New Club of Paris (NCP)
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The New Club of Paris (NCP or NCoP), formerly branded as “The Knowledge Agenda Developer” offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Franco-German Round Table on Intangibles** 1)
(Co-organizer: Chaire Européenne de Management de l’Immatériel, Université Paris-Sud; Geographisches Institut, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg; New Club of Paris e.V.)
The Franco-German Round Table on Intangibles is a research and policy initiative by two major universities in the two countries (as well in Europe) – The University Paris-Sud and Heidelberg University- who decided to join their recent and on-going research efforts, in order to: (1) Come up with conceptual instruments; (2) Provide a stimulating platform for research and action for progress among different stakeholders in France and Germany; (3) Contribute, more generally, to the large dialogue in Europe and more globally, on the role of intangibles in value creation.
- 3rd Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, November 22, 2013, Paris, France
(Host: French Ministry of Economy and Finance)- Sessions:
Intangible investment and economic growth: a comparative analysis of France and Germany; Innovation systems: Organisation and adaptation to the knowledge economy requirements; Reporting and valuing intangibles: Review of recent initiatives; Open innovation and knowledge assets; Digital platforms and business models; Intangibles of territories; Final Panel: What agenda for the future, What agenda for Europe? - 2nd Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, September 17, 2012, Heidelberg, Germany
Conference Theme: Dilemmas of the Knowledge Economy
(Host: Economic and Social Geography Group, Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg)- Intangibles: a clarifying statement and agenda
The measurement dilemma; The engineering dilemma; The incentive dilemma; The circulation dilemma; Plenary Discussion - 1st Franco-German Roundtable on Intangibles, September 26, 2011, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Creation, valuation and dissemination 2012- 2014
(Host: Ministère de l’économie, des finances et de l’industrie)- Sessions:
Intangible investment and economic growth a comparative analysis of France and Germany; Information systems and organisational capital as complementary assets; Reporting and valuing intangibles: The financial analyst perspective; Reporting and valuing intangibles (with a specific focus on SMEs); IPRs, public funding and open innovation practices; Looking at the future : Value creation in Knowledge markets, networks and communities
Other Round Tables
- Sep 2011: Transformation into Innovative and Knowledge Society: Perspectives of the EU’s Danube Strategy
(1st Climate Change, Economic Development, Environment and People Conference (CCEDEP), 14-15 Sep, Novi Sad, Serbia) - Jun 2010: Bridging the Knowledge Divide: Building the Malaysian Link (with Perdana Leadership Foundation)
- Jun 2009: The Transformation of Austria towards the Knowledge Society (with the Parliament of Austria)
- Apr 2007: The Intellectual Capital of Morocco: A Strategy for the 21st Century (with ONA Foundation)
- Nov 2006: Five Steps for Finland’s Future (with the Prime Minister of Finland)
Sponsored Conferences
- World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (since 2007)
- WCI Annual International Conference
- …
Workshops & Seminars
- Jul 2022: Potsdam: From Science City to City of Knowledge Transfer? A discussion on knowledge/science city development (Special NCP Event)
- May 2013: Regional Innovation Workshop
- Apr 2013: High Performance Team & Leadership Seminar
- Feb 2012: Humboldt Cosmos Multiversity Seminar – Working Sessions: United Nations’ vision of a “New Society Based on New Economic Models”; Decision making in an uncertain global context; A multi- and transdiscipilinary approach for resilient development; Conference: Maintaining creation of wealth in the knowledge economy: Escaping from the crisis of Spain and the Canary Islands in specific as peripheral regions of Europe
Annual Meetings
- Apr 2025: 20th anniversary celebration @ World Expo 2025, April 13, 2025, Osaka, Japan
- Nov 2024: NCP General Assembly
(Host: University of Catania; In conjunction with the WCI Annual International Conference)- TBD
- Sep 2023: NCP Summer Meeting, 7-8 September, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal
(Host: ISCTE – Instituto Universitario de Lisboa; In conjunction with the ECKM – 24th European Conference of Knowledge Management)- ECKM Keynotes:
Intellectual Capital as a Missed Value
Society 5.0, Knowledge and Conceptual CapabilityECKM Round tables:
Futurizing Intellectual Capital for better societyNCP Board Meeting + Invited members
NCP General AssemblyPortuguese Intellectual Capital 5.0 (NCP members only)
- Oct 2022: NCP Fall Meeting “Creating Sustainable Wealth in a Global Knowledge Economy”, 20-21 October, 2022, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: Commission for the Economy of Knowledge and Innovation, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya)Note: Draft agenda is the same as in 2020.
Round Tables:
Creating Sustainable Wealth in a Global Economy
Knowledge Based Development InstitutionsKeynotes:
Intangibles and Intellectual Capital as the Main Sources of Wealth in the 4th Industrial Revolution ContextPresentation Sessions:
Digital Disruption in the Next Decade
Ethics and Negotiation as Basis for Successful Global EntrepreneurshipNCP internal meeting
- Jun 2022: NCP Summer Meeting, 23-25 June, 2022, Potsdam, Germany
(Host: Fachhochschule Potsdam; in conjunction with the International Conference on Knowledge Management)- New Club of Paris – Knowledge Café @ICKM
Potsdam: From Science City to City of Knowledge Transfer? A discussion on knowledge/science city development (round table)NCP internal meeting (Workshops: NCP Future, Ongoing NCP Projects)
NCP General Assembly - Apr 2020: NCP Winter Meeting “Creating Sustaiable Wealth in a Global Knowledge Economy”, April 23-24, 2020, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: Commission for the Economy of Knowledge and Innovation, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya)- Round Tables:
Creating Sustainable Wealth in a Global Economy
Knowledge Based Development InstitutionsKeynotes:
Intangibles and Intellectual Capital as the Main Sources of Wealth in the 4th Industrial Revolution ContextPresentation Sessions:
Digital Disruption in the Next Decade
Ethics and Negotiation as Basis for Successful Global EntrepreneurshipNCP Internal meeting
- Apr 2019: NCP Winter Meeting “Economic growth in the Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Economy in the Territory”, April 11-12, 2019, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: Commission for the Economy of Knowledge and Innovation, Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya)- Keynotes:
Creating wealth in the context of the knowledge economyRound Tables:
Institutional innovations and economic growth
Innovation, entrepreneurship and economic growth
Value creation in the context of the fourth industrial revolution
The scientific and technological situation and future of Catalonia - Apr 2018: NCP Winter Meeting, 19–21 April 2018, Catania, Italy
(Host: Department of Economics and Business, University of Catania)- Round Tables:
Building the Future togetherNCP internal meeting
- 2016, 2017 ?
- Mar 2015: NCP Winter Meeting “Building the Future Together: Wise/Smart City projects and approaches”, 5-6 March, 2015, Montpellier, France
(Host: Metropole de Montpellier)- Sessions:
From Industrial Era to Digital Era and beyond
From Knowledge City, to Smart, Creative, Green, Hybrid and Wise City
Building the Future Together: (1) Strategic challenges, (2) Strategic actionsNCP internal meeting (Does Technology need Human?; What IC for the Future?)
- 2014 ?
- Feb 2013: NCP Winter Meeting “Turning ideas into structures”, 3-6 February 2013, Luxembourg
(Host: Luxembourg Association for Intellectual Capital)- Future of Luxembourg Conference (FutLux) NCP Panel
NCP internal meeting (Projects; Updating Intellectual Capital Methodologies; Intellectual Capital for Ultra-peripheral areas; Intellectual Capital for Africa; NCP Renewal)
- Feb 2012 (#3): NCP Midwinter Working Meeting, 6-11 February 2012 2012, Tenerife, Spain
(Host: Institute of Astrophysics of the Canary Islands, University of La Laguna)- Working Sessions:
A multi- and transdiscipilinary approach for resilient development (demonstrated with and for the Island of Tenerife (in Spanish))
Decision making in an uncertain global context (in German)
United Nations’ vision of a “New Society Based on New Economic Models”Conference:
Maintaining creation of wealth in the knowledge economy: Escaping from the crisis of Spain and the Canary Islands in specific as peripheral regions of Europe (working title)NCP internal meeting
- 2011 (#2): NCP Midwinter session in Sophia Antipolis
- 2010 (#1): NCP Midwinter Meeting, 5-8 February 2010, Vaduz, Liechtenstein
(Host: Chair of International Management, University of Liechtenstein)
General Assembly
- In conjunction with the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities:
Jul 2019, Jun 2018, 2017?, Jul 2016 (10th Anniversary), …, May 2012,…, May 2010,…, Jun 2006 - In conjunction with other events:
Jun 2022 @ ICKM