ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)*

ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM)*

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The ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), currently sponsored by ACM SIGIR (Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval; since 1993) and ACM SIGWEB (Special Interest Group on Hypertext and the Web; since 2006), is an Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) conference in the areas of information retrieval, knowledge management and databases. Since 1992, it has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers from the three communities, with the purpose of identifying challenging problems facing the development of advanced knowledge and information systems, and shaping future research directions through the publication of high quality, applied and theoretical research findings.

It provides an international forum for presentation and discussion of research on information and knowledge management, as well as recent advances on data and knowledge bases. The purpose of the conference is to identify challenging problems facing the development of future knowledge and information systems, and to shape future directions of research by soliciting and reviewing high quality, applied and theoretical research findings. An important part of the conference is the Workshops program which focuses on timely research challenges and initiatives.

Student Travel Endowment: The goal of the CIKM Student Travel Endowment is to help young people become part of the CIKM community by providing funds to support student travel, especially when those students are the authors of accepted papers.

Conference History:

CIKM 2026 will be held in Rome, Italy

34th ACM International CIKM 2025, November 10-14, 2025, Seoul, South Korea

(Organizer: TBD)

    Conference Program TBD

33rd ACM International CIKM 2024, October 21-25, 2024, Boise, ID, USA

(Organizer: Boise State University, College of Engineering, Computer Science Department)

    Conference Program TBD

    Systems for Scalable Graph Analytics and Machine Learning
    Fairness in Large Language Models: Recent Advances and Future
    Unifying Graph Neural Networks across Spatial and Spectral Domains
    Tabular Data-centric AI: Challenges, Techniques and Future Perspectives
    Frontiers of Large Language Model-Based Agentic Systems
    Hands-On Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning
    On the Use of Large Language Models for Table Tasks
    Data Quality-aware Graph Machine Learning
    Towards Efficient Temporal Graph Learning: Algorithms, Frameworks, and Tools
    Landing Generative AI in Industrial Social and E-commerce Recsys
    Transforming Digital Forensics with Large Language Models
    Collecting and Analyzing Public Data from Mastodon

    PhD Symposium
    AI Agent for Information Retrieval
    DCAI: The 4th International Workshop on Data-Centric AI
    GenAI and RAG Systems for Enterprise
    Knowledge Graphs for Responsible AI
    LLMs Beyond The Cutoff 2024 Workshop – 1st International Workshop on Computational Methods Beyond the Temporal Borders of Training Data
    1st Workshop on Multimodal Search and Recommendations (CIKM MMSR ‘24)
    3rd International Workshop on Industrial Recommendation Systems
    4th International Workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems
    8th Workshop on Graph Techniques for Adversarial Activity Analytics (GTA³ 2024)
    Trustworthy and Responsible AI for Information and Knowledge Management System
    Workshop on Generative AI for E-Commerce

    AnalytiCup Competition: AI Aided Advanced Aerodynamics-Streamlining Automobile Design for Optimal Performance
    Industry Day

    Traversing the Journey of Data and AI: From Convergence to Translation
    Is the Search Engine of the Future a Chatbot?
    Ensembles for Outlier Detection and Evaluation

32nd ACM International CIKM 2023, October 21-25, 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom

(Organizer: University of Wolverhampton, School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematical Sciences; University of Birmingham, School of Computer Science)

    Note: Keynotes and main session online; On-site events at University of Birmingham & Eastside Rooms

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Oct 21)
    Proactive Streaming Analytics at Scale: A Journey from the State-of-the-art to a Production Platform
    Application of Deep Clustering Algorithms
    Some Useful Things to Know When Combining IR and NLP: the Easy, the Hard and the Ugly
    Uplift Modeling: from Causal Inference to Personalization
    Data Denoising Metrics in Recommender Systems
    Data Augmentation for Conversational AI
    Reasoning beyond Triples: Recent Advances in Knowledge Graph Embeddings
    Leveraging Graph Neural Networks for User Profiling: Recent Advances and Open Challenges
    User Simulation for Evaluating Information Access Systems

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 22)
    IoTBDH-2023: The 5th International Workshop on Internet of Things of Big Data for Healthcare
    Workshop on Enterprise Knowledge Graphs using Large Language Models (EKG-LLM)
    International Workshop on Edge-Cloud Intelligence (ECI@CIKM2023)
    DRL4IR: 4th Workshop on Deep Reinforcement Learning for Information Retrieval
    Large Language Models’ Interpretability and Trustworthiness (LLMIT)
    Wild-Informatics: Knowledge Extraction and Management for Wildlife Conservation
    The First Workshop on Personalized Generative AI
    Fifth Workshop on Knowledge-driven Analytics and Systems Impacting Human Quality of Life (KDAH-CIKM-2023)
    The 1st Workshop on “Recommendation with Generative Models”
    (CANCELLED) Unveiling Hallucinations: Understanding and Addressing Hallucinations in Generative Models of Natural Language Processing
    Anomaly and Novelty detection for Satellite and Drone systems (ANSD ’23)
    The 3rd International Workshop on Mining and Learning in the Legal Domain
    (CANCELLED) Knowledge-enhanced Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery (KAIDD)
    MUWS’2023: The 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Human Understanding for the Web and Social Media
    Workshop on Document Intelligence Understanding
    MODIMO: Workshop on Multi-Omics Data Integration for Modelling Biological Systems

    Industry Day Sessions: (Oct 22)
    Comparative study of LLMs
    User modelling
    Graph databases
    LLM applications
    Learning algorithms

    Doctoral Consortium (Oct 22)
    Session Titles n.a.
    Posters & Demos

    Generative AI and the Future of Information Access
    Interpretable Natural Language Understanding
    Knowledge Graphs for Knowing More and Knowing for Sure

31st ACM International CIKM 2022, October 17-22, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA / Virtual venue

(Organizer: Emory University, Department of Computer Science, Assured Information Mangement and Sharing Lab)

    Conference Tutorials:
    Self-Supervised Learning for Recommendation; Deep Learning Interpretation for Image, NLP and DRL; Mining of Real-world Hypergraphs: Patterns, Tools, and Generators; Learning and Mining with Noisy Labels; Information extraction from social media: A hands-on tutorial on tasks, data, and open source tools; Graph-based Management and Mining of Blockchain Data; Fairness of Machine Learning in Search Engines

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Applied Machine Learning Methods for Time Series Forecasting (AMLTS); 1st International Workshop on Federated Learning with Graph Data (FedGraph); AIMLAI: Advances in Interpretable Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence; TrustLOG: The First Workshop on Trustworthy Learning on Graphs; 3rd workshop on Data-driven Intelligent Transportation; Workshop on Human-in-the-loop Data Curation; 1st International Workshop on Privacy Algorithms in Systems (PAS); Deep Learning for Search and Recommendation; THECOG – Transforms in behavioral and affective computing; 2nd Workshop on Mixed-Initiative ConveRsatiOnal Systems (MICROS); Workshop on Proactive and Agent-Supported Information Retrieval; QPP++ 2022: Query Performance Prediction and Its Evaluation in New Tasks

    Sessions: Research Papers
    Biomedical and drug informatics; Transfer learning; Federated learning; Trajectories; Multi-modal data; Personalization; Privacy and security; Search and evaluation; Sequential recommendation; Time-series data; Embedding and graph recommendation; Innovative applications; Contrastive learning; Reinforcement learning; Collaborative filtering; Causal learning; Molecular graphs & chemsitry; Link prediction; Knowledge graphs and entities; Scalability and efficiency; Mining and learning; Traffic data; Adversarial learning; Pre-training; Graph learning; Explainablility and interpretability; Entiment, opinon, dynamics and spread; Multi-label and imbalance / commonsense; Conversation and dialogue; Algorithmic biases; Contrastive learning; Cross-domain recommendation; Zero-shot and few-shot learning; Querying and hashing; Advertisements; Contrastive learning; Click-through rate prediction; Personalization and preference; Architecture and training; Temporal data; Perturbations / long-tails; Reinforcement learning / legal informatics; Fake news, facts and views; Information extraction; Clustering; Neural ranking; Subgraphs and substructure; Search and text; Graphs & recommendation; Crowdsourcing

    Sessions: Applied Papers
    Advertising & e-commerce; Recommender systems; Satellite imagery applications; Social good & fairness; Reinforcement learning; Knowledge graphs & knowledge representations; Advertising & e-commerce; Systems, optimization & security; Data applications & social networks; Systems, optimization & security; Emerging applications; Finance & healthcare; Advertising & e-commerce

    Sessions: Industry Day
    Commerce and search; Novel applications

    Poster & Demo Lightening
    PhD Consortium

    Implicit User-Generated Content in the Service of Public Health; Ensemble Learning Methods for Dirty Data; Customer Obsessed Science; Exploring and Analyzing Change: The Janus Project; How Hybrid Work Will Make Work More Intelligent

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup
    – Federated Hetero-Task Learning
    – Recsys Evaluation Challenge

30th ACM International CIKM 2021, November 1-5, 2021, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia Virtual venue

(Organizer: University of Queensland, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Aggregation Techniques in Crowdsourcing: Multiple Choice Questions and Beyond; Adversarial Robustness of Deep Learning: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications; Tutorial on Fairness of Machine Learning in Recommender Systems; Fake News, Disinformation, Propaganda, and Media Bias; Large-Scale Information Extraction under Privacy-Aware Constraints; AutoML: A Perspective where Industry Meets Academy; Fair Graph Mining; IR From Bag-of-words to BERT and Beyond through Practical Experiments; Online Advertising Incrementality Testing: Practical Lessons And Emerging Challenges

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    1st Workshop on Complex Data Challenges in Earth Observation (CDCEO); Second International Workshop on Learning During Web Search (IWILDS’21); 1st Workshop on Knowledge Injection in Neural Networks (KINN); Learning to Quantify: Methods and Applications (LQ 2021); International Workshop on Modelling Uncertainty in the Financial World (MUFin21); Fourth Workshop on Knowledge-driven Analytics and Systems Impacting Human Quality of Life (KDAH-CIKM-2021); MODIMO: Workshop on Multi-Omics Data Integration for Modelling Biological Systems; International Workshop on Privacy, Security and Trust in Computational Intelligence (PSTCI2021); THECOG – Transforms in beHavioral and affectivE COmputinG; REthinking PAssage Retrieval for Question-Answering (REPARQA, CANCELLED)

    Conference Sessions:
    Search and Retrieval: focus on users and queries; Fake news, rumours and fact checking (harmful online content); Cybersecurity, threats and frauds; Applied NLP; Knowledge Graphs Embeddings and Representations; Text Mining; Learning methods for recommendation; Recommendation and Collaborative Filtering; Neural Architecture Search; Dealing with Difficult Data (Data Quality, Data Curation and De-noising); Conversations; Social Networks; Algorithmic Aspects of Data Mining; Scalability issues in Machine Learning; Urban Computing; Multimedia; Domain Specific Data Mining; Domain-Specific & POI Recommendation; Graph Neural Networks; Crowdsourcing & Human Computation; Knowlege Graphs; Health and Bio Data; Entities and Relations; Machine Learning; Search and Retrieval: focus on representations and learning; Interpretability and Explanations; Users and User Modelling; Dealing with Spatio-temporal Data; Sequential and Temporal Recommendation; Algorithmic Aspects of NLP; Algorithmic Issues in Graph Mining; Performance and Temporality issues in Graph Neural Networks; Computational Advertising; Privacy and Cybersecurity; Idiosyncratic Graph Mining; Poster Sessions

    Anomaly Mining: Past, Present and Future; The Primacy of Data in Deep Learning NLP for Conversational AI; Knowledge Graphs in Practice; Towards Reliable and Practicable Algorithmic Recourse

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup

29th ACM International CIKM 2020, October 19-23, 2020, Galway, Ireland Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Data and Knowledge for the Next Generation: Sustainability, Transparency and Fairness
(Organizer: National University of Ireland Galway, Data Science Institute; The Insight Centre for Data Analytics)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    3rd Workshop Advances in Interpretable ML and AI (AIMLAI); 14th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBio); 1st International Workshop Investigating Learning During Web Search (IWILDS); 1st Workshop Semenatic and Knowledge Graph Advances for Journalism; 1st Workshop Combining Symbolic and Sub-symbolic Methods and their Applications (CSSA); 9th International Symposium “From Data to Models and Back” (DataMod); 3rd International Workshop EntitY Retrieval and lEarning (EYRE); 3rd Workshop on Knowledge-driven Analytics and Systems Impacting Human Quality of Life (KDAH-CIKM-2020); 5th International Workshop Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks (MAISoN 2020); Doctoral Consortium

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Challenges and Solutions to the Student Dropout Prediction Problem in Online Courses; The Battle Against Online Harmful Information: The Cases of Fake News and Hate Speech; Multi-Model Data Query Languages and Processing Paradigms; IoT Data Quality; Mining User Interests from Social Media; Neural Bayesian Information Processing; Network Alignment: Recent Advances and Future Directions; Introduction to Computer Vision and Realtime Deep Learning-based Object Detection; Knowledge Graphs – A Half Day Tutorial on the History of Knowledge Graph’s Main Ideas; Fairness in Unsupervised Learning; Compression of Deep Learning Models for Text

    Sessions: Research Track Long Papers
    Urban computing: traffic and passenger flows; Entities and relations; Knowledge graphs Urban Computing; Question answering and dialogue systems; Understanding, interpretability and explainability; Personalization; Recommendation; E-Commerce and advertising; Social networks; Search and retrieval; COVID and biomedical informatics; Social and information networks; Graph embeddings; Database and system; Data mining; Text mining; Graph neural networks; Machine learning topics; NLP; Online Content; Spatio-temporal, search and retrieval; Graphs; Privacy; Fraud, cyberbullying and hate speech; Retrieval and knowledge graphs; Graphs & network embeddings

    Sessions: Research Track Short Papers
    Spatio-temporal analytics; Search & Ranking; Graph Analytics & Neural Networks; Neural Networks & Application; Data Analytics; Graphs and Streams; Recommender Systems; Entity Linking, Summarization; Fairness & Bias

    Sessions: Resource Track
    News; Potpourri; Graphs; Knowledge Graphs; Learning; Search

    Sessions: Applied Research Track
    User Behaviour; AI Applications; Advertising; E-Commerce; Natural Language Processing; Knowledge Understanding; Urban Computing; Recommender Systems; Search

    Sessions: PhD Track
    IR/NLP; Computational Social Science; Databases; Knowledge Graph/LOD

    Posters & Demos

    Ceres: Harvesting Knowledge from the Semi-structured Web; Accelerating Discovery Science with an Internet of FAIR Data and Services; Cloudy With High Chance Of DBMS: A 10-year Prediction For Enterprise-Grade ML; Lessons from Archives – Strategies for Collecting Sociocultural Data in Machine Learning

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup; CIKMConnect

28th ACM International CIKM 2019, November 3-7, 2019, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: Empowering Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Future Life
(Organizer: Tsinghua University, Department of Computer Science and Technology; Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computing Technology; Renmin University of China)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    EYRE 2019 – The 2nd International Workshop on EntitY REtrieval; BigScholar 2019 – The 6th Workshop on Big Scholarly Data; KDAH-CIKM 2019 – The 2nd Workshop on Knowledge-driven Analytics and Systems Impacting Human Quality of Life; KARS 2019 – Knowledge-aware and Conversational Recommender Systems Workshop; DTMBIO 2019 – The 13th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics; MoST-Rec 2019 – Workshop on Model Selection and Parameter Tuning in Recommender Systems; AIT 2019 – Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Transportation; HENA 2019 – The 3rd Workshop of Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis and Applications; GRLA 2019 – The 1st International Workshop on Graph Representation Learning and its Applications

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Enterprise Knowledge Graph: From Specific Business Task to Enterprise Knowledge Management; Taming Social Bots: Detection, Exploration and Measurement; Learning-Based Methods with Human-in-the-Loop for Entity Resolution; Synergy of Database Techniques and Machine Learning Models for String Similarity Search and Join; Learning and Reasoning on Graph for Recommendation; Recent Developments of Deep Heterogeneous Information Network Analysis; Recommendation for Multi-Stakeholders and through Neural Review Mining; Machine Learning on Graphs with Kernels;

    Conference Tutorials:
    Realtime object detection via deep learning-based pipelines

    Sessions: Long Research Papers
    E-Commerce and Advertising; Network Embedding; Machine Learning Themes; Recommendation System; Urban Computing; Question Answering and Dialogue Systems; Natural Language Processing; Mining in Emerging Applications; Knowledge Graph; Network Science; Online and Real-Time; Privacy;: Search & Retrieval; Algorithmic Techniques; Biomedical Informatics; Database and System; Deep Neural Network; Heterogeneous Data; Graph Neural Network; Sequential Data Analysis; Social Network; Reinforcement Learning; Computer Vision; Domain Adaptation and Transfer Learning

    Sessions: Short Research Papers
    Graph Neural Networks; Search; E-commerce & Production; Recommendation; Health & Sentiment; Machine Learning; Time Sequences & Dynamics; Embeddings; Interpretability & Reasoning; Anomaly Detection;: Urbanism and Mobility; System & Database; Theory; Algorithm; Recognition; Information Retrieval; Classification; Knowledge Extraction & Generation

    Sessions: Applied Research Papers
    Language Models; Online and User behaviors; Recommendation and Advertising; Urbanism and Mobility; Graph Applications; Novel Applications; E-commerce

    Poster & Demo Sessions (2)

    Sessions: (Post-conference) Industrial Plenary Speeches (2)
    Idnustry Talks (no session titles)

    The Fisher-Rao Metric in Computer Vision; Practicing the Art of Data Science; From Unstructured Text to TextCube: Automated Construction and Multidimensional Exploration; Autonomous Driving Towards Mass Production

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup: Alibaba E-Commerce AI Challenge

27th ACM International CIKM 2018, October 22-26, 2018, Turin, Italy

Conference Theme: From Big Data and Big Information to Big Knowledge
(Organizer: Università degli studi di Trieste; Supporter: Università di Torino, Politecnico di Torino, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    International Workshop on Data and Algorithm Bias (DAB 2018); 12th International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBio 2018); 1st International Workshop on EntitY REtrieval (EYRE 2018); 1st International Workshop on GeneraLization in informAtion REtrieval (GLARE 2018); 6th International Workshop on News Recommendation and Analytics (INRA 2018); International Workshop on Knowledge-Driven Analytics Impacting Human Quality of Life (KDAH 2018); International Workshop on Legal DAta Mining (LeDAM 2018); 2nd International Workshop on Rumours and Deception in Social Media (RDSM 2018); International Workshop on Social Interaction-based Recommendation (SIR 2018)

    Post-conference Tutorials:
    Semantic Technologies for Data Access and Integration; Knowledge Representation as Linked Data; User Group Analytics: Discovery, Exploration and Visualization; Multi-Model Databases and Tightly Integrated Polystores; From Big Data to Big Information and Big Knowledge: The Case of Earth Observation Data; Incremental Techniques for Large-Scale Dynamic Query Processing; GraRep: Boosting Text Mining with Graphs; Unbiased Learning to Rank: Theory and Practice

    Research Sessions:
    Content Understanding; Top-K; Graph Learning; Neural Recommendation; Interactive Information Retrieval; Data Integration; Knowledge Graph Learning; Data Quality; Online Learning; Personalization; Social Data Analytics; Evaluation in Information Retrieval; Graphs; Facets and Entities; Indexing; Stream Analytics; Hardware Approaches; Similarity; Crowdsourcing; Privacy; Ranking; Optmization; Collaborative Ranking; Information Retrieval Applications; Neural Prediction; Advertising; Image Similarity

    Short, Demonstration, Case Study and Industry Paper Sessions (3)

    Shifting Information Interactions; Teaching Artificial Agents to Understand Language by Modeling Reward; Alexa and her Shopping Journey

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup; CIKMConnect

26th ACM International CIKM 2017, November 6-10, 2017, Singapore

Conference Theme: Smart Cities, Smart Nations
(Organizer: Singapore Management University, School of Information Systems)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBio2017); Data & Algorithm Bias (DAB 2017); Interpretable Data Mining – Bridging the Gap between Shallow and Deep Models (IDM 2017); Computational History (HistoInformatics 2017); Social Media Analytics for Smart Cities (SMASC 2017); Workshop on Big Data Analytics for Enhancing Public Transport (BigTransport17)

    Post-conference Tutorials:
    Knowledge Extraction and Inference from Text: Shallow, Deep, and Everything in Between; Task Based Search: Understanding & Inferring User Tasks and Needs; Commonsense for Machine Intelligence: Text to Knowledge and Knowledge to Text; Network Analysis in the Age of Large Network Dataset Collections – Challenges, Solutions and Applications; Towards Space and Time Coupled Social Media; Construction and Querying of Large-scale Knowledge Bases; Knowledge Graphs: In Theory and Practice; Malware Analysis for Data Scientists

    Conference Tutorials:
    Hands-On Tutorial (continued) Massively Scalable Production Grade Deep Learning with the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit

    Multimedia; IR Evaluation; Sentiment; Network Embedding; Web/App Data; Graph Data; Ranking; Crowdsourcing; Recommendation; Skyline Queries; Social Media Analysis; Spatiotemporal; Short Text Retrieval; Community Detection; Time Series; Query Processing; Temporal Data; Evaluation; News and Credibility; Outliers and Anomaly Detection; Graph Mining; Online Learning, Stream Mining; Tensor Analysis; Application Driven Mining; Deep Learning; User Behavior and Targeting; Health Analytics; Privacy Preserving Data Mining; Social Networks; Application Driven Analysis;: Text Mining; Efficient Learning; Recommendation; Text Analysis; Adversarial IR; Top-k; Feature/Entity Selection; Queries; Representation Learning; Relational Mining; User Characteristics;: Engagement

    Papers & Demos

    Machine Learning @ Amazon; How to Combine Deep & Transfer Learning; The Hyperconnected Smart City; Deception Detection: When Computers Become Better than Humans

    Special Events:
    CIKM AnalytiCup; CIKMConnect; 1st CIKM Test of Time Award

25th ACM International CIKM 2016, October 24-28, 2016, Indianapolis, USA

Conference Theme: Frontiers and Applications of Big Data Science
(Organizers: Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis, School of Science, Database, Data Mining & Machine Learning (DDML) Research Group)

    First International Workshop on Computational Methods for CyberSafety; Fourth International Workshop on Social Web for Disaster Management; Big Network Analytics; Workshop on Data-Driven Talent Acquisition; DAVA: 2nd International Workshop on DAta mining meets Visual Analytics at Big Data Era; DTMBIO: Tenth ACM International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics

    Truth Discovery for Passive and Active Crowdsourcing; Similarity Search on Time Series Data: Past, Present, and Future; Big Data Science in Drug Discovery and Development; Graph Exploration: Taking the User into the Loop; IoT Big Data Stream Mining; Large Scale Distributed Data Science using Apache Spark 2.0; Data-Driven Behavioral Analytics: Observations, Representations and Models; Learning, Prediction and Optimisation in RTB Display Advertising

    Recommendation; Deep Learning Applications; Document Classification and Labeling; Better Queries; Better Search; Learning to Rank; Question Answering; Wikipedia; Clustering; Understanding Text; Industry Session II; Graph Analytics; Event Detection and Analytics; Crowdsourcing; Mobile; Social Networks—Links and Trust; Information Retrieval; User Behavior and Interfaces; Documents; Knowledge Mining and Management; Truth Discovery; Sentiment and Opinion Mining; Time Series; Learning for Classification and Prediction;: Social Media; Queries and Search;: Learning Algorithms; Databases and Data Processing; Large Graph Processing; Entity Detection and Analysis; Advertising and Ranking; Query Analytics; Data Mining; Network Analytics; Learning; Social Networks—Diffusion and Cascades; Applications; Algorithms; High Performance Big Data

    Sessions: Industry Track (8)
    Invited Talks & Research Articles (no session titles)

    Poster & Demo Sessions

    Toward Data-Driven Education; Personalized Search: Potential and Pitfalls; A Personal Perspective and Retrospective on Web Search Technology

    Special Events:
    CIKM Cup; CIKM Career Day

24th ACM International CIKM 2015, October 19-23, 2015, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

Conference Theme: Science For Data
(Organizers: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; University of Melbourne, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, School of Computing and Information Systems)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    PIKM 2015: 8th Ph.D. Workshop in Information and Knowledge Management; HetUM (Cancelled): User Modeling in Heterogeneous Search Environments; TM 2015: Topic Models: Post-Processing and Applications; DOLAP 2015: ACM Eighteenth International Workshop On Data Warehousing and OLAP; LSDS-IR: Workshop on Large-Scale and Distributed System for Information Retrieval; UCUI 2015: Understanding the City with Urban Informatics; ESAIR: Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval; DTMBIO 2015: ACM Ninth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics; ECol: Evaluation on Collaborative Information Retrieval and Seeking; NWSearch 2015: First International Workshop on Novel Web Search Interfaces and Systems

    Pre-/Post-conference Tutorials:
    Information Seeking, Search and Retrieval: Building and using formal Models of search and search behaviour; Large Scale Distributed Data Science using Apache Spark; VC-Dimension and Rademacher Averages: From Statistical Learning Theory to Sampling Algorithms; Veracity of Big Data: From Truth Discovery Computation Algorithms to Models of Misinformation Dynamics; Data Analytics on Social Media & Social Networks; Indoor Data Management (Cancelled); Distance-based Multimedia Indexing; Algorithm Design for MapReduce and Beyond

    Scalability; Personal Search; Learning; Text Processing; Applications; Social Media; Graphs; Retrieval/Algorithms; Text Analysis; Clustering; Users and Predictions; Heterogeneous Networks; Veracity; Social Networks; Query Completion; Microblogs; Graph-Based Analysis; Classification; Location-Based Services; Query Explanation; Crowds; Optimization; Matrix Factorization; Trips and Trajectories; Retrieval Enhancements; Privacy; Data Streams Sentiment and Content Analysis; Time Series and Streams Adaptive Learning; Points-of-Interest; Matrices; Citation Networks; Knowledge Bases; Database Optimization; Search Mechanisms; Evaluation; Web Search; Recommendation

    Poster Sessions

    Sessions: Industry Day (4)
    Invited Spearkers (no sessioin titles)

    Slow Search: Improving Information Retrieval Using Human Assistance; Large-Scale Analysis of Dynamics of Choice among Discrete Alternatives; Making Sense of Spatial Trajectories

    Special Events:
    Machine Learning Competition

23th ACM International CIKM 2014, November 3-7, 2014, Shanghai, China

(Organizers: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; Fudan University, School of Computer Science; China Computer Federation)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    DUBMOD2014: Data-driven User Behavioral Modelling and Mining from Social Media, ImBig 2014: Interactive Mining of Big Data, LocWeb2014: Location and the Web, PIKM2014: Ph.D. Workshop in Information and Knowledge Management, Web-KR 2014 : Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval and Reasoning, DOLAP 2014: Data Warehousing and OLAP, ESAIR’14: Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval, PSBD 2014: Privacy and Security of Big Data; LL’14: Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation Workshop (CANCELLED)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Crowdsourcing in Information and Knowledge Management; Learning Non-IID Big Data; Data Analytics in Healthcare: Problems, Challenges and Future Directions; E-commerce Personalization at Scale; Learning to Hash with its Application to Big Data Retrieval and Mining; Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing: Theory and Practice

    Sessions: Knowledge Management Track
    Social Networks and Social Media; Classification; Recommenders and Collaborative Filtering; Spatial and Temporal Data Mining; Clustering and Ranking; Text Data Mining; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Mining Data Streams; Data Mining Theory and Methods; Large-Scale Machine Learning; Web Data Mining; Data Mining Applications and Bioinformatics; Graph Data Mining; Entity and Feature Extraction

    Sessions: Information Retrieval Track
    Evaluation; Models; Linguistics; Community QA and Social Search; Session 5: Users; Query Intent; Exploratory Search; Social Media; Machine Learning; Engagement, Social, Crowdsourcing; Semantics; Privacy and Streams; Efficiency; Domain, Semistructured, Mobile

    Sessions: Databases Track
    Query Processing; Knowledge Base and Data Semantics; Social and Graph Data; Data Integration and Big Data; Systems and Applications

    Posters & Demo Paper Sessions

    Sessions: Industry Day (3)
    Invited Spearkers (no sessioin titles)

    Deep Learning; Organizing the Digital World to Empower Every Person and Organization on the Planet to Do More and Achieve More; Big Text: from Names and Phrases to Entities and Relations

    Special Events:
    CIKM Cup

22th ACM International CIKM 2013, October 27 – November 1, 2013, San Francisco, USA

(Organizers: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; Santa Clara University, Department of Computer Science and Engineering)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    AKBC 2013: Automated Knowledge Base Construction; DOLAP 2013: The Sixteenth International Workshop On Data Warehousing and OLAP; ESAIR 2013: The Sixth International Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval; CSTA 2013: Computational Scientometrics: Theory and Applications; MNLP 2013: International Workshop on Mining unstructured big data using Natural Language Processing; CloudDB 2013: The Fifth International Workshop on Cloud Data Management; DUBMOD 2013: Data-driven User Behavioral Modelling and Mining from Social Media; PLEAD2013: Politics, Elections and Data; DTMBIO 2013: The Seventh International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics; LL 2013: Living Labs for Information Retrieval Evaluation; UEO 2013: The First Workshop on User Engagement Optimization ; PIKM 2013: The Sixth Workshop for Ph.D. Students at CIKM 2013; DARE 2013: International Workshop on Data management & Analytics for healthcare; Web-KR 2013: The Fourth International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation Retrieval and Reasoning

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Statistical Relational Learning; Causality Analysis in Large-scale Time Series Data; Twitter and the Real World; Large Scale Similarity Learning and Indexing; Entity Resolution in the Web of Data; Real-time Bidding: A New Frontier of Computational Advertising Research; Beyond Skylines and Top-k Queries: Representative Databases and e-Commerce Product Search; Outlier Detection for Temporal Data; Techniques for Scalable Privacy-preserving Record Linkage; Large Scale Machine Learning for Information Retrieval

    Full Paper Sessions:

    KM Track – Mining topics; Pattern mining and applications; Social networks; Mining big data; Ontologies; Mobile and event mining; Networks; Mining reviews and wiki; Learning and applications; Similarity, clustering, and outlier mining; Extraction and text mining; Community and web mining

    IR Track – Retrieval Models; Entities; Search Engines; Networks; Evaluation; Data Classification; Applications; Ranking; Users

    DB Track – Search; Data Streams and Probabilistic Queries; Graphs and Social Networks; Miscellaneous

    Short Paper Sessions:

    KM Track: Graphs and networks; Clusters, topics and similarity; Social networks and media; Text; Entities, tags, and time series; Mining and learning

    IR Track – no session titles (4)

    DB Track – Data Streams and Ranking; Graphs and Storage Systems; Query Processing and Privacy

    Sessions: Industry Day (4)
    Invited Speakers (no session titles)

    Posters & Demo Paper Sessions

    Channeling the Deluge: Research Challenges for Big Data and Information Systems

    Structured Data in Web Search; Scholarly Big Data: Information Extraction and Data Mining; Applying Theory to Practice; Usability in Machine Learning at Scale with GraphLab

21st ACM International CIKM 2012, October 29 – November 21, 2012, Maui, USA

(Organizer: ACM SIGIR; SIGWEB; University of Hawaii at Manoa, Information and Computer Science Department)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    Data-driven User Behavioral Modelling and Mining from Social Media; The Fourth International Workshop on Cloud Data Management (CloudDB 2012); City Data Management 2012 Workshop (CDMW 2012); 2nd International Workshop on Managing Interoperability and compleXity in Health Systems (MIXHS’2012); International Workshop on Web-scale Knowledge Representation, Retrieval and Reasoning (Web-KR 2012); International Workshop on Smart Health and Wellbeing 2012 (SHB 2012); Politics, Elections and Data (PLEAD2012); BooksOnline’12: Online Books, Complementary Social Media; 1st International Workshop on Multimodal Crowd Sensing (CrowdSens 2012); ACM Sixth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO 2012); Fifth Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval (ESAIR’12); Information and Knowledge Management for Developing Regions; 5th Ph.D. Workshop in Information and Knowledge Management (PIKM 2012); Twelfth International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2012); Fifteenth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP)

    Full Paper Sessions: DB Track; IR Track; KM Track
    Recommender Systems; Evaluation Methodology; Social Media Search; Link & Graph Mining; Language Technologie; Graph/Knowledge Base; Temporal, Spatial, and Multimedia Databases; Matrix Methods & Anomaly Detection; Social Networks; Advertising; System Architecture, Distributed IR, Scalability; Recommendation and Summary; Ad & Products; Clustering; Recommender Systems; Dig Lib & Citation Analy; Text Mining; Retrieval Models & Learning to Rank; Probabilistic & Uncertain Data; Top-k and Nearest Neighbor Querie; Spatial and Temporal Methods; Web Search; Web Data Management; Information Extraction; Topic Modeling; Query Processing; Information Extraction; Topic Modeling; Query Processing; Semantic Methods; Multimedia/User Feedback; Emerging Topics; Novel Applications; Social Networks

    Short Paper Sessions: DB Track; IR Track; KM Track
    Text/web Mining; Networks & Graphs; Recommendation and Summary; Web Search; Search and Retrieval; Query, Indexing and Big Data; Ranking & Recommender; Learning & Knowledge; Search & Advanced IR; Click models, learning; Advanced DB Topics; Social Media

    Poster (3) and Demo (3) Sessions:
    DB Track; IR Track; KM Trackg

    Sessions: Industry Day (3)
    Invited Speakers (no session titles)

    User Engagement: The Network Effect Matters!; Learning Similarity Measures based on Random Walks; Compressed Data Structures with Relevance

20th ACM CIKM 2011, October 24-28, 2011, Glasgow, GB

(Organizer: ACM SIGIR; SIGWEB; University of Glasgow, Department of Computing Science)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics (DTMBIO’11); BooksOnline’11: Online Books, Complementary Social Media and Crowdsourcing; DETecting and Exploiting Cultural diversiTy on the Social Web (DETECT 2011); Patent Information Retrieval (PaIR ’11); Search and Mining User-generated Contents (SMUC 2011); Web Science and Information Exchange in the Medical Web (MedEx 2011); Collaborative Information Retrieval (CIR2011); Data infrastructurEs for Supporting Information Retrieval Evaluation (DESIRE 2011); Workshop for Ph.D. Students in Information and Knowledge Management (PIKM 2011); Managing Interoperability and Complexity in Health Systems (MIXHS’11); Cloud Data Management (CloudDB 2011); Search and Mining Entity-Relationship Data (SMER’11); Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval (ESAIR 2011); Large-Scale and Distributed Information Retrieval (LSDS-IR 2011); Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2011)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Computational Geography; Large-Scale Array Analytics: Taming the Data Tsunami; Large-scale Information Retrieval Experimentation with Terrier; Statistical Information Retrieval Modelling: From Probability Ranking Principle to recent advances in diversity, Portfolio Theory, and beyond; Web-Based Open-Domain Information Extraction; Advances in Data Stream Mining for Mobile and Ubiquitous Environments; Information Diffusion In Social Networks: Observing and Affecting What Society Cares About; Information Retrieval Challenges in Computational Advertising; Object Ranking; Uncertain Schema Matching : The Power of not Knowing

    Sessions: DB Track; IR Track; KM Track
    Retrieval Models; Classification & Evaluation; Techniques for the Web; Data on the Web; Social, Search, and Other Behaviour; Semantic Web & IR; Temporal, Stream & Spatial Information; Query Answering & Social Search; Privacy; Text Mining; Machine Learning for Information Retrieval; Unsupervised & Semi-supervised Learning; Type & Structure; Distributed Data Management & Data Integration; Applications in Different Areas; Results in Context; Image Retrieval; Evaluation & Analysis; Data Cleaning & Analysis; Social Media; Classification & Clustering: Largescale Statistical Techniques; Link Prediction; Graph Management & Queries; Personalization & Advertising; Link, Graph & Relation Mining; Science, the Past, & the Future; Information Extraction & Entities; Algorithms; Queries, Questions & Tags Mining; Preparing, Mining and Evaluating with & for Different Views; Information Extraction & Semantic Techniques

    Sessions: Industry Day (3)
    Invited Speakers (no session topics)

    Poster Sessions:
    DB Track; IR Track; KM Track

    Demo Boasters (3)

    When Search is Not Solitary: Perspectives on Social and Collaborative Search

    Creating User Interfaces that Entice People to Manage Better Information; Data, Health, and Algorithmics: Computational Challenges for Biomedicine; Ontology-based data management

19th ACM CIKM 2010, October 26-30, 2010, Toronto, ON, Canada

(Organizer: ACM SIGIR; SIGWEB; In cooperation: ACM KDD; York University, School of Information Technology)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    AND – Fourth Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data; BooksOnline – Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories and Complementary Media; CloudDB – The Second International Workshop on Cloud Data Management; DTMBIO – ACM Fourth International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Biomedical Informatics; DOLAP – ACM 13th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP; ESAIR – Third Workshop on Exploiting Semantic Annotations in Information Retrieval; PaIR – 3rd International Workshop on Patent Information Retrieval; PIKM – Workshop for Ph.D. Students in Information and Knowledge Management; SMUC – 2nd International Workshop on Search and Mining User-generated Contents

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Harvesting Knowledge from Web Data and Text; Real World Text Mining ; Online Advertising Business Models, Technologies and Issues; Mobility Data: Modeling, Management, and Understanding

    Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Information Extraction; Link and Graph Mining; Classification and Clustering; Large-scale Statistical Techniques; Information Filtering and Recommender Systems; Temporal, Spatial and Stream Data Mining; Data Pre- and Post-Processing; Semantic Techniques

    Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Ranking and Retrieval Model; Domain-Specific and Multimedia IR; Machine Learning for IR; IR Evaluation; Social Networks and Text Mining; IR Applications; Filtering and Recommendation; User Modeling and Search Personalization; Query Analysis and Feedback; Web Search; Scalability and Efficiency

    Sessions: Databases
    Indexes and Query Optimization; Mobile and Distributed Data Management; Top-K and Shortest Path Processing; Information Retrieval in Databases;

    Sessions: Industry Day
    Database and OLAP; Web and Social Networks; Information Retrieval; Text Mining, Analytics, and Advertising

    Poster Sessions:
    DB Track; IR Track; KM Track; Industry Track

    Demo Sessions:
    DB Track; IR Track; KM Track

    Search Engine Support for Software Applications; Schema Extraction; Temporal Dynamics and Information Retrieval; Use of Semantics in Real Life Applications

18th ACM CIKM 2009, November 2-6, 2009, Hong Kong, China

(Organizers: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; University of Hong Kong, Department of Computer Science)

    Pre-/Post-conference Workshops:
    MoSE 2009: 1st International Workshop on Model-Driven Service Engineering and Data Quality and Security; DOLAP 2009: ACM Twelfth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP; CloudDB 2009: First International Workshop on Cloud Data Management; DTMBIO 2009: Third International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics; PAVLAD 2009: CM First International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Datasets; TSA 2009: First International CIKM Workshop on Topic-Sentiment Analysis for Mass Opinion Measurement; SWSM 2009: Social Web Search and Mining; CNIKM 2009: Workshop Complex Networks meet Information & Knowledge Management; WIDM 2009: Eleventh International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management; PaIR 2009: Second International Workshop on Patent Information Retrieval; DSMM 2009: ACM First International Workshop on Data-intensive Software Management and Mining

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Resources and Methods for the Acquisition of Open-Domain Concepts and Conceptual Hierarchies from Text; Introduction to Computational Advertising; Parallel Algorithms for Mining Large-scale Datasets; Statistical Models for Web Search Clicks Log Analysis

    Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Information Extraction; Advance Mining Techniques; Text Mining; Semantic Techniques and Applications; Graph Mining; Information Filtering and Recommender Systems; Classification and Clustering; Link Analysis and Social Computing; Data Summarization

    Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Web Search; Domain-Specific Retrieval; Personalization and Social Search; Crawling and Indexing; Evaluation; Ranking and Retrieval Models

    Sessions: Databases
    XML Data Processing, Filtering, Routing, and Algorithms; String Databases, Blogs and Social Search; Novel Data Management and Data Mining Tools; Information Integration, Data Provenance, Probabilistic Databases; Streams, Network Databases; Data Warehousing and OLAP

    Sessions: Industry Track
    Information Retrieval; Data Mining framework and applications; Data and Query Similarity; Call and Web Center, E-Commerce related Technologies

    Information extraction meets relational databases: Where are we heading?

    DB-IR Integration and Its Application to a Massively-Parallel Search Engine; Confucius and “its” Intelligent Disciples; Advanced Metasearch Engines

17th ACM CIKM 2008, October 26-30, 2008, Napa Valley, CA, USA


    Post-conference Workshops:
    Setting the Roadmap for Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories; ACM Eleventh International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP; ACM Second International Workshop on Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics; Fifth Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval; Improving Non English Web Searching; Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems for Information Retrieval; Second International Workshop on Ontologies and Information Systems for the Semantic Web; Patent Information Retrieval; PhD Workshop; Search in Social Media; Second Workshop on Information Credibility on the Web; Tenth International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Large Graph Mining: Patterns, Tools, and Case Studies; Log-Linear Models and Conditional Random Fields; Evolution of Rule-based Information Extraction: From Grammars to Algebra; Information and Knowledge Management with Graphs and Matrices; Machine Learning for Information Retrieval; Algorithmic Challenges in Online Advertising; Web Search Log Analysis and User Behavior Modeling

    Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Classification; Link and Graph Mining; Information Filtering; Web Mining; Statistical Techniques; Data Mining; Semantic Techniques; Feature Selection; Clustering; Text Mining; Information Extraction

    Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Social Search; Theory; Theory; Query Analysis; Evaluation; Web Search; Multilingual & Multimedia; Medley; Recommender Systems; Advertising & Filtering; Blog; Enterprise Searc; Structured Documents; QA

    Sessions: Information Retrieval/Knowledge Management
    Machine Learning

    Sessions: Databases
    Faceted Search, Web Query Results Presentation; Efficient Maintenance and Query Optimization; Stream Processing; Indexing and Physical Query Optimization; Security and Privacy; Mobile and Distributed Data Management

    Sessions: Industry
    DB / Industry: XML Data Integration and XML Query Optimization
    Industry Research Track

    Sessions: Industry Day (3)
    Invited Talks (no session titles)

    Poster Sessions

    Industry Day

    E-Discovery; The Social (Open) Workspace

    Humane Data Mining; Unsolved Problems in Search (and how we might approach them); Markov Logic: A Unifying Language for Information and Knowledge Management

16th ACM CIKM 2007, November 6-10, 2007, Lisbon, Portugal

(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; University of Lisbon, Department of Informatics)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    ACM Tenth International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP); Fourth Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval (GIR); Ninth ACM International workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM); CANCELLED: Data and Text Mining in Bioinformatics (DTMbio); First Workshop on CyberInfrastructure: Information Management in eScience (CIMS); First Ph.D. Workshop in CIKM (PIKM)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    XML Retrieval: IR and DB Challenges; Online advertising: the underlying technologies and business models (CANCELLED)

    Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Semantic Annotation; Explanation, Knowledge Provenance, and Knowledge Synthesis; Classification and Clustering; Information Representation and Integration; Knowledge Synthesis; Information Extraction, Conceptual Clustering, and Prioritization; Data Mining

    Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Graph Based Retrieval; Miscellaneous; Natural Language; Query Expansion; IR Evaluation; Web Retrieval; Semantic IR; Indexing; IR Modeling

    Sessions: Databases
    XML query processing; Record Linkage and Approximate Matching; Query Processing; Performance Issues; Spatio-Temporal Databases and Time Series Streams; OLAP and Multi-dimensional Databases

    Sessions: Industry
    Enterprise Information Management

    Web Search: From Information Retrieval to Microeconomic Modeling; Management of Data with Uncertainties; Learning to Join Everything

15th ACM CIKM 2006, November 6-11, 2006, Kansas City, VA, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGWEB; Virginia Tech, Department of Computer Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    CAMA 2006: International Workshop on Contextualized Attention Metadata: Collection, Management and Analysis of Rich Usage Information, DOLAP 2006: 9tt ACM International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, GIS 2006: International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, HIKM 2006: International Workshop on Healthcare Information and Knowledge Management, P2PIR 2006: International Workshop on Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer Networks, TMBIO 2006: ACM First International Workshop on Text Mining in Bioinformatics, WIDM 2006: The Eighth International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (CANCELLED)
    Accessing the Web: From Search to Integration; Mining Unstructured Data; Similarity Search – The Metric Space Approach

    Similarity and Matching; Mining Reviews and Blogs; Evaluation; Data Stream Processing; Correlation and Association; Indexing and Pruning; Classification; Detection and Evidence; Personalization and Retrieval; Personalization and Retrieval; Data Streams and Sensor Data; Clustering; Users and Communities; Skyline Processing; Graphs and Trees; Taxonomy and Similarity; Models; Ranking and Estimation; Summarization; Query Processing and Optimization; Applications of Clustering; Join Processing and Indexing; Privacy, String Search

    Industrial Paper Session

    Poster Session

    Pair-Wise Entity Resolution: Overview and Challenges; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Imminent Internet Singularity; The Real-Time Nature and Value of Homeland Security Information

14th ACM CIKM 2005, October 31 – November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany

(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR; In cooperation with: ACM SIGMOD; University of Bremen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (Technologiezentrum Informatik); Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Workshop on Information Retrieval in Peer-to-Peer-Networks (P2PIR 2005); 2nd International Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR 2005); Workshop on Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Systems (IHIS05); Workshop on Research in Knowledge Representation for Autonomous Systems (KRAS); First International Workshop on Knowledge-Based Web Information Systems (KBWIS 2005); 7th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2005); 13th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’05); Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Accessing XML Content: From DB and IR Perspectives; Clustering Large and High Dimensional Data; Matching Words and Pictures: Problems, Applications and Progress; Support Vector Machines for Information Management; Probabilistic and Causal Modeling with Graphical Models in Information and Knowledge Management; High-Performance Indexing and Query Evaluation for Information Retrieval

    Paper Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Systems; Information Extraction; Index Structures; Classification & Clustering

    Paper Sessions: Information Retrieval
    XML Retrieval; Machine Learning; Sentiment and genre classification; IR Models; Question Answering; Machine learning and collaborative filtering; Query expansion; Novelty detection; Web retrieval; Distributed Retrieval; IR Potpourri; Context and personalization

    Paper Sessions: Databases
    Network and Peer-to-Peer; XML and Query Processing; Query Optimisation; Security and Privacy; Updates and Change Detection; Query Processin; Sensors and Data Streams; Algorithms; Privacy and Sharing

    Poster Session

    Industry Track Sessions (2)

    Invited Talks:
    From Bits and Bytes to Information and Knowledge

13th ACM CIKM 2004, November 8-13, 2004, Washington, DC, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR)

    12th ACM International Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (ACM GIS 2004); 7th ACM International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP 2004); 6th ACM International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM 2004); 2nd ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases (ACM MMDB’04); ACM Hardcopy Document Processing Workshop (HDP 2004)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Text Analytics: Theory and Practice; Scalable Distributed Data Structures; Sensor Data Mining: Similarity Search and Pattern Analysis; Support Vector Machines for Text Management

    Paper Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Clustering; Knowledge Extraction; Distributed Knowledge Management

    Paper Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Information Retrieval Models; Web Information Retrieval; Fusion of Retrieval Systems; Machine Learning in Information Retrieval; Information Retrieval Applications; Digital Libraries; Natural Language Processing for IR

    Paper Sessions: Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management
    Text Mining

    Paper Sessions: Databases and Information Retrieval
    Indexing and Query Processing Efficiency; Web and XML Text Search

    Paper Sessions: Databases
    Data Integration; Data Streams; Data Mining; Similarity Search; Potpourri; XML Query Processing

    Poster Sessions:
    Research Track; Industry Track

    Key Problems in Integrating Structured and Unstructured Information

    The EDAM Project: Mining Mass Spectra and More; Of Parts and Relationships: An Unending Quest; n.a. (Banquet Speaker); The Semantic Web: Managing Knowledge for Planet Earth

12th ACM International CIKM 2003, November 3 – 8, 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA

Conference Theme:
(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGMIS; In cooperation with: Louisiana State University, Department of Computer Science & School of Library and Information Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP’03); First ACM International Workshop on Multimedia Databases (MMDB’03); Fifth International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM’03)

    Post-conference Symposia:
    11th International Symposium of ACM GIS

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Information Visualization; Data Mining for Intrusion Detection and Computer Security: Techniques, Applications and Systems; Information Extraction: Theory and Practice; Clustering Large and High-Dimensional Data

    Research Sessions: Knowledge Management
    Visual; Semantic Web; Classification; Indexing

    Research Sessions: Information Retrieval
    Adhoc Retrieval; Non-Text Retrieval; Cross Language Retrieval; General Retrieval Issues; Categorization; Web; Efficiency; Language Models

    Research Sessions: Database
    Querying High-dimensional Data; Data Management in Mobile Environments; Heterogenous and Distributed Systems; Management of Data Streams; XML; Bioinformatics; Interactive Data Exploration

    Industry Sessions:
    Information Retrieval; Mediation and Data Sharing; Data Analysis, Mining, and Managing XML

    Poster Session

    Knowledge Management Panel

    Keynotes: (2)
    Is There A Common Thread to Unify IT Research?; n.a.

11th ACM International CIKM 2002, November 4-9, 2002, Washington, DC, USA

Conference Theme:
(Sponsors: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGMIS; University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Computer Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    5th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP’02); Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM’02)

    Post-conference Symposia:
    Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS’02); Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng’02)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Knowledge Management: Principles and Practice; Link Analysis: Current State of the Art

    Research Sessions:
    Pattern Discovery and Forecasting; Web Search; Data Warehousing and OLAP; Image Similarity Search and Systems; XML Query Processing; XML Transactions and Applications; Caching; Information Extraction and Text Segmentation; Sequence Similarity Search and Access Methods; Information Retrieval Models; XML Schemas: Integration and Translation; Peer-to-Peer and Database Systems; Information Retrieval; Classification; Language Models for Information Retrieval; Spatial Search and Moving Objects; Music Information Retrieval; XML Constraints and the Semantic Web; Data Streams and Time-series; Web Clustering; Clustering Algorithms

    Industry Sessions:
    Knowledge Management and Semantics; Data Mining and Federated Systems; Database Performance and Interfaces

    Poster Session

    On Scalable Information Retrieval Systems; Future directions in Data Mining: Streams, Networks, self-similarity and power laws; Knowledge and Information Management: Is it possible to do interesting and important research, get funded, be useful and appreciated?

10th ACM International CIKM 2001, November 5-10, 2001, Atlanta, GA, USA

(Sponsos: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGMIS; Georgia Institute of Technology, College of Computing)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP2001); Workshop on Web information and Data Management (WIDM2001)

    Post-conference Symposia:
    Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS2001); ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng2001)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Indexing and Mining Time Series Data; Mining Unstructured Data

    Research Sessions:
    Similarity Search and Query Optimization; Clustering; Query Processing; Pattern Mining; Text Extraction and Summarization; World Wide Web; Semistructured Data; Distributed Information Retrieval; Query Optimization (Cancelled); Collaborative Filtering and Algorithms; Sequence Mining; Corpus Linguistics; Potpourri; Data Warehouse; String Match and Text Extraction; Classification; Similarity Measures; Mobile Computing; Association Rule Mining; Multimedia Information Processing; Information Retrieval and Text Mining

    Industry Sessions:
    Knowledge Management: Organizing What You Know; Text Summarization and Question Answering; Data Management: Beyond the Traditional

    Poster Sessions:
    Data Access and Knowledge Management

    XML, the WEB and Database Functionality?; What Can Researchers Do to Improve Security of Data and Documents?

    An Integrated Approach to Knowledge Management; Avoiding Irrelevance in Information Systems Research?

9th ACM International CIKM 2000, November 6-11, 2000, McLean, VA, USA

(Sponsos: ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGMIS; University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Computer Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP2000); New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIVM2000)

    Post-conference Symposia:
    Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (GIS2000)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Mobile Information Access and Data Management; Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) Systems: Architecture, Similarity Query Processing and Indexing Issues; Introduction to Machine Learning for Information Retrieval; Software Agents for Information Retrieval

    Text Classification and Categorization; Mobile Technologies and Performance; Machine Learning; Object Databases; Interactive Systems & User Modeling; Transformations and Indexing; Summarization and Corpus Analysis; High Dimensional Indexing; Web; Learning and Uncvertainty; Web/Distributed Information Retrieval; Clustering and Searching; Visual and Video Databases; Replication and Parallelism; Information Retrieval Models; Data Warehousing and Data Mining; Multimedia Retrieval; Data Integration over Distributed Sources; Time Series Databases; WebData Processing

    Industry Perspectives on Key Problems in Information and Knowledge Management

    Dimensional Systems

    Invited Talks:
    Digital Libraries: Extending and Applying Library and Information Science and Technology

8th ACM International CIKM 1999, November 2-6, 1999, Kansas City, MO, USA


    Post-conference Workshops:
    Data Warehousing and OLAP (DOLAP); New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIV’99); Web Information and Data Management (WIDM)

    Post-conference Symposia:
    Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’99)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Models in Information Retrieval, including Cross Language Retrieval; Spatio-Temporal Information Systems: A Conceptual Perspective; Recent Advances in Data Mining Algorithms on Large Databases

    Spatial Databases; Data Extraction; Databases and the Web; Structured and Semi-Structured Data; Document Classification; Web Applications; Data WareHousing and OLAP; Ontologies on the Web; Distributed Search; Association Rules; Query Processing; View Maintenance; Information Retrieval Systems; Physical Indexing; Efficient Information Retrieval; User Centric Systems; Multimedia Databases; Processing Web Documents; Clustering; Object-Oriented Databases; Learning and Adaptive Systems

    Information Technology Issues in Industry; Data Integration in Electronic Commerce: An Aging Problem Receiving a New Dimension

    Searching the web: can you find what you want?; A Practitioners’s View of Techniques Used in Data Warehousing for Sifting Through Data to Provide Information

7th ACM International CIKM 1998, November 3-7, 1998, Bethesda, MD, USA


    Post-conference Workshops:
    New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation; Data Warehousing and OLAP; Databases – Active and Real Time (CANCELLED); Web Information and Data Management

    Post-conference Symposia:
    Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Data Mining on Large Databases; Models in Information Retrieval; Data Warehousing Design Techniques for ROLAP; Metadata Repositories: Enabling Information Asset Management

    Searching Webs and Directories; Summarization and Extraction; Mining Association Rules; Query Optimization; Document Classification; Learning; DB Performance; Fusion and Clustering; Database Mediation; Data Mining; New Media Databases; Schema Enhancement; Cost Estimation and Optimization; Active Transactions and Workflow; Indexing Techniques; Temporal Databases

    Info-Source Glut — the Next Layer in the Information Retrieval Problem

    Invited Talks:
    Putting Semistructured Data to Practice

6th International CIKM 1997, November 10-14, 1997, Las Vegas, NV, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGIR; In cooperation with: ACM SIGLINK; ACM SIGGROUP)

    ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Systems (GIS’97); New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIVM’97);…n.a.

    Models In Information Retrieval; Data Warehousing and OLAP for Decision Support: Foundations and Techniques; Software agents For Information Retrieval; Multimedia Database Systems; Information Security


5th International CIKM 1996, November 12-16, 1996, Rockville, MD, USA

Conference Theme: Next generation information systems
(Sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGIR; ACM SIGLINK; In cooperation with: CAIR/KAIST and DISA; In conjunction with the IFIP WG2.6 Fall Meeting, Nov 7-9)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’96); Databases: Active & Real-Time (DART’96) (Concepts meet Practice); New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation (NPIVM’96)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Middleware for Distributed Object Management; Reasoning with Actions and Knowledge in Databases

    Image & Spatial Databases; Query Processing; Data Mining & Warehousing; Access to Unstructured Info; Object Query Proc. & Opt.; Information Retrieval; Object Databases; Techniques for Query Execution; Knowledge Based & Fuzzy Systems; Non-Traditional Applications; Unconventional Queries; Deductive & Rule Systems

    Keynote Panels:
    Web, Distributed Object Management, and Component Software; Smart Mediators and Intelligent Agents

    Educating the Next Generation of Information and Knowledge Experts, in Collaboration with Industry; OLAP and Statistical Databases: Similarities and Differences

4th International CIKM 1995, November 28 – December 2, 1995, Baltimore, MD, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGIR; In cooperation with: AAAI, ACM SIGLINK, Bellcore, CACS/USL, NASA, NSF, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Computer Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM-GIS’95); Intelligent Information Agents; New Paradigms in Information Visualization and Manipulation

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Digital Libraries; Distributed Data and Object Management; Task-Oriented User Interface Development; Index Multimedia Databases; Multidatabase Systems; A Rule-Based Approach to ER Modeling for Relational Database and Object-Oriented Database Design

    Data Mining; Indexing; Parallelism Mobile Environments; Interoperability; Query Processing; Information Retrieval; Query Optimization; Dstribution; Uncertainty; Temporal and Spatial; Knowledge Base Reasoning and Representation; Scientific and Design DBS

    Funding Predictions and Research Challenges in Information and Knowledge Management

    n.a.; An Overview of the TSIMMIS System; Performance Evaluation Issues in Generalization; User-Centered Interfaces and Tools: A National Focus Area; Intelligent Integration of Information (I3C) Program; Research Directions in Database Security; Collaboration and Workflow; Object Oriented and Rule Languages; An Extensible Knowledge Base Management System for Supporting Rule Based Interoperability among Heterogenous Systems

    Invited Talks:
    Research Problems in Data Warehousing; Enhancing Performance of Interoperable Database Systemss and the Role of Materialized Views; Mining Knowledge at Multiple Concept Levels; Designing Electronic Catalogs for Business Value; …n.a.

3rd International CIKM 1994, November 29 – December 2, 1994, Gaithersburg, MD, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGIR; In cooperation with: AAAI, National Institute of Standards and Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County, NSF, Purdue University, and Rutgers University, Department of Computer Science)

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Geographic Information Systems; Intelligent Information Agents; Intelligent Hypertext: Advanced Techniques for the World Wide Web; Electronic Commerce

    Object-Oriented Conceptual Modeling; Query Processing; Knowledge Bases; Text Databases & Information Retrieval; Transaction Processing; Intelligent Agents; Logical/Deductive Databases; Schema Integration/Interoperability; Temporal Databases; Storage Systems; Schema Eevolution in Object-Orientated Databases; Spatial Databases; Cooperative Databases/Mobile Computing/NII; Knowledge Discovery (Data Mining); Medicat Applications; Indexing/Caching

    Making money on the Internet; Standards — Interoperability; Manufacturing; Federal Program Initiatives in the Computer and Information Sciences; Standards for Digital Libraries


    Invited Talks:

2nd International CIKM 1993, November 1-5, 1993, Washington, DC, USA

(Sponsors: ACM SIGART; ACM SIGIR; ISCA (International Society for Computers and their Applications); In cooperation with the AAAI, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Computer Science, and Purdue University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials:
    Temporal Databases; Knowledge Base Management; Introduction to Information Retrieval; An Overview of SQL

    Post-conference Workshops:
    Advances in Geographic Information Systems; Intelligent Hypertext; The Role of Digital Libraries in K-12 Education

    Information Retrieval System; Knowledge Representation and Expert Systems; Document Processing; Deductive Databases; Tools for Realizing Intelligent Systems; User Interfaces/Image Databases; Query Processing; Information Engineering; Scientific Databases; Object-Oriented Databases; Distributed Databases/Transaction Processing; Poster Sessions

    Challenge’s and Concerns regarding Software Engineering Education for Industry; Temporal Databases; Nomadic Databases

    My Computer is not Object-Oriented; DBMS Research at a Crossroads: what is next?

    Invited Talks:
    Databases for Mobile Computers; Handling transactions and queries in multi-level stores; On the Duality of Distributed Databases and Distributed AI Systems; Digital Libraries; Support of Design Processes in Engineering Applications; Fifteen Years of Deductive Databases; Databases for Marketing Information Systems; Temporal Databases — It’s About Time; A World-wide Heterogeneous Database System; Parallel Database Processing; Strategic long-range Information System Planning; Database Integration; Distributed System Architecture; Information Management in Heterogeneous Environment; Data Mining of Multi-dimensional Remotely Sensed Images

1st ISMM International CIKM 1992, November 8-11, 1992, Baltimore, MD, USA

Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management – Expanding the Definition of “Database”
(Sponsors: ISMM (International Society for Mini and Microcomputers), now ISCA (International Society for Computers and their Applications); In cooperation with; AAAI, ACM SIGART, ACM SIGIR, IEEE, ACM)

    KB/DB Integration; Document Processing; Temopral Deductive Logic; Software Engineering; Hypertext; Object-oriented Databases; Database Models; Transaction Management/Query Optiomization; Classification Based Database Systems; Information Retrieval; Knowledge Representation and Expert Systems; Poster Sessions

    Invited Presentations:
    Intelligent Integration of Diverse Information; Information Modeling in Multidatabase Systems: Beyond Data Modeling; Object SQL: Language Extensions for Object Data Management; Object-Oriented Multidatabases: Systems and Research Overview; The Evolution of Software Engineering; From Numerical Probabilities to Causal Knowledge and Practical Beliefs; Transition From A Relation to Object Model Implementation; Consensus Standards for Integrated Distributed Systems; A Survey of Object-Oriented Database Design Methodologies; Lessons for Knowledge Representation from Programming Languages

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