The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) is among the premier scientific forums in machine learning and data mining. It builds upon a series of ECML and PKDD conferences, which have been jointly organized since 2001. 1) PhD Forum/Consortium, Paper tracks, Workshops
data mining
ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM SIGKDD KDD)*
The ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) and the Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, is organized by the Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest group on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (ACM SIGKDD). KDD is a premier interdisciplinary conference which
Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (MCCSIS)*
- Co-located: International Conference e-Learning and Digital Learning (ELDL); Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence (BigDaCI) + 8 other conferences
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)*
The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is an international conferences in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery. It provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their latest developments, new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas including data
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)*
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), successor of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS) and the International Workshop series on the Semantic Web (SemWeb), is an international forum, for the Semantic Web / Linked Data Community. ISWC is a 3 days conference with 2 days pre-conference tutorials and workshops and a