Copenhagen Business School (CBS)
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Copenhagen Business School (CBS; Danish: Handelshøjskolen i København) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Department of Strategy and Innovation 1)
- Danish Research Unit on Industrial Dynamics (DRUID) 2)
- Learning, Incentives and Knowledge (LINK) Program* 3)
Organizing for Internal and External Knowledge Creation and Innovation
2008 & 2009 conference in cooperation with the Center for Strategic Management and Globalization
Learning, Incentives and Knowledge (LINK) Conference
- LINK 2002 Conference, November 1–2, 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Organizing Processes of Building and Leveraging Knowledge-
- LINK 2001 Conference, September 7-8, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Governing Knowledge-Processes-
Conference Sessions: Governing knowledge and economic organization; Intrafirm perspective; Interfirm perspective; Governing knowledge and competitive advantage
- LINK October 2000 Workshop, October 26-27, 2000, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Workshop Theme: Learning, Incentives and Corporate Disaggregation: Theories and Methods for Understanding New Organizational Forms-
Workshop & Discussion Sessions: New Organizational Forms and the Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm; Learning and New Organizational Forms; IT and Corporate Disaggregation; Knowledge Flows and the Multinational Firm; Empirical Evidence
- LINK May 2000 Workshop, 15 May, 2000, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Denmark
Workshop Theme: Organizing Processes of Learning-
LINK Seminars
Sep 2002: From quality control to quality monitoring and organisational learning; The organisation of knowledge and production
Nov 2001: Organisation, Learning and Performance – Moments in the History of Organisational Learning
Sep 2001: Knowledge Transfers following Acquisition: The Impact of Prior Trust-based Relations
Jun 2001: Two Faces of Absorptive Capacity Creation: Access and Utilisation of Knowledge
Feb 2001: Role of HRM practices in the process of organizational knowledge transfer in multinational corporations
Nov 2000: Modeling Knowledge Complementarity and Knowledge Exchange
Department Seminars
Oct 2001: Models of Cognition, the Contextualisation of Knowledge and Organisational Theory
Sep 2002: From quality control to quality monitoring and organisational learning
May 2001: Social Capital and Knowledge Development in Small Firms
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration > Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy*
Undergraduate Degrees/Programs
- BA in Information Management 4)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Executive Master of Knowledge Management (MKM)** 5)
Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Classics in Management and Organisation
Module 3: Buzzing around Knowledge Management
Module 4: Knowledge Management Technologies
Module 5: Knowledge Leadership
Module 6: Business & Knowledge Strategy
Module 7: Innovation Project
Module 8: Knowledge Sharing & Networking
Module 9: Master Thesis
Electives: to specialise in a chosen subject
Net-seminars: working on assignments in groups and dialoguing with professors virtually
- Knowledge Management – A Pit Stop, 5 March 2003, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
(co-organized by the MKM program and LOK Research Center @ CBS)
- European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA) 6)
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration > Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy > Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management* 7)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD Program on Knowledge and Management**
- EUDOKMA seminar on Knowledge and Management (2000-2009)
- EUDOKMA seminar on Strategic Management (2004)
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration > Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy > Center for Strategic Management and Globalization* 8)
- Organizing for Internal and External Knowledge Creation and Innovation
(co-organized by the Center for Strategic Management and Globalization and the Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics)The 2008 conference intends to shed further light on the complex and potentially conflicting choices firms take in order to acquire, exchange, and create knowledge, and to innovate. The 2009 conference is intended to bridge open innovation and organizational architecture/design research, in particular aiming to disentangle the role played by firm-specific resources in shaping innovation strategy in terms of acquisition, exchange, and creation of knowledge.
- Organizing for Internal and External Knowledge Creation and Innovation, October 29-30, 2009, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Demnark
Conference Theme: The Role of Resources - Organizing for Internal and External Knowledge Creation and Innovation, October 30-31, 2008, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Demnark
Conference Theme: Looking Within or Searching Beyond?
- Organizing for Internal and External Knowledge Creation and Innovation, October 29-30, 2009, Copenhagen Business School, Frederiksberg, Demnark
- Microfoundations of Organizational Capabilities & Knowledge Processes, 1-2 December 2005, Copenhaben Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark
The purpose of this two-day conference is to bring together a group of world-class scholars from several related disciplines – business, economics, sociology, philosophy, communications – to discuss the micro-macro link in knowledge and capabilities and related knowledge processes as they relate to social theory and strategic management. - Mini-conference on HRM practices and Knowledge Processes, 1 December 2004, Frederiksberg (Copenhagen), Denmark
The purpose of the mini-conference is to offer an interdisciplinary interpretation of the link between HRM practices and knowledge. In particular, the mini-conference will address the following question: What HRM practices could best facilitate knowledge creation and sharing in organizations?- International Knowledge Transfers through Expatriates: A qualitative analysis of internal stickiness factors
Knowledge Networks and Extended Internal Labour Markets: The case of R&D scientists
Knowledge sharing in Danish multinationals Presentation
Closure: HRM and Knowledge Processes
Research (and Business) Seminars
- Oct 2008: The Outsourcing of Knowledge-Based Services: Professional, Domain, and Firm-Specific Knowledge (Over Time); Knowledge and Supply Chain Competitiveness; Danish-Indian Business Collaboration: Partners in innovation and knowledge creation (business seminar)
- Sep 2008: Knowledge Protection Strategies of MNC Subsidiaries
- Jun 2008: Building Knowledge Assets in the Multinational Corporation: the Roles of Organization, Knowledge Sources, and Absorptive Capacity; Longing to Belong: The Governance of Knowledge-Intensive Organizations
- May 2008: Knowledge Sharing among Employees: Different Knowledge Sharing Behaviors, Different Motivational Foundations
- Apr 2008: Organizational Values and Knowledge Sharing Behavior in MNCs
- Jun 2007: Mandates and Mechanisms – Reverse Knowledge Transfer in MNEs
- Nov 2004: Understanding Knowledge Governance
- Oct 2004: Who Discloses Contracts and Why? An Analysis of Contracts Contained in Corporate Filings
- Sep 2004: Knowledge sharing as a means to overcoming organizational interdependence
- May 2004: Reflexivity: Curse or Cure?; Identity and Commitment: Sen’s Conception of the Individual
- Apr 2004: Capability Coordination in Modular Organization: Voluntary FS/OSS Production and the Case of Debian GNU/Linux
- Mar 2004: Problem solving effectiveness in the research of dedicated biotechnology firms; On the Prospects for a Unified Social Science: Economics and Sociology
- Dec 2003: Open for Innovation: The role of openness in explaining innovation performance among UK manufacturing firms
- Nov 2003: The Governance of Knowledge
- Oct 2003: The Secret Life of Mundane Transaction Costs
- Sep 2003: Entrepreneurial Universities – Fact or illusion?
- Jun 2004: Micro-Foundations for Knowledge Processes; Gaining advantage from organizing and accessing user communities
- Mar 2004: Organizational Learning
- Nov 2004: Center for Knowledge Governance: Past, Present, and Future
- Apr 2004: The official opening of the Center for Knowledge Governance (What is knowledge governance? Why is it distinct from knowledge management? )