International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA Conference)*
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The biannual International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA Conference), from 2008 to 2011 the IBIMA Conference on Innovation & Knowledge Management (IKM), will address a range of important themes with respect to all major business fields.
From 2008 to 2011 it aimed to bring together policy makers, business leaders, government officials, inventors and academics to the impact of sustainable innovation and Knowledge Management in today’s business organizations and showcase the importance thereof in far more detail. Prior to 2008 the IBIMA conference focused on information management, information technology and e-business. From 2011 to 2017 it took a focus on innovation management and sustainability (Vision 2020). Since then no special focus anymore.
Since 2022 the IBIMA Conference is “divided” into the co-located “IBIMA Business Conference” and the “IBIMA Computer Science Conference”.
Note: 2020… Confusing!!! Extended Paper Submission Deadline: 1. Attending Conference in person: CLOSED; 2. Virtual Presentation: 20 April 2020; Conference date and location still remains 1-2 April, 2020, Seville, Spain
Topics of interest (2012 – 2021):
- Information Systems Management (business and technical):
Knowledge Management; Knowledge Engineering and Discovery; Knowledge-based Systems Engineering; Knowledge extraction and search - Knowledge Management, Organizational learning, Knowledge representation and ontologies:
The Knowledge Society and Information Systems; Knowledge in the Information Society; Knowledge and Ontologies in Information Systems; Ontologies and Ontology; Information Systems Knowledge Management and Engineering; Enterprise Knowledge Management and Engineering; All aspects in Ontology Construction, Engineering, Modelling, Learning, Population and Evaluation; All aspects Ontology Evolution and Maintenance; All aspects in Ontology Adoption, Evaluation and Management; Ontology Languages; Natural Language Processing; Ontology Use in Information Systems; Ontology Coupling, Integrati; on and Matching; Semantic Web Applications
Conference History:
45th IBIMA Conference 2025, 25-26 June 2025, Cordoba, Spain
IBIMA Business Conference Themes:
IBIMA Computer Conference Themes:
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Industry 4.0 and Knowledge Transfer and Automation
30th IBIMA Int’l Conference 2017, 8-9 November 2017, Madrid, Spain
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Based Design of Mechanical Engineering Products
Leveraging organizational performance and innovation Via knowledge management strategies in Turkey: Evidence from the İstanbul Stock Market
29th IBIMA Conference 2017, 3-4 May 2017, Vienna Austria
Conference Theme: Education Excellence and Innovation Management through Vision 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management (integrated in other sessions)
The research’s knowledge transfer through co-authorship collaboration
Influence of Knowledge Management and Organizational Culture Role in Accounting Information System Technology Investment Success and Its Impact on Organizational Performance (Survey on Ministry in Indonesia)
Sharing Tacit Knowledge Through Narratives In Project Risk Management
28th IBIMA Conference 2016, 9-10 November 2016, Seville, Spain
Conference Theme: Vision 2020: Innovation Management, Development Sustainability, and Competitive Economic Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management (integrated in other sessions)
Partage des connaissances et capacité d’apprentissage organisationnel : Ebauche d’un modèle d’évaluation de la performance organisationnelle
SQL Mining: Knowledge Discovery from DML Statements
A new prospective on knowledge management processes: an empirical validation of the 5C KMLC theory
27th IBIMA Conference 2016, 4-5 May 2016, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Innovation Management and Education Excellence Vision 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Transfer in Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition
The Relationship Between Knowledge Characteristics and Innovative Work Behavior in Malaysian Federal Government
Incorporating Knowledge Management Activities and Phases of the Decision Making Process as a Conceptual Model
26th IBIMA Conference 2015, 11-12 November 2015, Madrid, Spain
Conference Theme: Innovation Management and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to Global Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management (integrated in other sessions)
Capital Social et Création de Valeur : Le Rôle Médiateur de la Capacité D’absorption des Connaissances
Electronic Knowledge Management Competences in Electronic Customer Relationship Management (ECRM)
Investigating the Stock of Knowledge through Social Network Analysis: a Longitudinal Study on Apple’s Patents
A Pragmatic Review of Organisational Culture and Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge-Oriented Issues of Research and Development in Multinational Enterprises
Multiplicity of Barriers to Knowledge Sharing
25th IBIMA Conference 2015, 7-8 May 2015, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference Theme: Innovation Vision 2020: from Regional Development Sustainability to Global Economic Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management
24th IBIMA Conference 2014, 6-7 November 2014, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Crafting Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Strategic Planning & Smart Implementation
SESSION: Knowledge Management
The Implications Of Knowledge-Based Industries And Services
Should transfer of tacit knowledge be made mandatory?
Enterprise 2.0 Technologies for Knowledge Management: Exploring Cultural, Organizational & Technological Factors
Towards a Company’s Reputation Analysis in Grey OSN
Developing A Competency-Based Organizational Learning System In A Colombian Steel Company
23rd IBIMA Conference 2014, 13-14 May 2014, Valencia, Spain
Conference Theme: Vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness
SESSION: Knowledge Management (integrated in other sessions)
Application of Knowledge of Corporate Governance in the Czech Republic
Databases of knowledge at the University of West Bohemia
Utilization of Knowledge Management Methods in an Automotive Industry: Lesson from Practice
Knowledge Management Implementation in a Large Automotive Company: the Case Study
22nd IBIMA Conference 2013, 13-14 November 2013, Rome, Italy
Conference Theme: Creating Global Competitive Economies: 2020 Vision Planning & Implementation
SESSION: Data Warehousing & Knowledge Management
New Approach for the Collection of Users’ Requirements using DwADS
Technological Tools Integration and Ontologies for Knowledge Extraction from Unstructured Sources: A Case of Study for Marketing in Agri-Food Sector
Interpreting the Solution Architect’s Role at a leading IT and Consultancy Company
Which Factors Drive Consumers to Use Smartphone and Tablet PC: From the Perspective of Conspicuous Consumption, Cultural Capital, Social Capital and Perceived Product Knowledge
21st IBIMA Conference 2013, 27-28 June 2013, Vienna, Austria
Conference Theme: Vision 2020: Innovation, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Developing a Nutrition and Diet Expert System Prototype
Attitude toward the Development of Psychological Disorders Diagnosis Expert System
A Design Science Framework for Developing Data Mining Artifacts
Cilantro Database and Information Systems for Marketing
Project Management Information Systems (PMIS) in Saudi Arabia: Pilot Study
Ambidextrie de connaissances: Quels rôles des TIC pour l’exploration et l’exploitation des connaissances?
The Knowledge Society and the Capability Approach in the Perspective of Sustainable Development in Europe
Smart, Creative, Sustainable, Inclusive Regional Development Strategies in the Age of Knowledge & Innovation based Society & Economy
The Process Management Position in a Transformation of a Traditional Organization into a Knowledge-Based Organization
20th IBIMA Conference 2013, 25-26 March 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Entrepreneurship Vision 2020: Innovation, Real Estate Investment, Development Sustainability, and Economic Growth (Special Edition)
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Knowledge and Skills Necessary for Product Innovation In SMEs Manufacturing Industry In Malaysia
Employees’ Knowledge in Employment Act 1955 and Level of Commitment towards Organization
19th IBIMA Conference 2012, 12-13 November 2012, Barcelona, Spain
Conference Theme: Innovation Vision 2020: Sustainable growth, Entrepreneurship, Real Estate and Economic Development
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Records Management Practices in Sarawak State Public Services
Knowledge Management Governance In the Semi-Decentralized Environment: A Case Study in Indonesian Financial Company
An Explanatory Model of Success Factors for Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing Systems in Horizontally-Linked Organizations: Knowledge Workers’ Perspective
Job Design and Knowledge Productivity: A Conceptual Framework
Barriers and Benefits of Using Social Networking Sites for Sharing Knowledge in Professional Societies: An exploratory Study
A Theoretical Analyses about Accounting Knowledge Management with XBRL
18th IBIMA Conference 2012, 9-10 May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage: From Regional Development to World Economies
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Designing a Ba for Better Knowledge Creation from Customer Knowledge
About Knowledge Management in Virtual Organizations
The Fusion of Data Migration and Knowledge Management
Share it or Keep it to yourself? Inculcating Knowledge Sharing Behaviors at Workplace Using a Culturally Oriented Framework
Knowledge Management and Management Accounting Decisions-Experimental Study
Knowledge Transfers in Multinational Corporations on the Level of Top Management
Communautés de savoir et innovation: le rôle de l’apprentissage, Une analyse sous l’éclairage d’une théorie basée sur les connaissances
Motivation of Employees in the Education Sector and its Effect on the Implementation of Knowledge Management
A Strategic Matrix for Knowledge Product Development
Translating Product Life Cycle Knowledge into the Improvement Product Matrix
17th IBIMA Conference 2011, 14-15 November 2011, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Creating Global Competitive Economies: A 360-degree Approach
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Development life cycle of the organizational memory for accounting domain
Benefits of benchmarking and knowledge management relationship
Risk Management In The Knowledge-Based Society
The Influence of Technical and Non Technical Factors on Knowledge Sharing in the Private Sector in Malaysia
OMCCAAF: Modeling A Methodological Framework for Building A Domain Ontology in The Accounting And Financial Area
A Framework for Building ICT Expertise Ontology
Some Considerations Regarding the Usefulness of Applying Semiotics in Web Ontologies
Management de connaissances et cultures : une relation de dépendance
Analysis of the Innovation stage-gate process using TTS based on Engineering Design Science knowledge
Knowledge Metamodel For Crowdsourcing Innovation Intermediaries
Education in and for a Knowledge Based Society
Professions and Qualifications in the Knowledge Based Economy and Implications for Educational System
Universities as knowledge providers in the technological innovation: Romania’s situation
16th IBIMA Conference 2011, 29-30 June 2011, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Innoviation and Knowledge Management: A Global Competitive Advantage
SESSION: Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
Occupational Safety and Health Committees: A Channel for Knowledge Creation in Malaysia?
The Influence of Knowledge Sharing Strategies on Organizational Excellence
Issues Surrounding Knowledge and Information Dissemination for Domestic Workers in Malaysia
A Framework of Business Intelligence Architecture
Managing Sustainability with the Support of Business Intelligence: The Case of Malaysian Telecenters
The Roles of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence at the Workplace
Knowledge Management Awareness amongst Iranian SMEs: Issues, Challenges, and Future Directions
Knowledge Management Utilization amongst Iranian SMEs
A Critical Analysis of the Post-Conference Knowledge Management Practices at Two South African Universities
Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Among Graduate Students in a Public University in Malaysia
Knowledge Management Practices in Malaysian Technical University Network
Critical Success Factors for Knowledge Transfer via an Australian Government Education Website
The role of accounting information systems in Knowledge based organizations
Leveraging Innovation in Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage in International Banking
Knowledge among Military Commanders in Motivating Non-Commissioned Officers in the Infantry
Factors Affecting Knowledge Sharing among Undergraduate Students in a Public University in Malaysia
15th IBIMA Conference 2010, 6-7 November 2010, Cairo, Egypt
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Business Competitive Edge Perspective
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Interrogative Knowledge Organization and Structuring From Unstructured Documents
Egypt’s ICT Indicators Initiative: An Egyptian Knowledge Management Experience
Automated User and Competencies Profiling from Tacit Knowledge in Knowledge Management
Assessing Knowledge Assets in Professional Service Firms: Proposing A Model of Intellectual Capital
The Greek patterns of innovation and knowledge creation
Management de l’innovation et management des connaissances: quelle relation pour une entreprise apprenante?
14th IBIMA Conference 2010, 23-24 June 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Global Business Transformation through Innovation and Knowledge Management
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Insight into tunisian consumers’ mind-set towards healthiness in food and health-promoting food choices
Framework for KM processes: A review and Development
Defining Services: A Knowledge Mix approach
The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Social Capital
Evolution of Organizational Knowledge Creation Theory: A brief review
The Emergence of Silver Bullets (Small Software Firms) Transforming Pakistan to Knowledge Economy: Small Business Perspective
The Relationship between Accounting Information Systems with Knowledge Management: Case Study: I.D.E.M
SESSION: Otheres
Relationship between Enterprise recource planning And knowledge management
The influence of intellectual capital on knowledge sharing: Small and Medium Enterprises’ perspective
Improving Network Management Efficiency: Knowledge Level Granulation and Fuzzy Representation
A Framework for Integrating Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems by Using Knowledge Discovery Techniques: a Case Study Forecasting Financial Time Series
L’intelligence informationnelle et la gestion des connaissances dans un environnement numérique : besoins et système de médiation
Proposition d’un modèle organisationnel intégrant les conditions favorisant et/ou inhibant la gestion de connaissances: Cas des équipes de projets Centre de compétences NSN – région MEA
13th IBIMA Conference 2010, 9-10 November 2009, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management and Innovation in Advancing Economies
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Knowledge is Power: Removing Language Barrier with ICT
A New Knowledge Construction through Knowledge Destruction?
The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Core Competence and their impact on strategic Performance
Intangible assets indicators: Defining the process of collection with EFFICIENT
The Contribution of Knowledge Management Effectiveness towards Product Innovation: Evidence from Malaysia
SSESSION: Réseaux Sociaux Numériques et Knowledge Management
Elaborer Une Stratégie De Co-Création Avec Sa Communauté Virtuelle
Le “brand networking” analyse d’une nouvelle tendance
Proposition d’un modèle théorique pour la transmission des connaissances tacites dans une organisation, « le cas Alpha ».
Les freins au partage de connaissances au sein des organisations: Revue de littérature et quelques pistes de recherche
The Effect of Kowledge Enablers to Knowledge Acquisition: Evidence from Higher Education in Malaysia
12th IBIMA Conference 2009, 23-30 June 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Creating Global Economies through Innovation and Knowledge Management
SESSION: Knowledge Management
A knowledge management process to customer knowledge expansion
The Records Management Practices in Capturing Organizational Memory
Optimisation of Legal Information and Knowledge
Enhancing Knowledge Management via Organizational Learning
Ng Sin Pei
KM Performance Outcomes in Institutions of Higher Learning: An Empirical Assessment
Improving Project Team Formation with CBR-based Knowledge Management Approach
Knowledge Management and Human Capital Management: An Approach to Sustainable Performance
Knowledge management practices and performance: Are they truly linked?
Knowledge Management Performance Evaluation in Universities: A Sustainable Development View
Knowledge Manipulation Skills and Organisational Competitive Advantage: A Framework for MSC Malaysia Companies
Factors Influencing Knowledge Management Practices Among Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) Organizations
The Effect of Individual Factors on Knowledge Sharing Quality: An Empirical Study
The Impact of KM System, Consumer and Business Features on Customer Loyalty
Knowledge Management Practice Among Academic via Syllabus Management System
Towards a Nomadic E-Government Co-Evolutionary Framework (NECE) for Building Knowledge Infrastructures for African Countries
Preliminary Study on Proposed Framework for the Implementation of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
The Influence of Total Quality Management and Knowledge Management on Business Results
Implementation of Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises – Malaysian Perspective
User Knowledge on Web Search Strategy: The Importance of Topic and Web Search System Understanding
Analyzing the knowledge side of development plans: a comparative study between Iran & Malaysia
11th IBIMA Conference 2009, 4-6 January 2009, Cairo, Egypt
Conference Theme: Innovation and Knowledge Management in Twin Track Economies
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Knowledge and Management
Critical Factors for Successful KM Initiatives in Project Background
A Theoretical Framework for Knowledge Management Process: Towards Improving Knowledge Performance
Knowledge Management Implications on Business Education
HiKMas: Cultural Behavioural and ontology based approach towards a Holistic Knowledge Management System Design
The Effects of Knowledge Process for Customer on the Achievement of Customer Knowledge Retention
The Management and Exchange of Knowledge and Innovation In Environments of Collaborating Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Fuzzy Knowledge Base System for Fault Tracing of Marine Diesel Engine
Demographic Factors and Knowledge Sharing Quality among Malaysian Government Officers
The Development of myGeo-RS: a Knowledge Management System of Geodiversity Data for Tourism Industries
From Virtual Teams to Online Communities: Fostering Group Based Collaboration for Innovation and Knowledge Management
Effect of Social Network Type and Intensity on The Knowledge Performance of Groups
An Exploration of Individual Student Perceptions of Mastery of Knowledge in an Online Collaborative Context
Factors Affecting Knowledge Flow between Head Quarters and Subsidiaries of a Global Corporation
A Business Intelligence Model for SMEs Based on Tacit Knowledge
The Effect of Knowledge Management Processes on project Management: An Empirical Study on Information Technology Industry in Jordan
Design de l’organisation apprenante: Les conditions de développement de la ressource connaissance, en termes d’apprentissage et de partage dans l’organisation (Cas de NOKIA SIEMENS Networks Communication Competences Center)
Special Sessions: (CANCELLED)
Knowledge Management in Academia: Innovative Teaching and Learning Practices
Products and Services Innovation through BPR and Knowledge Management
10th IBIMA Conference 2008, 30 June – 2 July 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business Globalization
Conference program n.a.
SESSION: Knowledge Management
Use of New Knowledge and Knowledge Management to Gain Competitive Advantage
Aligning Knowledge Management Processes and Innovation Management Capability in a Global Business
Linking Knowledge Management and Innovation: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence: A Synergy for Organizational Competitiveness in the K-Economy
Khairul Mizan Taib, Saiful Farik Mat Yatin, Abdul Rahman Ahmad, and Ahmad Nazri Mansor
An Empirical Study of Knowledge Management Processes in Small and Medium Enterprises
Knowledge Management Basics for Emerging Economies
Enhancing Knowledge Creation in Organizations
The Impact of Information Infrastructure Capabilities on Knowledge Manipulation Skills: A Conceptual Framework
The Impact of Knowledge Process about Customer on the Success of Customer Knowledge Acquisition
Knowledge-based Agricultural Hub
Synergizing Knowledge Management Concepts
Managing Knowledge Management through Strategic Management Perspectives
The Motivators and Benefits of Sharing Knowledge to a KMS Repository in an Omani Organization
Assessing the Application of the Knowledge Management Success Paradigm in South Africa
The Relationship between Knowledge Management and Trust: Malaysian Perspective
Knowledge Sharing in Knowledge-Based Institutions
An ITIL-based Solution to Record and Retrieve Tacit and Explicit Knowledge based on Giga Knowledge Management Framework in the SME Companies
Investigating the Optimal Number of Attributes to Manage Knowledge Performances
A Framework for Faculty Memory Information System
The Role of Centralized Knowledge Development Centre for Success of SME Sector
The Importance of Learning to Differentiate between ‘Hard’ and ‘Soft’ Knowledge
A Research Framework for Improving Personal Information Management Capabilities
Overcoming Human Barrier as a Measure towards Improved Knowledge Management
Software as a service: Analysis of ‘Google Sites’ as KM Tool for Academic Environment
The Role of Electronic Trading System on Organizational Knowledge Management at Muscat Securities Market
Requirements of Knowledge Management Systems According To Performance and Risk Related Issues in Global Supply Chains
Towards an Educational Model for the Knowledge Economy
I City – A New Knowledge City Project in Malaysia
9th IBIMA Conference 2008, 4-6 January 2008, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference Theme: Information Management in Modern Organizations
SESSION: Knowledge Management and CRM
Understanding Knowledge Management Environment: A Holistic Approach
A review of Theoretical Framework: How to Make Process about, for, from Knowledge work
Customer Knowledge Management and Web 2.0: Lessons to Learn from Two Case Studies
A Theoretical Framework for Customer Relationship Management Process: Towards a Conceptual Framework
Knowledge Acquisition from Comparable Corpora for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Managing Open Knowledge and Firm’s Boundaries for Successful New Product Development
Creating Learning Organization through the Development and Implementation of an Open and Flexible E-Training System
8th IBIMA Conference 2007, 20-22 June 2007, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Theme: Information Management in the Networked Economy
Conference program n.a.
7th IBIMA Conference 2006, 14-16 December 2006, Brescia, Italy
Conference Theme: Internet & Information Systems in the Digital Age
Conference program n.a.:
“Knowledge” Papers:
Stages of Knowledge Management Technology: The Case of Information Systems in Police Investigations
Capitalising Software Engineering Tacit Knowledge
Retention Model of Knowledge Management
Knowledge Currencies
¿Es el conocimiento un recurso de futuro?: características del modelo dentro del marco de la teoría de recursos y capacidades
6th IBIMA Conference 2006, 19-21 June 2006, Bonn, Germany
Conference Theme: Managing Information in the Digital Economy
Conference program n.a.:
“Knowledge” Papers:
Knowledge Management Pillars – Interplay Between Knowledge, Knowledge Workers and Knowledge Creation
Enhancing Customer Relationship Management through Mobile Personnel Knowledge Management (MPKM): A Cultural Perspective
The Implementation of Knowledge Management System in Property Development – Study Case Among Local Authorities in Malaysia
Impact des TIC et de la structure de l’entreprise sur la gestion des connaissances
5th IBIMA Conference 2005, 13-15 December 2005, Cairo, Egypt
Conference Theme: Internet and Information Technology in Modern Organizations
SESSION: Learning Organization & Knowledge Management
Model LOB-MUT: Build up a Learning Organisation
Need-finding through Narrative Inquiry in Systems Design
Factors Affecting Successful Implementation of Intranet Based Knowledge Management Systems
Learning across Boundaries: Developments towards a European Framework for ICT Skills
SESSION: E-Banking and knowledge Management
Strategic Networks to Create e-Banking Value: The Case of a Saudi-European Joint Venture Bank
Multi-Dimensional Role of Trust in Internet Banking Adoption
Beyond the Resource-Based View of the Firm: The Case of Dynamic Capabilities Building at a Saudi Bank
Development of Knowledge Management System: A Preliminary Study on Property Management Companies in Malaysia
M3C : Une Méthodologie de Cartographie des Connaissances Critiques dans l’entreprise
Warehousing of Object Oriented Resources Data for Knowledge Mapping
4th IBIMA Conference 2005, 5-7 July 2005, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Information Management in Modern Enterprise
Conference program n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
Knowledge Structures and Business Models of Organisations: Conceptual Models of Knowledge Businesses
e-Government Services in Local Governments – Towards a Knowledge Centre
Value Creation for Customers through Customer Knowledge Management
3rd IBIMA Conference 2004, 14-16 December 2004, Cozumel, Mexico
Conference Theme: E-business and its Impact on Organizations
Conference program n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
When “Stickiness” Does Matter: Extension of Knowledge Creation
Valorando el Conocimiento Organizacional a Través del Capital Humano: Enfoques de Contabilidad de Recursos Humanos
2nd IBIMA Conference 2004, 4-6 July 2004, Amman, Jordan
Conference Theme: Information Technology and its Impact on Organizations
Conference program n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
Knowledge Management In Product Development: A View From Knowledge Transfer Perspective
A Multimedia Tutoring System for C Programming Simulation (CyberC) : A Blended Approach of E-Learning and Knowledge Management
Organisational culture and Knowledge Creation Processes
1st IBIMA Conference 2003, 16-18 December 2003, Cairo, Egypt
Conference Theme: E-business and its Impact on Organizations
Conference program n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
An Autonomous Knowledge Granulation Model for Cost-Effective Performance Analysis of Contemporary Information Systems
Principle of Managing Organizational Socialization and Knowledge Transfer in Presence of Information & Communication Technology: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Deployment of Deductive-Driven Modeling & Interactive Visualization of Data in the Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining Process in Educational Industry
A Framework For Evaluating Knowledge Management Systems
Managing Engineering Assets: A Knowledge Based Asset Management Methodology Through Information Quality
Managing Knowledge Assets with Game Consoles in the Swedish Armed Forces
Knowledge Restitution Process Based on Semantic Links: the S3 Model