Filed in: knowledge management technology

International Conference on Information, Knowledge Management and Big Data Computing (ICIKMBDC)

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference on Information, Knowledge Management and Big Data Computing (ICIKMBDC), quasi-successor of the International Conference on E-Learning and Knowledge Management (ICEKMT), is a premier forum for researchers, practitioners, developers and users who are interested in Knowledge Management, Big Data and computing to explore new ideas, techniques and tools, as well as to exchange

IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), follow up conference series of the 2000 IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Learning Technologies (IWALT), is an annual international conference on Advanced Learning Technologies and Technology-enhanced Learning organized by IEEE Computer Society and IEEE Technical Committee on Learning Technology (TCLT). ATTENTION! Don’t

Notre Dame of Maryland Introduces Master’s in Knowledge Management

News | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

(Baltimore, MD, July 22, 2011) Responding regional demand for professionals skilled in the creation, enhancement and use of knowledge assets, Notre Dame of Maryland School of Arts and Sciences is launching a Master of Science in Knowledge Management. The program offers students the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary competencies in knowledge management technologies, quantitative processes and