Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
master degrees
Edith Cowan University (ECU)*
Edith Cowan University (ECU), formerly the Western Australian College of Advanced Education (WACAE), with rootsin the Claremont Teachers College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Aberystwyth University (Aber)*
Aberystwyth University (Aber; Welsh: Prifysgol Aberystwyth), formerly the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, and the University College Wales, Aberystwyth, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
Copenhagen Business School (CBS; Danish: Handelshøjskolen i København) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Colegio Oficial de Graduados e ingenieros Técnicos de Minas y Energía del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS)*
Colegio Oficial de Graduados e ingenieros Técnicos de Minas y Energía del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS), formerly Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos de Minas del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training