World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC)**
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The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities (IC), sub-titled with “Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities“, explores the challenges and opportunities stemming from today’s increasingly knowledge-based economy.
The event is designed as a platform for the exchanges of views, to promote learning among key stakeholders from around the world, and to consider an agenda for transnational and trans-institutional research and action for the future.
From 2008-2017 it was held in conjunction with the International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, since 2006 the General Assembly of the New Club of Paris (NCP) is a co-located event, and since 2012 IC comes along with a regional or country focus.
Since 2006 the conference is organized by the The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, formerly the IC Group, at the University Paris-Sud (in 2005 by the University of Marne-la Vallée). From 2005-2013 it was co-organized by The World Bank and its Institute. Since 2016 by the UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Information for All Programme.
Conference History:
IC15, July 11-12, 2019, UNESCO, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Artificial intelligence and the next generation of competences : How Digital – and Artificial Intelligence – will impact jobs and competences profiles?; Country Focus: Russia
(Co-organiser: European Chair on Intellectual Capital, University Paris-Sud; Intergovernmental Information for All Programme (IFAP), UNESCO)
Conference Sessions:
Artificial intelligence, competences of tomorrow : the policy agenda; Foresight for next generation jobs and competency profiles; Education and jobs in a world of artificial intelligence; Artificial intelligence and the digital divide; Responsible development and implementation of artificial intelligence for learning; Competencies for artificial intelligence: entry points and new orientations; On the way to the society of digital equality: challenges and perspectives; Intangibles capital agenda: an update; Intangibles, productivity and innovation growth
Co-located Events:
New Club of Paris Annual General Assembly, Jul 10
IC14, June 14-15, 2018, UNESCO, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Safe and Ethical Cyberspace, digital assets and risk: How to assess the intangible impacts of A growing phenomenon?; Regional Focus: France
(Co-organiser: European Chair on Intellectual Capital, University Paris-Sud; Intergovernmental Information for All Programme (IFAP), UNESCO)
Conference Sessions:
Digital transformation, ethical cyberspace and the policy agenda; Modelling and valuing the intangible impacts of cyberrisks; Intellectual capital of France: recent developments; Institutional innovations and economic growth; Intangible capital of nations: an update; Digital platforms, competition policy and innovation; Intangible capital in global value chains; Intangibles and value: the micro/macro dialogue, what should be next steps
Co-located Events:
New Club of Paris Annual General Assembly, Jun 13
IC13, July 3-4, 2017, UNESCO, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge for All: Towards an Inclusive Innovation; Regional Focus: Japan
(Co-organiser: European Chair on Intellectual Capital, University Paris-Sud; Intergovernmental Information for All Programme (IFAP), UNESCO)
Conference Sessions:
Inclusive innovation – antecedents and future directions; Information and knowledge for all – initiatives and policy agenda; Innovation in Japanese companies based on intellectual assets; Intellectual capital abundant country, Japan; Valuing data as digital assets; Transfer of knowledge & technology for regional development; Institutional innovation and territorial development; The future of reporting
Co-located Events:
10th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, Jul 5
IC12, July 12-13, 2016, UNESCO, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Data, Digital Assets and Platforms for Innovation; Regional Focus: Africa
(Organizer: European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud; Intergovernmental Information for All Programme (IFAP), UNESCO)
Conference Sessions:
Designing the digital futures: breakthrough technologies and challenges; Digital platforms, business modelling and the policy agenda; Intellectual capital and the future of Africa; Digital futures of Africa; Intangibles of natiois, communities and territories; Data, cloud computing & organisational design; Intangibles, data and the measurement issue: what should be the next steps
Co-located Events:
New Club of Paris Annual General Assembly (10th Anniversary), Jul 11
9th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, July 11
IC11, May 28-29, 2015, University Paris-Sud, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Innovative Ecosystems, Joint intangibles and Territories; Regional Focus: China
(Organizer: European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
The intangibles’ international policy agenda: an update; The knowledge-based economy in China; Valuing intellectual property rights; Accounting, reporting, valuing intellectual capital; Intellectual capital as a practice; Intangibles of territories; Innovative ecosystems, open innovation; Intangibles complementarities; The future….. as an asset; Creative spaces, creative approaches
Co-located Events:
8th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management
IC10, June 5-6, 2014, University Paris-Sud, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Managing Knowledge In Boundaryless Organizations; Regional Focus: Brazil
(Organizer: European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
The intangibles’ international policy agenda: an update; Measuring intangibles: on-going research initiatives; The knowledge –based economy agenda in Brazil; Rating patents: discussing relevance, dissecting the business side; Intangibles and integrated reporting; Value creation: new approaches; Managing knowledge of territories; Managing knowledge in international institutions; Managing knowledge in boundaryless organisations; Market failure and knowledge transfer; Arts, culture and sustainability
Co-located Events:
7th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management
IC9, June 6-7, 2013, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Emerging Worlds, Growing Intangibles; Regional Focus: The Mediterranean
(Co-organizer: The World Bank; European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
The intangibles’ international agenda: an update; Intangibles of the public sector, modelling, valuation and contribution to economic growth; The knowledge–based economy agenda in the mediterranean; Digital tansformation, business models and data use; Patents and complementary intangibles in the mediterranean; Research developments on intellectual capital of nations; Mediterranean region action plan for patents and structural intangibles; The next generation of reporting; Developing innovative approaches for young generation; Regions, cities & territories approaches
Co-located Events:
6th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management
IC8, May 31 – June 1, 2012, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Open Innovation, Knowledge Flows, and The New Innovation Policy Agenda; Regional Focus: South Korea
(Co-organizer: The World Bank; European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Innovation and intellectual property rights in Europe; The intangibles agenda and economic growth: achievements and issues; South Korea, intangible investments and the knowledge economy agenda; Open innovation: research perspective (1) and emerging practices in companies… and public organisations (2); New markets for innovation and the role of strategic funds; Public data and innovation; Intangibles measurement, and reporting; New approaches to innovation and knowledge management; The purple economy, arts, diversity and cultural assets
Co-located Events:
New Club of Paris Annual General Assembly, May 30
5th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management
IC7, May 26-27, 2011, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Knowledge Economy and Human Progress: Questions and Prospects
(Co-organizer: The World Bank Institute; European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Measuring intangibles and performances: achievements and issues; Intellectual capital and knowledge economy: national agendas; Cities, innovation and the future; Intangibles, risk analysis and knowledge management practices; Intellectual property rights and the open innovation phenomenon; Intangibles prospects and accounting: european and global initiatives; Art, knowledge and human progres: selected experiences; From knowledge economy to human progress: walking the talk
Co-located Events:
4th International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, May 25
IC6, June 1-2, 2010, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Innovation Policies & Strategies for the XX1st Century – Issues and Programmes (day 1) and Emerging Eractices (day 2)
(Co-organizer: The World Bank Institute; European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
National innovation policies; Regional innovation policy and the intellectual capital agenda; Cities innovation policy and the intellectual capital agenda; Emerging innovative perspectives; Perspectives for 2020; Innovation strategies and intellectual property rights; Innovation strategies and the measurement issue; Societal innovations
Co-located Events:
3rd International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, May 31
IC5, May 28-29, 2009, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities
Conference Theme: Intellectual Capital and the new Economic Context (day 1); Intellectual Capital: New Frontiers, New Practices (day 2)
(Co-organizer: Innovation and Skills Cluster, Knowledge and Learning Department, The World Bank Institute; European Chair on Intellectual Capital Management, University of Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Intellectual capital, economic growth and crises; National agendas for intellectual capital; Intellectual capital of regions; Knowledge, space, and city design; Intellectual capital new perspectives; Future spaces for creativity; Intellectual capital reporting the wici initiative and guidelines; Open innovation, organisational design paradigms… and practices; Innovation and demography; Greating jobs from intangibles : risk analysis and insurance; Intellectual capital and / from culture; Intellectual Property Rights & markets for knowledge; Neuroscience and economics: “the next frontier?”
Co-located Events:
2nd International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, May 27
IC4, May 22-23, 2008, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities
Conference Theme: Intellectual Capital for Communities (day 1); Intellectual Capital, Societal and Organisational design (day 2)
(Co-organizer: Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program, The World Bank Institute; European Chair on Intellectual Capital, University of Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Intellectual capital: what can we learn from history?; National agendas for intellectual capital: an overview of progress; Intellectual capital of regions: recents methodological achievements and critiques; Knowledge, space, and city design; Intellectual capital of the public sector; Creativity, global & local knowledge tensions, spatiality of knowledge; Intellectual capital reporting and standards relevance; Intellectual capital as a corporate strategic practice; Intellectual capital, public institutions and democracy; Dynamic capabilities; Intellectual capital, innovation and the services economy; Intellectual property rights and value creation; Intellectual capital and innovation: is there a common agenda for the development banks?; Intellectual capital, transfer price and fiscal issues; A research agenda for emerging countries; Organizational design
Co-located Events:
1st International Doctoral Consortium on Intellectual Capital Management, May 21
IC3, May 24-25, 2007, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities
Conference Theme: Intellectual Capital for Natural Communities (day 1); Intellectual Capital, Intellectual Property Rights and Entrepreneurship (day 2)
(Co-organizer: Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program, The World Bank Institute; IC Group, University of Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Intellectual capital and performance; Knowledge, space, and city design; Intellectual capital, regions and the clustering process; Poster session; National agendas for intellectual capital: a cross-comparison of themes and progress; Intellectual capital, innovation and disclosure; Intellectual capital, public institutions and democracy; Knowledge, intellectual property rights and the service economy; Intellectual capital for diasporas and the brain drain phenomenon; Policy instruments
IC2, June 29-30, 2006, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions, Cities and Emerging Communities
Conference Theme: Intellectual Capital for Natural Communities (day 1); Emerging Communities and related Issues (day 2)
(Co-organizer: Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program, The World Bank Institute; IC Group/PESOR, University of Paris-Sud)
Conference Sessions:
Contextualizing Intellectual Capital (IC); Intellectual Capital for Nations; Intellectual Capital for Regions; Poster Session; Intellectual Capital for Cities; Patents, Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and Local Knowledge; Intellectual Capital for Diasporas; Entrepreneurship in the Knowledge Economy; Intellectual Capital Disclosure and Rating; Looking at the Future, Research and Policy Agenda
Co-located Events:
1st New Club of Paris Annual General Assembly, Jun 28
IC1, June 20, 2005, World Bank, Paris, France
Sub-title: Intellectual Capital for Communities in the Knowledge Economy: Nations, Regions and Cities
(Co-organizer: Laboratoire PRISM-OMP; University of Marne-la Vallée; Knowledge for Development (K4D) Program, The World Bank Institute)
Conference Sessions:
Intellectual Capital and the Knowledge Economy; Intellectual Capital for Nations; Intellectual Capital for Region; Looking at the Future, Research and Policy Agenda