China Knowledge Management Annual Conference

China Knowledge Management Annual Conference

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The China Knowledge Management Annual Conference (Chinese: 中国知识管理年会), quasi-successor of the Knowledge Management Summit Forum (Chinese: 知识管理高峰论坛), mainly organized by the Research Center for Technological Innovation of the Tsinghua University and Shenzhen Landray Software’s Research Institute, is a half-day conference to present the China Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) Award.

The predecessor Award, the China Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise (MAKE) Award, was presented at the Knowledge Management Summit Forum (2011-2013) and at the Asian Knowledge and Innovation Forum (AKIF), formerly the Asian Knowledge Forum (AKF) (2015-2018). At the AKF/AKIF together with the Hong Kong and Asia MAKE Awards.

The Knowledge Management Summit Forum, originally initiated by the China Knowledge Management Network (ChinaKM), was formerly also known as “Knowledge Management & Innovation Summit Forum”, “China Knowledge Management Experts Summit Forum”, and “China Knowledge Management Theory and Practice Expert Seminar”.

Conference History:

2023 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference (KM 2023) and 13th China MIKE Award Ceremony, November 9, 2023, Shenzhen, China

(Co-organizer: Landray Research Institute; Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; China National Institute of Standardization)

    Highlights of interviews with MIKE award-winning organizations (Warm-up video)
    In the era of big models, knowledge management is a new driving force for reducing costs and increasing efficiency
    Knowledge management for large groups with 10,000 people
    Knowledge native enterprise, fusion organizational innovation

    China MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge-based Organization) Award Ceremony
    MIKE sharing of knowledge management innovation practices of award-winning organizations

    Roundtable Forum:
    In the era of digital intelligence, how can knowledge management help enterprises improve quality, reduce costs and increase efficiency?

    Pre-conference Events: (morning)
    Lanling User Conference Main Forum: Digital Intelligence 2023·Creating a New Future

2022 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and 12th China MIKE Awards Ceremony, October 27, 2022, Shenzhen, China

(Co-organizer: Landray Research Institute; Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; China National Institute of Standardization)

    MIKE’s past award-winning enterprise video highlights (Warm-up video)
    Wisdom based on knowledge, the innovation curve of knowledge management
    Business-driven knowledge management and operations
    Knowledge management helps build innovative first-class enterprises
    Knowledge empowers legal services and innovatively resolves client problems

    2022 China MIKE (Most Innovative Knowledge-based Organization) Award Ceremony

    Roundtable Forum:
    Knowledge Management Practice and Trend Interpretation

    Site Visit:
    Youshe Industrial Research Base

    Book Launch:
    Tenacity of Knowledge: 2022 China MIKE Case Compilation

2021 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and 11th China MIKE Award Ceremony, October 28, 2021, Shenzhen, China

Conference Theme: Knowledge Management Practices and Trends in the Digital Age
(Co-organizer: Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; China National Institute of Standardization; Landray Research Institute)

    Wisdom Sees the future (opening)
    Knowledge Management Mode and the Practice in the digital Age
    Knowledge Management Helps the Financial Industry to Improve Service Efficiency
    Knowledge Management Helps the Manufacturing Industry to Improve Management Innovation
    Comprehensive Knowledge Management Innovation, boosting the Top 100 Innovative Companies
    “Blue Stuff2 as a Game Player, Helping to Build the Most Innovative Organization

    11th China MIKE Awards Ceremony

2020 China Knowledge Management Annual Conference and 10th China MIKE Award Ceremony, December 8, 2020, Virtual venue

(Co-organizer: Landray Research Institute; Technology Innovation Research Center, Tsinghua University; China National Institute of Standardization)

    The Model and Typical Practice of Chinese Knowledge Organization
    Twenty years have witnessed the changes in the three elements of organizational operations — knowledge, process, and talent
    The Boundary and Return of Enterprise Knowledge Management

    2020 China’s Most Innovative Knowledge Organization Awards Ceremony
    Knowledge Management practice case sharing (with Representatives of MIKE award-winning companies)

China MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony 2015-2017 @ AKF/AKIF 2015-2018

    China MAKE Award Presentation Ceremony is continued at the Asian Knowledge and Innovation Forum (AKIF), formerly known as the Asian Knowledge Forum (AKF)

11th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2014, October 30, 2014, Tongji University, Shanghai, China

(Co-organizer: School of Economics and Management, Tongji University; Lanling Software; Knowledge Business Network; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

    Witness – The Road to Knowledge Management (short film)
    Knowledge management practice development model and trend insights

    Sharing knowledge management practices of Internet companies (Tencent R&D Management Department)
    Knowledge management practice in architectural design and engineering enterprises (CCDI International)
    Knowledge management practice under the mobile Internet of China Merchants Bank
    Knowledge management practice of CIFI Real Estate
    Media asset management: from data management to knowledge management (Shanghai Oriental Media SMG)

    Guest Dialogues:
    Imaginations and Prospects of Knowledge Management Practice in the Mobile Internet Era

10th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2013, November 29, 2013, Peking University, Bejing, China

Be smart about the present and see the future wisely
(Co-organizer: Guanghua School of Management, Peking University; Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Lanling Software; Knowledge Business Network)

    Opening and VCR: Benchmarking International, Chinese Enterprises’ Path of Knowledge Exploration

    Witness the Glory: 2013 China MAKE Awards

    China Knowledge Management and Innovation Survey Report
    Practicing Vision: Review and Outlook of Knowledge Management Exploration

    Unity of knowledge and action: Sharing of China MAKE Excellence Award winners
    (Baosteel Co., Ltd., China Merchants Securities, Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

    Exploring Pioneers:
    Knowledge Management Practice Sharing (People’s Insurance Company of China)

9th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2012, November 30, 2012, Shanghai, China

Wisdom is only for practice
(Co-organizer: Lanling Software; IBM, Knowledge Management and Innovation Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Knowledge Business Network)

    Witness – The Road to Knowledge Management

    Meeting of Wise Men: Ten Years of Knowledge Management Road and Prospects
    Wisdom” understands the present and “wisdom” sees the future
    Knowledge Management with Concentration
    Hurricanes start at the end of Qingping

    Unity of Knowledge and Action: Comments on Knowledge Management Practices

    Witness the Glory: 2012 China MAKE Awards
    Speech by the leader of MAKE organizer
    Introduction to the MAKE Award and winning cases
    MAKE Awards
    MAKE Review and Outlook

    Practice and Vision: Knowledge Management Summit Dialogue
    Knowledge management combined with web2.0 model
    KM application scenarios combined with knowledge asset management
    KM application scenarios combined with business processes

8th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2011, March 18, 2011, Shenzhen, China

Ten Years of Knowledge, Long-lasting Knowledge
(Co-organizer: Lanling Software; Knowledge Management Research Center, Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Knowledge Business Network)

    Ten Years of Knowledge Management: Review and Prospects
    Global Intellectual Capital Practice
    Knowledge management practice model in Taiwan
    Knowledge management practices in Hong Kong
    Knowledge management practices of the multinational companies

    Special Dialogues:
    Knowledge Management, Control and Support of Group Enterprises
    Knowledge Management in the Real Estate Industry
    Knowledge Management in Marketing and Customer Service Systems

    MAKE CHINA Kick-off Meeting

    Associated Events:

    Lanling High-end Knowledge Management Application Sharing Conference, August 26, 2011, Beijing, China
    (Co-organizer: Landray Software; IBM ECM)

    Lan Ling’s ten-year knowledge management journey practice sharing
    The practical value of KM national standards and enterprise standards
    Three-dimensional integration (knowledge, process, community) KM application model
    Large group knowledge community practice case sharing
    Construction and promotion of knowledge warehouse
    How it feels to participate in the most respected knowledge-based enterprise evaluation (MAKE) award
    IBM ECM senior consultant shares IBM’s latest products and solutions


7th Knowledge Management Summit August 20, 2010, Forum 2010, Shenzhen, China

Benchmarking MAKE to build a knowledge-based organization
(Co-organizer: Landray Software; IBM; China National Institute of Standardization; CEIBS Business Review)

    Knowledge Management in the Wiki Economic Era
    National Standards Framework for Knowledge Management
    Six practice models of knowledge management
    A century-old knowledge management practice of Tsingtao Brewery
    MAKE Award and International KM Research Trends
    Successful Practices of International MAKE Award Companies

    Expert dialogue and brainstorming
    Witness and join hands – benchmarking MAKE launching ceremony

6th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2009, May 22, Shanghai, China

Illuminating Organizational Wisdom
(Co-organizer: Harvard Business Review; Lanling Software; IBM)

    Build a knowledge-creating enterprise
    Knowledge management practice and development trends
    Knowledge inheritance and organizational learning
    Build a system to support the integrated operation of the group Knowledge management platform
    Knowledge management builds the road to wisdom
    Knowledge management: from within the organization to the group Orima
    Lanling knowledge application practice sharing
    Smart collaboration unleashes the power of wisdom

5th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2008, March 28, 2008, Shenzhen, China

Knowledge Management Application in China
(Co-organizer: Lanling Management Consulting Support System; IBM; Tencent Communications (RTX) Guangdong Technical Service Center – Shenzhen Baichen Co., Ltd)

    Witness-The Road to Knowledge Management
    Trends in Knowledge Management in China
    Open Innovation and Knowledge Management
    Personal Knowledge Management and Knowledge Community Operation
    IBM’s knowledge management solutions

4th Knowledge Management Summit Forum 2007, February 3, 2007, Bejing, China

Knowledge-based Information, Management Harmony
(Co-organizer: Lanling Management Consulting Support System; Guanghua School of Management, Peking University)

    One of the sub-forums of China’s top 500 enterprise informatization conference

    Reports: (case presentations)
    Knowledge management benchmark research results released
    Century-old Tsingtao Brewery’s Knowledge Operations
    Knowledge in practice, management value embodiment
    Knowledge management in model students: Applications in production R&D
    Knowledge portal application based on TS system Gaomingshan
    Siemens knowledge management practices

2005 Knowledge Management & Innovation Summit Forum, September 22, 2005, Beijing, China

Knowledge Management Application in China – and Knowledge Management Benchmarking Research Results Conference
(Co-organizer: IT Manager World, Lanling Company, Computer World, Chief Financial Officer, Computer World Network)

    2005 Knowledge Management Benchmarking Research Results Released
    Knowledge management is “the highest state of learning organization”
    Research on how knowledge management improves enterprise innovation capabilities
    Communication promotes change – knowledge management-oriented information management platform
    Current status and trends of knowledge management software in China

    Situational dialogue + expert interactive comments

2004 China Knowledge Management Expert Summit Forum, July 9, 2004, Bejing, China

Knowledge Management Application in China
(Guidance unit: China Information Economics Society; Co-organizer: IBM, Learning Organization Training Center, ChinaKM; Sponsor: Shenzhen Lanling Management Consulting Support System)

    Knowledge management and the creation of enterprise dynamic capabilities
    Knowledge management is the requirement of the times
    Knowledge Management and E-Government
    Improving knowledge management execution requires consultation and implementation

    Why not share
    Research on the knowledge management strategic capabilities of Chinese high-tech enterprises
    Ontology and Knowledge Management
    The concept, application and prospects of the third generation knowledge management system
    Integrating organizational learning and knowledge management
    Facilitation and Design of Action Learning Teams (ALP) – High Return on KM and Leadership Development
    A framework for implementing knowledge management
    Virtual Research and Knowledge Management in IT Learning Communities
    Lenovo Knowledge Management Case Sharin

    Brainstorming Session

    Award Ceremony for Excellent Papers on Knowledge Management

2003 China Knowledge Management Theory and Practice Expert Seminar, February 28, 2003, Beijing, China

(Organizer: ChinaKM; Sponsor: IBM)

    Simple knowledge management
    Knowledge management becomes enterprise value

    Introduction and implementation of knowledge management strategy
    Enterprise Knowledge Management
    Three Strategies of Knowledge Management
    A preliminary study on the theoretical framework of knowledge management
    Transformation of personal knowledge an organizational knowledge
    Enterprise Knowledge Management Strategy
    Technological Innovation and Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management Case of Great Wall Corporate Strategy Research Institute
    How to promote the effective development of knowledge management in Chinese enterprises
    KM practice in enterprises
    Construction of enterprise document management
    Knowledge management understood in practice
    Why should enterpris implement knowledge management?

    Hot Issues in Knowledge Management

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