European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL)*
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The European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL) offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested in the issues related to Games Based Learning to share their thinking and research findings. The conference examines the question “Can Games-Based Learning Enhance Learning?” and seeks high-quality papers that address this question.
Conference History:
18th ECGBL 2024, 3-4 October 2024, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
(Host: Aarhus University, School of Culture and Society, Department for Culture, Cognition and Computation)
Conference Program TBD
Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 2)
Educational Escape Room Workshop
Educational Games Development Workshop
Gamified World: Blurring The Lines Between Education, Work, And Leisure
General Conference Sessions:
Artificial Intelligence
Game Design and Jams
Playful Design
Classroom Games
Engagement and Immersive Education
Higher Education
Serious Games
PhD Session
Games Demo
Mini Tracks:
Educational Non-Digital Games
Games Promoting Critical Thinking, Scientific Communication and Literacy in STEM
Educational Escape Rooms
Citizen Science Games
Game-based learning for lifelong learning
12th International Educational Games Competition
17th ECGBL 2023, 5-6 October 2023, University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands / Virtual venue
(Host: University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, Department of High-tech Business and Entrepreneurship, Industrial Engineering & Business Information Systems Section)
Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 4)
Educational Escape Room Workshop
Gamechangers: Transforming agency, engagement and communities with digital game trails
The loss of Personal Play Space Undermines our Society: Playing is the Foundation for the Human Scale
General Conference Sessions:
GBL Design Issues
Literacy and Numeracy
Game-based learning applications
GBL Design Issues
Implementing GBL
GBL in Practice
Real World Applications
Playful Learning
GBL Ideas
PhD Colloquium
Poster Presentations and Virtual Game Demos
Mini Tracks:
Educational Escape Rooms
Design and Use of Educational Board Games (was: Learning by Designing Games)
(CANCELLED) Measurement & Evaluation for Game-Based Learning
(CANCELLED) Literacy Development with Game Based Learning
(CANCELLED) Game-based Learning to Support Well-being and Mental Health
(CANCELLED) Frugal and Playful Learning Spaces
(CANCELLED) Games and Experimentation: Using Games as Experiments
(CANCELLED) Board Games for Learning and Training
(CANCELLED) GBL for Lifelong Learning
Games Promoting Critical Thinking, Scientific Communication and Literacy in STEM
(CANCELLED) Educational Possibilities of Commercial Off-the-Shelf Games (COTS)
11th International Educational Games Competition (Finished Games; Games in Development; Student Games)
16th ECGBL 2022, 6 – 7 October 2022, Lusófona University, Lisbon, Portugal / Virtual venue
(Host: Lusófona University, Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies)
Post-conference Workshops (Oct 8):
Educational Escape Room Workshop; Educational Games Development Workshop
Eco gaming: How feminism and play are key to changing the world; Designing Serious Games through Research: A Relational Perspective
General Conference Sessions:
Cybersecurity; Teaching, Learning and Design; Games Based Learning Issues; Design; Simulation; Gamification; Game Design; Ethics and Work Centred Games; Business Games; Machine Learning, AR and STEM; PHD Colloquium; Posters
Mini Tracks:
Board Games for Learning and Training; Literacy Development with Game Based Learning; Learning by Designing Games; Measurement & Evaluation for Game-Based Learning; Games Promoting Critical Thinking, Scientific Communication and Literacy in STEM; Educational Escape Rooms; Game-based Learning to Support Well-being and Mental Health; Frugal and Playful Learning; Games and Experimentation: Using Games as Experiments (CANCELLED)
10th International Educational Games Competition (Finished Games; Games in Development; Student Games)
15th ECGBL 2021, 23 – 24 September 2021, University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom Virtual venue
(Host: University of Brighton, Centre for Digital Media Cultures)
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 22):
Educational Escape Room Workshop / Educational Games Development Workshop; Using Embodied Methods in Designing STEM Learning Games
Seven Steps To Gamification Success; A Constructionist approach to games for conceptual change
General Conference Sessions:
Virtual Reality; Serious Games; Movement and Board Games; GBL Issues; Design Issues; Role Play; Wellbeing; Escape Rooms; Mathmatics; Strategy and Learning Through Failure; Mobile Games; Learnign through design; TBD; PhD and Masters Colloquium; Poster Session (Posters only; Posters with a Work-in-progress (WIP) Paper)
Mini Tracks:
Dialogic Perspectives on Games and Learning; Learning through Educational Game Design; Measurement & Evaluation for Game-Based Learning; Games Based Learning Approaches to Train People with Intellectual Disabilities in Everyday Life Skills (CANCELLED)
9th International Educational Games Competition
14th ECGBL 2020, 24 – 25 September 2020, University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom Virtual venue
(Host: University of Brighton, Centre for Digital Media Cultures)
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 23):
Educational Escape Room Workshop; Using Embodied Methods in Designing STEM Learning Games
From games to play: what’s the difference?; Playful Learning, Teaching and Researching
General Conference Sessions:
Virtual Reality; Mobile Games; Foreign Language Education and Software Engineering; Teachers and Parents; Design; Games for Children on the Autistic Spectrum and Game Jams; Leadership and Strategy; STEM; Evaluation; Lifelong Learning; School Context; Tabletop Games; PhD and Masters Colloquium; Posters with a WIP Paper
Mini Tracks:
Human and Economic Costs of Designing and Using Games and Simulations in Higher Education, at Scale; Escape rooms for learning and Games Based Learning Issues; Dialogical Perspectives on Games and Learning
8th International Educational Games Competition
13th ECGBL 2019, 3 – 4 October 2019, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
(Host: University of Southern Denmark, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 2):
Educational Games Development Workshop; Educational Escape Room Workshop
Playful Play-Design: Balancing Danger and Safety in Children’s Full Body Play; Social Gamification in Blended Learning Games
General Conference Sessions:
Virtual and Mixed Reality; Programming; Life skills and the comunity; Game Design; Entrepreneurship and Business; Adult/Workplace Education; Social issues; Fun and Entertainment; Reading; Entertainment Games for Education; Co-Design; Teacher Involvement; Frameworks and Assessment; Changing thinking with games; Research Issues; Games to Enhance Education; The Student Experience; Mathematics; Simulations; Quizes and Role Play; Learning Environments; PhD Colloquium; Masters Colloquium; Posters with a WIP Paper & Posters only
Mini Tracks:
Game-Based Learning and 21st Century Skills; Gender Sensitive GBL; Escape Rooms for Learning; Game-Based Learning and Human Movement Interaction
Interactive Sessions:
LEGO Education (in collaboration with LEGO Foundation)
Student Games Competition and Games in Development Competition
7th International Educational Games Competition
12th ECGBL 2018, 4 – 5 October 2018, SKEMA Business School, Sophia Antipolis, France
(Host: SKEMA Business School, Knowledge & Organization Department)
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 3):
Games in Development Workshop; Co-creation, Robotics and Games for the 21st Century Skills
The Magic Circle of Playful and Gameful Co-Creation; Don’t Forget the Beans!; Do Books Work? (and other questions we probably shouldn’t ask)
General Conference Sessions:
Virtual Reality; Gender Differences; Games for Management Skills; Simulations; Teacher’s Role; Educational Assessment and Motivation; Evaluation; Social Aspects; Games in the Classroom; Gamification; Badges; The Learning Environment; Community Issues; Creativity; Games for Intellectual/Learning; Science Education; Board Games; Language Education; Serious Games; Design Issues; Educational Insights; Games Based Learning in different Countries; Learning through Game Design; Motivation; Engagement; Games for Thinking; Higher and Business Education; PhD Colloquium; Posters with a WIP Paper & Posters only
Mini tracks:
Games Based Learning for Learning Programming; Digital Technologies and Games Based Learning for Physical Movement
Games in Development Competition
6th International Educational Games Competition
11th ECGBL 2017, 5-6 October 2017, Graz, Austria
(Host: FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Science, Institute for Design and Communication)
Experiences of a Serious Games Developer; The serious business of leisure, and the leisure of serious business: the changing discourses of video games
General Conference Sessions:
Game-Based Learning Approaches For Learning Programming; STEM Games; The Teachers’s Role in Games Based Learning; Learning about Environmental Issues; Student developed games; Creativity and Soft Skills; Community-Driven Games for Informal Learning and Education; Games for University Students; Games in the workplace; Boardgames; Teams and Multiplayers; Mixed Reality for Game-Based Learning; Social Education; Pedagogy; Games and Literacy; Mathematics and Language Games; Game Development; Health Care Education; Games for Children; Serious Games; Science Education; Health Care Education; Design and Cyber Security; PhD Colloquium; Masters Colloquium
Roundtable Discussions:
Gaming Horizons: exploring the cultural and educational value of video game
5th International Educational Games Competition
10th ECGBL 2016, 6-7 October 2016, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom
(Host: University of the West of Scotland, Institute for Creative Technologies and Applied Computing)
Gaming Learning Analytics: Contributing to the Serious Games Ecosystem; Hunting the mythical joint exploitation beast
General Conference Sessions:
Game-Based Learning; Serious Playfulness; Mobile Games; Games for STEM; Teacher’s Role, Identity and Presence; Effective Persuasive Games; Programming; Game-Based Learning as Creative-Based Learning; Games for Assessment; Gamification; Game Creation; Multiplayer; Career Development; The Gaming Industry; Business and Workplace Context; Motivation; Development; Evaluation of Games; Serious Games; Design; Learning Languages and Simulations; Collaborative Learning; Helping People with Learning Disabilities; Primary Education; 3D Games; PhD Colloquium; Masters PhD Colloquium; Posters
4th International Educational Games Competition
9th ECGBL 2015, 8-9 October 2015, Nord-Trondelag University College, Steinkjer, Norway
(Host: Nord-Trondelag University College)
Why game-based learning?; Localization: The next frontier in games for learning
General Conference Sessions:
Enhancing Childhood Education; Measuring Complex Thinking in Learning Games; Gamification; Evaluation Tools; Integration of Games Based Learning into established learning platforms; Making Learning Fun; Virtual Reality; Design Issues; Games Based Learning for Adults and Young People; Games Based Learning for Minority Groups; Fabrication of games for learning and research; PhD Colloquium; Work-in-Progress/Posters & Posters only
Mini tracks:
Multiplayer/collaborative serious games; Applied Games and Gamification – Drivers for Change; Games for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Learning; The Teacher’s Role in Game-Based Learning; Assessment of digital game-based learning; Pervasive and Ubiquitous gaming for learning; Gamifying Beyond Learning
Special Sessions:
Learning Analytics in Games: an introduction to Epistemic Network Analysis
Conference Workshops:
Workshop on Game-based career decision support: drafting the youth@work game
3rd International Educational Games Competition
8th ECGBL 2014, 9-10 October 2014, HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, Germany
(Host: Research and Training Center for Culture and Computer Science (FKI), University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin)
The Evolution of Media: Campfire, Book, Film, Game; The Evolution of Didactics: Dialogue, Monologue, Play; Edutainment: A 5-Year Case Study of Mobile, Gaming, and Simulation at Georgia Regents University
General Conference Sessions:
Gamification; Simulation; Evaluation and Assessment; Logistics Tuition, Stategy and Sustainability; Pervasive Games; Multiplayer Games; Mobile Games; Player Behaviour and Game Elements; Masters Colloquium; PhD Colloquium; Work-in-Progress/Posters & Posters only
Mini tracks:
Non digital game based learning; Educational card game based learning; Game-based learning in science education; Games Based Learning in Healthcare and Rehabilitation; Motion sensor gaming in education; Game-based learning in Business
2nd International Educational Games Competition
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Serious Games Development & Applications (SGDA)
7th ECGBL 2013, 3-4 October 2013, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Porto, Portugal
(Host: Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto)
Learning Analytics Applied to Serious Games; The learning power of MOBA games
General Conference Sessions:
Gamification; Learning Support; Serious games for research methods and/or statistics; Game Design; Simulation and role play; Games Based Learning Applications; Learning through play; Case Studies; Evaluation; Pre School and Primary Education; Motivation; Sport and Health Related Games; Game Feedback; Collaboration; Maths Games; TBA; Master’s Resarch Session; PhD Colloquium; Work-in-Progress/Posters & Poster only
Mini tracks:
Social inclusiveness of games for learning; Empirical Evidence on the use of Games-based Learning in Schools; New theoretical developments in games based learning research; Learning by Creating Games
1st International Educational Games Competition
6th ECGBL 2012, 4-5 October 2012, Cork, Ireland
(Host: University College Cork, School of Computer Science and Information Technology; Waterford Institute of Technology, Computing Department)
The potential of tablets to game-based learning; A brief look at how internal functions and external platforms support ‘Casual Games
General Conference Sessions:
Serious Games; Game Design; Primary Education; Game Based applications and tools; Older Learners and controversies in Games Based Learning; Communication skills; Evaluation and Measurement/ Role Play; Video Games; Games Based Learning in the Classroom; Methods and Practices; Mobile Learning; Game Based Applications and Tools; Social Media; PhD Colloquium; Work-in-Progress/Posters & Posters only
Conference Workshops:
How to design cheap and effective traditional games
Mini Tracks:
Multi-User Virtual Environments for Game-based Learning; Content and Assessment Integration for Games-Based Learning; Barriers and Opportunities for the introduction of GBL in Educational Settings; User Profiling in Game Based Learning
5th ECGBL 2011, 20-21 October 2011, Athens, Greece
(Host: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media; Hellenic American Union)
The Gamification of Life: Building social communities through games; Learning through Games in Museum
General Conference Sessions:
Language Games and World of Warcraft; Serious Games; Motivation; Educational Games; Storytelling; Collaborative Games; Game Design; Simulation Games; Games and Sport; Mnemonics and Literacy; PhD Colloquium; Work-in-Progress/Posters
Mini tracks:
Multiplayer Serious Games; Games on a Budget; Adaptive Educational Video Games; Games Research as a Means for Developing New Theories of Knowledge, Practice and Learning; Empirical Evidence on the Effectiveness of Games-based Learning
4th ECGBL 2010, 21-22 October 2010, Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Host: Aarhus University, The Danish School of Education, Department of Educational Anthropology)
Pre-conference Master Classes (Oct 19):
The Educational Potential of Computer Games (PhD Master Class)
Reversing the Order of Play: Gender and Games Research as Educational Intervention; Gaming, Schooling and Knowing
General Conference Sessions:
Evaluation; Game Design; Analysis and Assessment; Mobile Gaming; Language Learning and Literacy; Educational Computer Games; Games for Children; Educational Games; Application of Games; Serious Games; Impact of Games-Based Learning; PhD Colloquium; Work in progress/posters
Mini Tracks:
Game Research Methods; Group Learning Processes; The Teachers Role
Interactive Sessions:
Will Games Based Learning be priced out of education?
3rd ECGBL 2009, 12-13 October 2009, FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria
(Host: FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences, Institute for Design and Communication)
tbc; ENGAGE Learning – Changing learning one game at a time
General Conference Sessions:
Design; Pedagogy and Assessment; Games in School-Age Education; Problem Appropriation and Creative Learning; Video Games and Virtual Learning; Facilitating and Analysing Games; Models and Frameworks; Games in Business and Games Classification; Challenges and Reflections; Posters
Mini tracks:
Games and higher education; Games and health; Language, culture and politics; The teacher’s role, identity and presence in games based learning
Round Tables:
Increased mainstreaming of games in learning policies
2nd ECGBL 2008, 16-17 October 2008, Barcelona, Spain
(Host: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Faculty of the Information and Communication Sciences)
Beyond Edutainment: The educational potential of computer games; Are we learning?
General Conference Sessions:
Games Based Learning in the Classroom; Business simulations; Games design; Learning behaviours; Mobile Learning; Social awareness/issues; Serious Games; Non Digital; Games Based Learning in schools; Applications
Mini tracks:
User-centered learning game design; Game Based learning for history, heritage and politics; Games based collaborative learning
1st ECGBL 2007, 25-26 October 2007, Paisley, Scotland, United Kingdom
(Host: University of Paisley, Scottish Centre for Enabling Technologies)
Serious Games: A human centred approach to delivering meaningful tool for learning; The design of video game-based learning systems; Virtual worlds, learning and the new cosmopolitan; Growing Pains: A Debrief for the Serious Games Industry
Conference Streams:
Designing Games; Games Based Learning for business training; Games Based Learning in schools; Developing and using Games; Simulations; Games Based Learning for educational institutions; Engaging learners; Evaluations using Games Based Learning; “Serious” games