- In conjunction with ciKi – Congresso Internacional de Conhecimento e Inovação, and ICKM – International Conference on Knowledge Management
Portugal (P)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Portugal
Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA)
The Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA; Portugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual), formerly the Intellectual Capital Accreditation Association (ICAA; Protugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
KMS Lighthouse
KMS Lighthouse, part of the Aman Group, formerly BluePhoenix KMS, part of BluePhoenix Solutions, DSKnowledge (DSK) and Internative Solutions, both part of the Danshir Systems Group (1998), and Internative Solutions, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Communities of Practice Summit (CoP Summit)*
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: Cultivating Communities of Practices; Cutting-edge BEtreat
Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI)*
- Tracks: Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems