The Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation (FoKCs; Japanese: 回知識共創フォーラム) is a forum where researchers and practitioners collaborate in attempting to scientifically clarify the mechanisms of creations, sharing, and applications of knowledge and to realize highly-developed knowledge societies. Session formats: Invited talk session; Theme session; General session; Interactive session (Poster session); Seeds session (work-in-progress
Knowledge Management award
Knowledge Summit*
The Knowledge Summit (Arabic: قمَّة المعرفة), initially known as the Knowledge Conference (Arabic: مؤتمر المعرفة), is organised by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation (MBRF) in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme’s Regional Bureau for Arab States (UNDP RBAS). It amis to bring together international and regional knowledge influencers, experts and thought
International Legal Technology Association Conference (ILTACON)*
- Focus areas (TBC): Knowledge Management; Data Science
Global Knowledge Management Awards @ World HRD Congress**
The Global Knowledge Management Awards, 1) Attention!… formerly the Global Knowledge Management Congress & Awards, part of the World HRD Congress and in the past part of the World Education Congress, as well as the regional Knowledge Management Leadership Awards in Dubai (Asian Knowledge Management Leadership Awards @ Asian Leadership Awards), Singapore (Asia Knowledge Management
Fun & Joy at Work
Fun & Joy at Work, formerly the Centre for Change Management, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training