United Kingdom Symposium on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (UK KDD)*
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The United Kingdom Symposium on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (UK KDD or BSC AI UK KDD) is intended to provide a forum for discussion, dissemination and exchange of ideas between practitioners and researchers working within the broad field of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD). It is organised on behalf of BCS SGAI – the British Computer Society Specialist Group on Artificial Intelligence.
Until 2017 the symposium was a full day event, afterwards an evening event only. Until 2009 it took place at different locations around the United Kingdom hosted by different universities, afterwards in London, at the BSI headquarter, only.
There have been no symposia in 2010, 2012, and 2015.
The symposium was sponsored/supported among others by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (2005-2007), the KD-net – “European” Knowledge Discovery Network of Excelllence (2005-2006), and the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) WG12.2 Machine Learning and Data Mining (2005).
Conference History:
17th UK KDD Symposium 2023 (evening event), February 21st 2024, Virtual venue
Advancing AI-based Medical Diagnosis through Class Decomposition: A Journey of Four Milestones
Towards developing an AI model for selecting nerve stimulation parameters
16th UK KDD Symposium 2023 (evening event), 14th June 2023, Virtual venue
Graph Databases, including Knowledge Graphs
From narratives to knowledge graphs. Principles for standards-based annotations of clinical narratives
15th UK KDD Symposium 2022 (evening event), 15th June 2022, Virtual venue
Note: The symposium was originally scheduled for 11th May 2022
Autonomous identification of submarine groundwater discharge from environmental in situ data
Zooniverse – a tool for citizen science and more
14th UK KDD Symposium 2021 (evening event), 12th May 2021, Virtual venue
Streaming Process Mining: an Online Perspective on Data Science
The Role of Data Mining in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems and current challenges
13th UK KDD Symposium 2020 (evening event), 7th July 2020, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Note: The symposium was scheduled for 14th May 2020
Automatic Aquatic Macro-plastic Debris Detection and Quantification in Cambodia
Data Mining to the Rescue: Real Time Analytics in Railways
12th UK KDD Symposium 2019 (evening event), 23rd May 2019, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Building Adaptive Data Mining Models on Streaming Data in Real-Time: an Outlook on Challenges, Approaches and Ongoing Research
Do the dynamics of the city environment influence us and how?
11th UK KDD Symposium 2018 (evening event), 24th May 2018, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Representation Learning for Recommender Systems
Keeping LIGO Healthy: Signal Processing versus Machine Learning
10th UK KDD Symposium 2017, 8th May 2017, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Best Practice Analytics
Adventures in Random Forests: Techniques for Engineering Accurate Ensembles
Real-Time Fast Predictive Rule Induction Directly from Continuous Streaming Data
Automated Tracking and Behaviour Monitoring in Groups of Pigs
Knowledge Discovery for Social Recommender Systems
Maximizing the Business Impact of Discovered Knowledge
9th UK KDD Symposium 2016, 21st March 2016, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Session 1: Real-world Knowledge Mining in an Industrial Context
Scenario Analytics
A Walk in the Shadows
Data-driven Knowledge Discovery of Atypical Brain States
Session 2: Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – KTP Associates
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships: Government funding for your next collaboration
Distributed Big Data Mining with Apache Spark
Data Mining in the Online Advertising Industry
Session 3:
Data Mining BBC News
Intelligent Management of Business Workflows using Big Data
In It For The Long Haul: Data mining theory, practice and community
8th UK KDD Symposium 2014, 16th June 2014, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Robust adaptive predictive modeling and data deluge
Radius of centrality in dynamic networks (On social butterflies, match-makers and why grumpy people shouldn’t get an ice-cream)
The art of Data Mining in the World of Data Driven Advertising
Using Entity Resolution to Enhance Criminal Network Disruption by Targeting Appropriate Offenders
The Practical Application of Knowledge Discovery to Image Data: A Practitioners View in The Context of Medical Image Mining
How a telecom company uses big data to understand customer experience and manage future investments
Panel Discussion
7th UK KDD Symposium 2013, 26th March 2013, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
Text mining: challenges and applications
Data Mining for Domain Experts – Systems which Emulate Human Reasoning
On the Value of Hidden Information in Partial Networks
Recommendation Systems at the BBC
Data Mining in Ubiquitous and Social Environments
Data mining goes mainstream
Mining crowdsourced data for geographic knowledge
Social Network Analysis: How to develop and leverage a Social Network?
6th UK KDD Symposium 2011, 29th September 2011, British Computer Society, London, United Kingdom
From Pattern Discovery to Discovery Support: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery
Using Data Mining Techniques to Improve Efficiency in Police Intelligence
Image Mining in The Medical Domain
Automating the Design of Data Mining Algorithms
Foundations of Pocket Data Mining
Commercial Challenges in Social Network Analysis
Nine Laws of Data Mining
Data and Models Governance
5th UK KDD Symposium 2009, 22nd April 2009, University of Salford, United Kingdom, Salford, United Kingdom
(Host: University of Salford, School of Computing, Science & Engineering)
Scientific Method and Patterns in Data
Mining Online Communities
Time Series Data Mining
Feature Selection by Filters: A Unifying Perspective
The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover
Knowledge Discovery from Case Data
Classifying Imbalanced Datasets
4th UK KDD Symposium 2008, 16th April 2008, University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
(Host: University of Bristol, Department of Computer Science)
Biological Applications of Inductive Logic Programming
Ways to Use Inconsistent Knowledge: Argumentation and Merging
KDD Challenges for GCHQ: A Review and Case Study
Pro-active Knowledge Discovery
Personalized Web Search
Automatic Discovery of High-order Implicit Term Associations and its Large Scale Evaluation in Information Retrieval Context
From Text to Knowledge: Text Mining Techniques Towards Knowledge Discovery
3rd UK KDD Symposium 2007, 25th April 2007, University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom
(Host: University of Kent, School of Computing)
Association Rule Mining in the Wider Context of Text, Images and Graphs
Data Mining Applications in Manufacturing
An Experimental Comparison of Classification Algorithms for the Hierarchical Prediction of Protein Function
Stacking for Supervised Learning
Analysis of the Effect of Sample Size on the Quality of Data Mining Models
Bayesian Classification and Regression Trees
Application of Multi-Objective Metaheuristic Algorithms in Data Mining
2nd UK KDD Symposium 2006, 26th April 2006, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom
(Host: University of East Anglia, Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Research Group)
Clustering in Metric Spaces for the KDD Practitioner
Multiobjective approaches to Unsupervised Classification
The Importance of being Fuzzy
Fraud detection in consumer credit
Germplasm collections: Gaining new knowledge from old datasets.
Bayesian Inference solving Industrial Problems.
Are We Really Discovering Interesting Knowledge From Data?
1st UK KDD Symposium 2005, 6 April 2005, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
(Host: University of Liverpool, Department of Computer Science)
Computing Association Rules from incomplete Support-Counts.
The National Centre for Text Mining: aims and objectives.
ROC Analysis for Model Improvement: Analysis and Open Questions.
Spotting the difference: detecting anomalies in large data sets.
Applied Inductive Logic Programming.
Meta-heuristics in the KDD Process.
Experiments in Hypertext Categorization