Abstract: Background: Many technology jurisdictions have peddled the narrative that the key determinant for an innovative and sustainable fourth industrial revolution (4IR) environment is possessing hard technical skills. Hard technical skills are important to design the actual 4IR-based applications. Postmodernity demands that appropriate soft skills complement the hard skills to effectively integrate technology into
information science
BOBCATSSS Association
The BOBCATSSS Association, formerly the European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID),1)2) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Academic Seminar on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services*
The Academic Seminar on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Services (Chinese: 知识管理与知识服务学术研讨会) invites domestic and foreign experts and scholars engaged in knowledge management and knowledge services related research and practice to share their latest practical progress and academic achievements. The seminar is jointly sponsored by the “Library and Information Services” magazine, the editorial
University of Tehran (UT)
The University of Tehran (Tehran University or UT, Persian: دانشگاه تهران), rooted in the Dār al-Fonūn (Persian: دارالفنون, meaning: Polytechnic College),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training