International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council)*
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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants (EC-Council) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Certification Courses
- Certified E-Business Professional (CEP) Track:1) Knowledge Management (exam prep: 3 days training; self-study)
- 2003-2013:
Module I: Introduction to Knowledge Management
Module II: Knowledge and Learning
Module III: Organizational Learning and Learning Organizations
Module IV: Corganizational Culture, Change Management and Communities of Practice
Module V: Enabling Technologies
Module VI: Knowledge Management Frameworks and Processes
Module VII: Knowledge Strategy
Module VIII: Knowledge Management Assessment and Planning
Module IX: Knowledge Management Measurements and Methodologies
Module X: Building a Business Case for Knowledge Management2002:
Introduction to Knowledge Management
Understanding E-Business, CRM, and Knowledge Management
A Roadmap for Success
Aligning Strategy and Technology Choices
Audit and Analysis
Building an Implementation Team
Blueprinting the Technology Infrastructure
Results-Driven Development and Deployment
Leadership, Change Management, and Corporate Culture
Evaluation, Measurement, and Refinement