Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Conference (JSIK Conference)*
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The two days Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Conference (JSIK Conference; Japanese: 日本情報知識学会大会), until 2005 the one day Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Research Report Meeting, is the annual research report and general assembly meeting of the Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK).
Since 2013 with General Track and Student Track.
Associated award ceremonies:
- Student Encouragement Award Ceremony (since 2013, except 2015)
- Best Paper Awards Ceremony & Commemorative Lecture (since 2005)
- Permanent Member Awards Ceremony (since 2012)
Conference History:
32nd JSIK Conference 2024, May 25-26, 2024, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Quantitative analysis of user access graphs from CiNii logs
Attempt to expand overseas users by utilizing machine translation of academic information search service CiNii
Fact-finding report on the posting of papers and evidence data in institutional repositories
Current status and challenges of chatbot usage on Japanese town websites
How to support regional design using AR and VR
Database and Measurement of Imperially Selected Waka Anthologies
Current status and challenges of digital release of former colonial textbooks
Building a digital archive “AMANE Archives” in collaboration with the local community
Towards the realization of a shared platform for the inheritance of regional data
Analysis of the relationship between press releases and news reports – Comparative study of press releases sent directly from universities and newspaper databases
Verification of the generation process of new scientific knowledge based on structural hole theory
Student Track Presentations: Student Encouragement Award
Data Model Development for the Evolution of Ancient Book Editions with Linked Open Data ― Shishuo Xinyu as an Example
Survey on the status of information disclosure regarding zoo/aquarium programs for schools
Proposal of expression methods that encourage citizen inspiration and co-creation in digital archiving of local historical statistical materials
31st JSIK Conference 2023, May 20-21, 2023, Ishikawa Prefectural Library, Kanazawa (Kodatsuno), Japan / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: New Roles and Prospects of Local Libraries for the Future: Aiming for the succession of regional history and culture by various leaders
- General Track Presentations:
Analysis of Changes in Students’ Awareness for Smooth Introduction of Data Science Education at Private Humanities Universities
Current Status and Future of Kanazawa University Academic Data Management System
A class where students showed historical buildings with AR and VR
Analysis of Factors in the Advancement of Opening Local Government Public Relations Magazines as Regional Materials
Awareness of school clerical staff regarding disaster prevention -Through the practice of Crossroads-
Curation in Language Resource Digital Archives: A Case Study of “National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics Digital Archive NINDA”
Analysis of external lending and internal use in school libraries
Building a crowdsourcing system for collecting information on folk implements
Considerations and trials for the realization of a “robust” digital archive of academic materials
Philosophy of digital archives in museums
Arrangement of Issues for Construction of “Regional Archives Studies”
Diversity of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Project Results Based on Metadata Analysis
Toward development of NII RDC application profile using ontology technology
Visualization of Viewing Time Series of Video Content and Generation
Formulation of Web Accessibility Policy and Publication of Annual Test Results in Japanese Cities
Establishment of survey methods for measuring the disclosure status of the basis data of papers
Quantitative research on the relationship between academic marketing and academic research – Focusing on newspaper reports and press releases related to functional food notification information
Preliminary Survey of Demand for Indicators Provided to Dashboards for Institutions in Japan
Student Track Presentations: Student Encouragement Award
Statistical Analysis of Positive and Negative Personality Words of Animated Characters
An Attempt to Recommend LOD Link Candidates Using Literal Similarity
Efforts to inherit Born-Digital Regional Materials (BDRM)
Planning Symposium, May 20
Theme: New Roles and Prospects of Local Libraries for the Future – Aiming for the succession of regional history and culture by various leaders
Overview of Ishikawa Prefectural Library and Inheritance of Regional History and CultureCase Reports:
Collection, sharing and utilization of local resources at the Ishikawa Prefectural Library
The Road to the Future
Usage of Local Materials and the Role of Libraries – Case Study of Osaka Municipal Library
Design Strategy for Local Materials – Craft Patterns Product development example of utilizationPanel Discussions (1)
30th JSIK Conference 2022, May 28-29, 2022, Virtual venue
- General Track Presentations:
From a questionnaire survey on the digitization and openness of local government public relations magazines as regional materials
Formulation of web accessibility policy in local governments and disclosure of annual test results
Attempts to extract variables in mathematical formulas and their meanings in documents
Basic research for sharing “Koji Ruien” and analysis of modern classical studies
Student VR Museum with paintings created with AI color composition
Comparative analysis of overseas academic information infrastructure dashboards
Evaluation and feature analysis based on comparison of screen functions of academic information retrieval services in Japan and overseas
Examination of visualization method of learning results based on curriculum map
Quantitative research on the relationship between academic marketing and academic research-Case study on the scientific basis of functional food notification information-
Proposal of a hierarchical description method for story structure
Basic consideration for visually impaired people to enjoy video games: Through practice using retro games
Quantitative analysis of open access citation advantage
Student Track Presentations:
Development of a method for identifying a series of programs in Japanese TV broadcasting
Similar music presentation method to support music search
Analysis of story structure for automatic generation system of “Tokimeki” in romance games for women
Comparison of story structures of ghost stories in different media
Construction of an online judge system to support programming learning
Comparative analysis of the characteristics of derivative works with different original works
Rhetoric classification and quantitative analysis used in essays with different themes
29th JSIK Conference 2021, May 22-23, 2021, Virtual venue
- General Track Presentations:
Attempt to automatically extract academic articles in newspapers-using machine learning models
Relationship analysis of failure risk factors for SME projects focusing on co-occurrence
Classification of self-proclaimed words and symmetric words in narrative conversations
Text analysis of the contents of the medical information provision form at the time of patient referral
Analysis of attractive elements of female characters in mobile games
Linking with NDC-LD for exploration based on manga content
Impact of new coronavirus infection on Japanese research activities
Relationship between enforcement of the Basic Law for Promotion of Public-Private Data Utilization and Promotion of Open Data in Local Governments
Exploratory research on Twitter usage trends in COVID-19
A proposal to promote the digitization and openness of regional materials-From the case of Kanagawa Prefecture-
Practice of lessons using AI learning system on Web system
A Study on Presenting Source Code for Programming Learning by Typing
Digitization of notebooks in classes for students with
low vision
Is mutual cooperation between specialized databases possible? Asking the significance of the existence of specialized databases
Student Track Presentations:
For the realization of early resolution urging the information analysis system of fire, study of the technique for classifying the speech content for each position of the remarks
Narration Adder: Development of automatic narration addition system
Extraction of stylistic features in romance novels using factor analysis
Research on danger diagnosis system using image recognition AI
Stylistic classification and estimation of story conversation sentences based on function words
Examination of emotion dictionary for multilingual analysis
Narrative feature analysis for derivative works
Research on quantitative analysis approach to promote the number of female employees
Structural comparison of mythological stories and modern stories based on myths
Study on otaku’s consciousness and attitude toward ” promotion ” using PAC analysis
Proposal of story structure and story content analysis method for role-playing games focusing on quest structure
Browsing history presentation method for the purpose of retrospective support of information gathering behavior
Analysis of the sentence structure of diary sentences using N-gram
Estimating Query Satisfaction Considering Time Series
Classification and quantitative analysis of rhetoric used in essays
28th JSIK Conference 2020, May 23-24, 2020, Tsukuba Gakuin University, Tsukuba, Japan Virtual venue
Note: The conference was planned to take place in Hakodate City
General Track Presentations:
Progress of digitization and openness of regional materials such as the history of local governments-From the case of a city designated by Kanagawa Prefecture Ordinance
Relationship between prefectural public-private data utilization promotion plan formulation and information disclosure system
Examination and implementation of restricted disclosure function in general-purpose data repository
Hakodate City History: Multifaceted Study on Digital Data of Statistical Historical Materials
Public Relations Function in Promotion of Open Science
Introduction and effects of new information technology education methods in Bangladesh
Risk analysis for avoiding failure of SME projects
Quantitative analysis of postwar prime ministers’ policy speeches and statement of belief
Analysis of scene dependencies in mystery novels using network analysis
Toward the automatic generation of stories with a complex structure
Student Track Presentations:
Support for reviewing information gathering behavior using Web page browsing history
Tag management system for cross-searching data repositories
Research on predicate suggestions using clusters of item names for RDF conversion of open data
Improving information access through a web-based application: The case of Botswana Television
Development of selective problem generation support system for information processing subjects
Story analysis focusing on the quest structure in role-playing game scenarios
Extraction of the relationship between the emotional state of characters and BGM in the story scene
Extraction of story features for structuring hero mythology
Extraction of comedy and tragedy using
Emotion extraction of characters in the story based on the emotion word dictionary
Extraction of stylistic features of diary sentences
27th JSIK Conference 2019, May 25-26, 2019, Tsukuba Gakuin University, Tsukuba, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Construction and analysis of the
Quantitative analysis of rhythm jumping of Japanese folk songs using nPVI
Analysis of the relationship between press releases and newspaper reports – Analysis of external factors
Study on the possibility of cooperation between open data using predicate vectors
Analysis of Brand Strategy in Library Management
Consideration on organizational model of research data management support in academic institutions
Analysis of subject heading methods to support the selection of science picture books for science classes
Hay fever and other knowledge medicine and biology related allergic diseases using RDF data and Semantic Web technologies to provide the general public information resources over the current situation and problems over
Automatic generation of baseball war criticism using WPA
Multilingual historic site guidance system using AR
Student Track Presentations:
Of Filipino Workers Perspectives On The Usage Of A Personal Mental Health Dashboard: A Qualitative Analysis Of User Reviews
(quantitative analysis by the user of the personal mental health app use – Philippines in the Philippines)
Automatic generation of image captions using hint words
Community for Enhancing Online Women Participation in Politics and Decision Making: Case Study Tanzania
Book Recommender System Using Linked Data for Improving Serendipity
26th JSIK Conference 2018, May 26-27, 2018, Toppan Printing Museum & Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan
(30th Anniversary Meeting of Japan Information Knowledge Society)
- Commemorative Lectures:
Transforming Academic Horizons and Humanities – Significance of Digitization of Knowledge
Providing Research Infrastructure and Reading Comprehension in Digital Archives-Current and Future Services in SAT Okura Kei DB
General Track Presentations:
Quantitative analysis of Taiwan Governor’s Office document list
Quantitative approach in the late Chokusen Wakashū
What you can see from the “Kojien” database
Comparison of Schumann and Debussy’s “childishness” using linear discriminant analysis
Prototype and evaluation of literature search system based on OPAC usage logs
Analysis of the relationship between press releases and original papers and orthometrics indicators – Impact on analysis of overheated reports
Proposal of recommendation method for open data predicates using statistical processing
Attempt to apply crowdsourcing to links between LOD datasets
Disclosure and distribution of policy information appearing in local government policy information magazine
Student Track Presentations:
Nihon University College of Economics graduate DB
Portable License Plate Recognition System on Android devices: Case study-Law enforcement in Tanzania
Sports Fan Management Research Center
Citation behavior in philosophical research
Proposal of TEI markup method for full text of Tang poetry work
Survey analysis to clarify the cause of young people leaving rice
Provision of Agriculture related information to rural farmers in Nigeria using ICT
Consumer characteristic analysis using x-means clustering and principal component analysis
Providing Transparency & Streamline the Procurement Process through the e-Procurement Management System
Development of sales channels for agricultural products through collaboration with agricultural and commercial ICT
25th JSIK Conference 2017, May 27 – 28, 2017, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
(Host: Center for License and Qualification, Doshisha University)
- General Track Presentations:
What is the modern cross? – Reason why God gave sovereignty to humankind
Preliminary survey of bibliobattle event recommendation methods to support group reading
A Study on Economic Games Using Crowdsourcing: Focusing on Communication Structure
Discrimination by metric analysis and machine learning in Wakashu
Expansion of open data initiatives seen in the penetration of “My Public Relations Paper”
Whistleblowing at work: Can ICT encourage whistleblowing? (Criminal accusation in the workplace- Can ICT promote fraudulent accusation)
Presentation support system using pointer contact detection
Attempt to model a world heritage site in 3D from satellite photographs
Research on RDF conversion in open data
Quantitative research in media coverage of academic research
Analysis of the relationship between press releases and original papers and orthometrics
Attempt to automatically generate full-text search service
Student Track Presentations:
Construction of e-learning system for information processing education
Effect of comparison items between e-books and paper on purchase decisions-From the relationship between comparison items and preferences presented
Consideration on introduction of telework in Japanese companies
Proposal of music audition system by short-range communication
Development of SNS to introduce your favorite things
24th JSIK Conference 2016, May 14-15, 2016, Tsukuba University, Tsukuba, Japan
(Host: Graduate School of Information Media, University of Tsukuba)
- General Track Presentations:
Systematic review of non-hierarchical clustering indicators
How to verify the work of Jesus Christ by the crucifixion-Understanding individual events in the flow of history
Proposal of a method for expanding science and technology terms from abstract data using distributed expressions of words
How humans develop their ability to flexibly adapt to severe changes in the environment
Examination of the factor validity of the Student Engagement Scale for Japanese university students
Advocacy of World Japanese Studies
Detailed analysis of academic research press releases and original papers
Attempt of text mining in medieval classical literature
Exploratory study on multidimensional university evaluation methods
Possibility of text classification by “radical”
Estimating the penetration process of administrative applications based on the registrant information of “Chiba Repo” converted into open data
Japanese university students’ credibility recognition for Wikipedia, actual usage in learning and factors that influence them
Quantitative analysis of changes in tone in newspapers before and after the earthquake: Focusing on energy issues
Student Track Presentations:
Comparison items for purchasing e-books and paper books
Information search support through dialogue focusing on metacognition and emotions
Database usage guidance and actual survey of usage education in university libraries
Research on Gini coefficient model based on the number of public facilities
Creation of support script for analysis of cognitive diagnosis model-Development of automatic generation function of Mplus analysis code using R
Examination of personalized elements of subtitle design in videos
Research on how to measure the effect of media mix
Joint Planning Session: Latest Trends in Information Practice Research
(w. Information Procession Society Japan (IPSJ) SIG Computers and the Humanities)
Lectures: From Information Behavior to Information Practice; Lifelog Test Collection; Fact-finding Survey of User Behavior in Libraries Using Beacon Technology
Poster Session (General Track; Humanities and Computers Workshop)
23rd JSIK Conference 2015, May 23-24, 2015, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Survey of changes in the number of presentations using science and technology literature data
Quantitative research in media coverage of academic research-Relationship between press releases, original papers, and newspaper coverage
Changes in access methods to “news information” and future electronic newspapers
Basic problems related to publishing statistics
Analysis of part of speech of words used by unreaders and existing readers in their impressions of novels
Preliminary analysis of DOI links in Japanese version of Wikipedia
Automatic collection method of Linked Data repository using similarity as a Web page
Attempt to analyze questions about manga that you remember
Research on the effects of university educational programs-for medical schools
A Study on Simulation of Estimating Required Working Hours for Nurses
Disaster notification system for developing countries using short message service
A Study on Happiness / Selfishness and Awareness of Nature
Bible as a training of righteousness-About the verifiability of the
22nd JSIK Conference 2014, May 24-25, 2014, Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan
(Host: Faculty of Systems Engineering, Wakayama University)
- General Track Presentations:
Prototype of subject / classification management system based on FRBR: Textbook classification as an example
Programming education in information departments of different school types
Search for educational activity indicators based on university portrait data
Scientific data fusion display tool for expertise
Efforts to formalize process improvement knowledge
Construction of a drawing system to support ideas
Typology of how to use the whiteboard on the entire wall
A form of complementarity model-what the equation with the golden number as a solution means-
How to develop the ability to flexibly adapt to severe changes in the environment
A Study on Loss and Cooperative Behavior: An Experimental Approach with Catastrophe Games in Performance Compensation Conditions
Utilization and licensing of local characters
Introducing ComeJisyo and investigating typographical errors in medical information
Technical issues in promoting open data as seen in the open data demonstration experiment of the local government public relations paper
Quantitative research in media coverage of academic research-press releases and comparison of two different national newspapers
Bilingual selection method for academic terms using LDA
Central Concepts of Speech in the Magazine “Taiyo” and Their Relationships-Quantitative Analysis of Modern Written Language
Quantitative analysis of cultural property rescue activity records after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Granble extraction from microblogging messages
Student Track Presentations:
Disambiguation for cross-linguistic entity linking
Development of bipolar waveform extraction algorithm from lunar peripheral electric field waveform data using task scheduler Pwrake for distributed processing
Attempt to classify articles on the Web regarding disaster prevention and mitigation
Evaluation of a literature search game for the purpose of exploratory learning in the library
21st JSIK Conference 2013, May 25-26, 2013, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Integrated information system with geographic information generated during the tsunami reconstruction process in Aceh, Indonesia and its application
Q & A type knowledge extraction for dialogue messages in miniblogs
“Practical knowledge” acquisition system by GMAIS conceptual model
Construct a dynamic model of information processing in the brain
The demands of the times seen from the flow of totalitarianism-knowing from the comparison of the history of totalitarianism
Efforts for the development of disaster prevention simulation teaching materials
Japanese castle on a map along the time axis expressed on the Web
Practical report on the use of LMS (Moodle) outside of class
Can the National Center Test for University Admissions be solved only by the positive expression density of the textbook?
Wikipedia Educational Experience
Method and verification of course grades using course history
History and current status of “Children’s Newspaper”
Current status and issues regarding digitization of local assembly minutes
Quantitative research in media coverage of academic research-Relationship between press releases and newspaper coverage-
Promotion of knowledge acquisition by digital native generation college students through Web information search behavior
Examination of Lightweight Information Describing Object (LIDO) in academic resource repository
Construction of academic resource repository aiming at accumulation and sharing of regional academic materials
Designing Linked Open Data for context sharing in public debate
Examining data structures for story plot databases
Student Track Presentations:
Efforts toward the development of teaching materials for mathematics and science
Development of electronic teaching materials for exploratory learning in libraries
Enhancements to support learners and teachers in LMS environments
Prototype of inventory system based on FRBR model with loosely coupled configuration
Behavioral characteristics survey of Web information retrieval considering user type and browsing time
Quantitative study of Japan-related coverage in Russian newspapers
Consideration of construction examples of thesaurus for dynamic video and its applicability
Usage status of PC automatic rental lockers installed in the library
Practical Report on Information Education Support-Student Support at Learning Commons, Ochanomizu University Library-
Fact-finding survey on library usage behavior of high school students targeting multiple library types
Symposium on “Tohoku earthquake and cadastral information” (Keynotes / Invited Talks)
Land and House Surveyor and Cadastral Information
Importance of cadastral information in reconstruction after the Great Tohoku Earthquake
Discovery of knowledge from cadastral information big data
Toward the Structure of Cadastral Information-A Consideration from the Approach by Ontology Engineering and Linked Open Data
Construction of a dictionary of technical terms related to cadastral information
Memory and Countermeasures for” Disasters “in Okinawa’s Modern Land Register and Cadastral Map
20th JSIK Conference 2012, May 20 – 21, 2012, Tsukuba University, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
The actual situation of note-taking in class.
An automatic timetable creation system based on field-appropriate values.
Comparison of book typesetting layouts.
Status of institutional repositories of articles published in Japanese academic societies.
Current status and issues of archiving local government public relations papers.
Aiming to realize a non-literary material repository across disciplines and organizations.
Twitter usage trends after the Great East Japan Earthquake-Quantitative analysis of earthquake-related hashtags-.
Long-selling information discovery system using time information
What the era of control means – From machine control to human cognitive control and behavioral control-.
Attempt of SQL-NoSQL automatic conversion
Bibliographic analysis of social science research on nuclear energy technology.
Quantitative research in media coverage of academic research.
Discovery of emerging papers in weighted citation network analysis.
Verification of the relationship between cultural knowledge and experience transfer found in the linguistic representation of Japanese poetry
Construction of gene ontology related to lifestyle-related diseases.
19th JSIK Conference 2011, May 28 – 29, 2011, Kagawa University (Karimachi Campus), Takamatsu, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Overlapping rate between education and research treatise index and CiNii
Development of a discovery interface that combines a classification system and location information-Aiming for structural understanding of search results-
Changes in the user’s knowledge structure before and after information retrieval: Analysis using a concept map
Social picture book recommendation system focusing on children’s questions
Student usage trends of Japanese Wikipedia
Characteristics of external links from the Japanese version of Wikipedia and the occurrence of broken links
Examination of multifaceted evaluation method of questions in community QA
Judgment of good quality answers of community QA by multiple judges
Display system of wild bird distribution and related information in Hokkaido using Google Maps API
Automatic creation of timetables by difficulty level using course history
Construction of full-text search engine selection support system
Trends in “overseas outflow rate” of Japanese papers by quantitative analysis and “internationalization” of academic societies and their problems: What is the self-sufficiency rate in academic research?
Consideration of university evaluation index based on Kakenhi data-Focusing on sharer information
Extraction of major treatises by PageRank algorithm considering the variance value of cited treatises as weighting
Integration and application of material risk information Optimal selection of heat-resistant materials applying Web information
Utilization of failure knowledge in the R & D process at public research institutes (CANCELLED)
Hypothesis and verification regarding the background and interpretation of the hiyari hat phenomenon
E-books in public libraries
Survey and verification of regional video archives on the Web: Focusing on the sustainability of digital archives
About application of general-purpose typesetting format to academic paper metadata
Innovation policy and information knowledge
Lessons from avoiding confusion in social change-Comparison between the Meiji Restoration and the French Revolution-
Survey of trends in priority areas of the basic plan by keyword analysis
Quantitative comparison of what is described in criticisms of movies and plays
Time-series analysis of parallel-style novels based on the dependency relationship between characters and actions
Presentation of similar novels using Kansei parameters
Commemorative Symposium: Accumulation of knowledge in Shikoku
What is the e-Knowledge Consortium Shikoku (eK4)?
What is Shikoku Studies?
Authentication platform that supports eK4
Panel session “Present and Future of eK4” (eK4 Planning Committee)
18th JSIK Conference 2010, May 15-16, 2010, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
(Host: Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo)
- Session: Evaluation and Selection
Analysis of differences between online book reviews and conventional book reviews
Analysis of best answer estimation on Q & A site and its application to machine learning
Analysis of homepage using Wayback Machine of Internet Archive
Session: Information Knowledge and Human / Society
Environmental / Social / Economic Trilemma Relaxation Theory
General structure of social change
To enhance the ability of human beings to live positively
Session: Humanities, Information and Knowledge
Extraction of background characteristics of criticism by quantitative analysis of literary criticism
Shinichi Hoshi Short Short Literature Story Pattern Extraction
Kansei characteristics of composers in music critiques
Haruki Murakami’s vocabulary composition and historical transition by quantitative analysis
Session: Bibliography
Proposal of “IDV: Impact Deviation Value”, a normalized impact factor for performance evaluation
Changes in Japanese industry-academia co-authorship due to internationalization of academics
Survey of trends in environment-related research by keyword analysis
Session: Information / Knowledge and Structuring
Guidelines for selecting heat-resistant materials using resource supply information
Early discovery of commercializable technological elements from a bird’s-eye view of academics and patents
Structure of international joint research in next-generation batteries
Curriculum feature extraction and timetable summary generation
Development of knowledge structure map for legal information based on social needs
Session: Database
Joint editing platform for expanding authority information
Attempt to make the Seikyo bibliographic full-text search system stand-alone
Consideration on modeling of literary research system based on EUC / EUD
Comparative study on MLA description rules
Research on festival database model
Commemorative Symposium: Science and Technology Commons and Challenges of Information and Knowledge Science
Toward the Construction of Science and Technology Commons
Science and Technology Commons and Information” Expectations for Knowledge Science
Science and Technology Commons and Open Access
Construction and Challenges of Integrated Database in Life Science
Development and Challenges of Database Common Platform in Materials Science
Knowledge Expression for Commons Construction and Utilization
Legal Issues Related To Commons
Panel Discussion
17th JSIK Conference 2009, May 16, 2009, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Construction of personal name authority information using topic maps
Application of Web API in the field of biology
Current status of digital archives in domestic university libraries
Construction of biometa database and its application
Sharing of business information in museums and the possibility of IML (Inter-Museum Loan) system
Algorithm to identify related genes specific to individual diseases
Development of maxim citation system using natural language processing
Development of distributed thermophysical characteristics database with integrated system
Changes in sentence length in children’s books
Design and utilization of material risk index database
Toward the Quantification of Text Criticism-Quantitative Analysis of Book Reviews
Analysis of trends in disparities between universities in Japan based on the number of papers and citations
Structural analysis of Haruki Murakami’s early trilogy
Extraction of interdisciplinary treatises using network indicators
Extraction of characteristic vocabulary and concept categories of literary works-Shinichi Hoshi Short-short quantitative analysis
Analysis of Web Information on Industry-Academia Collaboration-Case Studies of University Sites
Transition of Conceptual Structure in Music Critics-Extraction of Music Concept Using Network Centrality
Analysis procedure from papers Analysis of changes over time in analysis technology that can be understood from comprehensive extraction of knowledge
State of mind and linguistic characteristics: Analysis of product introductions on blogs
Prediction of co-authorship relationships using collaborative filtering
Optimization of automatic setting of Kansei parameters for books using words in book reviews
Complete rationality and bounded rationality
Visualization method of SQL statement using thought development diagram
Various aspects of the information process
Analysis of line-of-sight information on search engine search result page
16th JSIK Meeting 2008, May 23-24, 2008, Printing museum / Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
(20th Anniversary Meeting of Japan Information Knowledge Society)
- General Track Presentations:
Classification of explanations as knowledge representation-Examination from Japanese dictionaries and biology textbooks
Keyword detection method in classical bibliographic information
Current status of historical personal names and organizational information in digital networks and their utilization models
Outline explanation of the Printing Museum ・ Visit and lunch
Collaborative filtering for recommendation of collaborative research
Possibility of applying analysis visualization technology to vibriometrics
Analysis of patterns posted from overseas in domestic magazines
Visualization of cooperation systems and trends of research organizations in Japanese journals and
Simulation of allocation of grants and subsidies by university based on the “citation power” of papers in the ISI database
Exploring the structuring of knowledge
Automatic setting of Kansei parameters for books using book reviews
Trends in using digital libraries in access logs
Dictionary reading system focusing on word relevance
Construction of ontology of artificial objects and application to extraction of causal relationships from academic treatises
Preliminary analysis of line-of-sight data in Web information retrieval
Analysis of the hierarchical structure of research front and academics based on modularity
Problems in XML format of mathematical formulas for numerical data analysis in the material field
Development of integrated search system for patented technical information and science and technology literature information
20th Anniversary Lecture “World of Information and Knowledge”
Printing Culture and Information Knowledge
Data and Information Knowledg
How to relate to information and knowledge-the future of information knowledge science
15th JSIK Meeting 2007, May 25-26, 2007, National Literature Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
- General Track Presentations:
Automatic assignment of NDC to reference data
A scale that captures the closeness between citations in a cited article
Construction of a bibliographic search system for educational library materials using SRU / SRW
Research area focusing on the relationship between the author and keywords Prototype of browsing system
Lattice structuring and abduction
Historical research on music copyright-Focusing on France from the revolutionary period to the 19th century
Utilization of dictionaries in analysis and visualization of science and technology literature
Search support system using user’s Web browsing history
Extraction of domain knowledge from classical book description
Database system to support humanities research-Sacred search and genealogy displa
Survey on the effect of research grants funded by Kakenhi
Trend survey of genome and nanotechnology related research in Kakenhi by keyword analysis
Analysis of the number of science and technology magazines published in Japan
Construction of cultural resource ontology and its utilization
About the concept of hierarchical relationships in terminology theory
Symposium “Information systems in the Web 2.0 era” (Panel)
14th JSIK Meeting 2006, May 26-27, 2006, Kinki University (Law School), Higashiōsaka, Japan
- Session: Stylometry
Adopted by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Database and pattern analysis of research results
Research linkage between Japanese universities and companies: Comparison between NCR-J and CJP database
Methods and problems for creating “university rankings” based on the number of published papers and the number of citations in the ISI database
Session: Information organization
Hierarchical relationships in classification methods and their analysis methods
Automatic weighting change based on optimal solution assignment
Digital content composition method to generate new context
Utilization of large-scale terminology dictionary in science and technology literature search system
Examination of application of museum material information structuring model
Information processing and problem solving in the brain
Session: Information Retrieval
Characteristics of WWW information search behavior aimed at problem solving.
Quantitative evaluation method of interest based on user’s search request
Construction of a search and browsing system for “Hosei Economic and Social Treatises” on the Web
Session: Case study
Trial of remote health management system using the Internet
Keystroke dynamics by text input
Consideration of architecture and documents (tentative title)
Session: History
A viewpoint as a criterion indicated by history.
Kumamoto Prefectural Doctor’s School Chosen Medical education and textbooks used in the 6th year of the Meiji era (35 cases)
13th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2005, May 28, 2005, National Literature Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Information resource sharing in the field of cultural science research
Struggle to build a “historical person image database”
Construction of a database system for viewing Buddhist text images
Construction of ontology and its role in digital archiving of building materials
Data description format of electronic search means by EAD-From some EAD best practice guidelines-
Applicability of METS in building a digital library of Yasaka Takagi donated paperback
Proposal of resource sharing system based on user requirements analysis
Examination of linking system considering meaning
Barrier-free communication system using printed matter 2nd report-Dissemination status of 2D symbols and contents with SP code
Language-independent junk e-mail sorting method
Classification of novels using Kansei keywords in book reviews
Toward the realization of genomic medicine: Knowledge information system that should support the logic and ethics of genomic medicine
Bridging between clinical medicine and basic medicine: Examination of knowledge integration and expression by e-pathfinder
Proposal of clinical protocol knowledge representation in translational research
Analysis of lost or altered web pages
Adoption pattern analysis using the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research database
Analysis of the current state of industry-academia collaboration from the perspective of co-authorship of Japanese papers
12th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2004, May 22, 2004, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Attempt of new barrier-free communication system by printed matter
Academic data database and intellectual Property rights Takashi Nagatsuka (G-Search)
Transition mapping of informatics field due to change of Kakenhi field
Mutual use of material information in a common data description format
Application of OAI-PMH in information resource sharing and its potential
Support system for utilizing material information Development / Research
Extraction of medical term hierarchy from patent literature
Usefulness of dictionary in searching data including technical words
Hierarchy of virtual three-dimensional display of the execution time for knowledge structure having a measurement
XML description of archaeological information case study on application
Verification of Small-World structure in information system users
Construction of remote nursing content in Hanazono Village
International Joint Research Project for Japanese Literature Interim Research Report
Invited Lectures:
Trends in e-learning research aimed at improving the quality of education
Co-located events:
JSIK General meeting
11th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2003, May 10, 2003, Academic Center, Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
A Questionnaire Survey on Research fields of Information Science in Japanese Universities
Measuring the Relationship among Japanese Academic Societies with the Cross Citations Found in Their Papers, and Its Practicability
Various Problems on transcription of the Japanese Classical Literature Database
Approach to Problems of Developing a Browsing System of Multilingual Metadata
Searching System of Researcher Information for Business-Academia Collaboration
Extraction of Relationships of Cause and Effect in Patent Documents
The introduction for the method of “Studying a Title”
Improvements on Automatic Extraction of Hierarchical Relationships
Charm Analysis Support System for “Dao-fa Hui-yuan” Research
A Theory and a Computer Tool for Quick Understanding of an Economic Article
Data System for Material Design – Application for Inverse Problem
Improvement of Sequence Alignment Based on Mutual Entropy
Problems and remedies for annotations related to tRNA genes in DNA databases
Invited Lectures:
Situations of intellectual properties related on structure and function of proteins
10th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2002, May 18, 2002, Academic Center, Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Does the database affect research? -National Institute of Japanese Literature “Japanese Classical Literature Text Database” User Survey
Collective Description on Metadata for SAGA-HAN KANJOSHO OMEYASU (The Financial Annual Reports on the Accounting Section in SAGA-HAN 1725~1857)
A New Method for the Digital Organization of Ancient Document Research Data-the Sutra Collection of Kongouji Temple
Database System for Japanese Buddhists in Heian and Kamakura Periods
The Situation of Online Contents in Distribution
Automatic Extraction of Hierarchical relationships among Technical Terms by SS-KWEIC
Editing Function in Graphical Visualization for Lexical Knowledge Base
Experimental Construcion of Amino acid Sequence Databases
Construction of Biological Knowledge System
The Organization and Circulation System for Japanese Literary Research based on International Collaboration
Information sharing system which handles various types of documents and records
Towards a full-fledged digital archives: Experiments at the Japan Center for Asian Historical Records
Invited Lectures:
A method for Extraction of Similar Words from Japanese Compound Nouns based on Bipartite Graph
On the Usage of Incremental Databases in the Archeological Research
9th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2001, May 19, 2001, Academic Center, Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Evaluation method of kanji dictionary using frequency information-Toward knowledge-based kanji input
Search system that supports kanji variant notation
Automatic bilingual extraction based on US-Japan patent data
XML presentation and search
Z39.50 database selection support environment by information sharing
Thinking about Z39.50 from the user’s point of view
Current status and problems of digital archives
Construction of an electronic mall system that gathers peers
Content distribution challenges in commercial publishing
Information Knowledge Thought 3
Extraction of semantic relationships between terms using specific syntax
Structure of concept by extracting semantic relations
Information retrieval system based on structured knowledge
Automatic estimation of semantic information in XML sentences
Interdisciplinary analysis by keyword extraction from researcher directory database
Proposal of conflict analysis method in net news
Document management that supports “knowledge emergence”
8th JSIK Research Report Meeting 2000, May 27, 2000, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Information science researchers in Japan and their research fields
Analysis of trends in citation of papers in each academic field in Japan
Information Knowledge Thoughts
Extraction of hierarchies and relationships between terms in consideration of exception handling
A new consideration of Wuster’s “four-domain concept / term model” -as a model of body of knowledge and creation based on ontology
Basic research on information modeling of multidisciplinary materials
Think about information national literature
Application of XML to biological information management
Search management technology for large numbers of 2D images
Problem group database concept and development concep
Performance comparison of statistical search method for Japanese text-Demonstration by test collection
Building a metadata browsing system
J-STAGE: “Science and Technology Information Dissemination and Distribution System-Electronic Journal Creation and Internet Distributio
Electronic publishing of full-text database of multilingual chemistry papers based on XML
The impact of the Internet on commercial publishing
Commercial use of academic information
7th JSIK Research Report Meeting 1999, May 22, 1999, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Non-subject features of literature and their significance in information retrieval
End of search in information retrieval
Document retrieval system using text mining
Trends in Digital Content Services and Informatics
Attempt to measure “softness” of knowledge and its significance
RIKEN Brain Science Center Initiatives for Neuroinformatics
Information Knowledge Draft-Drafting / Certificate-Why? & Then!
Multilingual full-text search system for tagged documents
Range IX construction and application infrastructure technology research
Browsing Tool for term data with a hierarchical structure
Construction of glass material database using JAVA language
Structure and use of numerical geological maps of the Geological Survey of Japan
Art term thesaurus: focusing on compound nouns
A Study on Web Page Importance Factors
Knowledge extraction from metal material papers
Visualization model of conceptual relationships in 3D virtual space
Extraction of semantic relationships between terms
6th JSIK Research Report Meeting 1998, May 23, 1998, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Language and non-language in professional communication
Theory of terminology as language planning theory
Problems of goodness-of-fit search based on word appearance frequency information
Japanese bibliographic data information retrieval system using Z39.50 protocol
Electronic Record Management and Metadata Description: Criteria for International Archives Standardization Standards
Distributed Materials Database on the Internet: Recent Activities on the Data Freeway
Knowledge extraction from alloy research theory texts
Creating orienteering educational games using VRML and JAVA
Multilingual full-text database construction system accessible from WWW browser
Types of organizational members in the information society
Consideration on information distribution for efficient operation of information disclosure system
New intellectual property rights to databases and their impact on the development of science
5th JSIK Research Report Meeting 1997, May 24, 1997, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
Production and distribution of information that changes in the Internet environment
Development of electronic internal medicine textbooks aiming for dynamic integration with medical knowledge on the Internet
Current status and problems of push technology on the Internet
Research on standardization of administrative information
Editing and printing of academic journals by SGML and simultaneous creation of full-text database-Case of “Information Management” magazine
Attempt of pathway design by gene algorithm
Creation of gene arrangement sequence database and application to evolution of plastid genome
Attempt to form a genealogy information database using the original classic books
Meaning of words by negative definition-using ancient Indian linguistic theory
A Study of the Organizational Editing Function of the Society-From the Case of Optical Fiber Communication Technology Development
Remote research cooperation experiment using wideband network
Utilization of broadband networks in post-genome biology
Utilization of wideband network by remote experiment in the material field
Attempt to extend thematic bibliography by applying citation relationships-based on IBSS and SSCI
Development of medical literature database as Quality Filter
International Comparison of Research Levels Using Correspondence Analysis-Trial of Data Internal Structure Precipitation Using Correspondence Analysis Method
Multimedia application to educational driving simulators and future challenges
Utility of visual simulation and future issues
4th JSIK Research Report Meeting 1996, May 25, 1996, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
From Scientific visualization to Information visualization
Information visualization with AVS / Express
Information structure model for understanding meaning and its application
Communication of information seen in Renga vocabulary: Universal and individual, three states of writing, image, and fact
About the utility of visualization in information knowledge and its application to new industries
About corporate image and multimedia
Attempt of keyword estimation by comparing multiple treatises
Creating and evaluating search questions using multiple words
Miura Baien’s main work “Gengo” in electronic text-Understanding the hypertext of the Edo period
A new stage in the Husserl database-adding data and opening a homepage
Semi-automatic generation of menus and recipes using a cooking database
Special Lecture Towards a 21st Century Advanced Information Society
3rd JSIK Research Report Meeting 1995, May 27, 1995, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
“Meanings” and “Concepts” in the Study of Terms
The Model to construct a Conceptual Structure
Developing an English Thesaurus Database System with Evolving Semantics of Words
An Automatic Synonym Extraction System and Its Evaluation
Extracting Elementary Terms from Dictionaries
Dialogue realized between Japanese and 5 languages by the exemplar sentence searching method
International Comparison of Production of Social Sciences Literature
New Style of Disclosure of Japanese Governmental Statistics
Recognition of Printed Tibetan Characters by Object Oriented Designing
Image Understanding System for Printed Chemical Structures
The Extraction of Semantic Relationships and Structuralization of information for Nonlinear Optical Material Design
Project: Hypermedia Corpus and Its Application
The implementation of WWW server on WDCM
SGML-DTD design support system for definition of a document structure
“AEsop”–A Language for Conversion and Reuse of SGML Documents
2nd JSIK Research Report Meeting 1994, May 28, 1994, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
On the Role of Levels in Concept Hierarchies in the Descriptions of Formation Patterns of Complex Terms
Extraction of Hierarchical and Associative Relationships in The Standard Technical Terms
Stractural Analysis of Japanese Medical Terms
Creating a Vocabulary Index for Genji Monogatari Taisei
Information in and about Chinese Calligraphy Texts
Classification and Identification of Yeasts
Distributed Database for Materials(Data-Free-Way system)
Information-Base Systems for Nonlinear Optical Materials
On the appreciation of the bibliographical information
A Study on Information Analysis of Historical Materials
1st JSIK Research Report Meeting 1993, May 22nd, 1993, Toppan Printing Co., Tokyo, Japan
- Presentations:
The Present Condition and Development of Database in the Field of Humanities (Data Base of Philosophy) – A Pre-introduction to Data Base
Production of the Basic System for the English Sentence Database
Preparation and Use of Image Data in CD-ROM for Studies on History and Literature
Some problems on producing Japanese Classic Persons Database
The Full-Text Database of Genji Monogatari Taisei
The Semantic Structure Model based on Analysis of Information
An Asymmetric relationship between scientific information presented as a potential fragment of ’specialized knowledge’ and its scientific text : its problems and a solution
Analysis of Structure in Social Science Fields Based on Conceptual Frameworks in a Thesaurus
Identification of Interdisciplinary Areas in Social Sciences: A Bibliometric Analysis of IBSS Database
The Method and its Application of Automatically Extracting Semantic Relationships among Concepts