The IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS) aims at providing an international forum for scientists, researchers, engineers and developers from a wide range of information science areas to exchange ideas and approaches in this evolving field. While presenting research findings and state-of-art solutions, you are especially invited to share experiences on
information retrieval
Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)*
The Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), formerly the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), and initially the European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS), aims to bring together researchers and practioners dealing with different aspects of semantics on the Web. Until 2007 ESWC
Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD)*
The Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD) is an international conferences in the areas of data mining and knowledge discovery. It provides an international forum for researchers and industry practitioners to share their latest developments, new ideas, original research results and practical development experiences from all KDD related areas including data
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)*
The International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), successor of the International Semantic Web Working Symposium (SWWS) and the International Workshop series on the Semantic Web (SemWeb), is an international forum, for the Semantic Web / Linked Data Community. ISWC is a 3 days conference with 2 days pre-conference tutorials and workshops and a
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)*
- Tracks (TBC) : Knowledge, Innovation, and Entrepreneurial Systems (KIES); Collaboration Systems and Technology