International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR)*

International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR)*

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The International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) is a leading forum for timely, in-depth presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the representation and computational management of knowledge.

Until 2020 KR was a biennial conference.

Conference History:

22nd KR 2025, November 11-17, 2025, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

(Host: School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne)

    Conference program TBD

    Co-located Conferences:
    23rd International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR 2025) – TBD
    35th International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2025), Nov 9-14
    22nd International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming (CPAIOR 2025), Nov 10-13
    Planning and Optimisation Summer School 2025 – TBC

21st KR 2024, November 2-8, 2024, Hanoi, Vietnam

(Host: International Training and Cooperation Institute, East Asia University of Technology)

    Conference: 2 – 8 November; Tutorials and Workshops: 2 – 4 November

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    5th Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2024)
    1st Workshop on Symbolic and Neuro-Symbolic Architectures for Intelligent Robotics Technology (SYNERGY)
    1st International Workshop on Next-Generation Language Models for Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (NeLaMKRR 2024)
    International Workshop on Logical Aspects in Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Reasoning (LAMAS&SR 2024; CANCELLED)
    Joint Workshop on Knowledge Diversity and Cognitive Aspects of KR (KoDis/CAKR 2024; CANCELLED)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Large Language Models are Human-like Annotators
    Formal Aspects of Strategic Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems
    Iterated Belief Change
    Probing Machine Learning Models in Angluin’s Style tutorial
    An introduction to approximation fixpoint theory
    Argumentation and Machine Learning
    Fundamental Problems in Statistical Relational AI
    Cogent: a Neuro-Symbolic Platform for KR&R in Natural Language (CANCELLED)

    Special Tracks:
    Knowledge Representation in the Wild
    Reasoning, Learning, and Decision Making

    Main Track Sessions:
    Causality and Explanations
    Answer Set Programming
    KR and Learning
    Query Answering
    Temporal Reasoning
    Description Logics
    Belief Change
    Counting and Enumerating
    Diversity & Inclusion
    Strategic Reasoning
    Logic and Neural Networks
    Explainable AI
    Reasoning with Rules
    Planning and Machine Learning
    Knowledge Graphs
    Non-Monotonic Reasoning
    Inconsistency and Para-consistency
    Possibility and Probability
    Explanation in Argumentation
    Knowledge Representation

    Lightning Talks: What’s on today?
    Diversity & Inclusion: Lightning Talks & Posters

    KR Awards Session

    KR Meets Data Quality
    Can Large Language Models (LLMs) Really Reason & Plan?
    Logic-based Explainability of Machine Learning (ML) Models
    Great Moments in KR

    Co-Located Workshops:
    22nd International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR 2024), Nov 2-4

20th KR 2023, September 2-8, 2023, Rhodes, Greece

(Host: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Division of Telecommunications & Information Technology, University of Patras)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    4th Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2023)
    First International Workshop on Argumentation and Applications (Arg&App 2023)
    The Second Workshop on Knowledge Diversity (KoDis)
    CME: the 2nd International Workshop on Computational Machine Ethics
    Graphical Reasoning with Imperfect Data (GRID)
    The Seventh Image Schema Day (ISD7)
    AI-driven Heterogeneous Data Management : Completing, Merging, Handling Inconsistencies and Query-answering (ENIGMA-2023)
    Cognitive Aspects of Knowledge Representation (CAKR)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Towards Causal Foundations of Safe AI
    Concept Learning in Description Logics
    Strategic Reasoning in Automated Mechanism Design
    Termination Analysis of Rule-based Ontological Reasoning
    Statistical Relational AI – Exploiting Symmetries
    How Knowledge Representation Benefits from Formal Concept Analysis

    Special Sessions: (CANCELLED)
    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR) and Machine Learning (ML)
    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR), Robotics & Planning

    Technical Sessions:
    Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Application
    Computational aspects of knowledge representation (and uncertainty)
    Explainable AI (and Preferences)
    Commonsense Reasoning
    Belief Revision and Update
    Automated Reasoning and Argumentation
    Multi-Agent Systems and Knowledge Compilation
    Applications of Knowledge Representation
    Argumentation (& Explainable AI)
    Belief Revision
    Description Logic
    Constraint Acquisition and Description Logic
    Reasoning about Knowledge and Knowledge Compilation
    Doctoral Consortium Sessions

    Invited Talks:
    How to Make Logics Neurosymbolic
    Knowledge Representation in the Languages of Logic Programs under Answer Set Semantics (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    On the need of semantics when tackling Knowledge Graph completion under a Machine Learning perspective
    ASP in Industry, here and there
    Reasoning about reasoning about reasoning: from logic to the lab
    Leading Innovation and Collaboration in Knowledge Representation Research (Doctoral Consortium)

    Knowledge Representation Manifesto

    Co-located Workshops:
    21st International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2023)
    36th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2023)

19th KR 2022, July 31 – August 5, 2022, Technion, Haifa, Israel

(Host: Department of Computer Science, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology; part of FLoC 2022)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    XLoKR 2022 – Third Workshop on Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation
    PCCR 2022 – Third Workshop on Parameterized Complexity of Computational Reasoning

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Assumption-Based Nonmonotonic Reasoning
    Belief Change, Ontology Repair and Evolution
    DatalogMTL: Theory and Practice of Temporal Reasoning
    Hybrid Temporal Situation Calculus Planning with Continuous Processes: Semantics
    Referring Expressions in Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Representation Systems
    Logic meets Learning + Explainable Machine Learning

    Technical Sessions:
    Epistemic Logic
    Knowledge Graphs
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Temporal Reasoning
    Description Logics
    Belief Revision
    Automated Reasoning
    Strategic Reasoning
    Systems & Robotics
    Belief Revision/RDFS
    Knowledge Representation & Machine Learning
    Recently Published Research
    Systems & Robotics / Existential Rules
    Belief Merging / Revision
    Datalog & Existential Rules
    Deontic Logic

    Report Back on Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop: Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    D&I Session
    Doctoral Consortium

    Invited Talks:
    Neuro-Symbolic Adventures on Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning
    Probabilities, Reasoning, and Argumentation
    From Non-monotonic Reasoning to Argumentation and Commonsense (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Graph Queries: Do We Study What Matters?
    Report Back on Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop: Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    Federated Logic Conference (FLoC), Jul 31-Aug 12

18th KR 2021, 6-12 November 2021, Hanoi, Vietnam Virtual venue

(Host: International Training and Cooperation Institute, East Asia University of Technology)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    6th International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Health Data Analytics (SEPDA 2021)
    Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2021)
    Workshop on Benefits of Using Ontologies in Artificial Intelligence
    Knowledge Representation for Hybrid and Compositional AI (KRHCAI)
    Doctoral Consortium

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Completeness, Recall, and Negation in Open-World Knowledge Bases
    Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Meets Cyber-Physical Systems: Formalization, Behavior, Trustworthiness

    Invited Talks:
    The Logic of Graph Neural Networks
    Spatial and Physical Reasoning: From Angry Birds to Open World AI
    Description Logic and OWL: A Tale of Discoveries, Design Choices, Challenges, and Lessons Learnt (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Reverse Engineering Human Cognitive Development: What Do We Start With, and How Do We Learn The Rest?
    The Interactionist View of Reasoning for Explainable AI

    Technical Sessions:
    Synthesis & Planning
    Robotics / Knowledge Graphs
    Multi-Agent Systems
    Epistemic Logic
    Applications & Systems
    Belief Change
    Description Logics
    Ontology-Mediated Query Answering
    Answer Set / Logic Programming
    Knowledge Representation & Machine Learning
    Reasoning about Actions
    Knowledge Representation Languages

    Future of Knowledge Representation Session
    Doctoral Consortium Lightning Session
    Poster Sessions

17th KR 2020, 12-18 September 2020, Rodhes, Greece Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Explainable Logic-Based Knowledge Representation (XLoKR 2020)
    International Workshop on Applications of AI to Forensics (AI2Forensics)
    Knowledge Representation for All Minds (KR4AMinds; CANCELLED)
    Models of Legal Reasoning (MLR)
    Reasoning about ACtions and Events over Streams (RACES)
    Doctoral Consortium

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Argumentative Explanations in AI
    Cognitive Logics – Formal and Cognitive Methods for Reasoning in an Uncertain and Dynamic World
    Dynamic Epistemic Logic and Epistemic Planning
    Practical Uses of Existential Rules in Knowledge Representation

    Invited Talks:
    Models and Decisional issues for Human-Robot Joint Action
    A Hitchhiker’s Tour Through Computational Complexity in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    How to (Re)represent it?
    Probabilistic model checking for strategic equilibria-based decision making
    Taking AI to the Next Level
    Lessons from three decades of research into learning and reasoning with relational probabilistic models

    Technical Sessions:
    Application & Systems
    Belief Change and Revision
    Strategies and Verification
    Knowledge Representation & Robotics
    Plans, Strategies and Explainability
    Epistemic Planning
    Uncertainty and Preferences
    Query Answering
    Description Logics
    Answer Set Programming
    Datalog and Existential Rules
    Model Checking
    Uncertainty and Explainability
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning and Belief Change
    Synthesis and Robotics
    Knowledge Representation & Machine Learning
    Reasoning about Actions and Change
    Spatial and Temporal Reasoning
    Computational Aspects of Knowledge Representation
    Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs
    Poster Session
    DC Lightning Talks

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshops on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR)

16th KR 2018, October 30-November 2, 2018, Tempe, Arizona, USA

(Host: Reasoning sub-group, Artificial Intelligence (AI) group, School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering, Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Knowledge Representation in Natural Languages [Canceled] Reasoning about Actions and Processes: Planning, Verification and Synthesis
    First Workshop on Induce and Deduce: Integrating learning of representations and models with deductive, explainable reasoning that leverages knowledge
    Hybrid Reasoning and Learning
    Reasoning with Ambiguous and Conflicting Evidence and Recommendations in Medicine (MedRACER)
    3rd International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, Contextuality, and Evolution (WOMoCoE)
    11th Cognitive Robotics Workshop

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Implementing Knowledge Representation Approaches with Tweety [Canceled] Knowledge, Strategy, and Know-How
    Belief Revision: 30 Years
    An overview of ranking-based argumentation semantics
    Stream Reasoning – Incremental Reasoning Upon Rapidly Changing Information
    Rulelog: Highly Expressive, Yet Scalable, Semantic Rules
    From Game Description Language to Game Description Logics
    Inconsistency-Tolerant Ontology-Mediated Query Answering

    Doctoral Consortium, Oct 30-Nov 2

    Invited Talks: (5)
    n.a. (Great Moments in KR Talk)

    Technical Sessions: (Proceedings)
    Answer Set Programming and Logic Programming
    Automated Reasoning and Computation
    Belief Revision and Nonmonotonicity
    Decision Theory, Rationality
    Description Logics
    Planning, Strategies, and Diagnosis
    Reasoning about Actions, Causality
    Reasoning about Knowledge and Belief
    Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
    Extended Abstracts

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshops on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR)

15th KR 2016, April 25-29, 2016, Cape Town, South Africa

(Host: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Group, Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research, School of Information Technology, University of Cape Town)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Probabilistic Databases and Reasoning
    Argumentation Frameworks for Explanation-Based Reasoning
    Query Answering over Existential Rules
    Belief Revision

    Technical Sessions:
    Knowledge Representation and Data Management
    Automated Reasoning
    Logic programming / inconsistency
    Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
    Automated Reasoning and Computation
    Reasoning about Action
    Planning and Strategies
    Description Logic
    Epistemic Reasoning
    Description Logic
    Decision Theory, Rationality, and Uncertainty
    Belief Revision and Nonmonotonicity
    Reasoning about Action, Causality

    Doctoral Consortium (CANCELLED?)

    Invited Talks:
    Query Compilation: the View from the Database Side
    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Software Requirements (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Combining Statistics and Semantics to Turn Data into Knowledge
    Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Computational Social Choice
    Will AI end jobs, wars or humanity (Public Lecture)

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR)

14th KR 2014, July 20-24, 2014, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

(Host: Knowledge Based Systems Group & Database and Artificial Intelligence Group, Institute of Logic and Computation, Vienna University of Technology)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Dynamic Epistemic Logic and its Interaction with Knowledge Representation
    Natural Language Understanding with World Knowledge and Inference
    Query Answering and Rewriting in Ontology-Based Data Access
    Verification of Multi-Agent Systems against Epistemic Specifications

    Invited Talks:
    Ontology-Based Monitoring of Dynamic Systems
    Knowledge Representation meets Computer Vision: from pixels to symbolic activity descriptions
    Situation Calculus: The last 15 years (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Datalog+/- : Questions and Answers
    Between Philosophy and Science in Cultural Context (VSL Public Lecture)
    Verification of Computer Systems with Model Checking (VSL talk)

    Technical Sessions:
    Description Logics
    Planning, Strategies, Diagnosis
    Belief Revision & Nonmonotonicity
    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    Automated Reasoning and Computation
    Logic Programming and Answer Set Programming
    Causality and Rationality
    Reports from the field
    Poster Session

    Doctoral Symposium (CANCELLED?)

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    Federated Logic Conference (CAV, CSF, ICLP, IJCAR, ITP, LICS, RTA, SAT)
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR)
    Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC)
    Logic Colloquium

13th KR 2012, 10-14 June 2012, Rome, Italy

(Host: Department of Computer, Automatic and Management Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome)

    Modeling and Solving in Answer Set Programming
    Graph-Based Methods for Problem Decomposition
    Introduction to Social Choice
    IBM Watson

    Invited Talks:
    Preference Elicitation and Preference Learning in Social Choice: New Foundations for Group Recommendation
    Ontology-Based Data Management: Present and Future
    Logic Programming Solution to the Frame Problem (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    The Rise and Fall of Linear Temporal Logic
    Trough the Lens of Drosophila: John McCarthy’s Quest for Human-Level Artificial Intelligence (Tribute to John McCarthy Lecture)

    Technical Sessions:
    Answer set programming and logic programming
    Automated reasoning and computation
    Belief revision and update
    Decision making and reasoning about preferences
    Description logics
    Epistemic and modal logics
    Inconsistency-tolerant and similarity-based reasoning
    Knowledge representation and knowledge-based systems
    Reasoning about actions and planning
    Spatial and temporal reasoning
    Reports from the field
    Short papers
    Doctoral Consortium

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshops on Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR)
    Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA)
    Italian Conference on Computational Logic (CILC)
    International Workshop on Knowledge-intensive Business Processes (KiBP)

12th KR 2010, May 9-13, 2010, Toronto, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, Ryerson University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Satisfiability with and without Theories.
    Reasoning in DLs: Expressive Power vs. Computational Complexity
    Computational Complexity of Action Planning.
    What if you Wanted someone (else) to Use this? Usability Heuristics for Knowledge Representation tool & representation design

    Invited Talks:
    The 1984 Complexity Convergence (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Scalable Ontology Systems
    Logics of Intention and the Database Perspective
    Reasoning about Actions and Change: From Single Agent Actions to Multi-agent Actions

    Technical Sessions:
    Description Logics and Ontologies
    Inconsistency Handling
    Answer Set Programming
    Reasoning about Action and Action Programs, and Decision Theory
    Description Logics and Ontologies
    Belief Change, Counterfactuals, Diagnosis and Abduction
    Rule-based Reasoning, Logic Programming, and Planning

    Poster Session
    Doctoral Consortium

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS)
    International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS)
    International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshops on Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR)

11th KR 2008, September 16-19, 2008, Sydney, Australia

(Host: Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of New South Wales)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Knowledge Representation Techniques for General Game Playing
    Argumentation Systems

    Conference Workshops:
    Knowledge Representation Ontology Workshop (KROW 2008)
    Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (KRAMAS 2008)
    Doctoral Consortium

    Technical Sessions: (Proceedings)
    Logic programming
    Nonmonotonic reasoning
    Temporal and spatial
    Nonmonotonic reasoning and Logic programming
    Casuality and machine learning
    Description Logics/Ontologies
    Reasoning about action
    Belief change
    Approximate reasoning and query answering
    Joint KR-ICAPS Session

    Invited Talks:
    Satisfiability, Knowledge Compilation and the Journey Towards Universal Reasoning Engines
    Beyond Nash Equilibrium: Solution Concepts for the 21st Century (KR-KROW-KRAMAS talk)
    Towards Distributed Tableaux Reasoning Procedure for DDL with Increased Subsumption Propagation between Remote Ontologies (KROW talk)
    Beyond Nash Equilibrium: Solution Concepts for the 21st Century
    Preferences, Planning, and Control
    n.a. (Great Moments in KR Talk)
    Obtaining Well-Represented Knowledge from the WWW: the Need for Information Analysis (KR Challenges talk)
    AI Past and Future (KR Challenges talk)

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP)
    International Workshops on Non-monotonic Reasoning (NMR)

10th KR 2006, June 2-5, 2006, Lake District, United Kingdom

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester)

    Conference program n.a.

    Doctoral Consortium

    On Mechanization of Thought Processes
    Dataspaces: Co-existence with Heterogeneity
    Users Are Always Right … Even When They Are Wrong: Making Knowledge Representation Useful and Usable

    Technical Sessions: (Proceedings)
    Philosophical and Psychological Issues
    Description Logics
    Beliefs and Belief Revision
    Complexity Analysis
    Logic Programming
    Space, Time, and Action
    Knowledge Representation Logics
    Knowledge Representation and Planning

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    Eleventh International Workshop on NonMonotonic Reasoning
    International Workshop on Description Logics
    International Conference on Planning and Scheduling

9th KR 2004, June 2-5, 2004, Whistler, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, Simon Fraser University)

    Post-conference Workshops: Joint ICAPS/KR FESTIVAL
    1st KR&R Doctoral Consortium
    ICAPS Doctoral Consortium

    Invited Talks:
    What is OWL (and why should I care)
    Historical Remarks on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Especially Circumscription
    Meaning and Links: A Semantic Odysse
    Evidence and Belief
    Advanced Research with Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

    Technical Sessions:
    Conditional issues
    Spatial Reasoning
    Space, Time
    Philosophical issues
    Description Logics
    Compact Representations of Preference
    Belief revision and update
    Merging Bases
    Complexity Analysis
    Logic Programming
    Query Processing for Ontologies
    Real Knowledge Representation Systems
    Reasoning about Action
    Knowledge Representation Logics
    Cognitive Robotics
    Knowledge in Planning
    Search in Planning and Scheduling

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS)
    International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NMR)
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    Workshop on Formal Biomedical Knowledge Representation (KR-MED)

8th KR 2002, April 22-25, 2002, Toulouse, France

(Host: Toulouse Computer Science Research Institute, Paul Sabatier University)

    Invited Talks:
    The Role of Higher Order Similarity in Induction and Concept Formation
    The Semantic Web: Knowledge Representation’s Worst Nightmare?
    The Philosophical Soccer Player

    Technical Sessions:
    Titles n.a.

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Knowledge Systems for Coalition Operations (KSCO)
    International Conference on Artrificial Intelligence Planning & Scheduling (AIPS)
    International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR)
    International Workshop on Description Logics (DL)
    International Workshop on Knowledge Representation meets Databases (KRDB)
    Workshop on Formal Ontology, Knowledge Representation and Intelligent Systems for the World Wide Web (SemWeb)
    Workshop on Logics for Agent-Based Systems (LABS)

7th KR 2000, 12-15 April 2000, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA

(Host: Knowledge Systems group, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University)

    Invited Talks:
    Using Meta-Data to Conquer Database Complexity
    Planning in Robotics: an Integration Perspective
    Probabilistic relational models: Probability meets Knowledge Representation
    Bottom-up Knowledge Representation

    Technical Sessions:
    Spatial Reasoning
    Non Monotonic Reasoning
    Representation of Action
    Integration of Knowledge Sources
    Automated Reasoning
    Description Logics
    Temporal Reasoning
    Learning and Decision Making
    Applications and Systems
    Representation Formalisms
    Knowledge Engineering
    Planning and Knowledge Representation: Model based planning; Decision theoretic planning; General Session

    Practical Knowledge Representation and the DARPA High Performance Knowledge Bases project
    Teaching Knowledge Representation: Challenges and Proposals

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Artrificial Intelligence Planning & Scheduling (AIPS)
    International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR)

6th KR 1998, June 2-5, 1998, Trento, Italy

(Host: Institute for Scientific and Technological Research, Trentino Institute of Culture)

    Invited Talks:
    How to Tailor Representations to Different Requirements
    What Robots Can Do
    Description Logics and their Applications

    Technical Sessions: (Proceedings)
    Building, Merging, Revising Theories
    Reasoning About Actions
    Logic Programming based Representations
    Qualitative Spatio/Temporal Reasoning
    Non Monotonic Reasoning
    Representing Granularity and Vagueness
    Belief Revision and Contextual Reasoning
    Reasoning about Actions
    Formal Results in Spatial Reasoning
    Complexity of Reasoning
    Planning and Execution
    Building, Merging, Revising Theories
    Description Logics and Graph Based Languages
    Probabilistic Reasoning
    Efficient Modal Reasoning

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS)
    International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning (NM)
    International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Interactive Multimedia Systems: Research and Experience (KRIMS)
    Workshop on Validation & Verification of Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS V&V)
    International Description Logics Workshop (DL)
    (CANCELED) Workshop on Roles for Knowledge Representation in Natural Language (KRNL)

5th KR 1996, November 5-8, 1996, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

(Host: Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

    Invited Talks:
    From Here to Human-Level AI
    Complexity and Expressive Power of Knowledge Representation Formalisms

    Technical Sessions:
    Situation Calculus
    Belief Revision
    Description Logics: Expressivity & Complexity; Reasoning Techniques
    Psychological and Philosophical Connections
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning
    Deductive Systems
    Spatial Representation & Reasoning
    Decision Theory
    Preference Logic
    Nonmonotonic Logics & Logic Programming
    Actions & Events
    Complexity Measures
    Recognition & Diagnosis

    Ontologies: What Are They, and Where’s The Research?
    Implementations and Research: Discussions at the Boundary

    Reports on Related Conferences, Workshops, and Symposia
    Reports on Implementations

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    International Description Logics Workshop (DL)
    Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Fall Symposium (AAAI Fall Symposium: “Acquisition, Learning and Demonstration: Automating Tasks for Users” Symposium)

4th KR 1994, May 24-27, 1994, Gustav Stresemann Institut, Bonn, Germany

(Host: Institute of Computer Science III, University of Bonn)

    Invited Talks:
    Beyond Ignorance-Based Systems
    Non Standard Theories of Uncertainty in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
    Knowledge Representation Issues in Integrated Planning and Learning Systems

    Technical Sessions:
    Description Logics
    Logics of Knowledge and Belief
    Logics of Preference and Utility
    Multiagent Reasoning
    Temporal Reasoning
    Reasoning about the Physical World
    Nonmonotonic Reasoning
    Complexity of Reasoning
    Tractable Reasoning
    Theory of Action
    Belief Revision
    Knowledge Sharing and Ontology
    Search and Deduction

    Exploiting Natural Language for Knowledge Representation & Reasoning
    Theory vs Systems vs …: Knowledge Representation & Reasoning Research Methodologies

3rd KR 1992, October 26-29, 1992, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Conference theme: The relationship between the principles of knowledge representation and reasoning and their embodiment in working systems
(Host: Department of Computer Science, Tufts University; Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)

    Invited Talks:
    Reports from the Trenches
    Resolving the Imagery Debate: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective
    Twelve Years of Nonmonotonic Reasoning Research: Where (and What) is the Beef?
    Resolving the Imagery Debate: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective

    Technical Sessions:
    Planning and Temporal Reasoning
    Specialized Reasoning
    Issues in Multi-Agent Environments
    Taxonomic Logics
    Natural Language Processing
    Logics of Belief and Intention
    Nonmonotonic Logics
    Diagnosis and Abduction
    Reasoning Architectures

    Co-located Workshops/Conferences:
    AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence) Fall Symposium Series

2nd KR 1991, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

(Host: n.a.)

    Invited Talks:
    Nonmonotonic Inference Based on Expectations
    Implemented Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Systems: An Endangered Species?

    Technical Sessions:
    Nonmonotonic Logic
    Belief Management and Revision
    Taxonomic Reasoning
    Knowledge and Belief
    Temporal and Spatial Reasoning
    Plans and Actions
    Constraint Logics
    Modal Logics
    Procedural Representations

    Why Causality
    Achieving Large Scale Knowledge Sharing and Re-Use
    The DARPA Knowledge Representation Standards Effort

1st KR 1989, May 15-18, 1989, Toronto, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto; Sponsor: Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence)

    Conference program n.a.

    Technical Sessions:

    Special Sessions: (3)

    Invited Talks: (2)

    Symposium on Nonmonotonic Reasoning

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