Filed in: information management

Professional Learning for Knowledge Services

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Knowledge Services is an enterprise-wide management methodology that enables companies and organizations achieve excellence, both in the performance of internal staff and in their interactions with external customers. Knowledge Services is more than knowledge management. Defined as the convergence of information management, knowledge management, and strategic (performance-centered) learning, Knowledge Services

Attributes of information service professionals for information and knowledge management

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: A value learned by information service professionals in ‘information studies’ is the belief that the key to empowering people is sharing expertise and information, and collaborating across organisational boundaries and functional units. This belief has become part of the information professional’s ‘culture’, part of our value system – the normal and accepted way

Educating Seven Information Skills for Personal Knowledge Management

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: This paper clarifies Personal Knowledge Management, and its seven information skills, as a framework for the education of those preparing for knowledge work roles in global business and management. The seven information skills highlighted are: (1) retrieving information; (2) evaluating information; (3) organizing information; (4) collaborating around information; (5) analyzing information;