High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS)**
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The biennial High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM on CLKS), formerly the High-Level Meeting on (Towards) Country-led Knowledge Hubs (HLM), is now a key activity under the Global Partnership for Knowledge Sharing (GPKS) which is part of the Knowledge Sharing for Results (KS4R) Program, hosted by the World Bank’s South-South Experience Exchange Facility (‘South-South Facility’). The High-Level Meeting aims to share experiences and discuss future steps for building country capacities for knowledge sharing in support of global development goals. The meeting will showcase the progress made by country institutions in using knowledge for effective service delivery and sharing these solutions with domestic and international peers.
Conference History:
4th High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM4), October 15-17, 2018, Nusa-Dua Bali, Indonesia
Meeting theme: Local Innovation as a Driver for Global Development
(Organizer: Government of Indonesia, The World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) – Indonesia Office, Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (implementation), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Islamic Development Bank)
Day Themes:
Approaches for systematic capturing and sharing of local innovations for national and international scale-up
Field Trips – Learning from local innovations
Learning Day – Mastering the ‘how-to’ of systematic knowledge capturing and sharing
Meeting Sessions: (day 1) Approaches for systematic capturing and sharing of local innovations for national and international scale-up
HLM4 Communique and closing remarks
High-Level Panel Discussions:
Institutionalizing Knowledge Sharing: Pathways to foster local innovation
Strategies for identifying and capturing local innovations
Parallel Sessions:
Harnessing Local Innovations on Maternal & Child Health (MCH) and Nutrition as Driver for Global Development
Local Innovations in Improving the Quality of Vocational Education and Training through Effective Cooperation with Private Sector
Harnessing local solutions to foster local economic development
Sharing Good Practices on Open Government Implementation through South-South and Triangular Cooperation
Effective M&E strategies for Knowledge Sharing
Triangular Cooperation support to develop Country Institutions’ Knowledge Sharing Capacity
Report-back from breakout sessions and Summary of day 1 key take-aways
Knowledge Marketplace:
Open market place session: Showcase and peer learning on local innovations from around the world
Field trips: (day 2)
Documenting and sharing village innovations
Health and nutrition
Use of data for urban planning
Investment quality verification and auditing
Investing in people and infrastructure in urban slums
Approaches to mitigate against disaster risk
Workshops: (day 3)
Becoming a Knowledge Sharing Organization – Knowledge as a Driver for Organizational Effectiveness
Capturing and Documenting Experiences for Scale-up
The Global Delivery Initiative – Developing Effective Case Studies
The Art of Knowledge Exchange – The How-to of Effective Knowledge Sharing
Organizing Effective Communities of Practice
Leveraging Knowledge, Information, and Data for operations at the World Bank
Knowledge Cafe
3rd High-Level Meeting on Country-Led Knowledge Sharing (HLM3), March 30-31, 2016, Washington DC, USA
Meeting theme: Knowledge Sharing to Accelerate Development Results
(Organizer: World Bank Group (Organizational Knowledge Sharing (OKS) program) and the Ministry of Strategy and Defense)
Day Themes:
Achieving SDGs through Country-led Knowledge Sharing (public high-level section)
Accelerating impact of WBG operations through country-led knowledge sharing (sessions with country clients and GP)
Implementing the SDG through Knowledge Sharing: Joining efforts to strengthen public policies and mutual learning (Opening Ceremony)
The importance of knowledge sharing in operations (Opening session day 2)
Closing panel and final remarks
High-Level Panel Discussions:
Knowledge Sharing as a driver to delivering on the 2030 Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals
Sessions: (plenary)
Strategic and organizational approaches to Knowledge Sharing: What have we learned so far
Practical experiences from institutions piloting organizational knowledge sharing
Galvanizing international support to country-led Knowledge Sharing – Perspectives from the Global Partnership
Parallel sessions: The values and impact of Organizational Knowledge Sharing
How to increase effectiveness of service delivery
How to increase sustainability of service delivery
How to replicate and scale up what works
GP and CMU Parallel sessions
Organizational knowledge sharing as a key to the success of WBG operations – Report back from GP sessions
World Café – Table Work & Reporting
Co-located Events:
1st Global Partnership for Knowledge Sharing (GPKS) technical session / launch event, Apr 1
2nd High-Level Meeting on Country-led Knowledge Hubs (HLM2), June 23-26, 2014, Seoul, South Korea
(Organizer: Government of Korea and the World Bank in collaboration with the Korea Development Institute, the Korea Eximbank, the Islamic Development Bank and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA))
Day Themes:
Advancing the Knowledge Hubs Agenda — From Political Leadership to Implementation
Peer Learning: Developing Institutional Capacity for Knowledge Sharing
Making Knowledge Sharing Work at Scale – Learning from the example of Korea: KSP
Learning Day – Workshops and Trainings on Institutional Knowledge Sharing Capacity Development
Knowledge Sharing – From Political Leadership to Implementation for Results (Opening Ceremony)
Knowledge Sharing in Practice : KSP as a Knowledge Hub (Opening Remarks)
Summary of day 1 key take-aways and Communiqué on Strategies Towards Country-Led Knowledge Hubs
Creating Knowledge Hubs – Ways forward (Closing Session)
Panel Discussions:
Developing an Agenda for Knowledge Sharing – The Importance of Leadership, Sound Policy and Coordination (High-Level Panel)
Knowledge Sharing as an instrument for development – Ensuring Effective Learning
Challenges and practical Solutions to develop institutional and operational capacity to capture and share experiences
Country Presentation Sessions:
Developing Institutional and Operational Capacities for Knowledge Sharing – Examples from Indonesia, Nigeria, Colombia and Brazil
World Cafe: Start the dialogue on practical solutions on knowledge sharing challenges at the country level: What capacities are needed?
Round Tables (w. Plenary Lessons Learned Session):
Knowledge Hubs in Practice: Challenges and Experiences with developing an Enabling Environment for Knowledge Sharing
RT01 – Transforming institutions – What makes people share expertise?
RT02 – Operational arrangements – How do institutions organize themselves for knowledge sharing?
RT03 – Financial Sustainability – Which business models support knowledge sharing?
RT04 – Knowledge Sharing partnerships – What can organizations do to network and partner on Knowledge Sharing?
RT05 – Non-state actors as drivers for knowledge sharing – What can CSOs, NGOs, academia and the private sector contribute?
RT06 – Identifying and validating expertise – What can institutions do to know what is worth sharing?
RT07 – Capturing and packaging knowledge – How can institutions systematically document their operational lessons learned?
RT08 – The Art of Sharing – Which mechanisms work best for internal and external knowledge sharing?
RT09 – Getting to results – How can institutions systematically monitor and evaluate their knowledge sharing efforts?
RT10 – Velocity and scale – How can technology support knowledge sharing?
Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) Modularization Project Sessions:
KSP Modularization Project
Policy Consultation: Bilateral KSP
Joint Consulting International Organization (IOs): Multilateral KSP
Workshops: (day 4) Institutional Knowledge Sharing Capacity Development
Assessing Institutional Capacity for Knowledge Sharing
The Art of Knowledge Capturing
The Art of Knowledge Exchange
Organizing the Change Management Process – Developing Institutional Knowledge Sharing Policies and Guidelines
Managing Community of Practice and Networks for Knowledge Sharing
1st High-Level Meeting “Towards Country-led Knowledge Hubs” (HLM1), July 10-12 2012, Bali, Indonesia
(Organizer: Government of Indonesia, The World Bank, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) – Indonesia Office and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP))
Day Themes:
Advancing the Knowledge Hubs Agenda – From Political Leadership to Implementation
Peer Learning: Knowledge Hub Implementation – Key mechanisms and solutions
Field Trips
The South-South Knowledge Exchange Agenda – From Political Leadership to Implementation for Results (Opening Ceremony)
Summary of day 1 key take-aways and Communiqué on Strategies Towards Country-Led Knowledge Hubs
Creating Knowledge Hubs – Ways forward (closing Session)
Panel Discussions:
Developing an Agenda for South-South Knowledge Exchange – The Importance of Political Leadership, Sound Policy and Coordination (High-level Panel)
South-South Knowledge Exchange as an instrument for development – Ensuring Effective Learning
The Components of Knowledge Hubs – Challenges and Practical Solutions
Country Presentation Sessions:
Developing Institutional and Operational Capacities for Knowledge Exchange – Models for Knowledge Hubs
Round Tables (w. Plenary Lessons Learned Session): Knowledge Hubs in Practice: Challenges and Experiences
Knowledge exchange as an effective development instrument – When and why to use it?
Setting up a knowledge hub – Implications at the institutional, operational and humans resource levels
National coordination – Engaging with in-country partners
Developing the supply – Identifying and packaging quality knowledge to be shared
The demand for knowledge – Brokering, identifying and connecting to interested partners
The art of knowledge exchange – Designing and implementing exchanges that lead to results
Sustainable engagements – Making knowledge exchanges last
Monitoring and evaluation of knowledge exchange – How to measure results and learning outcomes
Multilateral support – Working with development partners
Options for funding – Securing and sustaining adequate financing
Field Trips: (day 3)
Mangrove Management Center
PNPM – Subak and Art Market
Side events: (by invitation only)
South-South Facility Partner meeting
Consultation on World Bank Knowledge Report