BE Wenger-Trayner

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BE Wenger-Trayner, literally Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


Regular Workshops

  • Cultivating Communities of Practice State-of-the-art Workshop (4 days)

BEtreat workshops (4 days)

    2023 BEtreats:
    Social learning spaces (Cutting-edge workshop, 3 days)

    2015-2022: Social Learning (Leadership)…
    Principles and (best) practice (State-of-the-art workshop)
    Pioneering aspects/emerging issues of the field (Cutting-edge workshop)
    Hybrid (Practice & research workshop) | 2020 only
    Theory and research / Research & Evaluation (Academic/Research workshop)

    2013/14 BEtreats:
    Professional BEtreats: How do we develop, evaluate, and support learning in networks and communities?
    (1) Best practice (State of the art workshop)
    (2) Emerging issues (Cutting edge workshop)
    Academic BEtreats: What is the latest social learning theory and research?
    (1) Current theory and research (State of the art workshop)
    (2) Advanced theory and research (Cutting edge workshop)

    2012 BEtreats:
    Cultivating communities and networks for social learning (State-of-the-art BEtreat/ BEtreat Primer)
    Social Learning (Cutting-edge BEtreat / BEtreat ’12)
    Social learning theory (Academic BEtreat)

    2011 BEtreats:
    Leading communities of practice and networks (4 days)

    2010 BEtreats:
    Convening, leading, and supporting communities of practice (5 days)

Other Workshops

  • Jul 2024: The Art of Enabling Social Learning: Communities of practice and systems convening (4 days)
  • Oct 2020: Liberating Structures & Social learning** (2 days; w. Full Circle Associates; POSTPONED)

Certificate Courses

  • Social Learning Leadership Certificate and Fellowship Program (1-2 years)


  • … on all aspects of social learning: Communities of practice in and across organizations; Myths and half-myths about communities of practice; Dimensions of maturity in communities of practice; Learning to make a difference – the art of creating social learning spaces; Learning to make a difference: professional and organizational development through social learning; Learning to make a difference: value-creation in social learning spaces; Systems convening: leadership for the 21st century; Communities of practice: the history of a concept; Social learning theory: recent developments; Communities of practice: a social discipline of learning; Knowledge management as social learning; Social learning in the 21st century; Social learning theory and what it looks like in practice; Social media: strategies for social learning; Social learning capabilities and staying ahead; Social artists and social learning spaces; Learning citizenship and its significance in the 21st century; Crossing boundaries in landscapes of practice; Strategic HR


  • Communities of Practice Summit (CoP Summit)*
      The Communities of Practice Summit (CoP Summit) is a chance to gather a range of different resources, useful in different contexts and for different purposes. There will be plenty of time for networking and for learning more about a range of experiences in cultivating communities of practice.

Etienne Wenger


  • Communities of Practice – Interactive Workshops
    (Face-to-face and online/teleconference educational and developmental workshops )

    • Introductory modules: Communities of practice in organizations: the new frontier; True knowledge management: the value of communities of practice
    • Community development modules: Community development: principles; Community development: stages of development; Community development: launch design; Community development: community renewal; Key roles in communities: an ecology of leadership; Community coordination; High-impact communities of practice: key factors; Large and distributed communities of practice; Community-oriented technology
    • Organizational initiative modules: Strategic capability building: knowledge as strategy; Community-based knowledge initiatives: building on experience; Institutionalizing communities: five organizational structures; Developing an organizational practice of community building; The role of community sponsor: leadership in a knowledge economy; Establishing the value of communities of practice; Communities of practice and innovation
    • Theory modules: Foundations: introduction to a social theory of learning; Meaning, identity, and power in communities of practice; The community-structure of large-scale learning systems; Learning for a small planet: a research agenda

Public speaking

  • …on topics in communities of practice: Introduction to communities of practice, Advanced topics in communities of practice, Communities of practice in education, Communities of practice and e-learning, Communities of practice and corporate universities, Communities of practice and innovation, Appreciating the value created by communities of practice


  • CPsquare – The Community of Practice on Communities of Practice*2) (2003-2015)
  • Communities of Practice Consortium*2) (2000-2002)

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