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United Kingdom based BizMedia 1) is a multi-channel media company for the business to business community. Bizmedia products are focused on the issues raised by emergent technologies and are designed to provide important information resources to help business embrace these technologies. By developing a flexible mix of media solutions including magazines, websites and events, Bizmedia offers important opportunities to access decision-maker and opinion forming communities.

BizMedia offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


Gurteen Knowledge Conference**
The Gurteen Knowledge Conference (GKC) is a one-day UK conference on Knowledge Management delivered by the popular Knowledge Management consultant David Gurteen and BizMedia. It is designed for CKO/Knowledge Managers, KM Project Managers, Information Managers, Research Managers, Innovation leaders, Heads of Strategic Management, IT Directors/Managers, Management consultants, HR/training professionals, Business development/marketing professionals.

  • 7th Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 17-18 May, 2005, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Making Knowledge Work

      Beyond the poverty of Yellow Pages and CoP: making Knowledge Management a strategic tool

      Interactive Sessions:
      iCafe: Where practitioners get to make their own rules! (innovation cafe workshop)
      Knowledge in Space
      Making Change Sustainable
      Putting knowledge in context: thinking about the world in 2010
      Making our Conversations Productive
      Stimulating Connected Conversations Using Social Software

      Knowledge management: Wanted? Dead or alive?
      From Fantasy to Fact : How to manage limiting beliefs that hinder personal growth
      The Complex Nature of Story

  • 6th Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 2 December 2004, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Learning to Fly: Practical knowledge management from leading and learning organisations

      Presenting a knowledge based benchmarking approach
      Sharing Experience (peer assist)
      Creating A Knowledge Asset
      Sharing Knowledge
      Review of the Day

  • 5th Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 29 September, 2004, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Exploiting Social Networking in Organisations
    (In collaboration with the London Knowledge Network)

      How Network Dynamics are Changing the World of Business
      An introduction to Social Network Analysis
      Social Network Analysis in Scottish Enterprise
      Enabling Enterprise Networks using the power of Social Networking
      Building Informal Knowledge-Sharing Networks using Social Software
      Understand the activity of your employees for Competitive advantage
      Making the Business Case for Instant Messaging
      Review of the Day

      Post-conference workshop (Sep 30):
      Value Network Strategies for Competitive Advantage

  • 4th Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 29 June, 2004, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Creativity and Innovation

      Plenary Sessions:
      Creativity and Innovation
      The Power of Provocation

      Breakout Sessions:
      Creating the Right Environment
      Capitalizing on Change
      Getting Creative: Five Social Networking Tools to Give you an Edge
      Creativity and Innovation: Nature or Nurture?
      Managing Ideas

  • 3rd Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 3 March, 2004, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Managing Organizational Complexity

      An Introduction to Organizational Complexity
      Tools and Techniques for Managing Complexity
      Schemata, Organizational Complexity and Leadership
      Demanding Complex Health Care

  • 2nd Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 26 November, 2003, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Knowledge, Communities and Networks

      How to make your network connections count
      Talk Works
      Building and sustaining communities
      Knowledge Café

  • 1st Gurteen Knowledge Conference, 18 June, 2003, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Using Knowledge Productively

      Plenary Sessions:
      Cynicism and Serendipity: a just in time approach to Knowledge Management
      Using Knowledge Productively
      The role of conversation in business
      After-Action-Review of the day

      Breakout Sessions:
      Working in a Wired World
      Making knowledge management practical
      Introducing Weblogs in Organisations
      Teamwork (Sponsored)
      Flying Solo (Sponsored)

      Knowledge Cafés
      Resourcing your Knowledge Initiative
      Talking Changes: Capturing new ideas and insights
      Make Knowledge ManagementWork Now!

Knowledge Management – Conference and Exhibition** 2)
The Knowledge Management Conference has been designed to provide a wealth of information about the state of the art of Knowledge Management – today and in the future – and to provide practical information that is directly applicable to their jobs.

  • (CANCELLED) 6th Knowledge Management 2003, 1-2 April 2003, London, United Kingdom
  • 5th Knowledge Management 2002, 16-17 April 2002, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: The new knowledge era – making knowledge work
    (Sponsors: Knowledge Management Magazine; Knowledge Associates, TFPL)

      Cultivating Communities of Practice
      Revolution not evolution: the birth of Complex Knowledge (The Great Debate)
      Practical Application of Knowledge Management – from Web to Workplace

      Streams (interactive insight sessions):
      Ways of working in the knowledge economy
      Real-life Knowledge Management
      Knowledge Management tools and measurement
      Knowledge Management under the microscope

      Can you make a career in Knowledge Management?
      Ignorance Management: the case for structural capital
      The Essence of Knowledge Management – a more appropriate understanding of knowledge

      Panel Sessions:
      Knowledge Futures – where do we go from here?

      Free presentations/exhibitor seminars:

      Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 15 by TFPL):
      The Knowledge Management Primer
      Information Architecture: an overview

  • 4th Knowledge Management 2001, 3-4 April 2001, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Content, Culture and Capability
    (Sponsors: Knowledge Management Magazine; Knowledge Associates, TFPL)

      Is this the death of traditional Knowledge Management consultancy? (The Big Debate)
      The search for corporate longitude

      Emphasis on e-learning
      How users can become leaders, not just followers
      Gaining business value from KM strategies
      Knowledge Management Capabilities: tools of the trade

      Why the future belongs to organisations that manage their knowledge assets
      Competing in Europe in a knowledge based economy
      Why you should just say NO to Knowledge Management projects (because all projects are KM projects!)
      If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it
      From employment to engagement in intellectual capital retention
      Defining good Knowledge Management practices
      Practical Insight – Knowledge Management application in the legal sector

      Panel Sessions:
      Making virtual communities work (plenary)
      In-house versus outsourced solutions (stream)

      Free presentations/exhibitor seminars:
      A holistic approach to sales training
      Who wants to be a Millionaire
      Knowledge Management – Nice to have, or Strategic Business Advantage?
      eKnowledge Infrastructure
      Linguistic Solutions for Knowledge Management & Information Retrieval
      Enterprise Portals Facilitating Corporate Infrastructure
      Verity – Powering Business Portals

      Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 2 by TFPL):
      Knowledge Management: an Introduction
      Knowledge Management: State of the Art

  • 3rd Knowledge Management & Intranet Solutions 2000, 4-5 April 2000, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme:
    Pre-conference Workshops:
  • 2nd Knowledge Management 1999, 24-25 March 1999, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme:
    Pre-conference Workshops:
  • 1st Knowledge Management 1998, 2-3 April 1998, London, United Kingdom
    Conference Theme: Recognising the strategic value and importance of information within 21st century organisations
    (Sponsors: Knowledge Management Magazine; Knowledge Associates)
    Pre-conference Workshops:

Workshops / Seminars

  • Global Knowledge Events 3)
    • Nov 2006: Creating Collaborative Advantage
    • May 2006: Tools & Techniques for Effective Knowledge Sharing
    • Mar 2006: Meeting the Challenges of the Ageing Workforce
    • Feb 2006: Bob Buckman Masterclass: Knowledge Sharing: Past, Prestent and Future
  • Gurteen Global Knowledge workshops/learning events 4)
    • Feb 2005: Getting Buy-in : How to ensure your organizational initiatives succeed
    • Jan 2005: Managing Creativity and Innovation through the Meeting Process
    • Oct 2004: Enhancing Personal Innovation and Problem Solving
    • Sep 2004: Value Network Strategies for Competitive Advantage (with the London Knowledge Network)
    • Jun 2004: Building Knowledge-Based Relationships: The Key Source of Value in the Network Economy
    • May 2004: Critical Skills for Knowledge Workers workshop
    • Jan 2004: The One Minute Pitch: Making (Knowledge Management) Concepts and Ideas work
  • Jan 2002: Harnessing the force of storytelling in the knowledge organisation 5)

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