International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)*

International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM)*

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The International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), organized by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), until 2014 the International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), is a forum for researchers from multiple disciplines to come together to share knowledge, discuss ideas, exchange information, and learn about cutting-edge research in diverse fields with the common theme of online social media.

The ICWSM grew out of two events: the annual series of Workshops on the Weblogging Ecosystem (WWE 2006, WWE 2005, WWE 2004) held in conjunction with the International World Wide Web Conference and the Spring Symposium organized by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) on Computational Approaches to Analyzing Weblogs (CAAW 2006).

ICWSM Data Challenge Workshops in 2010, 2011, and since 2020.

Don’t mix up this conference series with the one of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.

Conference History:

19th ICWSM-25, June 23-26, 2025, Copenhagen, Denmark

(Host: TBD)

    Conference program TBD

18th ICWSM-24, 3-6 June 2024, Buffalo, NY, USA

(Host: University at Buffalo, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences)

    5th International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc 2024)
    2nd Disrupt, Ally, Resist, Embrace (DARE) Workshop: Action Items for Computational Social Scientists in a Changing World
    1st International Workshop on Decentralizing the Web (DeWeb 2024)
    Digital State Sponsored Disinformation and Propaganda: Challenges and Opportunities for Researchers
    1st Workshop on Reliable Evaluation of LLMs for Factual Information (REAL-Info)
    Workshop on Networks and Opinions on Climate Action in the Public Sphere (NO CAPS)
    Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable
    Reclaiming the Narrative: Digital Recovery, AI, and Mitigating Harm in Social Media

    GPT Build-A-Thon: Creating Specialized Experiences Online with LLMs
    Wikimedia Data How-To: Using Public Data from Wikipedia and Its Sister Projects for Academic Research
    Scraping Reddit the Right Way: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Data Collection with RedditHarbor
    Before Model Training: Crafting High-Quality Text Annotations for Machine Learning
    How to Analyze Social Media Data Using Multilingual Word Embeddings via Communalytic – A Computational Social Science Research Tool for Studying Online Discourse
    Prevalence Estimation in Social Media Using Black Box Classifiers
    Collectivist and Perspectivist Approaches to Studying Online Toxicity Yotam Shmargad
    Machine Learning Based Online Abuse Defense: Platform, Research, and Hands-on Labs

    5th ICWSM-2024 Data Challenge Workshop: (Jun 3)
    Theme: Research Data in a Post-API, Decentralized, and Walled Garden Web

17th ICWSM-23, 5-8 June 2023, Limassol, Cyprus

(Host: Open University of Cyprus, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences, Cyprus Center for Algorithmic Transparency)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 5)
    Disrupt, Ally, Resist, Embrace (DARE): Action Items for Computational Social Scientists in a Changing World
    Images in Online Political Communication (PhoMemes 2023)
    TrueHealth 2023: Combating Health Misinformation for Social Well-being
    Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable
    Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems (NEATCLasS)
    Mediate 2023: News Media and Computational Journalism Workshop

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Jun 5)
    Prevalence Estimation in Social Media Using Black Box Classifiers
    Computational Approaches to Studying Anti-Social Behaviour in Social Media
    Collecting and Sharing Twitter Data for Academic Research: A hands-on tutorial using twarc2 and the Social Media Archive at ICPSR (SOMAR)
    A hitchhiker’s guide to user-centric browsing data

    4th ICWSM-2023 Data Challenge Workshop: (Jun 5)
    Theme: Temporal social data

16th ICWSM-22, June 6-9, 2022, Atlanta, GA, USA / Virtual venue

(Host: Georgia Institute of Technology)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 6):
    Using the Twitter API v2 for academic research
    Foundations of Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling for the Non-expert
    Deep Learning For Human Mobility: Data, Models, and Challenges
    BERT for Humanists & Social Scientists: Applying Large Language Models to Social Media Data
    Information Extraction for Social Science Research
    Trustworthy Business Decision Making Methodologies in Web and Social Media
    Misinformation and Disinformation in Social Media: Where we are and the Path Ahead
    Controlling for Text in Causal Inference with Double Machine Learning
    Using Word Embeddings to Measure Group and Temporal Differences in Meaning

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 6):
    International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc 2022)
    International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens 2022): Special Edition on Belief Dynamics
    Workshop on Images in Online Political Communication (PhoMemes)
    Workshop on Novel Evaluation Approaches for Text Classification Systems on Social Media (NEATCLasS)
    Workshop on Social Media for Emergency Response (SoMER)
    Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable
    Workshop on News Media and Computational Journalism (MEDIATE)

    3rd ICWSM-2022 Data Challenge Workshop: (Jun 6)
    Theme: Health-Related Discourse

15th ICWSM-21, June 7-10, 2021, Atlanta, GA, USA Virtual venue

(Host: Georgia Institute of Technology)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 7):
    Hate speech: Detection, Mitigation and Beyond; Engaging the Ethics of “Public” Data in Social Media Research; Knowledge In – Wisdom Out – Explainable Data for AI in Cyber Social Threats and Public Health

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 7):
    Emoji 2021: International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media; International Workshop on Cyber Social Threats (CySoc 2021); Participatory Development of Quality Guidelines for Social Media Research: A Structured, Hands-on Design Workshop; International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens 2021): Special Edition on Information Operations on Social Media; Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable; Information Credibility and Alternative Realities in Troubled Democracies; Mediate 2021: News Media and Computational Journalism; Mining Actionable Insights from Social Networks: Special Edition on Healthcare Social Analytics

    2nd ICWSM-2021 Data Challenge Workshop: (Jun 7)
    Theme: Cross Platform Analysis

14th ICWSM-20, June 8-11, Atlanta, GA, USA Virtual venue

(Host: Georgia Institute of Technology)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 8):
    T1: Quali-Quantitative Research With 4CAT: Capturing and Analysis Toolkit; T2: Detection and Characterization of Stance on Social Media; T3: Introduction to Collecting and Analyzing Satellite Imagery; T4: Investigating Attention and Influence Online with Media Cloud

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 8):
    W1: Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji 2020); W2: Social Sensing (SocialSens 2020): Special Edition on Narrative Analysis on Social Media; W3: NEws and publiC Opinion (NECO) 2020; W4: Cyber Social Threats (CySoc 2020); W5: Mediate: Social and News Media Misinformation Workshop; W6: Data Is People: New Challenges and Tensions in Social Media Research

    1st ICWSM-2020 Data Challenge Workshop: (Jun 8)
    Theme: Safety

13th ICWSM-19, June 11-14, 2019, Munich, Germany

(Host: Technical University of Munich)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 11):
    T1: Tools for WhatsApp data collection; T2: Generative models of online discussion threads; T3: Measuring Information Spread Within and Across Social Platforms; T4: Introduction to Social Media Network Analysis with NodeXL

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 11):
    W1: Complex Systems Perspectives on Algorithmic Bias; W2: Rumours and Deception in Social Media; W3: Data for the Wellbeing of Most Vulnerable; W4: Managing and Designing for Norms in Online Communities; W5: Demographic Research with Web and Social Media Data; W6: Modeling and Mining Social-Media-Driven Complex Networks; W7: Workshop on Critical Data Science; WX: The ICWSM Science Slam

12th ICWSM-18, June 25-28, 2018, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 25):
    T1: Characterization, Detection, and Mitigation of Cyberbullying; T2: Analytics over the Hows and the Whys; T3: Causal Inference and Counterfactual Reasoning; T4: Generative Models for Social Media Analytics: Networks, Text, and Time; T5: Trade-Offs in Social Media for Interpreting Unstructured Data

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 25):
    W1: Beyond Online Data: Tackling Challenging Social Science Questions; W2: ?; W3: The Third International Workshop on NEws and publiC Opinion (NECO 2018); W4: Bridging the Gaps: Social Media, Use and Well-being; W5: Data-Driven Personas and Human-Driven Analytics: Automating Customer Insights in the Era of Social Media; W6: Algorithmic Personalization and News: Risks & Opportunities; W7: Social Media and Health: A Focus on Methods for Linking Online and Offline Data; W8: 1st International Workshop on Emoji Understanding and Applications in Social Media (Emoji 2018); W9: 1st International Workshop on Chatbot; (CANCELLED) W10: Computational Social Science of Innovation Diffusion and Evolution (C-SIDE); W11: Making Sense of Online Data for Population Research; W12: Designed Data for Bridging the Lab and the Field: Tools, Methods, and Challenges in Social Media Experiments; W13: 3rd International Workshop on the Social Web for Environmental and Ecological Monitoring (SWEEM); W14: Exploring Ethical Trade-Offs in Social Media Research; W15: The 3rd International Workshop on Event Analytics using Social Media Data (EASM); W16: The ICWSM Science Slam

11th ICWSM-17, May 15-18, 2017, Montreal, Canada

(General Sponsor: Data Science at McGill University)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 15):
    T1: Building Your Own Online Lab with Volunteer Science; T2: A Practical Introduction to Spatial Datasets and Urban Applications; TA3: Polarization on Social Media; TP4: Social Media for Health Research

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 15):
    W1: Social Media and Demographic Research; W2: Observational Studies through Social Media; W3: Queering Social Media Research (Cancelled); W4: Digital Misinformation; W5: Events Analytics Using Social Media Data; W6: Studying User Perceptions and Experiences with Algorithms; W7: News and Public Opinion; W8: Perceptual Biases and Social Media; W9: The ICWSM Science Slam

10th ICWSM-16, May 17-20, 2016, Cologne, Germany

(General Sponsor: GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (May 17):
    TA1: Mining Smartphone Mobility Data; TA2: Psychology for Computer Scientists: Fundamental Orientation and Frameworks; TA3: Using Crowdsourcing E ffectively for Social Media Research; TP4: Critical Review of Online Social Data: Limitations, Ethical Challenges, and Current Solutions; TP5: The Lifecycle of Geotagged Social Media Data; TAP6: The Web of Cities and Mobility

    Pre-conference Workshops (May 17):
    W1: CityLab; W2: Ethical Social Media Research; W3: Social Media & Demographic Research; W4: 2nd Wiki Workshop; W5: #FAIL – Things That Didn’t Work Out; W6: News and Public Opinion; W7: Social Media in the Newsroom; W8: Social Web for Environmental and Ecological Monitoring; W9: The ICWSM Science Slam: Die Wohngemeinschaft

9th ICWSM-15, May 26-29, 2015, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

(General Sponsor: Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford Universuty)

    Pre-conference Workshops (May 26):
    W1: Auditing Algorithms From the Outside: Methods and Implications; W2: Digital Placemaking: Augmenting Physical Places with Contextual Social Data; W3: Modeling and Mining Temporal Interactions; W4: Religion on Social Media; W5: The ICWSM Science Slam; W6: Standards and Practices in Large-Scale Social Media Research; W7: Wikipedia, a Social Pedia: Research Challenges and Opportunities (1st Wiki Workshop)

8th ICWSM-14, June 1-4, 2014, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

(General Sponsor: University of Michigan, School of Information)

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 1):
    T1: Online Experiments for Computational Social Science; t2: Social Media Threats and Countermeasures; T3: Route Planning and Visualization Using Geo-Social Media Data; T4: Large Scale Network Analytics with SNAP

7th ICWSM-13, 8-11 July 2013, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA

    Post-conference Tutorials (Jul 11):
    T1: Advanced Methods for Collecting Social Science Data in the Social Media Field; T2: Information-Theoretic Tools for Social Media Analysis; T3: Crisis Mapping, Citizen Sensing, and Social Media Analystics; T4: Multiple Network Models for Complex Online Social Network Analysis; T5: Pulse of Virtual Worlds

    Post-conference Workshops (Jul 11):
    W1: Computational Personality Recognition (Shared Task) Workshop; W2: Social Computing for Workforce 2.0; W3: SOCMEDVIS 2013: Workshop on Social Media Visualization; W4: When the City Meets the Citizen Workshop

6th ICWSM-12, June 4-7, 2012, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jun 4):
    MA1: How To Analyze Massive Social Network Datasets without Cluster; MA2: Carting Collections of Connections in Social Media: Creating Maps and Measures with NodeXL; MP1: Evidence-based Social Design of Online Communities: Getting to Critical Mass and Encouraging Contributions; MP2: Sentiment Mining from User Generated Content; MP3: Information Extraction for Social Media Analysis

    Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 4):
    Workshop on Social Media Visualization (SocMedVis); Workshop on Real-Time Analysis and Mining of Social Streams (RAMSS); When the City Meets the Citizen Workshop; Workshop on the Potential of Social Media Tools and Data for Journalists in the News Media Industry (SocMedNews)

5th ICWSM-11, July 17-21, 2011, Barcelona, Spain

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Jul 17):
    SA1: How to use Mechanical Turk for Behavioral Research; SA2: Text Mining from User Generated Content; SP1: Exploratory Network Analysis with Gephi

    Post-conference Workshops (Jul 21):
    Social Mobile Web Workshop (SMW-11); The Future of the Social Web (FOSW-11); Social Innovation and Social Media (SISOM-11); International Workshop On Social Web Mining (co-located); Data Challenge Workshop

4th ICWSM-10, May 23-26, 2010, George Washington University, Washington, DC, USA

    Tutorials (May 23):
    SA1: The Social Semantic Web: How Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web Can Strengthen Each Other; SA2: Introduction to Social Media Network Analysis; SP1: Large-Scale Social Media Analytics with Hadoop; SP2: The Social Psychology of Social Media through the Lens of Text Analysis

    Post-conference Workshops (May 23):
    Data Challenge Workshop

3rd ICWSM-09, May 17-20, 2009, San Jose, California, USA

    Pre-conference Tutorials (May 17):
    Predictive Modeling with Social Networks; The Psychology of Social Media

    Post-conference Workshops (May 20):
    Data (Challenge) Workshop I+II

2nd ICWSM-08, March 30-April 2, 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Mar 30):
    Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis; Graph Mining Techniques for Social Media Analysis

1st ICWSM-07, March 26-28, 2007, Boulder, Colorado, USA

    Pre-conference Tutorials (Mar 25):
    Search and Discovery in the Blogspace; Spam in Blogs and Other Social Media
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