Die Tagung Corporate Learning, die Nachfolgeveranstaltung des Futura-Kongresses, wird von der Akademie der Quadriga Hochschule Berlin und dem HRM Forum bzw. Human Resources Manager, ein Fachmagazin der Quadriga Media Berlin und des Bundesverbandes der Personalmanager (BPM), veranstaltet. Die Tagung beleuchtet innovative Zukunftsthemen der internen Weiterbildung sowie des Lern- und Wissensmanagements im digitalen Zeitalter. Moderator der
corporate learning
Corporate Learning Network Conference (CLN Conference)*
The Corporate Learning Network Conference (CLN Conference), formerly the Corporate Learning Week (CLW or CL Week) and Corporate University Week (CU Week), successor of the Launching & Managing a Corporate University Congress/Conference series, shares inspirational stories of L&D leadership, innovation, growth and transformation. It will focus on powerful new tools and capabilities to help you
Quadriga Hochschule Berlin
Quadriga Hochschule Berlin (English: Quadriga University of Applied Sciences Berlin), since 2016 part of the Quadriga group of companies, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Chief Learning Officer Symposium (CLO Symposium)*
The Chief Learning Officer Symposium (CLO Symposium), organized by BetterWork Media Group’s Chief Learning Officer magazine, is a spring and fall event for corporate learning practitioners only. It brings together the corporate learning community for two and a half days of expert presentations, workshops and networking opportunities. The CLO Symposium represents Chief Learning Officer’s dedication
Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC)*
The Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC, often pronounced as O-Triple-C), formerly the South Oklahoma City Junior College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training