Gannon University*
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Gannon University,1) formerly the Gannon College of Arts and Sciences, and a Cathedral College by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Erie, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences
Graduate Degrees/Programs
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Learning and Leadership (Online + 1 face-to-face week each summer)
- 2022-23:
Foundations: Learning, Leadership, and Cognates (3×6 = 18 credits)Multidisciplinary Theory Core (27 credits)
GOLL 801 Advanced Organizational Theory
GOLL 802 Advanced Leadership Theory
GOLL 811 Psychosocial Dimensions of Leadership
GOLL 812 Organizational Analysis: Structure and Design
GOLL 820 Qualitative Research Methods
GOLL 814 Leading Organizational Culture and Change
GOLL 810 Dissemination of Academic Reserach
GOLL 816 Developing Leadership Capacity
GOLL 817 Global Perspectives on Learning and LeadershipResearch Core (15 credits)
Doctoral Dissertation (6 Credits)2009-22:
Foundations: Learning, Leadership, and Cognates (12+12+6 = 30 credits)Multidisciplinary Core (15 credits)
GOLL 801 Advanced Organizational Theory
GOLL 802 Advanced Leadership Theory and Skills Application
GOLL 803 Case Analysis of a Learning Group
GOLL 804 Understanding Organizations as Learning Systems
GOLL 805 Quality Management in Multidisciplinary EnvironmentsResearch Core (12 credits)
Dissertation (9 credits)