Filed in: innovation

Learning Organization Conference (LearnOrg)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Learning Organization Conference (LearnOrg) is for any scholar who has an interest in the “learning organization”, and especially in efforts to modernize the idea to better answer to the kind of challenges that organizations of various kinds face today and will face in the future. Conference History:

Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Le Symposium du Knowledge Communities Observatory (Symposium KCO) et le Séminaire de l’Observatoire des communautés de connaissance : Communautés et Innovation sont organisés par le Knowledge Communities Observatory (KCO; French: Observatoire des communautés de connaissance (OCC)) hébergé par le chaire de la recherche “Business as unusual : pratiques innovantes et nouveaux modèles d’entreprise” (Kedge Business

Leadership in the Knowledge Economy

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

» In memory of Knowledge Management poineer Debra M. Amidon « Abstract: Leadership is a key influence on the conduct and outcomes of knowledge management in organizations and economies. This chapter advances and describes seven essential aspects of effective knowledge leadership: context, competence, culture, communities, conversation, communication, and coaching. It argues

International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference or THC), the International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages, initially the Workshop on “A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations”, provides discussion, research, and policy development for the roles of these tripartite innovation agents. It brings together academia, government, business, and community to share effective practices and