International Conferences on Knowledge Management in Organisations (KMO)*

International Conferences on Knowledge Management in Organisations (KMO)*

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The International Conferences on Knowledge Management in Organisations (KMO), formerly the International Knowledge Management in Organizations Conference (KMO), aim at providing an international forum for authors to present and discuss research focused on the role of knowledge management for innovative solutions in industries, as well as to shed light on recent advances in knowledge-intensive service systems for organizations. The scientific objective of the conference is to identify challenging problems on the role of knowledge management on designing innovative product service systems, as well as to identify future directions research for the role of knowledge management in service innovation in academia and industrial sectors.

Main organizer: School of Digital, Technologies and Arts, Staffordshire University

Co-Located recurring events:

  • 2012-present: LTEC – International Workshop/Conference on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (until 2016 known as International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud)

Since 2022 KMO and LTEC is branded as International Conferences on Knowledge Management in Organisations (KMO)

Conference History:


18th KMO 2024, July 29 – August 1, 2024, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Industry 4.0
(Host: National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Information Management, Social Network Innovation Center; Sponsor: Taiwan Social Network Society; IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for July 29 – August 1, 2024 in Bogota, Colombia (Host: Facultad de Ingeniería, Francisco José de Caldas District University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jul 29)
    Augmented Reality (AR) Apps Development Based on Unity and Vuforia
    Learning Advanced ChatGPT prompts

    AI Technological Innovation and Firm Leadership
    Strategies for publishing AI in education research in SSCI journals
    Artificial Intelligence, Metaverse, and Knowledge Management

    Conference Sections: (8)
    Session titles n.a.

    Co-located Events:
    12th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC)
    Sub-title: New Trends in learning technology

    Sections: (6)
    Session titles n.a.

17th KMO 2023, July 24-27, 2023, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: TBD
(Host: Faculty of Economics & others, Srinakharinwirot University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials: KMO/LTEC (Jul 24)
    Successful practices on distant knowledge assessment: Approaches, Tools, and Future Trends
    Ultimate knowledge management and transfer with OKMindmap: Achieving communicative, collaborative, creative, and critical knowledge processing and managing

    Conference Sections: (proceedings)
    Knowledge Transfer and Sharing
    Knowledge in Business and Organisation
    Digital Transformation and Innovation
    Data Analysis and Science
    Knowledge Management and Education
    Knowledge Management Process and Model
    Information and Knowledge Systems
    IT and New Trends in Knowledge Management

    Keynotes: KMO/LTEC
    Empowering Digital Transformation for a Sustainability and Lifelong Learning in an Uncertain Post Covid Era
    Knowledge Management Essentials: Reflections on the Discipline and Outlook to the Future
    KM 4.0: The impact of Industry 4.0 on KM practices and KM systems

    Co-located Events:
    11th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC), Jul 11-14

    Sections: (proceedings)
    Serious Games and Virtual Learning Environments
    Learning Practices and Methodologies
    Learning Technologies
    Learning Methodologies and Models
    Learning Technologies Performance

16th KMO 2022, July 11-14, 2022, FernUniversität in Hagen, Hagen, Germany / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: The Emerging trends of knowledge management in organisations: Knowledge management in the post pandemic era
(Host: Digitale Hochschule NRW c/o FernUniversität in Hagen)

    Note: Some sessions are delivered online; KMO is promoted as “International Conferences on Knowledge Management in Organisations” or KMO & LTEC International Conference(s) with the sub-title “New Ideas in Knowledge Management and Learning Technologies”.

    Pre-conference Tutorials: KMO/LTEC (Jul 11)
    The development of a National Registry of Procedures for Greece using crowd sourcing and an open software knowledge repository
    Harnessing the power of academic shame, shame proneness, and individual differences in the learning of complex science topics

    Conference Sections: (proceedings)
    Knowledge Transfer and Sharing
    Knowledge and Organization
    Knowledge and Service Innovation
    Information and Knowledge Systems
    Intelligent Science
    AI and New Trends in Knowledge Management

    Keynotes: KMO/LTTEC (3)
    The role of Knowledge Management and Learning to Reduce the Digital Carbon Footprint of Organisations
    The New Learning Organization

    Co-located Events:
    10th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC), Jul 11-14

    Sections: (proceedings)
    Serious Games and Virtual Learning Environments
    Learning Practices and Methologies
    Learning Technologies
    Learning Mehtodologies and Pandemic Impact
    Learning Technologies Performance

15th KMO 2021, July 20-22, 2021, National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: The Emerging trends of knowledge management in organisations
(Host: National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Information Management, Social Network Innovation Center & Artiticial Intelligence Research Center; Organized by: National University of Kaohsiung; Taiwanese Association for Social Networks)

    Note: KMO/LTEC was originally scheduled for July 20-23/20-21, 2020

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Jul 19)

    Conference Sections: (proceedings)
    Knowledge Management Models and Analysis; Knowledge Transfer and Learning; Knowledge and Service Innovation; Knowledge and Organization; Information Systems and Information Science; Privacy and Security; Intelligent Science and Data Mining; Artificial Intelligence and New Trends in IT

    Microfoundations in knowledge transfer: Who we know, how we feel, and what we will need

    Co-located Events:
    9th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC), Jul 20-21
    Workshop Theme: Emerging trends in educational technology

    Workshop Sections (proceedings): Learning Tools and Environment; e-learning and Transferability Strategies; Serious Games Technologies; Learning Practices and Knowledge Transfer

14th KMO 2019, July 15-18, 2019, University of Salamanca, Zamora, Spain

Conference Theme: The synergistic role of knowledge management in organisations
(Host: University of Salamanca, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Zamora; Organized by: University of Salamanca; National University of Kaohsiung; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jul 15):
    How to recognize and harness the power of negative emotions in STEM learning; Promoting the employability of PhDs in Organizations; Introduction to Conceptual Engineering; Adapting QR Code Technology to Improve Digital Natives Learning Experience

    Topical Sections:
    Knowledge Management Models and Analysis; Knowledge Transfer and Learning; Knowledge and Service Innovation; Knowledge and Organization/Social Networks and Social Aspects of Knowledge Management; Information Systems and Information Science; Data Mining and Intelligent Science; Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT); New Trends in Knowledge Management and Information Technology (IT)

    Digital technologies and the Governance of Innovation Ecosystems; Educational Data Analytics for Online Teaching and Learning; Open knowledge sharing communities – towards a commons based society?; Exploring and imaging the future for educational technology

    Co-located Events:
    8th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education Challenges (LTEC), Jul 15-19
    Workshop Theme: How technologies help us to learn to meet future learning

    Workshop Sessions: Learning Technologies; Learning Tools and Environment; E-learning and MOOCS; Learning Practices; Social Media Learning Tools; Machine Learning and Evaluation Support Programs

13th KMO 2018, August 6-10, 2018, University of Žilina, Slovakia

Conference Theme: Emerging research for Knowledge Management in organisations
(Host: University of Žilina, Research Centre & ERAdiate; Organized by: University of Žilina; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Aug 6):
    The Discount Focus Subgroup Method: a new innovative method for data, information and knowledge elicitation; Learning practices using mobile and game-based learning with students in diseases’ situations; The blockchain technology – application in the educational domain; Deep leadership® in practice

    Topical Sections:
    Knowledge Management Models and Analysis; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Transfer and Learning; Knowledge and Service Innovation; Knowledge Creation; Knowledge and Organization; Information Systems and Information Science; Knowledge and Technology Management; Data Mining and Intelligent Science; Business and Customer Relationship Management; Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT); New trends in Information Technology (IT)

    Keynote Speakers:
    The Synergy between Knowledge Management and Analytics; Scalable Knowledge Ingestion; Learning technology: researching the student digital experience

    Co-located Events:
    7th International Conference on Learning Technology For Education Challenges (LTEC), Aug 6-10
    Conference Theme: What learning professionals should know

    Workshop Sessions: Gamification and Learning; Learning and Knowledge Transfer; Learning Technologies Applications; Virtual Learning Environments; Mobile Learning and Moocs

12th KMO 2017, August 21-24, 2017, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: Emerging Technology and Knowledge Management in Organizations
(Host: Beijing Jiaotong University, School of Electronic and Information Engineering; Organized by: Beijing Jiaotong University; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Aug 21):
    The Internet of Things as a Source for Knowledge Acquisition and Discovery; Students Achieving Excellence without Exception: Confirmed by Learning Analytics; Knowledge Model that Works; Knowledge Management in the Context of Pervasive and Mobile Computing

    Topical Sections:
    Knowledge Management Models and Behaviour Studies; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Transfer and Learning; Knowledge and Service Innovation; Knowledge and Organization; Information Systems Research; Value Chain and Supply Chain; Knowledge Re-presentation and Reasoning; Data Mining and Intelligent Science; Big Data Management; Internet of Things and Network

    The Particular Implications of Context and Culture for Knowledge Management Research; From Knowledge to Action. Analytics to Support Learning and Teaching

    Co-located Events:
    6th International Conference on Learning Technology For Education Challenges (LTEC), Aug 21-24
    Conference Theme:

    Workshop Sessions: Learning Technologies; Learning Tools and Environment; Online Learning and Moocs; Problem Solving and Knowledge Transfer;

11th KMO 2016, July 25-28, 2016, FernUniversität Hagen, Hagen, Germany

Conference Theme: The Changing Face of Knowledge Management Impacting Society
(Host: FernUniversität Hagen, Digitale Medien Services; Organized by: FernUniversität Hagen; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jul 25):
    Integrating Supply Chain by the Supply Chain Operation Referential Model; Secure Knowledge Management (CANELLED?); Learning Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) through Business Simulation Game; Putting Education Back Into Place: Exploring the Potential of Locative Learning Through Mobile Technologies

    Conference Sessions:
    Information Technology & Knowledge Management; Innovation and Creation; Knowlegde Management Tools & Systems; Knowledge Management Processes; Education and Learning, Knowledge Transfer & Sharing; Data Mining and Machine Learning; Social and Spatial Analysis & Techniques; Intelligent Data Analysis; Education and Learning, Knowledge Transfer & Sharing; Knowledge Management and Learning Technologies (KMO&LTEC)

    Digital Co-Creation and Augmented Learning; Why Knowledge when Data Suffices; Of clouds and cables: what do students need when they learn with technology?

    KMO & LTEC Doctoral Symposium (CANCELLED)

    Co-located Events:
    5th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Jul 25-28
    Workshop Theme: The Changing Face of Education

    Workshop Sessions: Case Study; Learning Technologies; Learning Tools and Environment; Mooc for Learning; Problem Solving and Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Management and Learning Technologies (KMO&LTEC)
    Lifelong learning at universities and the role of technology (LTEC Workshop), Jul 27

10th KMO 2015, August 24-28, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Internet of Things
(Host: University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics; Organized by: University of Maribor; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Aug 24):
    The Governance Impact of Big Data and the Internet of Things on the Practice of Knowledge Management in Organisations; The role of Big Data in Enterprise Computing; Point-of-Interest Recommendation in Location-based Social Networks

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management Processes; Knowledge Management and Internet of Things (IOT); Successful Knowledge Sharing & Knowledge Management Practices; Knowledge Management Platforms & Tools; Innovations for Competitiveness; Knowledge Management in Healthcare; Social software & Mining Techniques; Knowledge Management in Education & Research; Skype presentations

    3 Keynote, 1 Guest

    Co-located Events:
    4th International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Aug 24-26
    Workshop Theme: Technologies changing the way we teach and learn: social media, MOOC and big data

    Workshop Sessions: MOOC Challenges; Cooperative Learning; Learning Engineering; Learning Tools and Environments; Science – Technology – Engineering – Mathematics (STEM)

    KMedu relevant:
    Knowledge ambassadors: enhancing tacit knowledge transfer in Kenyan universities

9th KMO 2014, September 2-5, 2014, Federico Santa María Technical University, Santiago, Chile

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management to improve innovation and competitiveness through Big Data
(Host: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria, Commercial Engineering Department; Organized by: Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 2):
    Introduction to Business Analytics; Steps to Improving the MOOC Experience

    Topical Sections:
    Big Data and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management Practice and Case Studies; Information Technology and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Social Networks; Knowledge Management in Organizations; Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Creation

    Towards Collaborative Learning at Scale; Implementing Knowledge Management Initiatives to Speed up Technology Adoption; Big Data Visualization Engines for Understanding the development of Countries, Social Networks, Culture and Cities

    Co-located Events:
    3rd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Sep 2-5
    Workshop Theme: MOOC and big data for learning technology through cloud

    Workshop Sessions: Mooc for Learning; Learning Technologies; Learning in Higher Education; Case Study in Learning

8th KMO 2013, September 9-13, 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Conference Theme: Social and Big Data Computing for Knowledge Management
(Host: National University of Kaohsiung, Department of Information Management; Organized by: National University of Kaohsiung; Staffordshire University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 9-10):
    T1: Dynamic visualisation of data for more knowledgeable interpretations (Cancelled); T2: Integrating cloud applications as means for promoting 21st Century Skills; T3: Introduction to Business Analytics; T4: Semantic Web Technologies: Opportunities for Accelerating the e-Services Market; T5: Agents Virtual Organization; T6: Data Mining in Recommender Systems; T7: Scaffolding Cognitive Self-Regulation in the Cloud; T8: Service innovation and big data

    Topical Sections:
    Service and Innovation; Knowledge Management Practice and Case Study; Information Technology and Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Social Network; Knowledge Management in Business and Organization; Knowledge Transfer, Sharing and Creation;

    Transforming learning via social and big data computing; To fuse or not to fuse: Combinatorial Fusion Algorithm for data analytics and knowledge

    Co-located Events:
    2nd International Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Sep 11-13

    Workshop Sessions: e-Learning Case Study; e-Learning and e-Learning Model; MOOC; Learning in Cloud

    International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis and Management (IDAM), Sep 11-13

7th KMO 2012, July 11-13, 2012, Salamanca, Spain

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management, Services and Cloud Computing
(Host: University of Salamanca, Department of Computer Science and Automation Control; Organized by: University of Salamanca; Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca; Staffordshire University; In cooperation with: Springer; IEEE Spain Section; Junta de Castilla y Leon)

    Conference Sessions:
    Innovation in Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management and Service Science; Knowledge Management in Education; Cloud Computing: Advances and Applications (Special Session); Knowledge Management in the Internet Age; Knowledge Management in Business; Technology Applied to Knowledge Management; Applications in Knowledge Management

    Cloud Computing? What? Why? To Where?; Smarter Cities: a new paradigm based on systems-of-systems; New digital ecologies of learning (LTEC)

    Co-located Events:
    1st Workshop on Learning Technology for Education in Cloud (LTEC), Jul 11-13

    Workshop Sessions: Applications; Cloud; Applications multimedia and games; Studies; Adaptive e-learning system

    International Symposium on Management Intelligent Systems (IS-MiS), Jul 11-13 (re-scheduled to 22-24 May)

6th KMO 2011, September 27-28, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management for Sustainable Innovation
(Host: Tokyo Institute of Technology; Organized by: Tokyo Institute of Technology; Staffordshire University; In cooperation with: PAAA – Pacific-Asian Association for Agent-based Approach in Social Systems Sciences; Staffordshire University)

    Conference Tutorials & Workshops:
    Tutorial: Applying A Sustainable Innovation Framework; Workshop: Business Case StudiesUsing Narrative Approach with MANGA Texts

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management in Business; Knowledge Sharing & Management Systems; Knowledge Management and System Modeling; Knowledge Management & Innovation; Knowledge Management & Technology; Knowledge Management & Service Science

    Future Center – Transformation into Sustainable Knowledge Enterprises; Is the Organizational Computer a Digital Nervous System?

5th KMO 2010, May 18-19, 2010, Veszprém, Hungry

Conference Theme: Roles and challenges of knowledge management in innovation for services and products
(Host: University of Pannonia, Department of Management; Organized by: University of Pannonia; Staffordshire University)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Sharing & Collaborations; Knowledge Management & Service Science; Knowledge Management & IT tools; Knowledge Management & Culture; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Non-profit Organizations; Knowledge Mangement &
    Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Mangement & Innovations

    Keynote 1; The Role of Agents and Goals in Knowledge Management

    Panel Dicussion:
    Topics: Definition of “Knowledge Management in innovation for services and products”.; Qualities of the person leading the introduction of Knowledge Management to make it effective and efficient; Integration of Knowledge Management into the company’s organizational structure; Main roles of Knowledge Management supporting the different stages of innovation; Steps to introduce Knowledge Management; Do’s and don’ts.

4th KMO 2009, June 23-24, 2009, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Service Science
(Host: National Taiwan University, Department of Business Administration; Organized by: National Taiwan University; Staffordshire University)


3rd KMO 2008, June 24-25, 2008, Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, Vaasa, Finland

Sub-title: New Trends in Knowledge Management
(Host: Vaasa University of Applied Sciences, School of Technology, Civil Engineering; Organized by: University of Vaasa; Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu, University of Applied Sciences; Hanken School of Economics; Staffordshire University)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management Systems; Techology and Knowledge Management; Services and Knowledge Management; Organizational Learning and Knowledge Development; Innovation and Networking with Knowledge; Culture and Knowledge Management

    Industrial Track:
    Industrial Application on Knowledge Management (IAKM) (CANCELLED?)

    Service Science Management and Engineering (SSME); Governing by Network: Roles of Networking; Challenges in Global Power Plant projects

    Panel Discussion:
    What are the main challenges in knowledge management in organisations?

    PhD Workshop (CANCELLED)

2nd KMO 2007, September 10-11, 2007, University of Lecce, Lecce, Italy

Sub-title: New Trends in Knowledge Management
(Host: University of Lecce, Scuola Superiore ISUFI, E-Business Management Section,; Organized by: Staffordshire University, University of Milan, University of Lecce)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management Strategies; Knowledge Management Technologies; Knowledge Management Cases Study; Knowledge Networks; Software Demonstration

    Breakthrough results on solutions and technologies for Knowledge Management

    Industrial Track:
    Industrial Application on Knowledge Management (IAKM) (CANCELLED?)

    From Knowledge Portals to Knowledge Infrastructures; Corporate search engine as Knowledge Management Tool: the PHAROS case study; Data and Knowledge Sharing in Organizations via Automatic Schema Matching

    Panel Discussion:
    Perspective on “New trends in Knowledge Management”

1st KMO 2006, June 13-14, 2006, Maribor, Slovenia

Sub-title: New Trends in Knowledge Management
(Host: University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Institute of Informatics; Organized by: University of Maribor, University of VAASA, Madurai Kamaraj University, Staffordshire University)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Discovery and Sharing; Semantic Web and Ontologies; Knowledge Management in SMEs and Learning; Knowledge Management in Development and Production; Knowledge Modeling; Knowledge Management and Agent Technology; Knowledge representation and Dissemination

    The Future of Software and Services; Cryptography and Evidence; Trust-based Validation of Semantic Web Metadata; Activity Theory for Knowledge Management in Organisations

    Panel Discussion:
    New Trends in Knowledge Management

    Co-located Events:
    Konferenca sodobne tehnologije in storitve (STO)
    Konferenca Informatika in pravo (INPRO)

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