Filed in: United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Colloque international du chapitre français de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-France)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Le Colloque (international) du chapitre français de l’International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO-France), anciennement le Congrès…, est le colloque international biennial de l’ISKO-France. Histoire du Congrès/Colloque: 14e Colloque international ISKO-France 2025, Date TBD, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France Thème du colloque: TBD (Host: Université de

World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC)**

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC), sub-titled with “Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities”, explores the challenges and opportunities stemming from today’s increasingly knowledge-based economy. The event is designed as a platform for the exchanges of views, to promote learning

Knowledge Management Iran (KM Iran)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Knowledge Management Iran (KM Iran) conference and exhibition aims to convene the academics, Knowledge Management practitioners, business leaders & experts coming from different backgrounds & countries to interact and share their experience, expertise and findings in all areas of Knowledge Management. KM Iran features invited keynote presentations, panels on topical issues, refereed paper presentations