Emory University*
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Emory University, formerly the Emory College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Law > Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results (TI:GER) 1)
- TI:GER® (Technological Innovation Generating Economic Results) Innovation Conference, March 28, 2019, Emory University (School of Law), Atlanta, GA, United States
Conference Theme: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data and Knowledge Management-
The Innovation Conference brings together professionals from law, business, and engineering to discuss innovative approaches and current trends in technology commercialization.
This year’s theme is the business and legal implications of artificial intelligence and machine learning technology. The Conference will open with a public debate about the ethical and societal implications as well as the policies and laws for the responsible use of AI. In addition, we will explore specific topics concerning AI and data privacy, handling bias and the specificity/sensitivity of AI systems, the difference between AI & machine learning, the various use cases for AI, and the legal implications such as patenting AI-invented innovations.Agenda:
The Real Talk about Robot LawyersPanels:
Science behind AI and the Ethical Implications of AIenabled technology
AI Use Cases, Handling Bias, Data Privacy and the Design of AI and Machine Learning Algorithms
New AI-enabled technology & VC Interest, How to Protect AI Innovations and the Need for a Legal Framework (arguably – what does this look like?)
Goizueta Business School > Department of Information Systems and Operations Management (ISOM) 2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- PhD in Business Administration (Research area: Information Systems (IS) > Knowledge Management / Prof. Maryam Alavi)**
Goizueta Business School > Department of Organization & Management
- 1st Intra-Organizational Networks Conference (ION 2005), October 15-16, 2005, Emory University (Goizueta Business School), Atlanta, Georgia, USA 3)
- Distributed Knowledge Research Collaborative (DKRC)* 4)
Goizueta Business School > Office of Global Strategy and Initiatives > The Claus M. Halle Institute for Global Learning > Knowledge Future Initiative
- Knowledge Futures Forum**
The Knowledge Futures Forum is part of the ongoing knowledge futures initiative at Emory University that seeks to bring together thought leaders from a variety of disciplines to discuss new and changing models of knowledge management by addressing critical issues about the digital, mediated and wireless world.- Knowledge Futures Forum, October 20–21, 2011, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Re-Generation: Envisioning New Relations to Media, Civics, Work, and Learning - Knowledge Futures Forum, April 16–17, 2011, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Language, Culture, and Technology - Knowledge Futures Forum, March 18-19, 2011, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Knowledge Futures: The Agility Imperative - Knowledge Futures Forum, April 26, 2010, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Discontinuities, Disruptions and Possibilities - Virtual Worlds and New Realities Forum, February 10-11, 2008, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Virtual Worlds and New Realities in Commerce, Politics, and Society
- Knowledge Futures Forum, October 20–21, 2011, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
- TEDxEmory
– Apr 2013: Smart Cities: How do we Build the Cities of Tomorrow
– Apr 2012: Design Technology in the Internet of Things
– Apr 2011: Experience Eternity - Sep 2011: Government Information Sharing and Safeguarding Post-9/11 (Halle Speaker Series Event)
- Mar 2011: Knowledge Futures Media Week
– Data Mining as Cultural Criticism or How We Read 1,000,000 Manga Pages with Computers
– Political Life in Late Modern Society: Communication, Citizenship, and Participation in a Time of Institutional Decline
– Culture and Gender is Children’s Television Globally - Sep 2010: An App World: The Rise of the Small and the Many (panel discussion)
- Nov 2009: C-Level Skill Sourcing: New Alternatives
- Mar 2009: Fallen Giant: The Amazing Story of AIG
- Feb 2009: The Future of TV: Disruptive Change in Video Services
- Feb 2008: IPTV – Changing the Art of the Possible