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Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)*

Universities, Colleges | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM; English: Putra University Malaysia), formerly the Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM; English: Agricultural University of Malaysia)1), College of Agriculture Malaya, and the School of Agriculture, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training

Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA)

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Intellectual Capital Association (ICAA; Portugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual), formerly the Intellectual Capital Accreditation Association (ICAA; Protugese: Associação para a Gestão do Capital Intelectual) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training

Corporate Learning Community (CLC)

Communities & Social Networks | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Corporate Learning Community (CLC), formerly Corporate Learning Alliance (CLA), and Corporate Learning Community (CLC) or Community of Training Practice (CoTP) within the employers’ association Hessenmetall, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training