The ACM Web Conference (TheWebConf)*
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The ACM Web Conference (TheWebConf), formerly the The Web Conference (TheWebConf) and the International World Wide Web Conference (www or IW3), aims to provide the world with a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conferences bring together researchers, developers, users and commercial ventures – indeed all who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer.
Since 2022 the conference is organized by the Association for Computing Machinery Special Interest Group on Hypertext, Hypermedia and the Web (ACM SIGWEB).
Conference History:
TheWebConf 2027 will be held in Dublin, Ireland
(Organizer: Head of AI Discipline, School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin; ADAPT Centre, School of Computing, Dublin City University)
TheWebConf 2026 will take place in Dubai, UAE
(Organizer: Technology Innovation Institute (TII), UAE & Israel)
TheWebConf2025, 28 April – 2 May 2025, Sydney, Australia
(Organizer: School of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology Sydney; School of Artificial Intelligence, Jilin University)
- Conference program TBD
Pre-conference Workshops:
AI Agent for Information Retrieval: Generating and Ranking
Web and the City: 11th WebAndTheCity: The Responsible Web and AI for Smart Cities
Optimal Transport for Structured Data Modeling and Generation
The 1st EReL@MIR Workshop on Efficient Representation Learning for Multimodal Information Retrieval
The International Workshop on Spatio-Temporal Data Mining from the Web
Workshop on Resource-Efficient Learning for the Web
4th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Graph Construction (NLP4KGC 2025)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Few-Shot Learning on Graphs: From Meta-Learning to LLM-empowered Pre-Training and Beyond
Query Understanding in LLM-based Conversational Information Seeking
Resource-Efficient Learning for the Web
A Tutorial of Personalized Federated Recommender Systems: Recent Advances and Future Directions
Rethink Deep Learning with Invariance in Data Representation
Graph Condensation: Foundations, Methods and Prospects
Graph Machine Learning under Distribution Shifts: Adaptation, Generalization and Extension to LLM
Federated Intelligence in Web: A Tutorial
Generative Large Recommendation Models: Emerging Trends in LLMs for Recommendation
Integrating Large Language Models and Knowledge Graphs for Next-level AGI
Joint Modeling in Deep Recommender Systems
Efficient algorithms for leveraging LLMs for Generative and Predictive Recommender Systems
Generative Recommendation Models: Progress and Directions
Trustworthy AI under Imperfect Web Data
TheWebConf2024, May 13-17, 2024, Singapore
(Organizer: School of Computing, National University of Singapore; Human-Machine Collaborative Systems Cluster, School of Computing and Information Systems, Singapore Management University)
- Pre-conference Workshops:
Information Retrieval Meets Large Language Models
DCAI: Data-centric Artificial Intelligence
Graph Foundation Models
10th WebAndTheCity –The Web and Smart Cities
2nd Workshop on Recommendation with Generative Models
1st Workshop on Decentralised Search and Recommendation
12th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2024)
TrustLOG: The Second Workshop on Trustworthy Learning on Graphs
Large Language Models for Graph Learning
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Data Augmentation for Conversational AI
New Frontiers of Knowledge Graph Reasoning: Recent Advances and Future Trends
Large Language Models for Graphs: Progresses and Directions
Mining Temporal Networks
Large Language Models for Recommendation: Progresses and Future Directions
Text-Attributed Graph Representation Learning: Methods, Applications, and Challenges
Research Tracks:
TheWebConf2023, April 30 – May 4, 2023, Austin, TX, USA
Conference Theme: Web Research with Openness, Fairness and Reproducibility
(Organizer: School of Information, University of Texas at Austin; data.world)
- Pre-conference Workshops:
Trusting Decentralised Knowledge Graphs and Web Data (TrusDeKW)
First workshop on Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS 2023)
2nd International Workshop on Multisensory Data and Knowledge (MDK)
Beyond Facts: 3d International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis
9th WebAndTheCity –The Web and Smart Cities
Workshop proposal: Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability – KG4S
Personalization and Recommendations in Search (PARIS)
Machine Learning for Streaming Media
2nd Workshop on Interactive and Scalable Information Retrieval Methods for eCommerce (ISIR-eCom)
Workshop on Decision Making for Information Retrieval and Recommender Systems
3rd International Workshop on Deep Learning for the Web of Things
11th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP 2023)
NLP4KGC: Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Graph Construction
1st Workshop on Federated Learning Technologies
3rd International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Representation, Discovery, and Assessment (Sci-K 2023)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Trustworthy Recommender Systems
Data-Informed Interaction Learning
Graph Neural Networks: Foundation, Frontiers and Applications
Mining of Real-world Hypergraphs: Patterns, Tools, and Generators
Same Data, Different Model: Choosing an Ontology Modeling Methodology
Graph Neural Networks for Tabular Data Learning
Conversational Information Seeking: Theory and Application
Turning Web-Scale Texts to Knowledge: Transferring Pretrained Representations to Text Mining Applications
Continual Graph Learning
Never-Ending Learning, Lifelong Learning and Continual Learning in the Era of Large Pre-Trained Language Models
Multi-Modal Recommender Systems: Towards Addressing Sparsity, Comparability, and Explainability
Lifelong Learning Cross-domain Recommender Systems
Towards Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Graphs
Self-supervised Learning and Pre-training on Graphs
When Sparse Meets Dense: Learning Advanced Graph Neural Networks with DGL-Sparse Package
Special Days:
Knowledge Graph Day, May 1
Reserarch Tracks:
Semantics and Knowledge
Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms
Web Mining and Content Analysis
TheWebConf2022, April 25-29, 2022, Lyon, France Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Let’s make the Web Better, Faster, Stronger
(Host: Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Université de Lyon)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for May 16-20, 2022
Conference Tracks: Research Track (Search; Semantics and Knowledge; Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms; Social Web; Web Mining and Content Analysis); Special tracks: —
Pre-conference Workshops:
3rd International Workshop on Data Literacy
KnOD: 2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis
EMDC: 2nd International Workshop on the Efficiency of Modern Datacenters
GLB 2022: 2nd International Workshop on Graph Learning Benchmark
Sci-K: 2nd International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Representation, Discovery, and Assessment
SeBiLAn: International Workshop on Semantics-enabled Biomedical Literature Analytics
SocialNLP: 10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media
The 2nd International Workshop on Deep Learning for the Web of Things
The First International Workshop on Graph Learning
Organizers: Charu Aggarwal, Renaud Lambiotte, Feng Xia
UserNLP: International Workshop on User-centered Natural Language Processing
WebAndTheCity: 8th International Workshop on Web and Smart Cities
Wiki: 9th International Wiki Workshop
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Assessing Research Impact by Leveraging Open Scholarly Knowledge Graphs
Automated Machine Learning for Recommendations: Fundamentals and Advances
Completeness, Recall, and Negation in Open-World Knowledge Bases
Data Democratisation with Deep Learning: An Analysis of Text-to-SQL Systems
DBpedia Knowledge Graph Tutorial
Modern Natural Language Processing Techniques for Scientific Web Mining: Tasks, Data, and Tools
Self-Supervised Learning in Recommendation: Fundamentals and Advances
Deep Learning on Graphs for Natural Language Processing
KGTK: Tools for Creating and Exploiting Large Knowledge Graphs
TheWebConf2021, April 19-23, 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia Virtual venue
(Host: Jozef Stefan Institute)
- Conference Tracks (Apr 19-23):
Semantics and Knowledge; Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorithms
Pre-conference Workshops (Apr 12-16):
8th Wiki Workshop; 1st International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge Representation, Discovery, and Assessment (Sci-K); 1st International Workshop on Deep Learning for the Web of Things; 2nd Workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge Discovery; Beyond Facts: 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (KnOD); International Workshop on AI in Health: Transferring and Integrating Knowledge for Better Health; PKG4Ecommerce: Product Knowledge Graph for E-Commerce Workshop 2021 (Knowledge Management in e-Commerce); International Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning for the Web (S2L@WWW 2021); 3rd Innovation Workshop on Transforming Big Data into Actionable Knowledge (BiDAW)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Apr 12-16):
Large Scale Graph Mining: Visualization, Exploration, and Analysis; Information Extraction from Social Media: Tasks, Data, and Open-Source Tools; Advanced Deep Graph Learning: Deeper, Faster, Robuster, Unsupervised; Deep Learning with PyTorch; Machine Learning-Driven Ad Blocking: From Data Collection to Deployment; Learning from Graphs: From Mathematical Principles to Practical Tools; Neural Structured Learning; Graph Mining and Multi-Relational Learning: Tools and Applications; Learning from Comparisons
TheWebConf2020, April 20–24, 2020, Taipei, Taiwan Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Looking into the future of the Web
(Host: Academia Sinica, Tunghai University)
- Tracks:
Semantics and Knowledge; Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorythms
7th Wiki Workshop, 5th International Workshop on Deep Learning for Graphs (DL4G 2020)
Entity Summarization in Knowledge Graphs: Algorithms, Evaluation, and Applications; Constructing Knowledge Graph for Social Networks in A Deep and Holistic Way; Deep Transfer Learning for Search and Recommendation
TheWebConf2019, May 13-17, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: 30th years of the web
(Host: Web4Good)
- Tracks:
Semantics and Knowledge; Social Network Analysis and Graph Algorythms
6th Wiki Workshop; Workshop on Knowledge Graph Technology and Applications
From Research Articles to Knowledge Graphs: Methods for ontology-driven knowledge base creation from text
TheWebConf2018, April 23-27, 2018, Lyon, France
(Host: Université de Lyon)
- Tracks:
Web Content Analysis, Semantics, and Knowledge; MOOC track; PHD symposium
Building AI Applications using Knowledge Graphs; Knowledge Graph Completion
Educational Knowledge Management workshop; Latent Semantics for the Web; 5th Wiki Workshop
WWW2017, April 3-7, 2017, Perth, Western Australia
(Host: Murdoch University, Graduate School of Public Policy and International Affairs; Curtin University, School of Media, Creative Arts and Social Inquiry)
- Tracks:
Semantics and Knowledge; Social Network Analysis and Computational Social Science
Computational Models for Social Network Analysis; Towards Semantic Applications: from Knowledge Management to Data Publishing on the Web; Semantic Data Management in Practice; Semantic Web meets Internet of Things and Web of Things
4th Wiki Workshop
WWW2016, April 11-15, 2016, Montreal, Canada
(Host: Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Tracks:
Semantics and Big Data; Social Networks and Graph Analysis
Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop; 3th Wiki Workshop
WWW2015, May 18-22, 2015, Florence, Italy
(Host: Sapienza University of Rome, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences)
- Tracks:
Social Networks 1-4; Ph.D. Symposium
Knowledge Bases for Web Content Analytics
Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop; Knowledge Extraction from Text
WWW2014, May 7-11, 2014, Seoul, South Korea
(Host: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Korean Agency for Technology and Standards)
- Tracks:
Social Networks 1-3; Semantic Web 1-2; Ph.D. Symposium
Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop; Large Scale Network Anaysis
WWW2013, May 13-17, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
(Host: Brazilian Internet Steering Committee; Brazilian Network Information Center)
- Tracks:
Social Networks; Trust and Enterprise Social Networks; Doctoral Consortium
Measuring user engagement; An introduction to Semantic Web and Linked Data; Information Network Analysis and Extraction on the World Wide Web; Graph Mining Tools for Community Detection and Evaluation in Social Networks and the Web
International Workshop on Mining Social Network Dynamics; Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop; International Workshop on Large Scale Network Analysis
WWW2012, April 16-20, 2012, Lyon, France
(Host: Université de Lyon)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web; PhD Symposium
Location-Based Social Networks
Workshop on Mining Social Networks Dynamics; Large Scale Network Analysis; Web Intelligence and Communities Workshop; Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces; Community Question Answering on the Web
WWW2011, March 28 – April 1, 2011, Hyderabad, India
(Host: International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web; PhD Symposium
International Workshop on Knowledge Diversity on the Web; International Workshop on Games for Knowledge Acquisition (CANCELLED)
WWW2010, April 26-30, 2010, Raleigh, NC, USA
(Host: North Carolina State University; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
- Tracks:
Social Networks
WWW2009, April 20-24, 2009, Madrid, Spain
(Host: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
- Tracks:
Social Networks
Introduction to Social Computing; Detecting, Understanding and Exploiting Web communities
WWW2008, April 21-25, 2008, Beijing, China
(Host: Beihang University)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web I-III; Social Networks: Analysis of Social Networks and Online Interaction Spaces; Social Networks: Discovery and Evolution of Communities; Social Networks: Applications and Infrastructures for Web 2.0
Interlinking Online Communities and Enriching Social Software with the Semantic Web
WS10A – Workshop on Social Web and Knowledge Management (SWKM2008)
WWW2007, May 8-12, 2007, Banff, Canada
(Host: University of Calgary)
- Tracks:
Deploying Web-scale Mash-ups by Linking Microformats and the Semantic Web; Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications for the Real-World; Semantic Digital Libraries; Model Driven Semantic Web Engineering
I3: Identity, Identifiers, Identifications — Entity-Centric Approaches to Information and Knowledge Management on the Web; Social and Collaborative Construction of Structured Knowledge; Tagging and Metadata for Social Information Organization
WWW2006, May 22-26, 2006, Edinburgh, Scotland (UK)
(Host: University of Southampton, School of Electronics and Computer Science)
- Tracks:
E-Communities; Semantic Tagging Social Networks
Introduction to the Semantic Web
Collaborative Web Tagging; Semantic Web Annotations for Multimedia (SWAMM); Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics
WWW2005, May 10-14, 2005, Chiba, Japan
(Host: Keio University)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web
Web-based Interactive Collaboration using Semantic Web Technology -Introduction of the Annotea and its Comparison to the Blog (CANCELLED)
The Semantic Computing Initiative – From Semantic Web to Semantic World; Workshop on the Weblogging Ecosystem – Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics
WWW2004, May 17-22, 2004, New York, NY, USA
(Host: New York University, Center for Advanced Technology)
- Tracks:
Information Extraction; Web of Communities
Weblogging Ecosystem: Aggregation, Analysis and Dynamics
WWW2003, May 20-24, 2003, Budapest, Hungary
(Host: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Computer and Automation Research Institute)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web
(Virtual) Community Informatics: Support for Local and Virtual Communities
WWW2002, May 6-11, 2002, Honolulu, HI, USA
(Host: University of Hawaii; Pacific Telecom Council)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web Services
Semantic Web Workshop
WWW10, May 1-5, 2001, Hong Kong, China
(Host: Chinese University of Hong Kong; University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; et al.)
- Tracks:
Semantic Web Workshop
WWW9, May 15-19, 2000, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: National Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science)
- Tracks:
WWW8, May 11-14, 1999, Toronto, Canada
(Host: University of Toronto, Department of Computer Science)
- Tracks:
Information Retrieval and Web Search Engines
WWW7, April 14-18, 1998, Brisbane, Australia
(Host: Charles Sturt University, Distributed Systems Technology Centre, Prentice Centre, and Information Industries Branch (Queensland); Southern Cross University)
- Tracks:
Information Retrieval and Modelling; Computer Supported Cooperative Work
WWW6, April 7-11, 1997, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Everyone – Everything – Connected
(Hosts: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center; Stanford University)
- Tracks:
WWW5, May 6-10, 1996, Paris, France
(Host: Institut National pour la Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique; European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics)
- Tracks:
Support for Cooperation, Cooperation
WWW4, December 11-14, 1995, Boston, MA, USA
Conference Theme: The Web Revolution
(Host: MIT Laboratory for Computer Science; OSF Research Institute)
- Tracks:
Collaborative Systems; Resource Discovery
Knowledge Representation and the Web
Asia Pacific World Wide Web Regional Conference, September 18-21, 1995, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Collaboration via the Virtual Orient Express
(Host: Charles Sturt University, Center for Intelligent Information Management)Tracks:
WWW3, April 10-14, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany
Conference Theme: Technology, Tools and Applications
(Hosts: Institute for Graphic Design (FhG/IGD), Technical University of Darmstadt)
- Tracks:
Resource Discovery and Retrieval
WWW2, October 17-20, 1994, Chicago, IL, USA
Conference Theme: Mosaic and the Web
(Host: National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
- Tracks:
WWW1, May 25-27, 1994, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Woodstock of the Web
(Host: CERN, European Laboratory for Particle Physics; Co-organizer: Université de Genève, Centre Universitaire d’Informatique)
- Tracks: