AIIM calls for participation on developing Knowledge Management Standards
(Silver Spring, MD, Aug 2013) The AIIM Standards Board invites participation from the knowledge management community to develop a framework of standards for the field of knowledge management. AIIM’s standards development and credentialing infrastructure will support development of three standards, including:
- Standards and credentialing of competencies for individuals as knowledge management professionals, including different levels of professional development, variety of areas of specialization;
- Standards and certification of organizations as knowledge organizations, with reference to different levels of maturity and various efforts of specializations;
- Standards and credentialing of education and training programs, with reference to different levels of intensity and coverage.
For more information about the projects and how you can get involved, download the brief description of the work. If you would be interested in participating in this effort, please feel free to send an email to Betsy Fanning.
Copyright © Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM).
- The initiative to develop KM standards under the umbrella of AIIM comes from the Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF). The work derived from KMEF’s activities during 2011 and 2012 sets the foundation for the standards.
- Once already, in the late 1990s, AIIM was involved to develop standards for knowledge management. At that time it was the Knowledge Management Consortium International (KMCI), with its president Ed Swanstorm and the responsible Int’l KM Standards Committee cairpersons Tom Dale and Douglas Weidner, AIIM was collaborating with for a short time period (press: Business Wire 1999, KMWorld 2/1999, KMWorld 3/1999, KMWorld 3/1999; C-pages: AIIM, KMCI). Thís stansardization attempt continued with Ed Swanstorm in the Global Knowledge Economics Council (GKEC) and eKnowledge Center, respectively (Call for participation 2001, GKEC/ANSI KM Standards); Related article: Bud Porter-Roth: Defining the Elephant. AIIM inform MAGAZINE, 12(8), 1998: 18-20.
- Topic discussions at… IKMSAA LinkedIn group (8/2013), ‘Gurteen KM Community’ LinkedIn group (2/2014)