Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs*
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The Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs is organizedd by the Knowledge Graph Turing Interest Group (KG-TIG) of the Alan Turing Institute (The Turing). The aim is to create a sandbox for future collaborations and joint applications for funding on topics such as teaching curricula, use cases, and applications of knowledge graphs, a critical area of data science and AI.
Conference History:
4th Symposium Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs, June 2025 (TBC)
3rd Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs 2024, March 25, 2024, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Knowledge Graphs in the Wild (An AI UK Fringe Event)
(Host: “Digital” Research Theme & Liverpool Women in Science and Engineering, University of Liverpool)
Not Just Graph Databases: Enabling Cultural Intelligence with Multimodal Knowledge Graphs
Background Knowledge, Graphs, and Ontologies: Potential and Challenges for Using Knowledge
Short presentations/pitches:
Knowledge Graphs for Responsible Generative Music AI (title tbc)
Climate dynamics and its argumentation, a synthesis of temporal logic and graphs in representing belief about climate problems
A dynamic knowledge graph approach to distributed self-driving laboratories
Using dynamic knowledge graphs to automate research support tasks
Tensor Factorisation for Polypharmacy Side Effect Prediction
Understanding Compositionality in Knowledge Graph Embedding
Knowledge graphs & Graph ML at BAE System
Poster sessions:
Aligning network of ontologies using Graph AI
Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Graph Creation
Climate dynamics and its argumentation, a synthesis of temporal logic and graphs in representing belief about climate problems
A Language Model based Framework for New Concept Placement in Ontologies
Live Collaborative Editing of Knowledge Graphs
Knowledge graph-driven transparent carbon emissions reporting
Navigating MedTech Innovations: Using NLP and Knowledge Graph to Redefine Horizon Scanning
Smart Cities in Practical Environments: A Dynamic Knowledge Graph Approach for Urban Interoperability and Sustainability
Functional knowledge graph towards personal use
Knowledge graphs with LLM
Benchmarking large language models in complex question answering attribution using knowledge graphs
The Future of AI
Associated Conferences:
AI UK Conference, Mar 19-20, 2024, London, UK
2nd Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs 2023, June 16, 2023, City University of London, London, United Kingdom
(Host: Department of Computer Science, School of Science & Technology, City University of London)
Addressing Label Sparsity With Class-Level Common Sense
The reasonable effectiveness of diverse data
On Risk, Existential Risk and What is Left to Do in AI (NeSy session)
Short presentations/pitches:
Fine-grain access control in knowledge graphs – balancing need to share with need to know
Knowledge & Semantics
Highly Scalable Reasoning over Knowledge Bases via Trigger Graphs
Building an Evidence Base of Global Climate Policy as a Knowledge Graph
New Features of the Ontology Lookup Service (OLS) Version 4
Social Networks for Front-Office Sales Interactions
Poster Session:
Data integration with knowledge graphs: Façade-X and the SPARQL Anything project
Triangulating evidence in health sciences using NLP and knowledge graphs
A derived information framework for a dynamic knowledge graph and its application to smart cities
Time prediction on Temporal Knowledge Graphs
Learning Where and When to Reason in Neuro-Symbolic Inference
Scoping review of knowledge graph applications in biomedical and healthcare sciences
KnowWhereGraph: A Geospatial Knowledge Graph to Support Cross-Domain Knowledge Discovery
Knowledge Graphs for NeSy AI Systems
City’s Women++ Computing Society
Introduction to The Turing interest group on Neuro-symbolic AI (NeSy session)
Networking/Matchmaking activity
1st Symposium of The Turing Interest Group on Knowledge Graphs 2022, June 17, 2022, Alan Turing Institute, London, United Kingdom
Facilitating causality in science with cognitive knowledge graphs
FAIR, community standards and data FAIRification: components and recipes
Short presentations/pitches:
Knowledge Graph Potential from HTML-embedded Structured Data
Data Privacy, Data Exchange & OBDA, and Data Validation
Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability
Projects on topic-centric crowdsourcing, data visualization, and cyBer-security Learning
Learning Relationships on Knowledge Graph for Multimodal Data Integration
Knowledge Graph Representation and Domain-specific Construction
Matchmaking – Collaboration sandbox