Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Conference (DCMI)*
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The Dublin Core Metadata Initiative Conference (DCMI or DC) or the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, formerly the Dublin Core Metadata Workshop and the Metadata Workshop, is the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative’s annual conference and meeting. The conference gathers experts from various areas in the private and public sectors, including the library world, the networking and digital library research communities, corporate knowledge management, e-government and public sector information.
Initially organized as a series of invitational workshops with a main focus at the definition and finalization of the Dublin Core metadata standards, this has developed into an annual get-together of people involved in the work of DCMI and other metadata activities. Since 2001, the event includes a Tutorial track, a peer-reviewed Conference track, Special Sessions and Working Group meetings.
Conference History:
22nd DCMI 2024, October 20-23, 2024, University of Toronto, Canada
Conference Theme: Metadata Innovation: Trust, Transformation, and Humanity
(Host: DCMI; University of Toronto, Faculty of Information, Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research)
Conference program TBD
Pre-conference Tutorials: (Oct 20)
Dublin Core Tabular Application Profiles: how to communicate metadata needs and solutions
Getting started with ARK persistent identifiers and their cross-domain metadata
Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 20)
Using CatMapper to translate and merge data by complex categories
Co-constructing data by human and Generative AI
Teaching Computational Archival Science: Context, Pedagogy, and Future Directions in Metadata
Working the Data: NLB Singapore’s perspective on moving the needle
Invited Talks:
Development Status and Trends of Global (Meta)data Standards — A Report on New & Notable Efforts in the 2020s
Updating a core metadata standard – ISO 25964 “Information and documentation — Thesauri and interoperability with other vocabularies, Part 1: Thesauri for information retrieval; creation, management and use”
Using SKOS and data shapes to integrate tabular research data from diverse sources
Why Digital Humanities
Paper Sessions:
Metadata and Archives, Visual Resources and Music
Metadata Quality Challenges
Metadata Quality Solutions
Project Reports
From Conceptual Modeling to Practical Implementation
Managing Metadata in the Public Sector: Perspectives from the Government of Canada
Metadata Provenance and Explainability
Open Research Information and Metadata
Revealing Great Values of Diverse Cultural Heritage through Generating Smart Data in the New Age of AI
Unleashing the Potentials of Cutting-Edge AI Technologies for Metadata Research and Practice
DCMI community update
DCMI Governing Board Meeting
Co-located Conferences:
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, Oct 20
Dublin Core Data Institute (DCDI): An International Conference, Oct 19
21st DCMI 2023, November 6-11, 2023, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea
Conference Theme: Metadata Innovation: Enabling Knowledge in a Data-Intensive World
(Host: DCMI; Kyungpook National University, Department of Library and Information Science)
Note: The conference is promoted as International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications (DCMI 2023)
Post-conference Tutorials: (Nov 9)
LLMs for Semantic Web Query
Prompt Engineering and Metadata
Post-conference Workshops: (Nov 9)
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Unleashing the synergy between Dublin Core and AI: Enriching Metadata and Enhancing AI Training
Maintaining Metadata Simplicity in Complex Settings
Health Data Exchange (HDX): A global open data, software, and learning- community resource for R&D acceleration and dissemination
Invited Talks:
Metadata in the Age of AI
Decolonization and Metadata
Questions of Age, Questions of Evidence: Contemplating the Complexities of Archival Metadata for Historical Korean and Korean American Materials
OSTP, Open Science, and Open Metadata: The impact of changing U.S. public access mandates
How metadata can reduce digital waste
Utilising a Large Language Model to Annotate Subject Metadata: A Case Study with an Australia National Research Data Catalogue
BIBFRAME and Beyond
The Evolving Roots of Discovery
The Use of Metadata by Artificial Intelligence
Metadata Creation, Discovery, and AI Applications
Solutions for Interdisciplinary Data Integration
Paper Sessions:
Metadata and Scholarly Communications
Metadata Management and Perspectives
Poster Display
Recent Innovations: Short Papers and Posters
Student Forum
DCMI Community Updates
20th DCMI 2022, October 3-7, 2022, University of Washington, Seattle, USA Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Metadata Innovation: Inclusivity, Intelligence, and Interoperability
(Host: DMCI; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science & School of Medicine)
Note: In-Person date: Oct 3-5 (Conference); Virtual date: Oct 3-7 (Conference, Workshops & Tutorials)
Post-conference Tutorials & Workshops:
Using Dublin Core Tabular Application Profiles (DCTAP) Tutorial, Oct 6
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, Oct 6-7
Conference Workshops:
Core Cultural Metadata Mode (CCMM) Workshop
Discussion Panels:
Comparative Classification
Metadata for Statistical Data
Metadata for Visual Media Arts – Manga/Comics, Game, Animation
Core Cultural Metadata Mode (CCMM) for Digital Archiving of New Domains (CANCELLED)
Metadata that Sustains Local Archives for the Global Community
BIBFRAME Implementation Experiences
The Cross-Domain Interoperability Framework: Coordinating Standards for Scalable, Practical FAIR Sharing
Metadata Application Profiles: Current initiatives (CANCELLED)
Cultural and Linguistic Challenges of Metadata Creation
Metadata and Knowledge Graphs
Paper Sessions:
Identities and Identity Management in Metadata
Metadata Models, Services, and Ethics
Metadata as Linked Data and Knowledge Graphs
Metadata in Domain Applications
Open and FAIR Bibliographic Metadata
Best Practices
Clinical Data Standardization for Learning Healthcare Systems
Data Stewardship Principles and Potentials: Knowledge Organization for Contextual Integrity and Convergence
Student Forum
Flash Talks — Poster Presentations
DCMI Community Updates
Co-located Events:
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop, Oct 6-7 (in-person / virtual)
DCMI 2021, October 4-15, 2021, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Metadata Innovation
(Host: DMCI; Kent State University, School of Library and Information Sciences)
Publishing Linked Data Description: an Introduction to Omeka S
Support of metadata mapping with coli-conc infrastructure
Sessions (Best Practice Presentations)
Student Forum
Discussion Panels:
Bibframe Implementation
Cultural Metadata
Entity Management
Metadata and Gender Diversity
Metadata and Privacy
Why AI ? Automated Indexing: What Is and Is Not Possible
Keynotes/Invited Talks:
How to Create a National Cross-domain Ontology and Linked Data
Infrastructure and Use It on the Semantic Web
(Meta-)Data-enabled Government
Addressing multilingual challenges at Europeana: An update
National Bibliographic Knowledgebase and Plan
Putting standards into practice: pathogen genomics contextual data (“metadata”) standards in public health and food safety
DCMI 2020, September 14-25, 2020, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: —
(Host: DMCI; Sungkyunkwan University, iSchool)
Introduction to IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework)
Introduction to Annif and automated subject indexing
Sessions: (Best Practice Presentations)
Ontology/Linked Data; Data Integration and provenance; Metadata for Applications; Data Aggregation & Integration; Managing Metadata
Discussion Panels:
Deep semantic representation from metadata descriptions
Challenges finding information in food and agriculture on the Web: what can we do better?
LRMI Metadata in use
2020 Vision: Reflections on a Quarter Century of Metadata
19th DCMI 2019, September 23-26, 2019, Seoul, South Korea
Conference Theme: Metadata Innovation
(Host: National Library of Korea)
Post-conference Workshops:
Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Post-conference Tutorials:
Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
Wikidata as a hub for the Linked Data cloud
Post-conference Events:
Best Practice Day, Hack Day, Doctoral Forum
18th DC-2018, September 10-13, 2018, Porto, Portugal
Conference Theme: Open Metadata for Open Knowledge
(Host: Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto)
Post-conference Workshops:
18th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Web Archive – An introduction to web archives for Humanities and Social Science research
Multi-domain Research Data Management: from metadata collection to data deposit
Internet of Things Workshop: Live Repositories of Streaming Data
17th DC-2017, October 26-29, 2017, Washington DC, USA
Conference Theme: Advancing metadata practice: Quality, Openness, Interoperability
(Host: Online Computer Library Center)
Post-conference Workshops:
11th U.S. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Metadata 2020: Discoverability necessitates collaboration
Using Omeka S to Create and Share Cultural Heritage Linked Open Data
16th DC-2016, October 13-16, 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Innovation = “anything that advances the discourse and practice of a community”
(Host: Royal Danish Library; Danish Agency for Culture; Danish Bibliographic Centre)
Post-Conference Workshops:
COAR Controlled Vocabularies—Enhancing: Interoperability Across Repository Networks
16th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Building Curriculum for Linked Data Education
Designing Your Linkable Data—Guided Brainstorming
Co-located Conferences:
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Oct 14-18
15th DC-2015, September 1-4, 2015, São Paolo, Brazil
Conference Theme: Metadata and Ubiquitious Access to Culture, Science and Digital Humanities
(Host: Information Science Department & Library, São Paulo State University)
Post-Conference Workshops:
Fonds & Bonds: Archival Metadata, Tools, and Identity Management
Elaboration of Controlled Vocabularies Using SKOS
Pre-conference Tutorials:
RDF Validation in the Cultural Heritage Community
14th DC-2014, October 8-11, 2014, Austin, USA
Conference Theme: Metadata Intersections: Bridging the Archipelago of Cultural Memory
(Host: Texas Digital Library)
Pre-/Post-Conference Workshops:
Training the Trainers for Linked Data
13th DC-2013, September 2-6, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: Linking to the Future
(Host: Engineering School, Lisbon Technical University)
Post-Conference Workshops:
Vocabulary Day: Managing Vocabularies
CAMP-4-Data: Cyber-infrastructure & Metadata Protocols
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Introduction to Linked Open Data (LOD)
Introduction to Ontology Concepts and Terminolog
Metadata Provenance
PROV—the W3C Provenance Ontology
Community and Task Group meetings:
12th DC-2012, September 5-7, 2012, Kuching, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Metadata for Meeting Global Challenges
(Host: MIMOS National Applied R&D Centre; Part of KTW2012 – Knowledge Technology Week 2012, Sep 3-7)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Metadata for the Semantic Web
Application Profile and Ontology Design
Co-located KTW Workshops/Conferences:
PKAW 2012 — 12th International Workshop on Knowledge Management and Acquisition for Smart Systems and Services
AOS 2012 — International Symposium on Agricultural Ontology Service
CIBL 2012 — International Workshop on Collaboration and Intelligence in Blended Learning
PRICAI 2012 The 12th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
11th DC-2011, September 21-23, 2011, The Hague, The Netherlands
Conference Theme:
(Host: National Library of the Netherlands)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
An Introduction to Dublin Core
From Dublin Core to Linked Data
SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System)
Dublin Core in Practice: From Application Profiles to the Semantic Web
Conference Workshops:
Community and Task Group meetings:
10th DC-2010, September 20-22, 2010, Pittsburgh, USA
Conference Theme: Making Metadata Work Harder: Celebrating 15 Years of Dublin Core
(Host: )
Pre-conference Tutorials:
History, Key Concepts, and Evolving Context
A SAFARI from the Dublin Core to the Semantic Web
Community and Task Group meetings:
DCMI/NKOS Task Group
Knowledge Management Community
Co-located Conferences:
Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), Sep 22-27
9th DC-2009, October 12-16, 2009, Seoul, Korea
Conference Theme: Semantic Interoperability of Linked Data
(Host: National Library of Korea; Korean Library Association; National Digital Library)
Pre-/Post-conference Tutorials:
Basic Dublin Core Tutorial
Ontology Design and Interoperability
Transforming, Mapping, and Merging KOS: Methodologies and Challenges
Pre-conference Workshops:
Special session on functional issues related to linked data
Conference Workshops:
(Technical) Agile development, application profiles and the Singapore Framework
Using SKOS to enable linked vocabularies
Towards Semantic Web Deployment: Experiences with Knowledge Organisation Systems, Library Catalogues and Fruit Flies
8th DC-2008, September 22-26, 2008, Berlin, Germany
Conference Theme: Metadata for Semantic and Social Applications
(Host: Competence Centre Interoperable Metadata (KIM); Max Planck Digital Library; Göttingen State and University Library; The German National Library; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Basic Dublin Core Tutorial
Die Dublin Core Konferenz für Einsteiger (Einführung in Semantic Web, RDA (Resource Description and Access), Social Tagging/Computing) | FH Potsdam
Post-conference Seminars:
User Generated Metadata (organised by Wikimedia)
Using the TEI for Documenting Describing Documents – Laurent Romary, Lou Burnard, Werner Wegstein
PREMIS Metadata Tutorial – Markus Enders, Olaf Brandt
Ontology Design and Interoperability
Community and Task Group Workshops:
NKOS Workshop
Knowledge Management Workshop
Plenary Paper Sessions:
Semantic Integration, Linking, and KOS Methods
7th DC-2007, August 27-31, 2007, Singapore
Conference Theme: Application Profiles and their Application in Practice
(Host: National Library Board Singapore; Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Nanyang Technological University)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Basic Semantics
Basic Syntaxes
Controlled Vocabularies
Metadata Application Profiles
Post-conference Seminars:
Introduction to the Semantic Web (Ivan Herman) Ballroom
Metadata That Works
6th DC-2006, 3-6 October 2006, Manzanillo, Mexico
Conference Theme: Metadata for Knowledge and Learning
(Host: Department of Information Technologies, Universidad de Colima)
Pre-conference Day Tutorials:
Basic Semantics
Basic Syntax
Controlled Vocabularies
Metadata Application Profiles
5th DC-2005, September 12-15, 2005, Madrid, Spain
Conference Theme: Metadata Vocabularies in Practice
(Host: “Agustin Millares” Institute on Information Sciences and Information Management and Library and Information Sciences Department, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Pre-conference Day Tutorials:
Basic Syntax
Basic Semantics
Controlled Vocabularies
Metadata Application Profiles
Special Sessions:
Enhancing the Understanding of Meaning: Practical Applications of Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS)
4th DC-2004, October 10-14, 2004, Shangha, China
Conference Theme: Metadata Across Languages and Cultures
(Host: Shanghai Library; Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; National Science and Technology Library of China)
Pre-conference Day Tutorials:
Basic Semantics
Basic Syntax
Metadata Application Profiles
Controlled Vocabularies
3rd DC-2003, 28 September – 2 October 2003, Seattle, USA
Conference Theme: Supporting Communities of Discourse and Practice – Metadata Research & Applications
(Host: Information School and Libraries, University of Washington; Information Institute of Syracuse, Syracuse University)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Metadata and Search
Metadata Primer
Pre-conference Day Tutorials:
Encoding DC in (X)HTML and XML
Dublin Core Application Profiles
Creative Commons: Digital Rights Description
Special Sessions:
Metadata Value Spaces (NKOS)
2nd DC-2002, October 14-17, 2002, Florence, Italy
Conference Theme: Metadata for e-Communities: Supporting Diversity and Convergence
(Host: Associazione Italiana Biblioteche; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze; Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza; Istituto Universitario Europeo; Università di Firenze)
Pre-conference Day Tutorials:
Introduction to DC Metadata
Introduction to Syntax and Encoding: HTML and XML
Intermediate Syntax and Encoding: RDF
Application Profiles
1st DC-2001, October 22-26, 2001, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme:
(Host: National Institute of Informatics; Japan Science and Technology Corporation)
Pre-conference Workshop (Oct 22-24)
Conference Tutorials:
Introduction to Dublin Core Metadata
Introduction to Resource Description
Introduction to Application Profiles
8th International Dublin Core Metadata Workshop (DC-8), October 4-6, 2000, Ottawa, Canada
(Co-sponsor: National Library of Canada; IFLA UDT program; Online Computer Library Center)
7th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop (DC-7), October 25-27, 1999, Frankfurt, Germany
(Co-sponsor: Deutsche Bibliothek; Online Computer Library Center)
6th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop (DC-6), November 2-4, 1998,
Washington DC, USA
(Co-sponsor: Library of Congress; Online Computer Library Center; Supporter: National Science Foundation; Coalition for Network Information)
5th Dublin Core Metadata Workshop (DC-5), October 6-8, 1997, Helsinki, Finland
(Co-sponsor: National Library of Finland; Online Computer Library Center; Coalition for Networked Information)
NLA/DSTC/OCLC Dublin Core Down Under (DC-4), March 3-5, 1997, Canberra, Australia
(Co-sponsor: National Library of Australia; Distributed Systems Technology Centre; Online Computer Library Center)
CNI/OCLC Workshop on Metadata for Networked Images (DC-3), September 24-25, 1996, Dublin, Ohio USA
(Co-sponsor: Coalition for Networked Information; Online Computer Library Center)
OCLC/UKOLN Metadata Workshop (DC-2), April 1-3, 1996, Warwick, UK
(Co-sponsor: United Kingdom Office for Library & Information Networking; Online Computer Library Center; Supporter: Joint Information Systems Committee; National Center for Supercomputer Applications; DLib; ERCIM)
OCLC/NCSA Metadata Workshop (DC-1), March 1-3, 1995, Dublin, Ohio USA
(Co-sponsor: National Center for Supercomputing Applications; Online Computer Library Center)