Knowledge Associates Thought Leadership Event
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The Knowledge Associates Thought Leadership Event, formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Asset Management (KAM), aims to leap off the shoulders of giants, to present papers, case studies, discuss and debate the transition from industrial economics to knowledge economics, knowledge assets and the global knowledge economy.
The University of Cambridge and its colleges (venues) seem not to be associated with this conference and its organizer.
Conference History:
Knowledge Associates Thought Leadership Event 2024, 8-9 October 2024, St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK
Theme: Intellectual / Knowledge Asset Management
Note: On the event page it is still referred to the 2022 and 2019 event date.
Conference program tbd
Knowledge Associates Thought Leadership Event 2023, April 2023, St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK
Theme: Knowledge and Innovation Asset Management
Note: Thought Leadership Event ‘Knowledge and Innovation Asset Management’ was annaounced for April 2023. On the 2022 event page the year was changed to 2023 only. On this page it is still referred to the 2022 and 2019 event date.
TBD (might have been cancelled)
Knowledge Associates Thought Leadership Event 2022, 11-12 October 2022, St John’s College, University of Cambridge, UK / Virtual venue
Theme: Intellectual / Knowledge Asset Management
Note: This time the conference is announed as annual Thought Leadership Event and not international. In the announcement it is noted that last time there was such an event in October 2019 but there is no evidence that it took place. There is evidence that there was a conference originally scheduled for September 2021 planned with the “Global Knowledge” book launch.
Conference Program TBD
The Global Knowledge Driven Economy
Knowledge Driven Leadership
Knowledge Competencies
Knowledge Asset Management
Knowledge Platforms, Methods and Tools
Cultural and Digital Transformation
Measures towards a Knowledge Economic Theory
International Conference on Knowledge Asset Management (KAM), 16-17 April 2019, King’s College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Note: The conference Was postponed severla times. It was originally scheduled for 17-18 April 2018, October 2018, and 18-19 April 2019.
Conference Program TBD