International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data Driven Business (I-KNOW)**
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The International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data Driven Business (I-KNOW) or in short the Data-Driven Future Conference, formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies (until 2013) and the International Conference on Knowledge Management (until 2008), aims to advance research at the intersection of disciplines such as Knowledge Discovery, Semantics, Information Visualization, Visual Analytics, Social (Semantic) and Ubiquitous Computing. The goal of integrating these approaches is to augment human intelligence by designing tools and services which interact naturally with humans, learn from their experiences and generate and evaluate evidence-based hypotheses – following the cognitive computing paradigm. That is, we interpret cognitive computing as the convergence of various knowledge technologies research fields.
Organizer: Know-Center, Graz University of Technology
In 2007 and 2008 the I-KNOW was held concurrently with the International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS) and the International Conference on New Media Technology (I-MEDIA) as Triple-I – The Innovations Conference for Knowledge Management (I-KNOW), New Media Technology (I-MEDIA) and Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS). From 2009 to 2013 it was held concurrently with the International Conference on Semantic Systems (I-SEMANTICS). Main co-organizer of the Triple-I and the I-SEMANTICS was the Semantic Web Company
From 2002 to 2015: German-speaking industry track and practitioners forum (Praxisforum/i-Praxis), resp.
From 2008 to 2013: Wissenstag Österreich bzw. PWM Wissenstatg (Knowledge Day Austria or PWM Knowledge Day), the annual gathering of the Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM), as part of the Praxisforum.
In 2018 replaced by the European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF). In 2020 re-launched and re-branded as the one-day AI-KNOW – World Artificial Intelligence (AI) Congress for Information Technology (IT) Experts. (Invited Speakers’ Talks, Lunch & Poster-Session, Panel Discussion)
Conference History:
Next conference in 2022
1st AI-KNOW 2020, 11 February 2020, Alte Universität Graz, Graz, Austria
Sub-title: World Artificial Intelligence (AI) Congress for Information Technology (IT) Experts
i-KNOW 2018 REPLACED by the
European Big Data Value Forum (Data Driven Artificial Intelligence for the Future), 12-14 November 2018, Vienna, Austria
(Co-organizer: SAP)
i-KNOW 2017 – 17th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data Driven Business, October 11-12, 2017, Graz, Austria
Theme: Data Markets of Tomorrow
Scientific Workshops:
DL-AAS – 1st International Workshop on Deep Learning for Autonomous and Assistance Systems; Platform Economy & Business Models; Data-Driven Decision Support for Digitized Work Environments; Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Perspectives on Industry 4.0; RS-SNA – International Workshop on Recommender Systems and Social Network Analysis; SamI40 – 2nd International Workshop on Science, Application and Methods in Industry 4.0; Taking the European Data Economy to the next level
Scientific Track:
Smart Production; Enterprise 4.0; Data Economy & Platforms; Data Management & Security
Interactive Workshops:
Technology Enhanced Learning in Health Professions Education: What’s possible now and what does tomorrow hold?
First i-KNOW Data Science Challenge
Predictive Analytics in the Connected Society; The Complexity of Business Model Innovation, some practical Lessons, Cases and Tools; Enterprise 4.0 Keynote TBD; Minds & Machines – Building the digital-industrial Enterprise; User Experience in a World of Intelligent Agents; Knowledge-Based Design of Applications that support Human Choice; Data Management as a Service; Of Data and Strategy – How Artificial Intelligence is changing the Rules of the Game; business Model Design for Visionaries
Co-located Conferences:
World Usability Congress, Oct 11-12; Digitalisation in the Healthcare Sector, Oct 12 (Keynotes & World Cafe; co-organized with Human.technology Styria)
i-KNOW 2016 – 16th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data Driven Business, October 18-19, 2016, Graz, Austria
Theme: Are You Doing Big Data Right?
Scientific Workshops:
Knowledge 4.0 – Knowledge Management in Digital Change; Active Learning: Applications, Foundations and Emerging Trends; Recommender Systems and Big Data Analytics (RS-BDA’16); Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Perspectives on Industry 4.0; SamI40 – 1st International Workshop on Science, Application and Methods in Industry 4.0
Scientific Tracks:
Smart Production; Digital Transformation; Big Data Trends and Networks; Platform Economy
Big Data Labs Europe Workshop
Big Data Visualization – Building a World Class Design Organization; Designing Experiences Through Story; Designing User Experience for ROI; Big Data Ternds; Psychology and Design of Human Technology Interaction
Co-located Conferences:
World Usability Congress, Oct 18-19
i-KNOW 2015 – 15th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, October 21-22, 2015, Graz, Austria
Conference Theme: Cognitive Computing and Data-driven Business
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Oct 20)
Big Data Tutorial – for Data Analysts; Datamining Tutorial – Challenges in Mining Evolving Data Streams
Special Scientific Tracks:
Big Data Analytics: Big Data management and data integration; Recommender Systems: From Algorythms to Big Data Recommendation Systems; Social Knowledge Management: from collections of documents to connections of people and physical objects; The Future of (Knowledge) Management: in data-driven businesses; Industry 4.0: educating the workforce for smart industries
Scientific Track:
Knowledge Discovery & Data Analytics; Social Computing; ; Science 2.0 & Open Science; Visual Analytics & Information Visualization
Industry Track: i-Praxis
Big Data Forum – for the IT industry (Talks, Exhibition, Tutorials, Workshops, Big Data & Industy 4.0 Conference)
Tutorials & Workshops:
Big Data Expert Training – for Software Developers (i-Praxis); Big Data Info-Workshop – for Decision Makers (i-Praxis); Science 2.0: Open Digital Science Workshop (i-Science)
Panel Discussions:
Big Data (Keynote Panel); Knowledge Discovery & Data Analytics (Track Panel); Visual Analytics & Information Visualization (Track Panel)
Big Data, Small Patterns, Subtle Consequences (w. Panel Discussion); Cognitive Computing for the Masses; Science in Transition: How important actually is Research Data Management?; From Spin to Picture to Computational Models – Biomedical Imaging of Failing Hearts
Co-located Conferences: (Oct 21)
1st Computational Life Sciences Day
i-KNOW 2014 – 14th International Conference on Knowledge Technologies and Data-driven Business, September 16-19, 2014, Graz, Austria
Pre-conference Scientific Workshops: (Sep 16-17)
1st Workshop on Information ergonomics – leveraging productivity by aligning human-information ecologies; Speed Dating of Linked Building Data Vocabularies
Scientific Track:
Knowledge Discovery; Social Computing; Science 2.0; Knowledge Visualization; Ubiquitous Personal Computing
Industry Track: i-Praxis
Big Data Day (Intellectual Property & Big Data; SMART Mobility); Industry 4.0 Day (SMART Production; SMART Enterprise)
Communicate! (i-Praxis)
Open Learning & Teaching: Perspectives from Social Learning Theory; Big Data; Design Thinking; Big Data and the Attention Economy
Co-located Conferences:
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL), Sep 16-19
FFG/Ideal-ist Workshop – Horizon 2020: Connecting the BIG DATA Community
i-KNOW 2013 – 13th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, September 4-6 2013, Graz, Austria
Scientific Tracks:
Knowledge & Data Analytics; Science 2.0; Social & Mobile Computing; Linked Data Cup; Knowledge Management in Industry;
Industry Track (in German): i-Praxis
Wissenstag Österreich (Thema: Social Enterprise); Smart Grids; Knowledge Technology (KT) Applications in Industry; Smart Health; Smart Mobility; Current Developments in Publishing; Knowledge Management in Organization Development; Social Media
in Industry
ICT Alpe Adria Workshop: Smart-Region – Interactive Dissemination Workshop (i-Praxis); Licensing Linked Data Workshop (i-Praxis)
Skype: Continuous Learning of Skype Engineers; The Science of Social Interactions on the Web; Objective Fiction: The Semantic Construction of (Web) Reality; Current and Future Uses of Semantic Web Technologies at the BBC; Knowledge Management im Einsatz für Competitive Intelligence – Relevante Informationen intelligent finden und analysieren
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
i-KNOW 2012 – 12th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, September 5-7 2012, Graz, Austria
Special Scientific Tracks:
Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA); Research 2.0
Scientific Track:
Professional Learning; Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Organization; Semantic Web & Web Science; Multimedia; Open PhD Session
Industry Track (in German): i-Praxis – Technologiegestütztes Wissensmanagement
Wissenstag Österreich (Leitthema: Kundenorientiertes Wissensmanagement – Kundenwissen strategisch nutzen); Semantic Enterprise Search, Text Mining; Intranet 2.0; Semantic, Social Media Analyse; Enterprise Social Networks; Wissensmanagement & Qualitätsmanagement; Wissensmanagement & Projektmanagement; Professional Learning; Wissensmanagement & Patente; Wissensportal, Sharepoint; Social Networks; Crowdinvesting; Matchmaking Event; Smart-Pharma, Smart-Health, Smart-Mobility
Serious Games (i-Parxis)
Podiumsdiskussionen: (i-Parxis)
Die Rolle des CKO – Kampf zwischen den Fronten!?
Learning Dashboards and Learnscapes; The Business Value of a High-Impact Learning Culture; Dial E for Events;
The Evolving Role of Semantic Technology
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
i-KNOW 2011 – 11th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, September 7–9, 2011, Graz, Austria
Special Scientific Tracks:
Theory and Applications of Visual Analytics (TAVA); Recommendation, Data Sharing and Research Practices in Science 2.0
Scientific Tracks:
Knowledge Work; Science & Content; Web Science & Social Media; Semantic Business Technologies; Text Mining & Information Retrieval
Industry Track (in German): i-Praxis
Wissenstag Österreich (Thema: Das Paradigma zu Wissensarbeit. Von P. Drucker bis heute!); Unternehmensweites Wissensmanagement, Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement; Wissensarbeit, Web 2.0, Enterprise 2.0, Softwareentwicklung; Suche, Semantik, Enterprise 2.0, Wiki; Qualitätsmanagement, Wissenstransfer, Realtime Kommunikation; Semantics in Use; Suchmechanismen und Informationsextraktion; Communities; SW-Entwicklung, PM; Medienbeobachtung und -analyse
Open Space: Der Einsatz von Web 2.0 Technologien am Arbeitsplatz aus Mitarbeiter-, Unternehmens- und Kundensicht (i-Praxis); MMWeb2011 – Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop: Multimedia on the Web (Scientific Track); Knowledge Jam: Wissensmanagement im Dialog zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis
Solving Problems with Visual Analytics: Challenges and Applications; Multi-tasking in the Information Age: Tasks, Information, and Interaction Contexts; Semantic Web and Legal Publisher: Strategy and Vision; Knowledge Discovery in the Web: Potential, Automation and Limits
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
I-KNOW 2010 – 10th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, September 1–3, 2010, Graz, Austria
Scientific Track:
Enterprise 2.0 and the Social Web; Kowledge Technologies and the Semantic Web; Knowledge Management and Web 2.0; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Visualization; Knowledge Work; Knowledge Services; Knowledge Management – Models and Usage; Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Management and Learning; Technologies for Science 2.0
Industry Track (in German): Praxisforum
Wissenstag Österreich (Thema: Wissensarbeit (er) Innen); Industry Track I-IV; Trends im Wissensmanagement; Web 2.0 und Unternehmen; Innovation 2.0; Enterprise 2.0 SemTech (m2n); Linked Data Camp; Wissensmanagement in der Praxis; Neue Medientechnologien
Podiumsdiskussionen: (i-Parxis)
Digitale Medien Revised
Emerging Trends in Search User Interfaces; Bring in ‘da Developers, Bring in ‘da Apps – Developing Search and Discovery Solutions Using Scientific Content APIs; Coolfarming – Turn Your Great Idea into the Next Big Thing
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
I-KNOW 2009 – 9th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Technologies, September 2-4, 2009, Graz, Austria
Scientific Track:
Knowledge Visualization; Knowledge Maturing; Social Aspects of Knowledge Management; Tools (Knowledge Technologies); Knowledge Management and Learning
Industry Track (in German): Praxisforum
Wissenstag Österreich; Corporate Web 2.0; Die Zukunft der Innovation; Enterprise 2.0; Semantische Technologien in Unternehmen; Wissensmanagement in der Praxis; Wissensmanagement und Technologie
Podiumsdiskussionen: (Parxisforum)
When technologies are drivers, integrated concepts are needed for success; Towards a future Internet of Services and Content; Knowledge Management education, adoption and research in Hong Kong: The KMRC perspective
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
I-KNOW 2008 – 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management, September 3-5, 2008, Graz, Austria
(Part of Triple-I – Innovations Conference for Knowledge Management (I-KNOW), New Media Technology (I-MEDIA) and Semantic System (I-SEMANTICS))
Special Scientific Tracks:
Intelligent Assistance for Self-Directed and Organizational Learning; Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Relationship Discovery; Knowledge Services
Scientific Track: (Triple-I)
Semantic Web for Processes and Policies; Semantic Web Services; User Context and User Profiles; Social Software; Knowledge Work Multimedia Metadata and Web 2.0; Social Web Technologies and Folksonomies; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Transfer and
Sharing; Knowledge Management Applied; Learning and User Modelling; Semantic Web for Collaboration; Knowledge Engineering; Social Software Applied; New Media Technologies; Semantic Technologies; Semantic Web
Workshops: (Scientific Track)
Knowledge Akquisition from the Social Web
Industry Track (in German): Praxisforum
Wissenstag Österreich; Web 2.0 und Geschäftsmodelle; Semantische Technologien in Unternehmen; Wissensmanagment in der Praxis; Web 2.0 und Unternehmen; Enterprise 2.0; Finden und Semantische Technologien;
Podiumsdiskussionen: (Parxisforum)
Semantik pro(duIa)ktiv – Wissen, nicht managen!
Managing Knowledge that Everybody Knows Already; Wikis in Global Businesses; Humans and the Web of Data; Commercialization of Semantic Technologies in Malaysia
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
International Conference on New Media Technology (I-MEDIA)
I-KNOW 2007 – 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management, September 5-7, 2007, Graz, Austria
(Part of Triple-I – Innovations Conference for Knowledge Management (I-KNOW), New Media Technology (I-MEDIA) and Semantic System (I-SEMANTICS))
Special Scientific Tracks:
Knowledge Organization and Semantic Technologies 2007 (KOST ’07); Knowledge Sharing using Social Software (KSS’07); Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery (KVD’07); Integrating Working and Learning (IWL’07); Task and Process Exploration and Modelling (TPEM’07); Semantics in Life Sciences; Reasoning and Deduction Systems; Multimedia Metadata Applications Workshop
Scientific Track:
Knowledge Sharing using Social Software; Knowledge Management and Web 2.0; Task and Process Exploration and Modelling; Knowledge Organisation and Semantic Technologies; Integrating Working and Learning in Business; Skills; Media Convergence; Requirements; Semantic Web Applications; Media Technologies and e-Learning; Reflections; Knowledge Sharing
Industry Track (in German): Praxisforum
Corporate Web 2.0; Wissensmanagement in der Praxis; Finden und Semantische Technologien; Wissensmanagement in der Öffentlichen Verwaltung (Special-Track); Innovation 2.0; Wissensmanagement und KMU; Semantic Web Tools und Anwendungen; Neue Medientechnologien; Unternehmeninterner Einsatz Semantischer Systeme; Wissensmanagement und Lernen
Conference Tutorials: (Industry Track)
Triple-Store-SeSaMe; Industrial Ontology Engineering; Semantic-Media-Wiki; APOSDLE Tutorial: Wer?Wie?Was? Wissen anwenden leicht gemacht; Ontologie basierte Modellierung von Applikationen)
Workshops: (Industry Track)
World-Cafe: Leveraging Customer Knowledge (Industry Track); Professional Learning Cluster (PRO-LC) Workshop (Scientific Track)
Transformation der Fachanforderungen in E-Government-Lösungen: die IT-Sektion des Finanzministeriums als Wissensorganisation; Community Equity – how to implement and measure a Social Capital system in Enterprise Communities; Collaborative Knowledge Visualization: Researching and Augmenting Visual Practices in Knowledge Work; Pictures of traces of places, people, and groups: Recent work from the Microsoft Research Community Technologies Group (was: Social Media Maps of Online Communities)
Co-located Conferences:
International Conference on Semantic Technologies (I-SEMANTICS)
International Conference on New Media Technology (I-MEDIA)
I-KNOW 2006 – 6th International Conference on Knowledge Management, September 6-8, 2006, Graz, Austria
Special Scientific Tracks:
Advanced Semantic Technologies (AST’06); Business Process Oriented Knowledge Infrastructures (BPOKI’06); Integrating Working and Learning in Business (IWL’06); Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Discovery (KIV’06); Knowledge Sharing in Reseach and Higher Education (KSR’06); Process-oriented Learning and Knowledge Work; Multimedia Metadata Community Workshop
Scientific Track:
Measuring Intellectual Capital; Knowledge Management Maturity; Knowledge in Projects; Knowledge Sharing; Knowledge Transfer; Adult Learning; Reference Models; Supporting Community; Sectoral Examples; Innovation Management; Structuring Content; Designing Services; Achieving Consensus for Ontologies; Efficiency through Ontologies
Industry Track (in German): Wissensmanagement-Tagung
Wissensmanagement in KMUs; Finden und Semantische Technologien; Wissensmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung; Competitive Intelligence & Wissensmangement in der Praxis; Wissensmanagement und Lernen; Neue Medientechnologien
Co-located Conferences:
20th International Conference on Informatics for Environmental Protection
I-KNOW 2005 – 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management, 29 June – 1 July 2005, Graz, Austria
ProLearn@I-KNOW – Technology Enhanced Professional Learning; Nutzen des Semantic Web für Wissensbasierte Unternehmen und Netzwerke: ausgewählte Praxisbeispiele; eLearning@schools – in depth; MPEG and Multimedia Metadata Community: 2nd Workshop; Open Space Discussion: Shaping Knowledge Initiatives with Quality Management Systems; Open Forum: Community Building for EU Project Proposals (Topic: Collaborative Working Environments)
Special Scientific Tracks:
Business Process Oriented Knowledge Infrastructures (BPOKI’05); Integrating Working and Learning in Business (IWL’05); Knowledge and Information Visualization (KIV’05); Knowledge Discovery and Semantic Technologies (KDaST’05); Knowledge Sharing in Research and Higher Education (KSR’05)
Scientific Track:
Decision Making; Knowledge Sharing; Reference Models; Measurement; Personalization; Semantic Systems; Competence Management; Portals; Supporting Heterogeneity; Theoretical Approaches; Communities; Knowledge Work; Distributed Knowledge Management; Case Studies
Industry Track (in Gernam): Unterstützung von Wissensarbeitern am Arbeitsplatz: Instrumente – Methoden – Erfahrungen Dokumente im Wissensmanagement; Praxiserfahrungen eLearning; Auffinden von Wissen; Lernen im Arbeitskontext; Praxiserfahrungen Wissensmanagement; Kooperation und Kommunikation; Wissensmanagement in der Anwendung; Ideen- und Risikomanagement
New Economy of Skills or Economy of New Skills; From Knowledge Transfer to Knowledge Building by New ePedagogy; Linking Knowledge Management research and Practice in Europe; Personal Information Retrieval; The Convergence of eLearning and Knowledge Management – a Perspective of the Future
I-KNOW 2004 – 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management, June 30 – July 2 2004, Graz, Austria
Special Scientific Tracks:
Semantic Web and Knowledge Discovery; Business Process Oriented Knowledge Infrastructures; Integration of Knowledge Management & (e)Learning; Hybrid Learning
Scientific Track:
Applications of Knowledge Management; Semantic Technologies; Ontologies; Leveraging Expertise; Knowledge Communication; Perspectives on Technology; Tools for Communities; Distributed Knowledge Management; Representation and Metadata; Knowledge Integration; Knowledge Diagnostics; Measuring Intellectual Capital; Networks and Alliances
Industry Track (in German): Wissen richtig managen – Methoden, Technologien und Erfahrungen
Wissensmanagement – Unternehmensabläufe; Wissensmanagement – Auffinden von Wissen; Wissensmanagement – Praxis; Wissensmanagement – Softwaresysteme; eLearning (Check)
Round Table Discussions:
Topic to be announced (Knowledge Diagnostics; Perspectives on Technology)
Real Time Knowledge Transfer – Status Report on SAP’s Rapid Knowledge Transfer Concept; Paving the Way to Corporate E-Learning Adoption and Sustainability; Knowledge Management in the Business – Still a Vague Force in an Unsteady Position?; Collaborative Enterprise Content Management: New Promises or Real ROI?
I-KNOW 2003 – 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Management, July 2-4, 2003, Graz, Austria
Special Scientific Tracks:
(Virtual) Communities of Practice within Modern Organizations (w. group work session); Knowledge and Information Visualisation; Skills Management – Managing Competencies in the Knowledge-based Economy; eLearning – Human Issues and Personalization
Scientific Track:
Knowledge Management in Industry; Knowledge Management in Business Environments; Knowledge Retrieval; Knowledge Management in Decision Making; Audits and Benchmarks; Knowledge Classification; Information Discovery; Knowledge Management and Problem Solving; Convergence of Knowledge Management with other Domains; Ontologies; Knowledge Analysis and Structuring
Industry Track (in German): Wissen als Wettbewerbsfaktor der Zukunft?
eLearning; Wissensmanagement
Panel Discussions:
From InfoVis to KnowledgeVis
Leonardo’s Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies; The Post-Nonaka Knowledge Management: Knowledge Management – The 3rd Generation; eLearning – Past Present Future; Designing Sociable, Universally Usable Online Communities; Knowledge for development of poor communities in the new information age; Design, Design Communities, and Knowledge Management: Why Learning from the Past is not Enough!
I-KNOW 2002 – 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Management, July 11-12, 2002, Graz, Austria
Pre-Conference Workshops: (Jul 10)
Hypertext und Hypermedia – Bestandsaufnahme 2002
Scientific Tracks:
Metadata and Retrieval; Visualisation and User Interfaces; Knowledge Management in Heterogeneous Settings; Process-Oriented Knowledge Management; Management of Distributed Knowledge; People-Oriented Knowledge Management; Knowledge Sharing and Transfer;
Industry Presentations (in German)
IBM Dynamic Workplaces – the Global IBM Intranet Strategy; Extracting and Visualizing Knowledge from Film and Video Archives; The Knowledge-Attention Gap: Do we underestimate the problem of information overload?; Right, Wrong, and Absurd: Ten Years in Knowledge Management; The new mobility of our society caused by telecommunications; Knowledge on Demand: Knowledge and Expert Discovery; Knowledge Technologies – into the future with the European Commission’s 6th Framework Programme; What to Expect from Software Experience Exploitation; Bridging the knowledge divide for the world’s poor; The Crucial Role of Emotions in Intelligent Software Agents
I-KNOW 2001 – 1st International Conference on Knowledge Management, July 12-13, 2001, Graz, Austria
Note: I-KNOW 2001 is the official opening event of the new Competence Center for Knowledge-based Applications and Systems (Know-Center)
Invited Talks:
Knowledge Managment: More Effort – More Success?
Digital Libraries as Important Ingredient of Knowledge Managment
Metadata standards: what, who & why
MPEG and its Relevance for Content-based Multimedia Retrieval
Learning in the Learning Organisation
Personal Digital Libraries and Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management: A practical example at BMW
Mastering the human factor of knowledge management
Sustainability and jobs in the knowledge economy
Knowledge Management in Superorganisms
Reduction of Complexity of Knowledge Managment through frameworks – example the Siemens KM Framework
Ideas for Knowledge Managment at the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Ontology-based Knowledge Managment
Discovering Knowledge Through Visual Analysis
Virtual Environments in Support of Collaborative Work