DNV Group
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DNV Group, formerly the DNV GL Group and the Det Norske Veritas (DNV), 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Maritime Academy > Training > Developing People – Knowledge and Management > Knowledge Management Courses for developing people
(In-house) Training
- Knowledge Management (KM) Masterclass (5 days)
- Knowledge Retention and Transfer (1 day)
- Road Mapping and Scenario Planning (1 day)
Oil & Gas > Services > Knowledge Management
- Knowledge Risk Management** (Denmark)
(As a part of a consulting service)
- Learning From Experiences (LFE)
– Training staff to develop required skills - Portals, content management, and data analytics
– Train content managers and editors - Retention and transfer of critical knowledge
– Train staff to carry out knowledge retention and transfer actions
- The retention of critical knowledge
- Enhancing safety management through knowledge retention
DNV-CIBIT / DNV Academy* (2006/2008-2014) 1)
- Masterclass Knowledge Management / Masterclass Kennismanagement
- Masterclass Knowledge Management (e-Learning version)
- UK Knowledge Management Masterclass 2)
- International Masterclass Knowledge Management
- Portals & Content Management Masterclass
- Scenario Planning Masterclass
- Innovation Masterclass
- Masterclass Toekomstverkenningen en Scenario’s
Short Courses (2-3 days)
- Knowledge Management Essentials
- International Knowledge Management Workshop
- Communities of Practice
- Knowledge centers
- Scenario thinking
- Knowledge Management Course for DNV Consultants
- Business Excellence through effective Knowledge Management
- Knowledge management strategy course
- Strategies for Knowledge Retention
1 day Introduction Courses (In 1 dag aan de slag)
- Taxonomieën
- Persona’s
- Wikis
- Kennismanagement / Introduction to Knowledge Management workshop
- Scenario Denken / Introduction to Scenario Planning Course
- Road Mapping
- Toekomstverkenningen en Scenario’s
Knowledge Cafes / Kenniscafés
- Jun 2009: Social Network Analysis
Dec 2008: Leaving Experts
Oct 2008: Persona’s: Leer het ware gezicht van uw doelgroep kennen.
Oct 2007: Wiki’s & Kennismanagement
Sep 2006: Kennismanagement implementeren (ronde tafel)
Jun 2006: Kennismanagement is een hard vak!?
Simulation Games
- KM Quest: practice KM in a simulation!
Kenniscentrum CIBIT / CIBIT Consultants | Educators* (1998/2000-2006)
- Masterclass Knowledge Management / Masterclass Kennismanagement
- Masterclass Knowledge Management (e-Learning version)
- UK Knowledge Management Masterclass 2)
- International Masterclass Knowledge Management
- Masterclass inrichten en implementeren van kenniscentra en kennisnetwerken
- Masterclass Scenario denken
- Masterclass Innoveren
- Masterclass Portals & Content Management
Short Courses (2-3 days)
- Business Excellence through effective Knowledge Management (EFQM Framework for knowledge management workshop)
- Leaving Experts
- Ontwikkelen van een kennisstrategie / Wat is uw Kennisstrategie
- Leren in, van en tussen projecten
- Expliciteren van persoonsgebonden kennis
- CommonKADS / Engineering Knowledge with CommonKADS
- Scenario denken: het ontwikkelen en gebruiken van scenario’s / Scenario denken en Kennismanagement
- Organiseren van Communities of Practice
- Succesfactor kenniscentra / Kenniscentra opleidingen
- Netwerken faciliteren
- Facilitating workshops for knowledge portfolio analysis and knowledge management action plans
- Developing an Effective Knowledge Management Intranet (Ark Group in association with CIBIT, Oct 1999)
1 day Courses
- In een dag aan de slag cursus: Taxonomieën, Kennismanagement, Communities of Practice, Scenario Denken
- Programmamanagement versterken door kennisuitwisseling en kennisdisseminatie (seminar)
- Stay-ahead sessions (was: Tour d’IT): Kennismanagement
- Introduction to Knowledge Management (workshop)
- Strategies for Knowledge Retention (workshop)
- How to create your knowledge management strategy (workshop)
Co-hosted seminars
- Mar 2007: Kennisinfrastructuren voor de overheid (met Be Value and Be Informed)
- Apr 2006: Collegereeks Kennisproductiviteit: Effectief kennismanagement in kennisintensieve organisaties (Focus Conferences seminar)
- Jun 2005: Uw kennis optimaal inzetten (met e-Office)
- May 2005: Leren van kennisnetwerken- en kennismanagement (X-S2 XSessions seminar)
- State-of-the-art congres: Kennisproductiviteit, het effect van investeren in mensen, kennis en leren, 10 juni 2004, Landgoed de Horst, Drieberge
(Medeorganisatoren: IMN Management Consultants, CIBIT adviseurs|opleiders, De Baak – Management Centrum VNO-NCW en Hogeschool INHOLLAND)- Setting the scene:
Dodo of Komodo: Ontwikkelingen in de kenniseconomie
Kennis van productiviteit
De productiviteit van kennisPraktijkervaringen:
Het effect van investeren in kennismanagement bij Yacht
Zingeving als instrument voor kennisproductiviteit
Leren en creëren om te innoveren
Stimuleren van kennisontwikkelingEffectmeting en waardering:
Het effect van kennismanagement
Meten en waarderen van Intellectueel Kapitaal: Waarom en Hoe?Demonstratie:
Kennisproductiviteit als combinatie van westerse wetenschap en oosterse vechtkunstSlotdebat:
Wat is het effect van investeringen in mensen, kennis en leren? Welke conclusies kunnen we trekken?
Knowledge Cafes / Kenniscafés
- Mar 2006: Volwassen netwerken
Jun 2005: Help, onze expertise loopt de deur uit!
Ervaringsuitwisseling kennismanagement met Nederlandse en Engelse organisaties (Experience exchange knowledge management with Dutch and English organizations)
- Sep 2006 in Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jun 2006 in Engelse, The Netherlands
Simulation Games
- KM Quest: practice KM in a simulation!
Kenniscentrum CIBIT (Centre for Innovation of Business Processes with IT) (1995-1998)
- Best Practices in Knowledge Management, June 9, 1998, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: The Global Knowledge Challenges Today
(Organizer: International Knowledge Management Network)- Opening:
The Knowledge Offensive; The Managing of Knowledge Affets all Management FunctionsResearch Presentations:
Presenting the Results of a Best Practice in Knowledge Management in Europe and the USA (Kenniscentrim CIBIT)Case Studies:
IC The Future! (Skania)
How British Petroleum is Linking Action Learning and Virtual Teams to Business Improvement as Part of their Knowledge Management Project
International Borders: How You Sucessfully Transfer Knowledge and Skills in an Multinational Enterprise (Rank Xerox)
Leveraging the Collective Intelligence Through Organizational Transformation (Monsanto)
How a Knowledge Management Approach can Promote Innovation and Accelerate Product Development (Unichema Research and Development)Interactive Sessions:
Putting a Framework for Applying Knowledge Management into PracticeWorkshops: (Jun 10)
Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know - Towards an European Knowledge Union, 12 – 14 May 1997, Kenniscentrum CIBIT, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Sub-title: Seminar on Knowledge Management and the European Union
(Co-Organizer: International Knowledge Management Network3))- Keynotes:
The exploitation of tacit knowledge in our society, in education, education policy and enterprises
The Public Knowledge Debate: creating a sense of urgency
Disassembling Frames on the Assembly Line
Intellectual Capital: one step beyond knowledge management
Corporate Universities: an opportunity or threat to higher education?
Managing Knowledge Through Stakeholding
In a knowledge economy both knowledge and competence need to be appreciated
State of the art of Knowledge Management
The Learning Organisation is a Leading OrganisationWorkshops:
4x Small Group DiscussionsTwo approaches to knowledge management: object versus process (event summary)
- Masterclass Kennismanagement
Short Courses
- Ontwikkelen van Kennissystemen
- Kennis maken met Data-mining
- Workshop Kennisaquisitie
- Samenwerken met Groupware
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Knowledge Management Technology (MSc KMT) 4)
- MSc KMT Modules 1999:
Knowledge in organisations
Paradigms for software engineering
Knowledge representation and application
Knowledge discovery
Knowledge infrastructures
Applying Knowledge Managment
Integrated professional and scientific skillsMSc IKT Modules 1996:
Introduction Information and Knowledge Technology
Modelling Knowledge Intensive Information Systems
Implementation Modelling of Knowledge Intensive Information Systems
Techniques for the Analysis of Knowledge Intensive Processes
Knowledge and Information in Organisations
Realisation of Knowledge Intensive Information Systems
- International Knowledge Management Network (IKMN; Dutch: Internationale Kennismanagement Netwerk)* 5)
- KennisManagement Netwerk (KMN; English: Knowledge Management Network, aka Dutch Knowledge Management Network)* 5)
Study Meetings: Dutch/International Knowledge Management Network
- …
May 1999: Knowledge Management and Scenario Thinking (Knowledge Management and Scenario Thinking; Group work: Researching and elaborating the possibilities of Scenario Thinking as an instrument for Knowledge Management)
Jan 1999: Tools for Knowledge Management
Oct 1998: Kennismanagement en de klant (Kennismanagement bij KLM Facility Services; Kennis over klanten)
Mar 1998: Knowledge Infrastructures
Nov 1997: Knowledge infrastructures: knowledge management in practice (Knowledge infrastructures: a practical interpretation of knowledge management; Knowledge management and knowledge infrastructures at Unilever)
Apr 1997: Effective application of knowledge management: Utopia or real possibility?
Feb 1997: Knowledge is power – The practice of knowledge management
Dec 1996: Vision of the NBBI on knowledge management
Oct 1996: Knowledge about each other
Jun 1996: Knowledge productivity and the Corporate Curriculum, knowledge work has more to learn than to manage; The Body of Knowledge: sports science support in practice
Mar 1996: Experiences with Knowledge Management in the United States: “What is Knowledge Management?” – A Birds Eye View
Jan 1996: Knowledge management in an R&D oriented organization; Knowledge management in a learning organization
Nov 1995: Knowledge management as part of institutional policy
Sep 1995: Knowledge management in the US: Report of a three-day meeting in the US of the American Productivity and Quality Council
Dec 1994: Knowledge management workshop by Nonaka @ Nijenrode University, Breukelen
Simulation Games
- KM Quest: practice KM in a simulation!