International Conference on Transition from Observation to Knowledge to Intelligence (TOKI)*
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The biennial International Conference on Transition from Observation to Knowledge to Intelligence (TOKI) is a forum that aims to demonstrate new systems and techniques in knowledge management, competitive intelligence, big data, semantic web, Internet of Things resource management, web mining, natural language processing, interoperable and adaptive information systems, data science, etc.
Language: English or French
The Conference is organized by the West Africa Chapter of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO WA; est. 2017) in cooperation with West Africa and French universities/institutions. In 2014 and 2016, before the establishment of ISKO WA, the conference was organized by the French ISKO Chapter.
In 2021, for the first time, the conference is additionally labeled as ISKO-WA 2021.
While the ISKO chapter conferences are held in uneven years the ISKO international conference is held in even years.
Conference History:
5th TOKI Conference 2023, 13-15 April 2023, Yaounde, Cameroon
Conference Theme: Digital transformation: a new world of production (Transformation numérique : un nouveau monde de production)
(Host: Department of Library and Infomation Science, Advanced School of Mass Communication, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l’information et de la Communication, University of Yaounde 2)
Note: Conférence, avril 13-14; Séminaire doctoral, avril 15
Conceptual organization as a persistent need even in digital knowledge
Open Science and knowledge management
Makerspaces as Digital Innovation Hubs for local smart production in Africa
Interventions: Séminaire doctoral / Doctoral seminar
Construire sa problématique et sa question de recherche (How to build your problematic and your research question)
Rédiger sa thèse ou son mémoire, ce qu’il faut savoir (Writing your thesis or dissertation, what you need to know)
SESSION: Organisation et gestion des connaissances // Knowledge Organization and Management
Knowledge Management: Perception and Application by Information Professionals in a Changing Context
Data science for decisional problem solving: Data-driven or Problem-driven approach?
A new era of eLearning and the place of Blockchain in the integration of new actors in the learning process
L’intégration de l’intelligence artificielle dans la stratégie organisationnelle de l’entreprise : questions et orientations
SESSION: Techniques, Outils, Méthodes, Modèles et Systèmes// Techniques, Tools, Methods, Models and Systems
Academic success of first year university students and mastery of documentary research: applicability of the predictive model in the digital age
Ontological-based model for movie contextual recommender system
L’évaluation comme pratique documentaire dynamique : cas du vrac d’archives aux archives nationales du Cameroun
Multilingual Sentiment Analysis of Corpus in Major Nigerian Languages
SESSION: Organisation des connaissances dans l’industrie de la santé // Knowledge organization in the health industry
Digital Health Literacy and Implications: A Configurational View
Development of a secured medical video consultation system
The Determinants of the Low COVID-19 Transmission and Mortality Rates in Africa: A Cross-Country Analysis
Recueil de textes officiels sur la riposte de la COVID 19 au Gabon : un enjeu patrimonial
SESSION: Capitalisation des connaissances des interventions endogènes COVID-19 // Knowledge capitalization of COVID-19 endogenous interventions
Epidemiological, virological, and clinical features of SARS-CoV-2 among individuals during the first wave in Cameroon: Baseline analysis for the EDCTP PERFECT-Study RIA2020EF-3000
An Overview of Pharmacovigilance and Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring of Drugs and Vaccines during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Diagnostic performance of molecular and serological tests of SARS-CoV-2 on wellcharacterised specimens from COVID-19 individuals: The EDCTP “PERFECT-study” protocol (RIA2020EF-3000)
COVID-19 considerations and strategy for a safe return to international football competitions: an African perspective
SESSION: Résilience africaine face à la pandémie de COVID-19 // African resilience viz-a-viz COVID-19 pandemic
SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence and associated risk factors in an urban district in Cameroon
Clinical presentation of COVID-19 at the time of testing and factors associated with pre-symptomatic cases in Cameroon
COVID-19 Pandemic Related Research in Africa: Bibliometric Analysis of Scholarly Output, Collaborations and Scientific Leadership
High concordance in SARSCoV-2 detection between automated (Abbott m2000) and manual (DaAn gene) RT-PCR systems: The EDCTP PERFECT-Study in Cameroon
SESSION: Les visages de la communication dans un nouveau monde de production // Faces of communication in a new world of production
Les applications mobiles comme outils d’accessibilité des comportements en marketing social à l’ère de la transition vers le numérique
Print Media and the Treatment of Social Crises: The Case of the 2008 Hunger Riots in Cameroon
Réseaux sociaux et usages communicationnels des femmes maires au Cameroun: le cas de Facebook
Discours sur la professionnalisation de l’enseignement supérieur au Cameroun _enjeux, stratégies, et représentations des jeunes créateurs d’entreprise diplômés
4th TOKI Conference 2021, 19-20 August 2021, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria
Conference Theme: Human-Data Interaction & Consequences in Artificial World
(Host: Department of Computer Sciences, University of Ibadan)
- Keynotes:
Medical Application of Data Visualization- from Observation to Intelligence
Evaluation of Diagnostic Analysis and Predictive Analysis for Decision Making
Lead Papers:
Human – Data Interaction & Consequences in Retail and Farming Sectors: Opportunities and Challenges
Transforming Patient Experience in Public Hospitals through Advanced Analytics
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Discovery; Session 2; Data Concern and Intelligent Systems; Interaction with Doctoral Students
Panel Discussions:
Human – Data Interaction in a Connected World – Consequences for Africa and Way Forward
Co-located Events:
ISKO West Africa General Assembly
3rd TOKI Conference 2019, 15-16 August 2019, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
(Host: Department of Computer Sciences, University of Lagos)
- Keynotes:
Machines Augmenting Human Knowledge and Intelligence with Knowledge Graph
Lead Papers:
Framework for developing a Health Decision Support System
Artificial Intelligence for Education – Personalizing Learning Intervention
Meaningfully Advancing Artificial Intelligence Research in Africa
Conference Sessions:
Information and Decision Support Systems; Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence (Application & Practice); Intelligent Systems; Predictive Analytics and Optimization
Panel Discussions:
Moving Nigeria Forward through Knowledge Systems and Intelligent Systems – Challenges and Way Forward
Co-located Events:
ISKO West Africa General Assembly
2nd TOKI Conference 2016, 25-26 August 2016, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
(Host: Department of Computer Sciences, University of Lagos)
- Keynotes:
From data to intelligence – Strategic decision making through information system
Conference Sessions:
Collaborative Filtering and Recommender Systems; Knowledge Management; Software Engineering; Observatory and Competitive Intelligence; Predictive Analytics and Optimization; Security and Intrusion Detection
1st TOKI Conference 2014, 20-22 August 2014, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
(Host: Department of Computer Sciences, University of Lagos)
- Keynotes:
Designing and implementing the concept of smart-cities
From sensors to intelligence
Conference Sessions:
International Conference on Transition from Observation to Knowledge to Intelligence (TOKI)*
I would like to know the cost of attending this conference from Uganda. Including travel, accommodation and subsistence costs.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Sep 15, 2022 – Boris)
Please i would like to participate in the upcoming conference. I need a flyer. Thanks
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jun 30, 2019 – Boris)
I am a PhD Student and my research area is on Knowledge Management for SMEs development and Internationalisation. Please, I will like to participate at the 3rd TOKI Conference 2019.
What are the criteria for participation.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Mar 21, 2019 – Boris)