Filed in: data strategy

AI x KM (Artificial Intelligence x Knowledge Management) Forum*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The AI x KM (Artificial Intelligence x Knowledge Management) Forum, sub-titled The Next Frontier in Legal Knowledge Management, and KM / UK (Knowledge Management / United Kingdom) Forum, sub-titled Redefining Legal Knowledge Management, are organized by Inside Practice. AI x KM, held in Spring in New York, is a full-day forum designed

Data Management Track @930gov*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Data Strategy/Data Management Track @930gov, successor of the Federal Data Strategy Conference @930gov, the Knowledge, Information, and Data Management Conference @930gov, the Knowledge Management Conference @930gov, the Government Knowledge Management Conference & Expo @ 930gov, and a ‘Knowledge Management Comes of Age’ panel @930gov, represents one of the “Five Pillars of Government IT Innovation”.