Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU)*
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![Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU)* | Knowledge Management training & education worldwide Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU)*](https://kmeducationhub.de/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/wc-kmedu-trainingeducation-universities.jpg)
Hawai’i Pacific University (HPU), formerly the Hawai’i Pacific College, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
College of Business Administration1) > Department of Financial Economics and Information Systems (FEIS)*
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Information Systems Area
- Master of Science in Information Systems (Concentration: Knowledge Management)
- 2006-2012:
Concentration courses:
IS 6220 Advanced Issues in Project Management
IS 6230 Knowledge Management
PSOC 6440 Organizational Change and Development
PSOC 6442 Culture and Intervention Strategies
PSOC 6443 Change Leadership Models and Methods
Certificate Courses
Information Systems Area
- Professional Certificate in Knowledge Management (on-site/online)2)
- 2010-2011
Core Courses:
IS 6230 Knowledge Management
IS 6260 Network Analysis
IS 6700 Technology StrategyElective Courses: (select one)
IS 6220 Advance Project Management
IS 6250 Global Information Systems
OC 6440 Organizational Change and Development
OC 6442 Culture and Intervention Strategies2005-2009
IS 6230 Knowledge Management
IS 7010 Technology Strategy
PSOC 6440 Organizational Change and Development
PSOC 6442 Culture and Interventions