    Emergence of the Intellectual Capital Economy: Singapore’s National Experience in Strategic Knowledge Management
    Aligning People, Process, and Technology for Knowledge Management Success
    Knowledge Director Program
    The Secret for Knowledge Management Success – Personal Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in Dubai Courts
    Change Management for Knowledge Cultures: Strategies for Effective Communication

    Panel Discussion

    Pre-conference Workshops (Mar 10/11):
    Knowledge Management: Evolution and Maturity Models
    KM101 – Create a Solid Foundation for Knowledge Management Success
    Aligning People, Process, and Technology for Knowledge Management Success: a detailed discussion
    Knowledge Management through Gaming: Using Wargaming and Red teaming to Reinforce your Strategic Level Decision Making
    Exporting Knowledge Capital for Value Creation: Singapore Government-linked Companies in Action

4th KM Middle East 2013, March 25-27, 2013, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Sustainability, development and knowledge sharing in the Arab World

    Creating New Businesses with Open Data
    Toward a knowledge sharing culture in Arabian organizations.
    Knowledge Management in Enhancing the UAE National Identity
    Knowledge Management in the UAE Government: Current Practices and ways for improvement
    Leadereship in the knowledge-based Economy
    Complexity 301: The Role of Knowledge Sharing in Decision-Making and Implementation
    From Knowledge Management to IKNOWvation Management
    Knowledge Management and its contribution to sustainable economic development in the Middle East

    Panel Discussion

    Pre-conference Workshops (Mar 25/26):
    Using Knowledge Management to Drive Innovation
    Intangibles: A Great Source of Competitive Advantage
    Understanding the Four Dimensions of Knowledge and Innovation
    The Fallacy of Knowledge Reuse: Building Sustainable Knowledge
    Knowledge Mnagaement Strategic Alignment: A top down and bottom up approach
    The role of women in generating knowledge management in the Gulf Region

3rd KM Middle East 2012, March 13-14, 2012, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration in the Arab World

    Towards an Arab Knowledge Economy

    Empowering Knowledge Workers in the Arab World
    Knowledge Harvesting Challenges In The Public Sector
    Empowering Knowledge Workers to Leverage Assets and Create Value
    Implementing Knowledge Management for Success
    Knowledge Management for Effective Public Policy in the Arab World
    From Information to Knowledge Society, How to Design Success Steps Towards a Powerful Workforce
    Conversation for Empowerment

    Panel Discussion

    Post-conference Academic symposium (Mar 13/14 afternoon)
    The learning family: the cornerstone for business success
    Concepts and the foundations of knowledge management and application requirements – Mamednor
    Knowledge Mnaagement: a strategy for human capital development
    Sensing knowledge management culture in the presence of a powerful collaboration/KM tool:
    An empirical investigation of how best practices can be shared
    Supporting innovation through knowledge audit
    Journey for establishing knowledge and learning economy practices in governmental organisations
    Knowledge management system for tourism development in Saudi Arabia
    Development of administrative and service performance at the municipality of Gaza through knowledge management
    Knowledge creation in the American University in the Emirates: using Nonaka and Takeuchi spiral model to guide in accreditation self-study
    Education in Mauritania and the challenges of the knowledge society
    Towards the activation of knowledge management in higher education institutions in the Arab world: a case study in the central library at the University of Tebessa, Algeria

    Post-onference Seminars (Mar 13/14 afternoon):
    Knowledge Sharing in a 2.0 World
    Leveraging Behavioral Foundations to Stimulate Knowledge Flow
    Assessing Knowledge Management Capability
    Understanding Knowledge Management Tools and Developing Knowledge Management Strategy
    Conversation: Your most powerful Knowledge Management Tool

2nd KM Middle East 2011, March 15-16, 2011, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Conference Theme: Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration in the Arab World

    Don’t do Knowledge Management!
    The TLC of Knowledge Management: Applying the Enablers of Knowledge Management

    Sensemaking: How it is Different from Traditional Knowledge Management
    Appling Knowledge to Business Objectives
    Competitive Collaboration in the Global Knowledge Economy
    Knowledge Management in Asia
    Knowledge Management as a Practical Solution for Professional Communitie
    Using Knowledge to Maintain Business Edge
    Case Study: “Musharaka – Excellence through Knowledge”

    Panel Discussion

    Post-conference Workshops (Mar 16):
    A Leader’s Guide to Knowledge Management
    Understanding the four dimensions of Knowledge Management
    Gurteen Knowledge Café Masterclass
    Applying Knowledge Management in the Middle East Context

1st United Arab Emirates Knowledge Management Forum (UAE KM Forum), June 14–15, 2010, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

    The TLC of Knowledge Management: Applying the Enablers of Knowledge Management

    Knowledge management Standards: Lessons Learned from Australia
    Information Revolution
    Using all Aspects of Knowledge for Organizational Excellence
    Does Knowledge Need to be Managed?
    Social Knowledge: Are We Ready for the Future?

    Post-conference Workshops (Jun 16):
    A Leader’s Guide to Knowledge Management: Drawing on the Past to Enhance Future Performance

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