Flinders University (Flinders)*
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Flinders University (Flinders), formerly The Flinders University of South Australia (Flinders University), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Education, Psychology and Social Work > Study Area: Education1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Graduate Certificate in Organisational Learning (GradCertOrgLearn)**2)
- Core Courses:
Knowledge Management for Organisational Learning (since 2005)
and either
Evaluation Methods (since 2007 or 2008, was: Applied Evaluation Methods) OR
Action learning project/internship (since 2005; since 2011: internship) OR
Action learning project/internship (since 2012) AND
Action learning project/internship (since 2012)Option Courses: (choose 1 or 2 courses)
Leaders and Leadership (since 2005)
Planning Change in Organisations (since 2013)
Developing People in Organisations (since 2014)
Managing Innovation in Organisations (since 2006)
Educational Governance (since 2014)
Pedagogical Leadership (since 2013)
Leading and managing professional learning for integrated languages and literacy programs (since 2013)
Perspectives on leading professional learning for integrated languages curricula (since 2013)
Critical Systems Thinking and Practice (since 2005)