Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) has been embraced by the industry as furthering the competitive advantage of organisations with knowledge being seen as a commodity in the knowledge economy. KM is multidisciplinary in nature and as such KM graduates hail from various disciplines. KM professionals perform various KM roles with specific KM skills and competencies
Books and book chapters relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Knowledge Officer (CKO)
Abstract: One action for knowledge management is to establish support functions dedicated to knowledge management in the organization. The person leading this function is typically called knowledge manager or chief knowledge officer (CKO). The chief information officer (CIO) can be defined as the highest-ranking IT executive who typically exhibits managerial roles requiring effective
Knowledge Management Professionals Position Themselves for Greatest Success
Abstract: Failed knowledge management projects have one element in common: they fail to focus on the organization’s core business functions and instead choose functions that are easy or might produce ‘low-hanging fruit’. As a result, often even successful knowledge management projects add little value to the organization as they fail to address the pain
Roles and Responsibilities to Manage the Knowledge Management Strategy
Abstract: In this chapter, the authors explain why it is important to define roles and responsibilities for managing your strategy once it has been developed. The chapter reviews a common range of levels of responsibility. Five key roles are defined to ensure the strategy will be well supported and managed, including business stewards, knowledge
Careers in Knowledge Management (KM)
Abstract: The field of KM offers several choices for careers, and the practice of KM applies to any career. Few blessings in this world compare with the joy of spending your days working at a career you enjoy. As a public space for self-expression, nothing beats your career. What you choose to work at