International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference)*
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The International Triple Helix Conference (TripleHelix Conference or THC), the International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages, initially the Workshop on “A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations”, provides discussion, research, and policy development for the roles of these tripartite innovation agents. It brings together academia, government, business, and community to share effective practices and to advance the frontiers of the dynamic relations of universities, government, and industries in the ecosystem of innovation.
The TripleHelix Conference is supplemented by the regional Triple Helix International Summit (THS) (2017, 2018, 2020) and the European Triple Helix Congress (ETHC) (2019).
Organizer: Triple Helix Association
Of Special Interest:
- 2009 Conference Track: Knowledge Exchange
- 2005 Conference Theme: The Capitalization of Knowledge: cognitive, economic, social & cultural aspects
Conference History:
22nd Triple Helix Conference 2024, June 19-21, 2024, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Conference Theme: Triple Helix and Impact Innovation: Connecting Smart Talent and Disruptive Technologies for a Better Tomorrow
(Triple Helix & ACEEU Conference 2024; Host: School of Economics, Business, and Accounting, University of São Paulo)
- Conference Tracks:
Impact Innovation Strategies
Talent Development and Collaboration
Disruptive Technologies and Sustainable Development
Better Tomorrow: Engagement for Social and Environmental Impact
Triple Helix Model in Practice around the world – Implementing the Triple Helix Model for Real-World Impact
Government Policies and Governance for Impactful Innovations
Entrepreneurship and Startups in Impact Innovation
Collaborative Research and Development
The role of the Entrepreneurial University and education for Future Innovators
Evaluating Impact and Sustainability
Co-located Conferences:
Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities (ACEEU) Forum
SciBiz (Science meets Business) Conference 2024
21st Triple Helix Conference 2023, June 26-29, 2023, Ramon Llull University, Barcelona, Spain
Conference Theme: Entrepreneural and Engaged Universities for Sustainable Development: Linking education, research and innovation to achieve the SDGs & ESGs
(Host: La Salle Technova Innovation Park, Ramon Llull University; Co-organizer: Accreditation Council for Entrepreneurial and Engaged Universities)
- Conference Tracks:
Governance Models and Policy Design for Triple Helix Initiatives for SDG’s
Partnership and Pacts for Innovation
Entrepreneurial and Engage Universities for Social, Economic and Sustainable Development
Boosting Ecological Transition with TH Strategies
The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Innovation Mega Trends and New Challenges through TH Approaches
Innovation Ecosystems for Urban, Economic, and Social Development
Sustainable Cities & Communities
The Role of Universities in Connecting Local Communities with Global Knowledge Networks
Network Intelligence to Boost Innovation Ecosystems
Responsible Consumption, Production and Work
TH Strategies in Developing Countries
Entrepreneurship Education in the Context of TH Approaches
Open Innovation for the Economic, Social & Environmental Development
Gender Balance and Reduction of Inequalities
Well-being Societies
Data Driven Strategies for SDG’s
Hybrid Organizations for Knowledge Co-Creation, Innovation, Entrepreneurship for Sustainability
Theoretical Foundations and Methodological Approaches for TH Research
Evaluating the Impact of TH Initiatives
20th Triple Helix Conference 2022, 27-29 June 2022, University of Florence, Florence, Italy
Conference Theme: Governing new and traditional partnerships for innovation and development in the post-pandemic world
(Host: Department of Economics and Business Sciences, University of Florence)
- Conference Tracks:
Entrepreneurship education in the context of TH approaches
Connecting and upgrading industrial districts
Translational research in health science in the post pandemic world
Local communities with global knowledge networks
Partnerships of emerging actors and hybrid organizations for knowledge co-creation, innovation and sustainability
Evaluating the impact of TH initiatives
Governance models and policy design for triple helix initiatives in face of contemporary crises
TH research in emerging fields and countries
Universities connecting local communities and global knowledge networks
TH contribution to Sustainability and Recovery programs and policies
Theoretical foundations and methodological approaches for TH research
Academic engagement, third mission and the social impact of universities in the aftermath of Covid-19
Boosting social innovation and ecological transition in regional innovation ecosystems
TH partnerships, co-patenting, and market power relations
19th Triple Helix Conference 2021, 16-18 June 2021, Sao Paulo, Brazil Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Innovation for a Sustainable World: Science and Technology to enhance the world for the future generations
(Host: School of Economics, Business and Accounting, University of São Paulo)
- Paper Sessions:
Panel Sessions:
The originating knowledge context of innovative Start-ups: State of the art and future research directions
Co-located Conferences:
SciBiz – Science Meet Business Conference
3rd Triple Helix International Summit, 24-26 November 2020, Bologna, Italy
Conference Theme: Designing globally connected regional innovation ecosystems
(Host: Department of Management, University of Bologna)Sub-themes:
Boosting sustainable development through smart partnerships; Building and growing regional innovation ecosystems through industrial specialization and collaborations; Responsible Research and Innovation, stakeholders’ engagement and social innovation practices in regional ecosystems; Empowering local communities through big data, internet of things and artificial intelligence; Global and local impacts of entrepreneurial universities; Finding a balance between urban and rural sustainable development; Building the cities of the future trough smart infrastructures and sustainable planning; Industry 4.0 and the next manufacturing revolution; Circular Economy, Industrial symbiosis and ecosystem services for the sustainable development of regions, cities and industrial districts; Triple Helix model of innovation addressing societal crises: building resilience in regional innovation ecosystems
18th Triple Helix Conference 2020, 15-17 June 2020, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Future of innovation and innovation for future
(Host: Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University)
- Paper Sessions:
Theoretical foundations and methodological approaches of Triple Helix; Concepts and theories to frame the future of innovation; Innovation in transnational contexts; Innovation and Collaboration for sustainability; University reforms for future innovation; Governance and public policy in shaping future innovative society; Individuals’ role in Triple/Quadruple Helix or future innovation; Other topics related to the theme of the Conference
European Triple Helix Congress (ETHC), 30 September – 1 October 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece
Conference Theme: Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(Host: South-East European Research Centre, University of Sheffield)n.a.
17th Triple Helix Conference 2019, 9-11 September 2019, Cape Town, South Africa
Conference Theme: The Triple Helix – A Catalyst for Change: Discover the Impact of Science and Technology on Regional Innovation and Socio-Economic Development
(Host: SA Innovation Summit)
- Sub-themes:
The Role of the Entrepreneurial University and University-Industry-Government Interactions in the XXI Century’s Economic Development Agendas; Social Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Innovation in Civil Society: The Role of Design Thinking and Citizen Science; Post-Industrial Industrial Policy: Convergence and Fusion of Arts, Creative and Service Industries, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Genetic Technologies; Spacial and Temporal Axes of Innovation: Innovation Spaces; Smart Cities and Knowledge-based Rural Development; Gender and Indigenous Equity and Equality in Science & Technology and Innovation; Topics Related to the Triple Helix; Education as an Evolutionary Practice
Co-located Conference:
SA Innovation Summit, Sep 11-13
2nd Triple Helix International Summit, 10-13 November 2018, Dubai, UAE
Conference Theme: The Role of Government, Academia and Industry in Building Innovation-Based Cities and Nations
(Host: Faculty of Business & Law, British University in Dubai)Sub-themes:
The Role of Triple Helix in Transforming Nations into Knowledge-Based Economies; The Role of Triple Helix in Building a Sustainable Economy; The Role of Government and Public Policy in Developing Triple Helix Systems; Entrepreneurial University and its Engagement in the Triple Helix System; Smart Cities and Overcoming Security Challenges; Towards a More Effective Triple Helix Management and Partnership; Challenges for Effective Partnership and Interactions Among Triple Helix Actors
16th Triple Helix Conference 2018, 5–8 September 2018, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: The Triple Helix and Beyond – A New Era
(Host: Manchester Business School, University of Manchester)
- Paper Sessions:
Pre-conference Master Classes: (Sep 5)
Triple Helix Masterclass
15th Triple Helix Conference 2017, 14-16 September, Daegu, Republic of Korea
Conference Theme: The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Design Thinking, and the Triple Helix
(Host: Asian Association of Learning, Innovation and Coevolution Studies)
- Paper Sessions:
Entrepreneurial University and Its Impacts; UIC in the 4th IR(University-Industrial Collaboration for the 4th Industrial Revolution); Science Parks, Incubators, and Innovators; Triple Helix and Socially Responsible Innovation; Regional Dimensions of the Triple Helix Model; Measuring Triple Helix Synergies and Innovations using Scientometric, Technometric, Informetric, Webometric, and Altmetric Data; Triple Helix in Developing Countries
Trilicious Game for Industry 4.0
1st Triple Helix International Summit, 4-6 April 2017, University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya
Conference Theme: Accelerating the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through ICT and Data
(Host: University of Nairobi; I Choose Life- Africa)Tracks:
Health; Education, Environment; ICT + Data; Food Security & Hunger
14th Triple Helix Conference 2016, 25-27 September 2016, Heidelberg, Germany
Conference Theme: Adressing Ecosystem Challenges in the Era of Crises
(Host: German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ); Co-organizer: International Triple Helix Institute)
- Conference Tracks:
Entrepreneurial University and Its Socio-Economic Impact; Entrepreneurial University and Regional Innovation Systems; Science Parks and Incubators – New Frontiers; Measuring Social and Economic Impacts of Science and Technology Parks; Regional Dimensions of Triple Helix? Clusters, Cities and Geographic Boundaries; Innovation Clusters and Cluster Initiatives as Practical Implementation of Triple Helix Collaboration; Boosting Innovation & Growth Through University-Industry Co-Creation; Individuals in the Triple Helix; Business Led Triple Helix and the New Role of Government; The Impact of Global Information Flows on Triple Helix Interactions and University-Industry Relationships; Are we Facing a New Generation of National Innovation Systems?; Advancing New Models and Tools for Knowledge Transfer; Triple Helix Model and Knowledge Creation in Developing Countries; Triple Helix: Gender, Entrepreneurship and Diversity in Academia; Measuring the Strength of Triple Helix; Science and Art of Triple Helix; Triple Helix and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems in the Light of Complexity and Evolutionary Ecology; Social Innovation – Is there a Role for Universities?; The Sovereignty Drift in Academia: The Impact of Traditional and Emergent Hierarchies and Power-Asymmetries on Academic Life and Academic Performance; Triple Helix and Governance; Foresight: Enhancing Policy and Corporate Decision Making
Creativity as a Key Component to Drive Triple Helix Innovation; TRILICIOUS GAME: What Challenges Can We Solve Together?
13th Triple Helix Conference 2015, 21-23 August 2015, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Conference Theme: Academic-Industry-Government Triple Helix Model for Fast-Developing Countries
(Host: Research Center for Technological Innovation, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University)
- Paper Sessions:
The Development of the Theory of Triple Helix Innovation; Government, Industry & University
The Role of Intellectual Property in Triple Helix; University-Industry-Government Interaction in BRICS Countries
12th Triple Helix Conference 2014, 11-13 September 2014, Tomsk, Russia
Conference Theme: The Triple Helix as Nucleus of Innovation and Economic Growth: New Frontiers and Solutions
(Host: Institute for Innovation, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics; National Research Tomsk State University)
- Paper Sessions:
Triple Helix model in developing countries: catching up or unique way?; University research: evaluation, funding, collaboration and commercialization; Developing an infrastructure for new links between academia and industry; The role of innovation theory in spurring innovation-based economic growth: better understanding – better life?; Academic inventors, S&T university indicators and spin-offs; The models of entrepreneurial universities; Entrepreneurship as the key element of innovation-based economic growth; Innovation in industry and R&D-active firms; Government support of innovative business and development of it-industry; Technology transfer; Educational environment and distance learning; Dimensions of studying and building innovation clusters: European lessons; Triple Helix and cluster policy: Building innovation clusters
Open innovation: trends, agenda, impact; Grassroots Innovation: Prospects for the Triple Helix Model; The involvement of universities into social entrepreneurship
11th Triple Helix Conference 2013, 7-10 July 2013, London, UK
Conference Theme: The Triple Helix in a context of global change: continuing, mutating or unravelling?
(Host: Big Innovation Centre, The Work Foundation & Lancaster University)
- Sub-themes:
Building the innovative markets, places and networks; Building an innovation friendly financial system; Overall performance of the Triple Helix Approach: From efficiency of factors of production to ‘modes of coordination’; Universities as interactive partners; Building management and leadership skills in high growth firms ;Public action to drive private; Place based innovations; Building an enterprising state
Paper Sessions:
New business models in the digital age; Determinants of the entrepreneurial and academic ability of individual researchers; Synergies between actors of Triple Helix model; Triple Helix and skill development; Dynamic capabilities and interactions; Evolution and deployment of Triple Helix model; Finance and Triple Helix model: catalysing Triple Helix interactions through public finance; Inducing innovation through IP management; Triple Helix in the developing world; Intermediaries that promote open innovation by main actors of Triple Helix; Internationalisation and spatial variations; Inter-organizational knowledge flow; Networks as determinants of open innovation outcomes; Triple Helix: International dimension; University generated knowledge: How best to use it?; Evaluating Cooperative Research Centers: Developing Impact Assessment Strategies for Different Stakeholder Group; Models for driving innovation; Challenges and emerging opportunities of Triple Helix model; Different forms of Triple Helix models; New methods as enablers of strategic value creation; New models that explain relationships between actors in Triple Helix; Policy challenges in promoting innovation; Regional dynamics of Triple Helix model; Empowering sectoral collaborations; Technological innovation and Triple Helix model; Sectoral systems of innovation: only a theoretical concept?; The role of clusters in Triple Helix; Regional variation: Triple Helix model; Motives and impact of spin-off formation; The role of technology transfer offices in driving university engagement with its users; From ivory tower to commercial world; Regionalisation approach; complementary to national innovation systems; The role of universities in Triple Helix; University spin-off companies: Ability to generate commercial benefit from university generated knowledge; Universities and local development
10th Triple Helix Conference 2012, 8-12 August 2012, Bandung, Indonesia
Conference Theme: Emerging Triple Helix Models for Developing Countries: From Conceptualization to Implementation
(Host: School of Business and Management, Bandung Institute of Technology)
- Paper Sessions:
Triple Helix in Art, Design, and Culture; Triple Helix Collaboration for Small and Medium Enterprises; Implementation of Triple Helix Model In Entrepreneurship; Higher Education Role in Triple Helix; Triple Helix Model for Developing Countries; Triple Helix Model for Innovation and Commercialization; Building Infrastructure; Advancing Theories in Triple Helix Model; Triple Helix Model for Government Institution; Strengthening National Innovation Policies in Developing Countries; Building Infrastructure (ICT, Food, Health, Techno Parks & Energy); Success Stories in Enhancing the Relevance of The Triple Helix Model; Advancing Theories in Triple Helix Model
9th Triple Helix Conference 2011, 11-14 July 2011, Stanford University, California, USA
Conference Theme: Silicon Valley: Global Model or Unique Anomaly?
(Host: Human-Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research Institute, Stanford University)
- Sub-themes:
Silicon Valley – Exploring the ‘works of the engine’; Triple Helix and innovation for development; Triple Helix ecosystems and regional development; Triple Helix and the globalization of innovation; Government role in Triple Helix interactions; echnology transfer and entrepreneurship: ‘traditional’ and new science-industry interface organizations, mechanisms, organizational designs, networks, etc.; New forms of financing innovation; The Triple Helix and human resources for innovation and technology transfer labour markets; Triple Helix indicators; Innovation in the global economic crisis; Triple Helix and society; 12. The Gender dimension in science and technology, innovation, technology transfer and entrepreneurship, venture capital; Management and capacity building for effective engagement in Triple Helix partnerships: challenges and possible solutions; Communication of Innovation
8th Triple Helix Conference 2010, 20-22 October 2010, Madrid, Spain
Sub-title: International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages
Conference Theme: Triple Helix in the Development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities and Connecting Regions
(Host: La Salle Innovation Park of Services for People; Organizer: International Triple Helix Institute)
- Sub-themes:
Economic growth and social development in knowledge-based cities and connecting regions: challenge and future; Triple Helix study; Triple Helix in action: unlocking economic and social crises; University in regional innovation and social development; Government and public policy in the Triple Helix era; Enterprises and industrial development in a knowledge-based city or region
7th Triple Helix Conference 2009, 17-19 June 2009, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Sub-title: International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages
Conference Theme: The role of Triple Helix in the Global Agenda of Innovation, Competitiveness and Sustainability.
(Host: University of Strathclyde)
- Paper Sessions:
Third Mission of Universities; Third Mission of Universities – Knowledge Exchange; University-Industry Technology Exchange; Innovation Systems; Sustaining U-I-G Interactions; Social Capital and Innovation Systems; Triple Helix Models and their Extensions; Triple Helix Models – Accelerating Innovation; Triple Helix Models In Scandinavia; National Innovation Systems and the Triple Helix Models; Triple Helix and Research Diffusion; Sustainability and Triple Helix Collaborations; Role of Universities; Knowledge Exchange and Entrepreneurship; Knowledge Exchange – Policy Perspectives; A New Paradigm for Knowledge Exchange in the UK; National Strategic Framework and Innovation Infrastructure; University-Industry Modes of Interaction; Triple Helix and Capacity Building; Innovation Capacity Building; Impact of HEIs Initiative; Business Collaboration and Incubators; High Growth SMEs and Regional Development; High Growth Start-ups; Cooperative Research Centres and Team Science;
Panel Discussions:
Universities as Major Actors in the Knowledge Triangle; Knowledge Society Occupations – Transcending Gender Barriers
Plenary Presentations:
Portugal on the crossroads of change, facing the shock of the new: People, knowledge and ideas fostering the social fabric to facilitate the concentration of knowledge integrated communities
6th Triple Helix Conference 2007, 16-18 May 2007, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Sub-title: International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages
Conference Theme: Emerging Models for the Entrepreneurial University: Regional Diversities or Global Convergence
(Host: NUS Enterprise, National University of Singapore)
- Sub-Themes:
Role of Triple Helix Linkages in National Innovation System; Indicators/Measurement of Triple Helix Linkages and Dynamics; Models of Entrepreneurial University; University Technology Commercialization & Spin-offs; Technology commercialization from Public Research Organizations; Economic Impacts of Universities and Public Research Institutions; Triple Helix Linkages & Dynamics in Emerging Economies; Managing Triple Helix Relationships and Networks; Policies for Promoting Triple Helix Linkages; Organizational and Management Challenges in Triple Helix Nexus; Triple Helix Linkages in the context of Globalization; New Ways of Capitalizing Knowledge; University as Barycentre of Industrial Policy; Triple Helix from Perspective of Cultural and Creative Industries
5th Triple Helix Conference 2005, 18-21 May 2005, Turin, Italy
Conference Theme: The Capitalization of Knowledge: cognitive, economic, social & cultural aspects
(Host: Department of Production Systems & Business Economics, Polytechnic of Turin & Fondazione Rosselli)
- Conference Tracks:
Variable geometry of Triple Helix; Technology transfer & entrepreneurship; IPR, industrial dynamics & markets of knowledge; Internationalization & knowledge; Knowledge for innovation; Scientometrics & other measurements approaches to the Triple Helix; catching up; Management and innovation; Entrepreneurial universities
On the uneven development of knowledge across sectors: future challenges for sectors lagging behind; Markets for knowledge; Internationalization of the firm and knowledge creation; Knowledge and finance; Knowledge creation; Refraiming knowledge & competency in transnational technology transfer: lessons from the european innovation relay centers; Knowledge networks and innovation in developing countries; New indicators for the knowledge economy; Internationalization of the firm and capability to innovate
Knowledge, technology and intellectual property protection: a multidisciplinary analysis; Knowledge and urban development; Measuring the complexity of local knowledge
Plenary Presentations:
Third Academic Revolution: Polyvalent Knowledge, the DNA of Triple Helix; Knowledge: Free or Paid?; Management of Intellectual Property
4th Triple Helix Conference 2002, 6-9 November 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark | Lund, Sweden
Conference Theme: Breaking Boundaries and Building Bridges
(Host: Department of Management, Politics & Philosophy, Copenhagen Business School; School of Economics and Management, Lund University)
- Conference Tracks:
Managing Intra-Organizational Entrepreneurship; Research Programming aroung the Triple Helix; Mass Mediating between the Public, Science, and Industry; Innovations in Biotechnology; Creative Knowledge Environments; Braking Boundaries & Building Bridges. The case of the Emerging Market Economies in Central East Europe; Science – The Managed Frontier. Research Management at the Boundaries; Technology Foresight in the Triple Helix; Structural Preliminaries of Innovation and their Interdepency with the Cultural Context; …
3rd Triple Helix Conference 2000, 26-29 April 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
Conference Theme: The Endless Transition: Relations Among Social, Economic and Scientific Development in a Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations
(Host: Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
- Paper Sessions:
Issues in Collaborative Research Networks: (1) Focus on Policy, (2) Focus on Organizational Arrangements; Research Management in The University; Technology transfer: (1) Focus on the Role of the University, (2) Focus on the role of the industry; The Role of Clusters in Regional Development and Industrial Innovation; Regional Innovation Networks: (1) Focus on Models and Concepts, (2) Focus on Issues and Development; Knowledge for what and for whom?; A New Role for Government in Innovation Focus: (1) Focus on Policy, (2) Focus on Practice; The Entrepreneurial University; Effects of Privatization and Liberation on R&D: National and Regional Comparisons; External Influences on the Academic Research Agenda; Organizational Innovations in Economic and Social Development; Organizational Innovations in The Triple Helix; Effects of Privatization and Liberation on R&D: the Experience of Industrial Sector; Developing “Triple Helix” Indicators; Creating and Evaluating University-Industry Links; The Incubator Movement; A New Role for Research Institutes?; Ideological Issues in University-Industry-Government Relations; The Triple Helix Concept: (1) Relationships Between Theory and Practice, (2) Alternative Models; Intermediary Organizations: Focus on Innovation in Linkage; Human Resources: The Role of The University in The Economy; Triple Helix S&T Policy: (1) Issues of Development and Transition, (2) The Relationship Between Organizational Innovations And Their Environment; International Collaboration in R&D: Dynamics of Rise and Decline; Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises
Venture Capital in the Southern Cone; Asiatic countries: are they a Good Mirror where Latin America should Look?; Technology and Inequality; Local Systems of Innovation in Developing Countries: Concepts and Policy Implications; Revising the Topic of Technical-Professional Training and Employment Problems Today; Technological Capacity and the International Division of Labor; The University and The Pressures of Innovation Policy North and South; Developing an Infrastructure for New Links Between Academia and Industry; Reorganizing Research and Innovation Activities: Some Theoretical and Empirical Finding
2nd Triple Helix Conference 1998, 7-10 January 1998, Purchase (New York), USA
Conference Theme: The Future Location of Research in University-Industry-Government Relations
(Host: Purchase College)
- Paper Sessions:
The brazilian innovation system; Missing relations: the role of policy actors; Evolutionary modelling and mapping of transfer; Regional innovation environments; National technological competitiveness; Boundary work; How to create innovative networks?; The latin-american university; Perspectives on the Triple Helix as model and policy; Innovation policy models; Remodelling into a network mode; Hidden sources of technological innovation; Strategies for creating innovations; Mapping of changes in the Triple Helix; Dynamics of cross-sector innovations; Creating a Triple Helix organization; Cooperative research and its evaluation; Local networks in Contexts; Comparison among world regions; Changes in the university; The Triple Helix and the market
Workshop on “A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations”, 2-6 January 1996, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: Department of Science and Technology Dynamics, University of Amsterdam)
- Paper Topics:
The construction of the knowledge based regime
The coevolution of technologies and institutions
The operation of the triple helix
Universities in knowledge based economies
Science Policy Dimensions